Lista - 3ª serie - Recuperacao - 30.06.16 - Prof. Sergio


Lista - 3ª serie - Recuperacao - 30.06.16 - Prof. Sergio
Goiânia, ____ de ___________ de 2016
Série: 3ª  Turma: _______
Disciplina: Inglês  Professor: Sérgio
Tough laws reduce Brazil road fatalities by 60%
August 5, 2008
Frank Ferro
Brazil’s zero tolerance alcohol law has been hailed as a huge success.
Authorities say in little more than a month since the law was passed
the death toll on the roads has dropped by 60% saving government
$2.8 million. The new piece of legislation has also given police greater
powers to come down hard on drunken driving.
Roadblocks are conducted to test for drunken driving, and Brazilian
police are taking no chances. Police’s vigilance helps to enforce a
thorough search of vehicles, driver and passengers. Brazilian military
police Major Ricardo Fernandes says the slightest detection of alcohol
is followed by arrest. According to legislation, they don’t tolerate any
alcohol consumption for drivers.
This is Brazil’s latest strategy to keep death off the roads. Meanwhile,
in South Africa, most drivers caught drinking would have easily got
away, with the law permitting 0, 05% alcohol levels, the equivalent of
about two beers. With penalties like huge fines, having your car
impounded or spending the night behind bars, motorists in Brazil are
thinking twice before having a last one for the road. More than 50% of
all fatal crashes in Brazil and South Africa are by drunken drivers. But
in Brazil their dry law, as it is known, has made a huge difference in
people’s drinking habits.
(,2172,174622,00 html. Adaptado)
01. According to the text,
(A) Brazilian government benefited most from the dry law because it
saved $2.8 million.
(B) military policemen feel more powerful because they can arrest
any citizen they consider a suspect.
(C) drunken drivers think twice before leaving their car at home and
relying on their passengers to drive.
(D) road fatalities caused by drunken drivers have been significantly
reduced after the dry law was passed.
(E) drunken drivers fear arrest more than the huge fines.
July 29, 2008
S.R. Suryanarayan
Talk of football and the name that springs up first is Brazil, the fivetime World Cup winner. Yet it is an irony that this nation is still to win
an Olympic gold. It had to settle for silver in 1984 and 1988 and in
1996 it was down to a bronze.
There is added pressure now on Brazil after its arch-rival and former
World Cup winner Argentina picked up its first Olympic gold at Athens
to end a 52-year wait. Coach Dunga stressed that Brazil’s mission this
time is ‘Get gold’. “For other teams a silver or bronze medal might be
okay but for Brazil it must be gold. That is what is expected,” he said.
( . Adaptado)
02. No trecho do texto – That is what is expected, – a palavra That
(A) à rivalidade entre Brasil e Argentina.
(B) ao fato de o Brasil ser pentacampeão na Copa do Mundo.
(C) à necessidade que o Brasil tem de ganhar medalha de ouro.
(D) à pressão estressante de Dunga.
(E) à Argentina já ter ganhado medalha de ouro nas Olimpíadas.
Leia o texto e responda às questões de números 03 a 05.
Brazil to provide vocational education to poor families
July 29, 2008
RIO DE JANEIRO – About 185,000 Brazilians will receive vocational
education in September under a social program launched by President
Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in 2003, the Brazilian government announced
Monday. In his weekly radio program Breakfast with the President,
Lula said that the program is aimed at giving people a chance to learn
skills so that they will no longer depend on government’s monthly aid.
The Bolsa Familia is a welfare program, which provides financial aid to
11 million families with their per capita monthly income less than 120
reais (75 U.S. dollars). Each family receives a monthly allowance of up
to 182 reais (115 U.S. dollars), as long as their children attend school
and take vaccines. The program benefits a total of 45 million people in
the country, making it the largest conditional cash transfer program in
the world.
Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Fortaleza will be the first batch of cities
to carry out the program. President Lula added that the Ministry of
Education has signed an agreement with some largest vocational
schools to help poor workers receive education.
03. O programa Bolsa Família
(A) foi lançado em 2003, mas somente a partir de setembro será
implantado corretamente.
(B) financia 45 milhões de pessoas e 11 milhões de famílias com R$
120,00 referentes à bolsa-escola.
(C) oferecerá educação profissionalizante a 185 mil pessoas de três
cidades ainda em 2008.
(D) é o maior programa de transferência de renda do mundo,
duramente criticado por criar dependência do auxílio governamental.
(E) firmará convênio com o Ministério da Educação para reduzir o
analfabetismo entre os beneficiados pelo programa.
04. No trecho do segundo parágrafo do texto – Each family receives a
monthly allowance of up to 182 reais (115 U.S. dollars), as long as
their children attend school and take vaccines. – a expressão as long
as significa
(A) por causa de.
(B) contanto que.
(C) assim como.
(D) ao longo de.
(E) mesmo que.
05. Uma das condições para receber auxílio financeiro do programa
Bolsa Família é que
(A) os filhos das famílias devem já ter completado o ensino
fundamental e ter carteira de vacinação em dia.
(B) o número de famílias não ultrapasse 11 milhões.
(C) os pais trabalhem e os filhos estudem.
(D) o dinheiro deve ser gasto em educação e vacinação dos filhos.
(E) a renda mensal por integrante da família seja inferior a R$ 120,00.
Colégio - Rua T-53 Qd. 92 Lt. 10/11 nº 1336 - Setor Bueno – Goiânia-GO - Fone: 3285-7473 –
Texto adaptado
Facebook Tops 500 Million Users
CHEAP labor has built China’s economic miracle. Its
manufacturing workers toil for a small fraction of the cost of their
American or German competitors. At the bottom of the heap, a
“floating population” of about 130m migrants work in China’s
boomtowns, taking home 1,348 yuan a month on average last year.
That is a mere $197, little more than one-twentieth of the average
monthly wage in America. But it is 17% more than the year before. As
China’s economy has bounced back, wages have followed suit. On the
coasts, where its exporting factories are clustered, bosses are short of
workers, and workers short of patience. A lot of strikes has thrown a
spanner into the workshop of the world.
The hands of China’s workers have been strengthened by a new
labor law, introduced in 2008, and by the more fundamental laws of
demand and supply. Workers are becoming harder to find and to
keep. The country’s villages still contain perhaps 70m potential
migrants. Other rural folk might be willing to work closer to home in
the growing number of factories moving inland. But the supply of
strong backs and nimble fingers is not infinite, even in China. The
number of 15- to 29-year-olds will fall sharply from next year. And
although their wages are increasing, their aspirations are rising even
faster. They seem less willing to “eat bitterness”, as the Chinese put it,
without complaint.
( - 29/07/2010)
TO THROW A SPANNER IN THE WORKS = to frustrate or ruin (a plan,
system etc.)
Questão 01
According to the main idea expressed by the text, it is correct to state
a) although cheap labor used to be the backbone of China’s
economic miracle, China’s workers now earn as much as their peers in
America or Germany.
b) in China’s factories, dissatisfaction is on the rise.
c) China’s workers earn twenty per cent less than their peers in
America or Germany.
d) China’s economy has not suffered the consequences of the
economic crisis, and for that reason, salaries are on the rise all over
the country.
e) The great number of potential migrants who need to work in
China do not complain about their wages.
Gab: B
Questão 02
Which of the following is mentioned in the text as a reason for
Chinese workers’ more demanding behavior?
a) The country’s villages still contain perhaps 70 million potential
b) A new labor law.
c) They earn a little more than the average monthly wage in
d) China’s economy has bounced back.
e) On the coasts workers are becoming harder to keep.
Gab: B
Facebook, the social network created in the dormitories of
Harvard six years ago, said on Wednesday that it now had 500 million
The company has doubled in size from a year ago, pushing
international competitors aside.
“This is an important milestone for all of you who have helped
spread Facebook around the world,” Mark Zuckerberg, the company’s
26-year-old chief executive, said in a company blog post.
Facebook’s dizzying rise has not been without stumbles. Most
recently, the company was the focus of intense scrutiny over changes
to its site that encouraged members to make more information about
themselves accessible to anyone on the Internet.
A recent survey by the American Customer Satisfaction Index
showed that user satisfaction with Facebook stood at 64 on a 100point scale, which placed it in the bottom 5 percent of the companies
covered in the index.
Facebook’s popularity has also spurred competition from the
likes of Google, which views the billions of links and hours spent on
the site each month as a threat to its business.
But if anything, the site’s steady growth in spite of its setbacks
only validates the company’s approach, said Ray Valdes, an analyst at
the research firm Gartner.
Facebook has been aggressive in pushing users “to the edge of
their comfort zone,” Mr. Valdes said. “But Facebook has proven that it
can weather those challenges and still grow.”
Mr. Valdes, who estimates that Facebook is adding 50 million
new members each month, attributed the company’s rapid ascension
to its continuous effort to change and improve the service.
“That keeps it bubbling away,” he said.
(The New York Times, July 21, 2010)
Questão 03
The important milestone Mark Zuckerberg refers to is:
a) The user’s satisfaction with Facebook.
b) The company’s astonishing profitability.
c) The number of users.
d) The qualified team that has helped to spread Facebook around
the world.
e) The results of a recent survey by the American Customer
Satisfaction Index.
Gab: C
Questão 04
According to the text, Facebook’s steady growth is due to:
a) Its 500 million members.
b) The weakness of international competitors.
c) Its 26-year-old chief executive.
d) The fact that its users are a hundred per cent satisfied.
e) Its continuous improvement policy.
Gab: E
Questão 05
The title “Facebook Tops 500 Million Users” most likely means that:
Facebook has almost 500 million users.
Facebook will soon have 500 million users.
Facebook has already reached the number of 500 million users.
Facebook shall surpass 500 million users in a near future.
Facebook excelled the number of 500 million users six years ago.
Gab: C
Colégio - Rua T-53 Qd. 92 Lt. 10/11 nº 1336 - Setor Bueno – Goiânia-GO - Fone: 3285-7473 –
Texto para as questões de 86 a 88
c) exige que todos os medicamentos exibam o holograma da
organização e o código de barras.
d) controla o lançamento de novos medicamentos no mercado, a
exemplo do Tamiflu.
e) autoriza apenas a comercialização de medicamentos que passaram
pelo crivo das agências sanitárias internacionais.
Texto para as questões 89 e 90
The perils of counterfeit drugs go way beyond being ripped off by
dubious online pill-pushers. The World Health Organization (WHO)
estimates that 50 per cent of all medicines sold online are worthless
counterfeits. In developing nations fake pills may account for as much
as 30 per cent of all drugs on the market. Even in the developed world,
1 per cent of medicines bought over the counter are fakes.
Some key events illustrate the risk these pose. In Nigeria, 2500
children died in 1995 after receiving fake meningitis vaccines. In Haiti,
Bangladesh and Nigeria, around 400 people died in 1998 after being
given paracetamol that had been prepared with diethyleneglycol – a
solvent used in wallpaper stripper. The fakers are nothing if not
market-aware: in the face of an outbreak of H5N1 bird flu in 2005,
they began offering fake Tamiflu.
What can be done? The WHO coordinates an umbrella body called the
International Medical Products Anti-Counterfeiting Taskforce
(IMPACT), an industry initiative that issues alerts when it finds
anomalies in the medicine supply chain. Such events include sudden
drops in wholesale prices, hinting at fakes coming onto the market, or
the mimicking of anti-counterfeiting features on packaging, such as
holograms or barcodes, says Nimo Ahmed, head of intelligence at the
UK’s Medicine and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency.
Europe’s economic distress could be China’s opportunity. In the past,
the country has proved a hesitant investor in the continent, but figures
show a 30 percent surge in new Chinese projects in Europe last year.
And these days Europe looks ever more tempting. Bargains proliferate
as the yuan strengthens and cashstrapped governments forget
concerns over foreign ownership of key assets. On a recent visit to
Greece, Vice Premier Zhang Dejiang sealed 14 deals, reportedly the
largest Chinese investment package in Europe, covering a range of
sectors from construction to telecoms.
Meanwhile, Irish authorities have opened talks with Chinese
promoters to develop a 240-hectare industrial park in central Ireland
where Chinese manufacturers could operate inside the European
Union free of quotas and costly tariffs. In time, that could bring 10,000
new jobs. “It’s good business,” says Vanessa Rossi, an authority on
China at the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London. “There’s
big mutual benefit here.”
Europe needs money; China needs markets.
Newsweek, July 19, 2010, p. 6. Adaptado.
89 Segundo o texto, a China
a) aproveitou o momento da crise mundial e fez vários investimentos
no próprio país.
b) teve problemas econômicos similares aos dos países europeus,
mas conseguiu superá-los.
c) hesitava em investir em países asiáticos e perdeu boas
oportunidades na região.
d) aumentou seus investimentos na Europa no ano passado.
e) ressurgiu como potência mundial após vários anos de isolamento.
90 Afirma-se, no texto, que a Irlanda
New Scientist, 10 July 2010, p. 18. Adaptado.
86 De acordo com o texto, medicamentos falsificados, em geral,
a) são consumidos apenas em países pobres e de pouco acesso à
b) encontram dificuldade de comercialização com o aparecimento de
novas doenças.
c) são ineficazes e contêm elementos danosos à saúde em sua
d) possuem embalagens atraentes que ludibriam o consumidor.
e) vêm sendo criteriosamente apreendidos pela Organização Mundial
da Saúde.
a) negocia com a China o desenvolvimento de um parque industrial
que trará benefícios à Europa e à própria China.
b) possui um plano de desenvolvimento que exime os investidores de
pagamento de impostos.
c) enfrenta sérios problemas de desemprego, que já afetaram dez mil
d) deseja fechar acordos que envolvam outros países da União
e) planeja as mudanças que pretende implementar junto à Câmara
Real de Negócios Internacionais, em Londres.
87 O texto informa que os falsificadores
a) atuam na venda de remédios no mercado atacadista.
b) roubam o selo de qualidade da Organização Mundial da Saúde.
c) utilizam placebo nos medicamentos.
d) apresentam-se como representantes oficiais da indústria
e) estão sempre alertas à demanda do mercado.
88 Segundo o texto, para conter a venda de medicamentos
falsificados, a Organização Mundial da Saúde
a) estimula a venda promocional de medicamentos importantes
sempre que necessário.
b) coordena o trabalho de uma organização que acompanha o
fornecimento de remédios no mercado farmacêutico, alertando para
possíveis irregularidades.
Colégio - Rua T-53 Qd. 92 Lt. 10/11 nº 1336 - Setor Bueno – Goiânia-GO - Fone: 3285-7473 –

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