Polar Bear Quiz - Grundschule Behrungen


Polar Bear Quiz - Grundschule Behrungen
Polar Bear Quiz
Everbody is talking about Knut the Polar Bear Baby. What do you
know about polar bears? Cross the right answer!
Answers (Eine Antwort ist richtig.)
□ a) carnivores (fleischfressend)
1. Polar bears are __________.
□ b) herbivores (planzenfressend)
□ c) omnivores (allesfressend)
□ a) white
2. Polar bear skin (Haut) is __________.
□ b) brown
□ c) black
□ a) Antarctic
3. Polar bears live in the __________.
□ b) Arctic
□ c) subtropics
□ a) good
4. Polar bears are __________ swimmers.
□ b) bad
□ c) not
□ a) pale yellow (weißgelb)
5. Polar bear fur (Fell) is __________.
□ b) white
□ c) clear (hell)
6. A thick layer (eine dicke Schicht) of
__________ under the skin (Haut) keeps (hält)
the polar bear warm.
□ a) fur (Fell)
□ b) fat (Fett)
□ c) blood vessels (Blutgefäße)
□ a) Penguins
7. __________ are one of the polar bear's
favourite foods (Lieblingsessen).
□ b) Lichens (Flechten)
□ c) Seals (Robben)
□ a) eat meat (Fleisch)
8. Polar bears don't __________. (Was machen
sie nicht?)
□ b) swim
□ c) drink water
□ a) 5 mph (8 km/h)
9. Polar bears can run at speeds up to
__________ (Geschwindigkeit).
□ b) 25 mph (40 km/h)
□ c) 45 mph (72 km/h)
□ a) 5 (1,50 m)
10. Polar bears are up to __________ feet long.
□ b) 10 (3 m)
□ c) 25 (7,50 m)
Staatliche Grundschule Behrungen / Schulförderverein Grundschule Behrungen 2004 e.V.