Die Weitergeltung und Außerkraftsetzung des österreichischen


Die Weitergeltung und Außerkraftsetzung des österreichischen
Die Weitergeltung und Außerkraftsetzung des österreichischen bürgerlichen Rechts und
des Zivilprozeßrechts in Slowenien nach dem Zerfall der Habsburger Monarchie
Marko Brus
This article describes the destiny of the Austrian legislation in the area of civil law and civil
procedure after the collapse of the Habsburg monarchy in 1918 in Slovenia. The Austrian
laws were at first kept in force. Until the collapse of the first Yugoslav state in 1941 some
Austrian laws, mostly in the area of the civil procedure, were replaced by Yugoslav laws. The
latter were generally exact copies of the abolished Austrian predecessors. In 1945 the pre-war
Austrian and the Yugoslav legislation were formally abolished by a single Yugoslav law but
the (abolished) legislation was nevertheless kept in use until the new legislation of socialist
Yugoslavia was adopted. Generally the Austrian legislation in the area of civil material law
kept much significance until 1978/1980.
Keywords: continued validity of Austrian law, collapse of the Habsburg monarchy and
Yugoslavia, civil law and civil procedures in Slovenia