Leica EM CED030 - Leica Microsystems


Leica EM CED030 - Leica Microsystems
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Leica EM CED030
Carbon Thread Evaporation
Single and Multiple Evaporation
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Leica EM CED030 – Carbon Thread Evaporation
Flange holder
Leica EM CED030
Sample shutter
Carbon Thread Evaporation
The carbon thread used as a coating
Scale bar
material is thoroughly degassed under a
Carbon thread evaporation is a process known as “flash
evaporation” of a carbon thread. In a matter of seconds
the thread heats up and flashes off carbon. Carbon
atoms condense on the sample, coating it evenly with a
thin carbon film.
shutter which protects the specimen.
Stepless height adjustable stage
Flash or pulsation evaporation
The flash or pulsation evaporation
method under pre-vacuum conditions
vacuum conditions using carbon thread
The Leica EM CED030 offers single and multiple carbon
thread evaporation for the production of conductive
carbon films for X-ray microanalysis (EDX, WDX) and
produces cohesive films.
Easy clamping
carbon reinforcement films on collodion or formvar coated
The carbon thread can be clamped easily
specimen support grids.
evaporation without the annoying and
without the use of tools, means carbon
time-consuming task of sharpening
The Leica EM QSG100 film thickness monitoring system
can be used with the EM CED030 which allows the thickness of the film to be determined.
carbon rods.
95 mm stepless height
Easy use
Flange holder
Compatible with the
adjustable stage
Multiple evaporation flange
Offers layers without breaking vacuum.
with scale bar on the glass
Operating instructions are
for easy handling of the
vacuum chamber for defined
printed on the unit.
flange during clamping.
for defined film thickness
film deposition
Left: EM QSG100 film thickness monitor
Right: Multiple carbon thread evaporation flange