Estrangeirismos na Lingua Inglesa


Estrangeirismos na Lingua Inglesa
Estrangeirismos na Lingua Inglesa
Aqui estão mais alguns estrangeirismos usados em língua inglesa.
Do francês
1. a la carte – se refere a cada item em separado num menu. The salad doesn´t come with your
dinner but you can order it a la carte.
2. ambiance – ambiente, atmosfera. a romantic ambiance
3. apropos – apropriado, adequado. His remarks about the recent changes in politics were apropos.
4. attaché – um diplomata. He was sent as an attaché to three different countries this year.
5. avant-garde – novo e original. His music was considered avant-garde at the time, but now it
sounds rather conservative and boring.
6. bourgeois – de classe média e materialista. Andy´s parents are so bourgeouis. All they talk
about is the trips they´re going to take.
7. carte blanche – permissão para fazer o que quiser. My mom gave me carte blanche to use her
car whenever I felt like it.
8. chateau – castelo. His new house looks more like a chateau than a house.
9. collage – um quadro feito com colagens de fotos, objetos, etc. The artist created her portrait in a
collage using pieces of newspapers and tin cans.
10. concierge – funcionário de um hotel que é responsável por serviços especiais aos hóspedes.
Call the concierge and ask him to get you two tickets for the opera tonight.
Do alemão
1. ersatz – imitação, artificial. I hate buying cakes from supermarkets because they always use
ersatz ingredients.
2. Gesundheit! – Saúde! (usado quando alguém espirra)
3. (to go) kaput – quebrar ou enguiçar. His new CD player went kaput.
4. verboten – proibido. Smoking is verboten here.
5. wunderkind – prodígio. He´s a wunderkind, he finished college at 17 and had his own successful
online business at 19.
Do italiano
1. a cappella – sem acompanhamento musical. She sang a cappella at the concert.
2. caffe latte – café com leite. I prefer caffe latte to regular American coffee because it´s a little
3. vendetta – vingança (entre famílias). The Romanis killed the Portutti´s daughter as a vendetta.
4. virtuoso – (alguém) extramente habilidoso. Susan is a virtuoso as a pianist. She was accepted to
the best music academy of the country at only 11!
Do latim
1. ad infinitum – eternamente. He can talk ad infinitum about his children.
2. ad lib – improvisar. I had to ad lib my speech because I didn´t have time to prepare it.
3. alma mater – faculdade ou universidade que já se freqüentou. My son will probably study at my
alma mater.
4. alter ego – 1. um substituto perfeito; 2. um outro aspecto de alguém; 3. um amigo inseparável.
1. My brother knows me so well that when I go out of town he acts as my alter ego at work. /2. If
Harry has been nasty to you, it´s his alter ego talking. He´s always so kind.
5. alumnus (pl. alumni) – formandos de um curso. Every ten years the alumni of my school get
together for a reunion.
6. bona fide – 1. em boa fé; 2. autêntico. 1.They have me a bona fide assurance that they would
buy my house so that´s why I didn´t sell it to anyone else. / 2. At the art gallery they told me I
have a bona fide Diego Rivera painting.
7. cum laude – com honras. Henry was always an excellent student and graduated cum laude.
8. e.g. – por exemplo (exempli gratia). Jack has so many good Brazilian authors in his library, e.g.
Machado de Assis, Eça de Queiroz, and Cecília Meirelles.
9. i.e. – isto é, ou seja. He´s only interested in socializing with people that share the same interests
as his, i.e. people interested in guns.
10. status quo – a situação atual das coisas. I suppose it´s better to maintain the status quo and
wait before making any changes.
Do iídiche
1. bagel – tipo de pão em forma de anel.
2. nosh – lanche, comida rápida. I´ve got to have a nosh or I won´t survive until dinner.
3. Oy! – exclamação de surpresa, medo, tristeza ou outros sentimentos negativos. Oy, did that wine
give me one heck of a headache!
4. shlep – 1. carregar algo pesado; 2. levar muito tempo para fazer algo. 3. pessoa desleixada. 1.
Don´t shlep those heavy boxes alone, you´ll end up hurting yourself. 2. Quit shlepping like an old
man or we´ll never make it to the movies on time! 3. Mary used to be so elegant, but lately she´s
become such a shlep.
5. shlock – mercadoria ruim, com defeito. I´ll never buy clothes in that store again, all they sell is
6. schmaltzy – extremamente sentimental. She gets all sentimental when he gives her those
shmaltzy cards.
7. tchotchke – objeto barato, pequeno, sem importância. My bedroom is full of tchotchkes, I have
to get rid of all of them.
*Na série The Nanny (Canal Sony), a personagem principal, vivida por Fran Drescher e sua mãe
utilizam muitos termos de origem iídiche.