Orientierungsarbeit Englisch


Orientierungsarbeit Englisch
Sächsisches Staatsministerium
für Kultus
Schuljahr 2003/04
Geltungsbereich: für Klassen 6
an Mittelschulen
Orientierungsarbeit Englisch
Mittelschule - Klassenstufe 6
Material für den Schüler
Allgemeine Arbeitshinweise
Die Arbeitszeit beträgt 45 Minuten.
Es sind keine Hilfsmittel zugelassen.
Die Arbeit besteht aus folgenden Teilen.
Reading Comprehension
Guided Writing
10 BE
15 BE
Orientierungsarbeit Englisch, Klassenstufe 6, Schuljahr 2003/04, Mittelschule – Schüler
Seite 1
10 BE
A day in an adventure holiday camp
At the moment I am in an adventure holiday camp. It is in Scotland and it is lots of
fun. Today is 3rd August and we have a big race. It is a treasure hunt /1/ in the wood.
We are five groups and in my group there are Tina, Carol, Rob and I.
We are at the start now and have a map /2/ in front of us. Let’s look at it so that we
can see where we must go.
On our way we must find three treasures and take them to the finish. First we go into
the wood and climb the mountain. The first treasure must be there, behind a tree.
Then we walk out of the wood and across a big field. There must be the second
treasure. It is not easy to find because there is high grass.
Oh, there is a river. We must cross it. But how can we do it? Is there a bridge /3/ near
there? Or do we have to swim? Maybe the water is not very deep and we can walk
through the river. Is the third treasure in the water or on the other side of the river?
We have got a problem. Rob hasn’t got walking shoes. And Carol can’t swim.
What do we need for our race? Well, we need sandwiches and drinks, rain coats and
our map.
Oh, it is quarter to ten. We must start and find the treasures.
Carol, Rob and Tina – hurry up! We want to win the race!
(265 words)
Orientierungsarbeit Englisch, Klassenstufe 6, Schuljahr 2003/04, Mittelschule – Schüler
Seite 2
Read the text and do tasks a) and b).
a) Decide, if the sentences are right or wrong.
(6 BE)
1. The adventure camp is in England.
2. There are 4 children in the group.
3. The children must find 3 treasures.
4. Rob has got walking shoes.
5. Carol is a good swimmer.
6. The group starts the treasure hunt at 9.45.
b) There is one fact wrong in every sentence. Write correct sentences.
(4 BE)
1. The holiday camp is in winter.
2. First they must walk across a field.
3. It is easy to find the second treasure.
4. The children need warm pullovers.
Orientierungsarbeit Englisch, Klassenstufe 6, Schuljahr 2003/04, Mittelschule – Schüler
Seite 3
15 BE
You are with your class in the adventure holiday camp. It’s a rainy day. You are in your room.
What can you see there? Where are the things? What activities can you do?
Write about 80 words or more.
Orientierungsarbeit Englisch, Klassenstufe 6, Schuljahr 2003/04, Mittelschule – Schüler
Seite 4