Piotr Tereszkiewicz


Piotr Tereszkiewicz
Dr. iur. habil. Piotr Tereszkiewicz
(June 2016)
1. “Obowiązki informacyjne w umowach o usługi finansowe” [Duties of Disclosure in Contracts relating to Financial Services], Wolters Kluwer Poland, Warsaw 2015, 728 p. (‘habilitation’).
2. “Die Haftung der OHG-Gesellschafter für Gesellschaftsverbindlichkeiten im polnischen Recht” [Partners Liability in a Commercial Partnership under Polish Law], Duncker & Humblot, Schriften
zum Internationalen Recht [International Law Series], Vol. 178, Berlin 2009, 267 p. (doctoral dissertation).
3. “Odpowiedzialność wspólników za zobowiązania spółki jawnej” [Partners liability for a partnership’
s debts], a modified version of my doctoral dissertation (see above), Wolters Kluwer Poland,
Biblioteka prawa handlowego [Commercial Law Series], Warsaw 2008, 285 p.
Edited Books:
“Rozprawy z prawa cywilnego, własności intelektualnej i prawa prywatnego międzynarodowego.
Księga pamiątkowa dedykowana prof. Bogusławowi Gawlikowi” [Essays in Private Law, Intellectual
Property and Private International Law in Honour of Professor Bogusław Gawlik], co-editor with
J. Pisuliński and F. Zoll, Lexis Nexis, Warsaw 2012, 856 p.
Chapters in Books:
1. “Neutral Third-Party Counselling as Nudge toward Safer Financial Products? The Case of Risky Mortgage Loan Contracts”, in: K. Mathis, A. Tor (eds.), “Nudging – Possibilities, Limitations, and Applications in European Law and Economics”, Springer, Heidelberg New York 2016, p. 169-196.
2. “Fremdwährungskredite als Frage des Verbraucherrechts: Eine Zwischenbilanz” [Foreign Currency
Mortgage Loans as an Issue in Consumer Law: A Preliminary Assessment], in: B. Heiderhoff, R.
Schulze (eds.), “Verbraucherrecht und Verbraucherverhalten. Consumer Law and Consumer
Behaviour“, Nomos, Baden Baden 2016, p. 83-118.
3. “Begrenzte Rationalität als Rechtfertigung einer speziellen Vertragsethik bei Langzeitverträgen? Zur
Bedeutung verhaltenswissenschaftlicher Gesichtspunkte für die Beurteilung privatautonomer Bindungen” [Bounded Rationality as Justification of Special Contract Law Ethics regarding Long-term
Contracts. On the Relevance of Behavioural Insights for Evaluating Contractual Commitments],
in: C. Stumpf, F. Kainer, C. Baldus (eds.), “Privatrecht, Wirtschaftsrecht, Verfassungsrecht: Privatinitiative und Gemeinwohlhorizonte in der europäischen Integration. Festschrift für PeterChristian Müller-Graff” [Private Law, Business Law and Constitutional Law: Private Initiative
and Common Good in the context of European Integration. Liber Amicorum Peter-Christian
Müller-Graff], Nomos, Baden Baden 2015, p. 56-62.
4. “The Europeanisation of the Insurance Contract Law: the Insurer’s Duty to Advise and its Regulation
in German and European law”, in: M. Kenny and J. Devenney (eds.), The Transformation of
European Private Law, CUP 2013, p. 235-255.
5. “Obowiązek informacyjny ubezpieczającego i skutki jego naruszenia z perspektywy prawnoporównawczej: zmierzch uberrima fidei w epoce ochrony konsumenta?” [An Insurance Applicant’s
Duty to Disclose and Remedies for its Breach from a Comparative Perspective: the End of uberrima fidei in the Times of Consumer Protection?], w: M. Pecyna, J. Pisuliński and M. Podrecka
(eds.), Rozprawy cywilistyczne. Księga pamiątkowa dedykowana Profesorowi Edwardowi Drozdowi [Studies in Civil Law in Honour of Professor Edward Drozd], Lexis Nexis, Warszawa 2013,
p. 473-506.
6. “Die Erläuterungspflicht nach der Richtlinie 2008/48/WE über den Verbraucherkredit und seine Bedeutung für die Theorie und Dogmatik der informationsbezogenen Pflichten” [Duty to Provide
Adequate Explanations under Directive 2008/48/EC on Consumer Credit Agreements and its
Impact on the Theory of the Duties to Inform], in: C. Baldus and W. Dajczak (eds.), Rechtsvergleichende Fragen des Allgemeinen Teils des Privatrechts [Comparative Perspectives on the General Part of Private Law], Peter Lang, Frankfurt 2013, p. 143-158.
7. “Vorvertragliche Beratung als Inhalt einer Pflicht der Versicherer nach dem deutschen Versicherungsvertragsgesetz. Eine kritische Betrachtung” [Pre-contractual Advice as an Insurer’s Duty under the
German Insurance Contract Act. A Critical View], in: K. Binder and F. Eichel (eds.), Internatinale
Dimensionen des Wirtschaftsrechts. Beiträge aus Sicht verschiedener Rechtsdisziplinen und
Rechtsordnungen [International Dimensions of Business Law. Contributions from Different Legal Disciplines and Systems], Nomos, Baden Baden 2013, p. 53-69.
8. “Obowiązek udzielenia wyjaśnień w unijnym i polskim prawie kredytu konsumenckiego” [Duty to
Provide Adequate Explanations in European and Polish Consumer Credit Law], in: J. Pisuliński,
P. Tereszkiewicz, and F. Zoll (eds.), Rozprawy z prawa cywilnego, własności intelektualnej i
prawa prywatnego międzynarodowego. Księga pamiątkowa dedykowana prof. Bogusławowi
Gawlikowi” [Essays in Private Law, Intellectual Property and Private International Law in Honour of Professor Bogusław Gawlik], Lexis Nexis, Warsaw 2012, p. 347-365.
9. “Schutz des Angehörigenbürgen zwischen Aufklärungspflichten und Inhaltsgestaltung: Überlegungen
zum Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR) aus der Perspektive des polnischen Rechts” [Duties of
Disclosure and Limitations of Party Autonomy as Means of Protecting Family Sureties: Analysis
of the Draft Common Frame of Reference from the Polish Perspective], in: C. von Bar and A.
Wudarski (eds.), Deutschland und Polen in der europäischen Rechtsgemeinschaft“ [Poland and
Germany in the European Legal Community], München 2012, p. 409-432.
10. Chapter “Polnisches Personengesellschaftsrecht” [Polish Commercial Partnership Law], in: M. Liebscher and F. Zoll (eds.), “Einführung in das polnische Recht” [Introduction to Polish Law], München 2005, p. 390-409.
11. Commentary on Articles 12 - 21, 30 - 43 of the Polish Act on Banking Law (in Polish), in: F. Zoll
(ed.), “Prawo bankowe. Komentarz” [Commentary on Polish Banking Law], Zakamycze 2005, p.
210-234, 290-344.
Journal Articles:
1. “The Reform of Polish Sales Law – Re-implementing the Consumer Sales Directive”, Journal of European Consumer and Market Law (ECML), 2016 [in preparation]
2. “Kodyfikacja prawa prywatnego międzynarodowego w Holandii — historia, założenia oraz instytucje
części ogólnej” [The Private International Law Codifictation in the Netherlands – history and
principles] Kwartalnik Prawa Prywatnego [Quarterly of Private Law] 2016, p. 105-152.
3. „Cnoty a prawo konsumenckie (artykuł sprawozdawczy)” [Virtues and consumer law], Państwo i
Prawo [Law and the State] 2016, No. 4, p. 86-97 (together with A. Jabłonowska, K. KlafkowskaWaśniowska, M. Kunkiel-Kryńska, R. Manko, M. Namysłowska)
4. “Studienförderung zwischen Unionsbürgerschaft und Arbeitnehmerfreizügigkeit – Anmerkung zu
EuGH, 26. 02. 2015, C-359/13, Martens” [Public Funding of Higher Education in Light of Union
Citizenship and Free Movement of Workers. A Note on the CJUE judgment of 26.02. 2015, C359/13, Martens], GPR – Zeitschrift für das Privatrecht der Europäischen Union/European Union Private Law Review, 2016, No. 1, pp. 46-49.
5. “Solidarność dłużników w świetle europeizacji prawa obligacyjnego” [Joint and several liability in
light of Europeanisation of the law of obligations], Kwartalnik Prawa Prywatnego [Quarterly of
Private Law] 2014, p. 562 – 606.
6. “Holenderskie prawo prywatne międzynarodowe. Wprowadzenie oraz tłumaczenie przepisów” [The
Dutch Private International law. Translation of the Book 10 of the Dutch Civil Code with an Introduction], Kwartalnik Prawa Prywatnego [Quarterly of Private Law] 2014, p. 225-268.
7. “Polnische Rechtsprechung zum Gemeinschaftsprivatrecht – Schwerpunkt: Europäisches Zivilprozessrecht” [Jurisprudence of Polish Courts on European Private Law: European Civil Procedure],
Gemeinschaftsprivatrecht (GPR) 2011, p. 284-286 (co-author with M. Bobrzyński).
8. “Schutz des Angehörigenbürgen durch Aufklärung und Beratung im Entwurf des Gemeinsamen Referenzrahmens (Draft Common Frame of Reference)” [Protection of Non-professional Sureties by
Means of Information and Advice under the DCFR], Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht
(ZEuP), 2011, p. 851-873.
9. “Polnische Rechtsprechung zum Gemeinschaftsprivatrecht” [Jurisprudence of Polish Courts on European Private Law], Gemeinschaftsprivatrecht (GPR) 2010, p. 221-223.
10. “Schadensersatzansprüche des Sicherungsgebers bei Beihilferückforderung” [Damages Claim of a Surety
in Case of a Subsidy Withdrawal], Gemeinschaftsprivatrecht (GPR) 2010, p. 11-15.
11. “Przedkontraktowe obowiązki informacyjne instytucji kredytowych na gruncie dyrektywy
2008/48/WE o kredycie konsumenckim” [Pre-contractual Information Duties of Credit Institutions
under Directive 2008/48/EC on Consumer Credit Agreements], Europejski Przegląd Sądowy
[European Judicial Review] 2009, No. 12, p. 15-23.
12. “Niemieckie prawo prywatne międzynarodowe. Wprowadzenie oraz tłumaczenie przepisów” [The
German Private International Law. Introduction and Translation], Kwartalnik Prawa Prywatnego
[Quarterly of Private Law] 2009, p. 1125-1138.
13. “Zwolnienie z długów w prawie upadłościowym i tzw. upadłość konsumencka – rozważania teoretyczne i prawnoporównawcze z perspektywy polskiego porządku prawnego” [Discharge and Consumer
Insolvency – Theoretical and Comparative Analysis from the Perspective of the Polish Legal System], HUK - Czasopismo Kwartalne Całego Prawa Handlowego, Upadłościowego oraz Rynku
Kapitałowego [HUK –Quarterly of Commercial, Insolvency and Securities Law], 2008, p. 217300.
14. “Doświadczenie Belgii w kodyfikacji prawa prywatnego międzynarodowego” [The Belgian Experience
regarding the Codification of Private International Law], Kwartalnik Prawa Prywatnego [Quarterly of Private Law] 2007, p. 991-1085.
15. “Belgijskie prawo prywatne międzynarodowe. Tłumaczenie ustawy z dnia 16 lipca 2004 r. zawierającej
kodeks prawa prywatnego międzynarodowego z wprowadzeniem” [The Belgian Private International
law. Translation of the Code of Private International Law from 16 July 2004 with an Introduction], Kwartalnik Prawa Prywatnego [Quarterly of Private Law] 2005, p. 861-898 (co-author, with
S. Van den Bogaert).
16. “Die neuen Institute im polnischen Personalgesellschaftsrecht” [New Developments in Polish Commercial Partnership Law], Krakauer Augsburger Rechtsstudien, 2004, p. 205-219.
1. “An analysis and evaluation of alternative means of consumer redress other than redress through ordinary judicial proceedings”. A Study for the European Commission, Health and Consumer Protection
http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/redress/reports_studies/index_en.htm (co-author, with Prof. J.
Stuyck, Prof. E. Terryn, T. Van Dyck, V. Colaert and N. Peretz).
2. “Aktuelle Änderungen im Bereich Immobiliarrecht, Grundbuch, Kreditwesen und Hypothekenrecht”
[Current Reforms in Real Estate, Mortgage and Banking Law] in: “Immobiliarsachenrecht in Polen” [Real Estate Law in Poland], (co-author, with R. Cierpiał and M. Liebscher), 15 p., available
at: www.hypverband.de/.
Book Reviews:
1. R. Zimmermann (ed.),“Störungen der Willensbildung bei Vertragsschluss” [Defects of Consent in the
Conclusion of Contracts], in: Gemeinschaftsprivatrecht (GPR) 2008, No. 1, p. 31.
2. J. Erauw, M. Fallon, E. Guldix, J. Meeusen, M. Pertegás Sender, H. van Houtte, N. Watté and P.
Wautelet (eds.), “Het Wetboek Internationaal Privatrecht becommentarieerd – Le Code de droit international privé commenté” [Commentary on the Code of Private International Law], Antwerpen– Oxford/Brussel 2006, in: Kwartalnik Prawa Prywatnego [Quarterly of Private Law] 2007,
No. 3, p. 903-908.
“Europäische Privaterechtsöffentlichkeit: Werteunterschiede und Werteentscheidungen transparent zur Debatte
stellen!” [The Transparency of the European Private Law Making: Speak openly about Value Differences
and Value Decisions!], in: Gemeinschaftsprivatrecht (GPR) 2012, No. 6, p. 291-292.
Conference Papers (selected):
11. 2015
“Investor losses under Polish law - causation, assessment of damages” (in German),
Conference “Legal Issues of Securities Trading in Central and Eastern European Coun
tries”, Forschungsstelle für Europäische Rechtsentwicklung und Privatrechtsreform,
University of Vienna.
10. 2015
“Neutral Third-Party Counselling as Nudge toward Safer Financial Products? The
Case of Risky Mortgage Loan Contracts”, 4th Annual Conference, the Polish Association of Law and Economics, Warsaw.
7. 2015
“The EU Mortgage Credit Directive 2014/17/EU – the Approach to Protection of
Financial Consumers against Over-indebtedness”, 15th Conference of the International
Association of Consumer Law, Amsterdam.
5. 2015
“The Reform of Polish Sales Law – Re-implementing Consumer Sales Directive
1999/44/EC”, Ferrara.
“Personal Guarantee Contracts from a European and Comparative Perspective”,
“Information Duties in Consumer Credit Transactions under EU Law”, Ferrara.
4. 2015
“Neutral Third-Party Counselling as Nudge toward Safer Financial Products? The
Case of Risky Mortgage Loan Contracts”, 4th Conference on Law & Economics:
Nudging: Theory and Applications, Luzern.
3. 2015
“The Insurance Applicant's Duty to Disclose in English and German Law - a Comparison” (in German), Annual Conference, Deutscher Verein für Versicherungswissenschaft e.V., Berlin.
1. 2015
“Lender's Duties of Diligence regarding Foreign-Currency Loans” (in German), Lecture Series “Consumer Behaviour and Consumer Law”, Münster.
7. 2014
“Contract Governance and Contract Theory. Reflections on Contract Governance
regarding Long-term Contracts” (in German), Siegen.
9. 2012
“The New Design of Misrepresentation and Non-disclosure Rules in Consumer Insurance Contract Law in the UK and Germany”, Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference 2012, Subject Group “Contract, Commercial and Consumer”, Bristol.
6. 2012
“Pre-contractual Advice as an Insurer’s Duty under the German Insurance Contract
Act. A Critical View” (in German), 13th Annual Young Researchers Conference in
Business Law 2012, Linz & Passau.
4. 2012
“Duty to Provide Adequate Explanations under Directive 2008/48/EC on Consumer
Credit Agreements and its Impact on the Theory of the Duties to Inform” (in German), Conference “Comparative Perspectives on the General Part of Private Law”,
9. 2011
“Pre-Contractual duty to Warn in Contracts Relating to Financial Transactions: A
Comparative and European Perspective”, Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference 2011, Subject Group “Contract, Commercial and Consumer”, Cambridge.
12. 2010
“The Impact of Conduct of Business Rules in the European Private Law regarding Financial Transactions”, Conference “Europeanisation of Private Law: Theory and Practice”, Leicester.
12. 2010
“Liability of Banks to Third Parties for Improvident Credit Extension in German and
French Law from a Polish Perspective” (in Polish), Conference “Law and Economics
of Bankruptcy”, INSO 2010 - 2nd Congress of Businesses and Investors, Warsaw.
9. 2010
“Duties of Disclosure and Limitations of Party Autonomy as Means of Protecting
Family Sureties: Analysis of the Draft Common Frame of Reference from the Polish
Perspective” (in German), Conference “Poland and Germany in the European Legal
Community”, Osnabrück.
8. 2007
“Promises, Contracts and the Question of Pre-contractual Disclosure”, Workshop
“Contracts and Promises”, 23th World Congress of the International Association for
Legal and Social Philosophy (IVR), Cracow.