- iBrarian


- iBrarian
References Ecommerce
Edited by Mark Grether
Current Version: 27. October 1999
The following list does not include all scholarly articles published in reviewed journal nor all books that
deal with Ecommerce. However, it is a staring point to establish a comprehensive list. I would be happy
for any suggestions of articles or books that should be added and as well as for any corrections.
August 1999,
Mark Grether
Dipl.-Kfm. Mark Grether, M.A.
University of Mannheim
Department of Marketing
D-68131 Mannheim
Tel.: + 49 621 181-1565
Fax: +49 621 181-1571
Mobil: + 49 179 6923130
Email: [email protected]
WWW: http://www.bwl.uni-mannheim.de/Bauer/mitarbeiter/grether.html
Aaker, D. A./Bruzzone, D. E. (1981): Viewer Perceptions of Prime-Time - Television Advertising, in: Journal of
Advertising Research, 21 (5), 15-23.
Ainscough, T. L./Luckett, M. G. (1996): The Internet for the rest of us: Marketing on the World Wide Web,
Journal of Consumer Marketing, 13. Jg. (1996), Nr. 2, S. 36-47.
AKW (1995): „Die Zukunft der Medien -Multimedia in Deutschland und Europa“, Markenartikel, Heft 4, S.
Alba, J./Lynch, J./Weitz, B./Janiszewski, C./Lutz, R./Sawyer, A./Wood, T. (1997): Interactive Home Shopping:
Consumer, Retailer, and Manufacturer Incentives to Participate in Electronic Marketplaces, in: Journal of
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Marketing, 61. Jg. (1997), Nr. 3, S. 38-53.
Albers, S./Clement, M./Peters, K./Skiera, B. (1999): eCommerce: Einstieg, Strategie und Umsetzung im
Unternehmen, 1999.
Albers, S./Peters, K. (1997): Die Wertschöpfungskette des Handels im Zeitalter des Electronic Commerce,
Marketing - ZFP, 19. Jg. (1997), S. 69-80
ALPAR, P. (1998): Kommerzielle Nutzung des Internet, Springer, Heidelberg.
Altobelli, C. F. (1997): Online Marketing im deutschsprachigen Raum, in: Thexis, Heft 1/1997 (14. Jg.), S. 5-11.
Altobelli, C. F./Großkopf, A.-K. (1999): Online-Distribution im Consumer- und Business-to-Buinsiness-Bereich
– Eine empirische Analyse am Beispiel der Informationstechnologie- und Telekommunikationsbranche, in:
der markt, Heft 3+4, Nr. 146/147, 37. Jahrgang, S. 146-160.
Amail, J. (1996): Electronic Publishing, Eine Untersuchung zum Einsatz digitaler Produkttechnologie in
Verlagen, Multimedia-Praxis Band 6, München: HighTextVerlag
Amar, A, D. (1999): E-Business: Selection and Adaptation of Products and Services for the Internet Commerce,
in: The Mid-Atlantic Journal of Business, Vol. 35, No. 1, March 1999, S. 5-9.
Anand, N./Hoffman, D. L./Novak, T. P. (1998): Interpretive Stance in inchoate industries: Preliminary evidence
from the World Wide Web Publishing Industry, Working Paper, February 1998, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville 1998.
Anders, G. (1998): „Cybersqueeze: Comparison Shopping is the Web’s Virtue - Unless You’re a Seller,“ Wall
Street Journal, July 23, p. A1- A8.
Anderson, D. (1999): Creating and nuturing a premier e-business, in: Journal of Interactive Marketing, Spring 99,
Vol. 13, Issue 2, S. 89-92..
Andresen, T. (199?): Consumer Power via the Internet.
ANGELL, D./HESLOP, B. (1995): The Internet Business Companion, Addison- Wesley, New York.
Anghern, A. (1997): Designing mature Internet business strategies: The ICDT model, European Management
Journal, Aug97, Vol. 15 Issue 4, p360, 9p, 6 diagrams, 1bw
Armbrecht, W./Kohnke, A. (1997): Die „Freude am Fahren“ bleibt real, in: Thexis, Heft 1/1997 (14. Jg.), S. 3238.
Armstrong, A./Hagel III, J. (1996): The real value of on-line communities, in: Harvard Business Review, MayJune1996, Vol. 74, Issue 3, S. 134-140.
Arthur, W. B. (1996), “Increasing Returns and the New World of Business,” Harvard Business Review, JulyAugust, 100-109.
Atwong, C. T./Hugstad, P. S. (1997): Internet technology and the future of marketing education., Journal of
Marketing Education, Fall97, Vol. 19 Issue 3, p44, 12p, 3 charts
Avery, C./Zeckhauser, R. (1997): Recommender Systems for Evaluating Computer Messages, in:
Communications of the ACM, 40, 88-89.
Babin, B. J. (1998): New media/new technology, in: Journal of Interactive Marketing, Spring 98, Vol. 12, Issue 2,
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S. 76.
Babin, B. J. (1998): New media/new technology, in: Journal of Interactive Marketing, Autumn 98, Vol. 12, Issue
4, S. 90.
Bachem, C. (1997): Erfolgsfaktoren für Online Marketing, in: Thexis, Heft 1/1997 (14. Jg.), S. 22-25.
Bachem. C./Stein, I./Rieke, H-J. (1999): Erfolgsfaktoren von Internet-Sites, in: absatzwirtschaft 6/99, S. 60-66.
Backhaus, K. (199?): Die Akzeptanz von Multimedia-Diensten - Konzeptionelle Anmerkungen und empirische
Ergebnisse, Arbeitspapier Nr. 19 der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Marketing und Unternehmensführung e.V..
Backhaus, K./Voeth, M./Bendix, K.: Multimedia im Marketing - neue Wege zum Kunden? (1997), Nr. 110
Arbeitspapiere der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Marketing und Unternehmensführung e.V..
Bailey, J. P./Bakos, J, Y. (1997): "An Exploratory Study of the Emerging Role of Electronic Intermediaries."
International Journal of Electronic Commerce, vol. 1, no. 3, Spring.
Bakos, J. Y. (1991): “A Strategic Analysis of Electronic Marketplaces”, MIS Quarterly 15 (3), 295- 310.
Bakos, J. Y. (1997): „Reducing Buyer Search Costs: Implications for Electronic Marketplaces,” Management
Science, Vol. 43, No. 12 (December), 1676-1692.
Bakos, J. Y./Brynolfsson, E. (1996): “Pricing information goods: new strategies for the digital economy”, mimeo,
Barth, K./Schmekel, V. (1998): Vertriebsmedium Internet - Chancen und Risiken für den Einzelhandel,
Diskussionsbeitrag Nr. 255 des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaft der Gerhard Mercator Universität GH
Duisburg, Duisburg 1998
Batinic, B./Werner, A./Gräf, L./Bandilla, W. (1999): Online-Research. Methoden, Anwendungen und Ergebnisse;
1999 Goettingen: Hogrefe, ISBN 3-8017-1201-X
Bauer, H. (1998): Ecommcere, Arbeitspapier, Universität Mannheim, Mannheim 1998.
Bauer, H. H./Fischer, M./Sauer, N. E. (1999): Barrieren des elektronische Einzelhandels – Eine empirische Studie
zum Kaufverhalten im Internet, erscheint in: ZfB..
Bauer, H. H./Huber, F./Henneberg, S. C. M. (1999): Klick&Kauf – Electonic Commerce als strategische Option
für den Handel, in: Thexis, Heft 1/1999, S. 47-52.
Bauer, H./Grether, M./Borrmann, U. (1999): Wie verhalten sich Nutzer in elektronischen Medien?, Arbeitspapier,
Universität Mannheim, Mannheim 1999.
Bauer, H./Grether, M./Leach, M. (1999): Customer relations through the Internet Working Paper, University of
Mannheim, Mannheim 1999.
Bauer, H./Grether, M./Leach, M. (1999): Der Beitrag des Internet zum Relationship Marketing, Arbeitspapier Nr.
W23, Universität Mannheim, Mannheim 1998.
Bauer, H./Grether, M./Leach, M. (1999): Erfolgreiche Kundenbeziehungen über das Internet, in: FAZ, 31. Mai
1999, S. 131.
Bauer, H./Grether, M./Leach, M. (1999): Kunden binden via Internet, in: OnetoOne, 26. April 1999, S. 13.
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Bauer, H./Grether, M./Leach, M. (1999): Kundenbeziehungen über das Internet, in: der markt, 1999/3+4, 37. Jg.
(1999), Nr. 146/147, S. 119-128.
Baxter, J./Hepplewhite (1999): Agents in Tank Battle Simulations, in: Communications of the ACM, March
1999/Vol. 42, Nr. 3, S74-75.
Beam, C./Segev, A. (1996): The Rise of Electronic Commerce: Contributions from Three factors, CMIT Working
Paper 96-WP-1016, University of California, Berkley 1996.
Beam, C./Segev, A. (1998): Auctions on the Internet: A Field Study, CMIT Working Paper 98-WP-1032,
University of California, Berkley 1998.
Beam, C./Segev, A./Shanthikumar, J. G. (1996): Electronic Negotiation through Internet-based Auctions, CMIT
Working Paper 96-WP-1019, University of California, Berkley 1996.
Beam, C./Segev, A./Shanthikumar, J. G. (1998): Optimal Desgin of Internet-based Auctions, CMIT Working
Paper 98-WP-1034, University of California, Berkley 1998.
Becker, H. (1996): Multimedia – Königsweg für den Verkauf, in: absatzwirtschaft, 38. Jg. (1996), Sondernummer
Oktober 1996, S. 204-206.
Becker, U./Bachem, C. (1996): Online-Markenkommunikation am Beispiel der Langnese-Iglo GmbH, in:
Markenartikel, o. Jg. (1996), Nr. 11, S. 548-555.
Bellman, S./Lohse, G. L./Johnson, E. J. (1999): Predictors of Online Buying: Findings from the Wharton Virtual
Test Market, Working Paper, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 1999. , in: Communications of the
ACM (in press),
Belz, C. (1997): Weinhold-Stünzi, H. (Hrsg.): Online Marketing, St. Gallen 1997.
Benjamin, R./Wigand, R. (1995): „Electronic Markets and Virtual Value Chains on the Information
Superhighway,” Sloan Management Review, Winter, 62-72
Berthon, P./Leyland, P. (1996): Marketing Communication and the World Wide Web, in: Business Horizons,
September-October 1996, Vol. 39, Issue 5, S. 24-32.
Berthon, P.R./Pitt, L.F./Watson, R.T. (1996): "The World Wide Web as an Advertising Medium: Towards an
Understanding of Conversion Efficiency, Journal of Advertising Research," 36, (1): 43-53
Bichler, M./Beam, C./Segev, A. (1997): OFFER: An Object Framework For Electronic Requisitioning, CMIT
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Bichler, M./Segev, A. (1998): A Brokerage Framework for Internet Commerce, CMIT Working Paper 98-WP1031, University of California, Berkley 1998.
Blattberg, R. C./Deighton, J. (1991): Interactive Marketing: Exploiting the Age of Adressability, in: Sloan
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Bliemel, F./Theobald, A. (1997): Determinanten der Produkteignung zum Internetvertrieb – eine empirische
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Studie, Arbeitspapier, Heft 3/97, Kaiserlauterer Schriftenreihe Marketing, Kaiserlautern 1997.
Bliemel, F./Theobald, A. (1999): Der Einsatz des Electronic Commerce im Versandhandel, Arbeitspapier, Heft
5/99, Kaiserlauterer Schriftenreihe Marketing, Kaiserlautern 1999.
Bloch, M./Pigneur, Y./Segev, A. (1996): On the Road of Electronic Commerce – a Business Value Framework,
Gaining Competitive Advantage and Some Research Issues, Working Paper, March 1996, University of
California, Berkley 1996.
Bloch, M./Segev, A. (1996): The Impact of Electronic Commerce on the Travel Industry, Working Paper, June
1996, University of California, Berkley 1996.
Bonn, M. (1999): Predicting a Behavioral Profile for Pleasure Travelers on the Basis of Internet Use
Segmentation, in: Journal of Travel Research, Vol. 37, No. 4, May, 1999 issue , pages 333-340.
BORNMAN, H./SoLMS, Von, S. H. (1993): Hypermedia, Multimedia and Hypertext - Definitions and Overview,
Electronic Library, 11 (4/5), 259{268.
Bossiazky, v. G. S. (1997): Prognose von Absatzpotentialen des “Online Selling”, in: Thexis, Heft 1/1997 (14.
Jg.), S. 44-46.
Bowers, D. (1997): Privacy Online, in: Marketing Research, Fall 1997, S. 37-38.
Bowers, T./Singer, M. (1996): Who will capture value in on-line financial services?, in: The McKinsey Quarterly,
33. Jg. (1996), Nr. 2, S. 78-83.
Boyle, B. A./Alwitt, L. F. (1999): Internet use within the U.S. plastics industry., Industrial Marketing
Management, Jul99, Vol. 28 Issue 4, p327, 7p, 9 charts, 2 diagrams
Brannback, M. (1997): Is the Internet changing the dominant logic of marketing?, European Management
Journal, Dec97, Vol. 15, Issue 6, p698, 10p, 1 chart, 6 diagrams, 1bw
Breitenbach, C. S./Van Doren, D. C. (1999): Value-added marketing in the digital domain: enhancing the utility
of the Internet, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 1998, Vol. 15 Issue 6, p558, 18p
Brenner, W.; Zarnekow, R./Wittig, H. (1998): Intelligente Softwareagenten - Grundlagen und Anwendungen,
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Briggs, R./Hollis, N. (1997): "Advertising on the Web: Is There Response before Click-Through", Journal of
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Brynjolfsson, E./Smith, M. D. (1999): Frictionless Commerce? A Comparison of Internet and Conventional
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Burke, R. (1996): “Virtual Shopping: Breakthrough in Marketing Research,” Harvard Business Review, 74(2)
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(March April), 120-131.
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Mark Grether
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Investigation of Online Travel Agent Offerings,” Working Paper, Wharton School, PA
Clement, M./Peters, K. (Hrsg.): Marketing mit Interaktiven Medien – Strategien zum Markterfolg, Frankfurt am
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Dutta, S./Segev, A. (1999): Business Transformation on the Internet, European Management Journal, Oct99, Vol.
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17, Issue 5, p466, 11p, 1 chart, 1 diagram, 7 graphs, 2bw
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