User Guide


User Guide
Europe Only-does not apply to North, Central or South America.
Solo para Europa. No para el continente Americano.
Uniquement pour I'Union Europeenne. Ne s'applique pas pour I'Amerique
du Nord ou Sud.
Information on Dliposal of Old Electrical
•nd Electronic Equipment (applicable for EU
countries that have adopted leparate wast*
collection lystemi)
' Product! with the symbol (crossed-out
wheeled t*>) cannot be deposed as
household watte.
• OWelectricaland electronicequipment
I should be recycledat a facBlty capable
o< handling tl>«e items and iheit waste
byproducts. Contact your IocjI authority fo»
detail Inlocatinga recyclefacultynearestto
you Propri lecytllf*] and *aste disposal will
detrimental enVcts on our health and the
Entsorgung von gebrauchten elektriichen und
elektronlichen Geriiten (anzuwenden In den
Uindern der Europalschen Union und anderen
europalschen Landem mlt elnam separaten
Sammeliyitem fur solche Gerate)
at Symbol (durchgestrichrne Multlonne)
j( dem Pioduit oder *emei Verpackung
etst darauf htn, dass dieses Piodu*t nlcht als
. nornulcr Heushiltiabfall behandelt werden
| darf.sondein an elner tanahmesteUe t\irdas
Recycling von eleltrischen und efektronlschen
Turn the radio on and operate it as explained in the
operating instructions supplied with the radio. Installing
the 2 wire earbud bypasses the radio's speaker and routes
the output to the earset's speaker. When applicable, the
in-line push-to-talk (PIT) switch disables the radio's
microphone and enables the external microphone.
The 2 wire earbud accessory has concealable features and
two cords - one for the earbud, and the other for the
microphone. The cord for the microphone is long enough
to slip underneath the sleeve of a shirt, jacket, or other
clothing covering. The microphone operates with a sidemounted PTT switch and is small enough to fit into the
palm and can be concealed by closing the hand. The
microphone also has a clip to secure it to a collar of a
shirt, jacket, etc.
Geraten abgeoeben werden muss. Durch
Ihren Beltiag rur lorretten Entsorg<mg
dieses Produltes schutien S*e die Umwelt
und die Gesundhelt Ihrer MMmenschen
UnsachoemAsse cxVr (als-che Entsorgung
gefahrden Umweli und GesundndL Wrtere
Informatbnenuber das Recycling d«es«
Piodulies erhalten Sfc-von Ihrer Gemclnde
oder den lommunalen Fntsoigungshetileben.
Information! sullo imaltlmento dalle vecchle
•pparecchlatunt elettriche ed eletlronlche
(valldo per I paeil europel die hanno adoltato
ilitemi dl raccolta separata)
I p'odottl recantl IIslrnbolodl uncontenitore
dl spaz/atura su ruote batrato non possono
ere smsltltl Insleme al normall rlflull dl casa.
•cchl prodottl elemicl ed elettionlci devono
j essereikkUu ptessounaapposttastruttuta
In grado dl traitare quest! prodottl e dl
smaltlrne I loro component! Perconoscere
dove e come recapitare tall prodottl nel
roogo a vol pfcjvlcino. conuttare rapposito
utflcto comunale. Un appropiUto rV-icloe
smafclmento aiuta a conservare to naturj
e a preverure efletu nocM *M«salute e