12 Favourite colour_0


12 Favourite colour_0
Von der CD: „Englisch lernen mit dem kleinen Gespenst“
Der Audio Verlag
Is it yellow like a banana?
Or is it pink like a pig?
Is it red like this apple?
Perhaps it´s green like this fig?
Is it black like the night?
Is it gold like a crown?
Is it grey like a rain-cloud?
Or maybe violet, or maybe brown?
What am I talking about?
Well, colours of course!
There are so many of them!
And I love them.
Now there are people who love silver.
But others prefer blue.
And some adore purple.
And now I have a question for you:
Tell me, what´s your favourite colour?
Tell me, what´s your favourite colour?
Tell me, what´s your favourite colour?
Is it orange like an orange?
Maybe it´s dark? Maybe it´s light?
Is it lemon like a lemon?
Or is it green or purple or white?
Tell me, what´s your favourite colour?
Tell me, what´s your favourite colour?
My favourite colour is… blue!
© Robert Metcalf
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