Relatório Anual 2014 - Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese


Relatório Anual 2014 - Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese
MAPS 2014
Annual Report
A Year of Growth
and Opportunity
Relatório Anual
da MAPS 2014
Caros amigos e apoiantes,
Já na metade da segunda década do novo milénio, a MAPS está muito bem, tanto financeiramente
quanto em programas, graças a todos vocês – os nossos funcionários empenhados e dedicados, os
Membros da Diretoria, e os voluntários, membros, patrocinadores, doadores, e muitos outros que nos
ajudam a desempenhar o importante trabalho de ajudar a nossa comunidade. O ano fiscal de 2014 foi um
ano de crescimento e oportunidades para nós, em vários sentidos. Estes são alguns dos nossos maiores
Elizabeth Chaves
• Prestamos serviços sociais e de saúde linguística e culturalmente adequados a mais de 10,000 falantes de Português e
outros moradores de Massachusetts;
• Nossos funcionários e voluntários ajudaram quase 400 clientes a preencher os documentos para a cidadania americana
com o apoio do Greater Boston Citizenship Initiative da Fish Family Foundation e do Massachusetts Office for Refugees and
Immigrants. A MAPS também começou a trabalhar com a Naveo Credit Union (antiga CPCU Credit Union) para promover os
Dreamer Loans e ajudar pessoas na comunidade a pagarem as taxas do processo;
• Nosso Programa Navigator de Inscrição em Seguros de Saúde, financiado pelo Massachusetts Health Connector,
ajudou quase 500 pessoas a se inscreverem em seguros de saúde no último ano fiscal, e ofereceu informações a mais de 400
• A MAPS estabeleceu clínicas de saúde gratuitas semanais em vários dos nossos escritórios para testar e prestar
assistência a membros da comunidade em alto risco de contração de HIV/AIDS e Infeções Sexualmente Transmissíveis –
facilitando o processo de teste e tornando-o mais acessível – com financiamento dos governos federal e estadual e da cidade de
• Iniciamos os Serviços de Terapia Domiciliar para falantes de Português e as suas famílias, autorizados e apoiados pelo
Massachusetts Behavioral Health Program (MBHP);
• Novidade na MAPS é também o Programa Familiar de Apoio a Adultos (AFC), apoiado pelo MassHealth, que assiste
idosos e menores com deficiências nas suas atividades diárias, num ambiente familiar;
• Expandimos os nossos Serviços de Apoio a Vítimas de Violência Doméstica e Abuso Sexual para atender quase 1.900
clientes, graças a financiamentos privados e dos governos federal e estadual; e, pela primeira vez, foi-nos possível contratar, em
período integral, uma conselheira para servir as vítimas de violência sexual falantes de Português;
Aumentamos e mudamos os nossos horários em vários escritórios, adaptando-os aos horários dos nossos clientes;
• Continuamos a ajudar falantes de Português e outros imigrantes a estabelecerem-se e ajustarem-se aos Estados
Unidos através de vários programas, incluindo aulas de Cidadania, Serviços de Integração de Imigrantes e muitos outros; e
• A MAPS teve mais um ano bem-sucedido na angariação de fundos, tendo conseguido quase $130.000 na Festa de Gala
de 2014 e aumentado o número de doações através do Apelo Anual, do Fundo Especial de Doações e de outras fontes;
É claro que todos os anos têm os seus desafios. Alguns subsídios terminaram e tivemos de buscar novas fontes de financiamento
para manter alguns serviços essenciais. Alguns funcionários saíram e tiveram que ser substituídos. Políticas anti-imigração tiveram
que ser combatidas, e alguns clientes em crise necessitaram de ajuda extra. Mas continuamos seguindo em frente, consolidando o
nosso sucesso e em busca de prestar mais serviços que sabemos que serão necessários no futuro próximo, tais como apoio domiciliar seguro, linguística e culturalmente adequado, acessível e de longo termo para a nossa crescente e frágil população idosa.
O nosso mais sincero agradecimento vai para todos que ajudaram a tornar todas as vitórias deste ano possíveis - e convidamos
todos e todas na nossa comunidade a apoiar-nos ainda mais neste próximo ano – porque os desafios e necessidades continuam
a aumentar, enquanto o financiamento para muitos programas essenciais diminui. Vamos continuar a precisar de mais financiamento, de mais profissionais qualificados, de mais voluntários, e de mais da dedicação e entrega que todos vocês partilham com
a MAPS, no serviço à comunidade que tanto amamos. Se quiserem contribuir com o tempo ou recursos, de qualquer forma, por
favor, contatem-nos – será um imenso prazer ouvir-vos e receber-vos!
Paulo Pinto, MPA
Diretor Executivo
Elizabeth Chaves
Presidente da Diretoria
Dear friends and supporters,
Paulo Pinto
Midway through the second decade of the new millennium, MAPS is in a very good place both
financially and programmatically, thanks to all of you--our dedicated and passionate staff, Board of
Directors and other volunteers, members, funders, donors, and many others who help us do the important
work of serving our community. Fiscal Year 2014 was a year of growth and opportunity for us in many
ways. Here are some of our major accomplishments:
• We successfully provided culturally and linguistically competent health and social services to more than 10,000
Portuguese speakers and others in eastern Massachusetts!
• Our staff and volunteers helped close to 400 clients to file their US citizenship applications with support from the Fish
Family Foundation’s Greater Boston Citizenship Initiative and the Mass. Office for Refugees and Immigrants. MAPS also began
working with the Naveo Credit Union (formerly CPCU Credit Union) to promote their new Dreamer Loans to help community
members pay their citizenship application fees;
• Our Health Insurance Navigator Program, funded by the Massachusetts Health Connector, helped nearly 500 people to
apply for health insurance coverage this past fiscal year, and provided direct outreach and education to another 400+;
• MAPS began hosting weekly free walk-in clinics at several offices to test and assist high-risk community members for
HIV and sexually transmitted infections—making testing easier and more accessible—with support from state, federal and
Boston city funding;
• We introduced In Home Therapy Services for Portuguese speakers and other families, authorized and supported by the
Massachusetts Behavioral Health Program (MBHP);
• Also new to MAPS is the MassHealth-supported Adult Family Care (AFC) Program supported by SomervilleCambridge Elder Services, assisting seniors and disabled minors with daily activities in a supportive family environment;
• We expanded our Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Services Program to serve almost 1,900 clients, with
state, federal and private funding; and for the first time were able to hire a full-time Sexual Assault Services Counselor to serve
Portuguese-speaking sexual violence survivors;
We expanded and changed hours in several offices to accommodate client schedules;
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
• We continued to help Portuguese speakers and other immigrants get established and acclimated to the US through
many other programs including Citizenship classes, Immigrant Integration Services and much more; and
• MAPS had another successful fundraising year, raising more nearly $130,000 at the 2014 Awards Gala and increasing
donations through the Annual Holiday Appeal, Endowment gifts and other sources.
Of course, no year goes by without some difficulty. Grants ended and we found other funding sources to maintain key
programs. Staff moved on and had to be replaced. Anti-immigrant policies had to be challenged, and clients in crisis needed extra
help. But we keep moving forward, building on our success, and planning ahead for more services we know will be needed in the
near future—such as safe, culturally and linguistically competent home care and affordable long-term care options for our growing
population of fragile elders.
Our utmost thanks go to all who helped make all of this year’s milestones possible, and
we invite everyone in our community to increase their support even more this coming
year—because the challenges and community needs will only keep growing, while
funding for many key programs shrinks. We will continue to need more funds, more
highly trained professional staff, more volunteers, and just more of the love and passion
that all of you share with us for serving the community that we love. If you would like to
contribute your time and resources in any way, please call or write us—we would love to
hear from you!
Relatório Anual de 2014
Editors | Editors
Lois Josimovich
Director of Development & Communications
Renan Leahy
Communications Manager & Translator
Contributors | Colaboradores
Peter Fernandes
Director of Finances & Operations
Susan Seger
Development Manager
Isidro Fagundes
Brighton Office Assistant & Translator
Paulo Pinto, MPA
Executive Director
Annual Report 2014
Elizabeth Chaves
President, Board of Directors
MAPS is the only area organization that offers a full range of linguistically and culturally competent services
for Portuguese speakers. The figures below show the scope of the services we provided in the past fiscal year.
A MAPS é a única agência na região que oferece serviços completos para pessoas de língua portuguesa de maneira linguistica e
culturalmente adequada. As figuras abaixo mostram a variedade de serviços que prestamos no último ano fiscal.
A Cape Verdean mother-of-three came to MAPS
seeking a change to better support her family and pay
her bills. The case worker to revised her resume and
helped her search for jobs and fill out applications,
until she finally obtained a new health care job and is
on a more stable, fulfilling career path.
“I’m very happy because the money is good…now I
don’t have stress!”
A Experiência de uma Jovem Mãe
Uma cabo-verdiana mãe de três filhos procurou
a MAPS em busca de uma mudança para melhor
sustentar sua família e pagar suas contas. A assistente
social revisou o currículo dela e a ajudou a procurar
trabalho. Hoje ela finalmente tem um novo emprego
na área de saúde e está numa carreira mais estável e
"Eu estou muito feliz porque o dinheiro é bom...
agora eu não preciso mais me angustiar!"
Cross-Generational Service Provision
A 65-year-old client started coming to MAPS when
her family came from Portugal in 1970. Over the years,
she and her family have received help with translation,
health insurance, Social Security and disability, food
stamps, fuel assistance, elder services, housing and
citizenship application, along with general social and
emotional support.
“Because I don’t speak good English, I came here and
found all the assistance I need – I come here because I
feel comfortable.”
Prestação de Serviços por Várias Gerações
Uma cliente de 65 anos começou a procurar a MAPS
quando sua família veio de Portugal em 1970. Com o
passar dos anos, ela e sua família receberam ajuda
com traduções, seguro social, food stamps, ajuda para
aquecimento, serviços para a terceira idade, habitação e
processo de cidadania, além de apoio emocional.
A Young Mother’s Experience
"Como eu não falo inglês, eu venho aqui e encontro a
ajuda que preciso. Eu me sinto confortável aqui."
MAPS Mary & Manuel Rogers
Lifetime Community Service Award
Duarte Carvalho, CEO, Riverside
Management Group
MAPS Jorge Fidalgo
Community Service Award
Ira & Barbara Smith, Founders of
the Household Goods Recycling of
Massachusetts (HGRM)
MAPS Manuel N. Coutinho
Outstanding Volunteer Award
Dr. Alphonso Brown, Physician at
Cambridge Health Alliance, Asst. Professor
at Harvard Medical School, ICAN Youth
Scholars Program Founder and Volunteer
MAPS Álvaro Lima
Outstanding Business Award
Edirson Paiva, Sr., Founder and Publisher,
Brazilian Times
MAPS Person of the Year Award
Claire Andrade-Watkins, PhD,
Associate Professor at Emerson College,
Filmmaker, Founder/President of SPIA
Media Productions, Inc., Volunteer/Cofounder of CABO, Inc.
More Gala information -
Gala Photos by Elias Polcheira
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Renaissance Boston Waterfront Hotel
Cambridge Office
Paulo Pinto, MPA
Lois Josimovich
Peter Fernandes, MBA
Lucinda Morais
Susan Seger
Renan Leahy
Maria Matos
Júlia Evora
Antonia Alves
Fania Resendes
Leonilde Gomes
Jesse Rezende
Executive Director
Director of Development &
Director of Finances & Operations
Administrative & HR Manager
Development Manager
Communications Manager,
Immigrant Integration Svcs. Supervisor/
Case Worker
Senior Center Coordinator
Case Manager, DAE Coordinator
Financial Assistant & Case Worker
Health Communications & Data
Brighton Office
Milena Mello, MS
Isidro Fagundes
Anderson Pinto
Leonardo Rezende
Paula Bronzoni
Director of HIV/STI Prevention &
Screening Programs
Office Assisant
Health Educator
Health Educator
Case Worker
Dorchester Office
Dulce Almeida Ferreira
Maria Gomes-Almeida
Dulce Depina
Ricardo Canuto
Gabriel Roncancio
Laura Rodrigues
Alvaro Santo
Director of Domestic Violence &
Sexual Assault Services, and of
Immigrant Integration Services
Office Manager
Case Worker
health Educator
Health Educator
Health Educator
Lowell Office
Polyanna Figueiredo
Alessandra Lopes
Tayling Conceição
Office Assistant
Case Worker
Somerville Office
Beatriz Maimone, LICSW
Soledade Dinis, MS
Alírio Mendes Pereira, MA
Monia Bodenmueller
Maria Avila
Natalia Fernandes
Murillo Duarte
Robson Lemos
Lillian Silva
Director of Clinical & Support Svcs.
Family & Child Social Worker/ Supervisor
Family & Child Social Worker / Coordinator
Family & Child Social Worker
Citizenship Coordinator
Program & Intake Coordinator
Health Educator
Health Educator
Office Assistant
Framingham Office
Claudinei de Souza
Case Worker
Elizabeth Chaves, President
Paula Coutinho, LICSW, Vice-President
Raymond Estrella, MBA, Treasurer
Stephen Pereira, M.Ed. , Secretary
Alexandra Barker, MS
Patrícia de Oliveira
Antero Lomba
Mary Ann Lomba, MBA
Carmen Pacheco Medeiros, MA
Tina Silva
Elisa Tristán-Cheever, MD
Joseph J. Vasconcelos
Filipe Zamborlini
As of Oct. 2014
Standing: Antero Lomba, Joseph J. Vasconcelos, Carmen Pacheco Medeiros, MAPS Executive
Director Paulo Pinto, Mary Ann Lomba, Board Vice-President Paula Coutinho, Filipe
Zamborlini, and Alexandra Barker
Seated: Board Secretary Stephen Pereira, Board Treasurer Raymond Estrella, Board President
Elizabeth Chaves, Tina Silva, and Elisa Tristán-Cheever
Patricia de Oliveira,
our newest Board Member, who
joined in the summer of 2014.
Sibia Keila Nascimento
Bernardo Nava-Ponte
Bernadette Pacheco
Gilceia Paes
Maria Pinheiro
Maria Pinto
Leila Ribeiro
Andrea Rivera
Danyana Santos
Daniela Silva
Lisa Stavenuiter
Maria Vargas
Daniella Vieira
Manuela Xavier
Ezekiel Adijun
Silvio Almeida
Simoneide Almeida
Valter Americo
Fernando Araujo
Claudia Belleli
Caroline Candido
Maria Carreiro
Mary Carter
Henriqueta Carvalho
Tayana Cavalcante
Carla Chaves
Wendel Couto
Celso da Silva
Maria De Jesus
Maria Alicia dos Santos
Eloisa Dutra
Raissa Fernandez
Maria Ferreira
Leonilde Figueiredo
Silvia Gomes
Sam Green
Carlos Hernandez
Abdel Kawaf
Sheyla Kennedy
Stephanie Lacerda
Mitchell Lawrence
Carolina Maronato
Ethan McCall
Felipe Moreira
Raquel Mota-Hays
Max Muller
Oct. 2013-Oct. 2014
Fiscal Year 2014
Extraordinary Partners
Boston Medical Center HealthNet
Cafua Management
Cambridge Health Alliance
Couto Management Group LLC
CPCU Credit Union
East Cambridge Savings Bank
Eastern Bank
Emerson College
Greater Boston Citizenship
Initiative (Fish Family
Joel H. Schwartz, P.C.
Neighborhood Health Plan
Network Health
NStar Electric & Gas
Partners HealthCare
Perez Gardini, LLC
Riverside Management Group, LLC
Rockland Trust
Community Partner
Community Teamwork, Inc.
Friend of MAPS
Da-Lel Corporation
To find out more about Organizational
Membership and its benefits, call (617)
864-7600 , or visit
Public Contracts
Contratos Governamentais
Boston Community Development Block Grant
Boston Police Department (Family Justice Center)
Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC)
Cambridge Community Development Block Grant
Elder Services of the Merrimack Valley
Lowell Police Department
MA Dept. of Children and Families
MA Dept. of Public Health
MA Dept of Public Health/Bureau of Substance
Abuse Svcs.
MA Executive Office of Public Safety/VAWA
MA Health Connector
Mass. Office for Refugees and Immigrants
Metropolitan Area Planning Council-Community
Transformation Grant
Somerville Affordable Housing Trust Fund
Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services
Somerville Community Development Block Grant
Somerville Lead Paint Prevention Program
US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
US Dept. of Justice, Office on Violence Against
Endowment Donors
Doadores do Fundo Especial de Doações
Alexandra Frasier
Anne-Marie Moore
Cissy Coutinho & Michael Childs
Joseph Luchison
Josefina B. Silva
Liliete F. Reis
Lois A. Josimovich
Mary Frances & Stephen D. Horan
Michael A. Carvalho
Naomi Lomba Gomes & Manuel Gomes
Paulo Pinto
Philip Chaves
Ricardo Martins
Robert & Joanne Perry
Sal Couto / Couto Mgmt. Group
The Joe & Dorothy Chaves Foundation
The late Frances Coutinho
Thomas Walters & Barbara Coutinho
Victor Do Couto
Foundations & Corporations
Fundações e Corporações
Amigos da Terça
Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS
Bushrod H. Campbell & Adah F. Hall Charity Fund
Cafua Management Group
Cambridge Community Foundation
Cambridge Health Alliance
Charles H. Farnsworth Trust
Couto Management Group
East Cambridge Savings Bank
Eastern Bank
Emerson College
Fish Family Foundation (Greater Boston Citizenship Init.)
Americo J. Francisco Charity & Elder's Fund
Americo J. Francisco Charitable Trust
Health Care for All
MetroWest Health Foundation
Naveo (formerly CPCU Credit Union)
Neighborhood Health Plan
Network Health
Partners HealthCare
Project Bread/The Walk for Hunger
Riverside Management Group
Rockefeller Financial Services/ JB Fernandes Trust
Sailors' Snug Harbor of Boston
TJX Foundation
United Way of Massachusetts Bay & Merrimack Valley
A Missão da MAPS
The MAPS Mission
Sobre a MAPS
About MAPS
A missão da MAPS é servir os membros das comunidades de língua portuguesa e seus descendentes em Massachusetts e ajudá-los
a tornarem-se contribuintes ativos e participantes na sociedade
americana, mantendo ao mesmo tempo uma forte identidade étnica
e um senso de comunidade. A MAPS procura aumentar o acesso e
diminuir as barreiras para serviços sociais, de saúde e educacionais
através de assistência direta, defesa, liderança e desenvolvimento
da comunidade.
A Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers (MAPS) é uma
organização privada, sem fins lucrativos, com base comunitária, que
vem proporcionando uma variedade de serviços sociais e de saúde
para indivíduos de língua portuguesa, e outros residentes do leste
de Massachusetts desde 1970. A maioria dos clientes são do Brasil,
Cabo Verde e Portugal. Os escritórios estão localizados no coração
das comunidades de língua portuguesa de Cambridge, Somerville,
Boston, Framingham e Lowell.
MAPS’ mission is to improve the lives of Portuguese-speaking
individuals and families from Massachusetts and help them become contributing, active participants in American society while
maintaining strong ethnic identity and a sense of community.
MAPS works to increase access and remove barriers to health,
education and social services through direct services, advocacy,
leadership and community development.
The Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers (MAPS) is
a private, non-profit, community-based organization that has
provided a wide range of health and social services to Portuguese
speakers and other residents of eastern Massachusetts since 1970.
Most of MAPS’ clients are from Brazil, Cape Verde or Portugal.
Agency offices are located in the heart of the Portuguese-speaking
communities of Cambridge, Somerville, Boston, Framingham and
MAPS Offices | Escritórios da MAPS
697 Cambridge St., Suite 203
Brighton, MA 02135
(617) 787-0557
1046 Cambridge St.
Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 864-7600
One Stoughton St.
Dorchester, MA 02125
(617) 825-5897
24 Union Ave., Suites 8-10
Framingham, MA 01702
(508) 872-2652
11 Mill Street
Lowell, MA 01852
(978) 970-1250
92 Union Sq.
Somerville, MA 02143
(617) 764-2091
Providing services to the Portuguese-speaking community in partnership with:
Printing of this Annual Report was generously supported by