
C A L L : A R T I S T I C R E S E A R C H P h D P R O G R A M M E a t t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f A p p l i e d A r t s V i e n n a Deadline: 26 May, 2016 / Start of courses: October, 2016 / 8 supervised doctoral projects (PhD) / CALL-­‐PDF The University of Applied Arts Vienna invites colleagues to apply for its new Artistic Research PhD Programme. The programme starts in October 2016. For up to 8 candidates annually, it offers the option to participate in a 6-­‐semester English study programme. The Artistic Research PhD Programme is a postgraduate study programme in the field of art. The focus is on artistic work, which is regarded as the basis of knowledge production. It is governed by topics and practices of artistic research. Reflecting upon the specific methods and production processes on use of the own artistic project represents a significant part to be incorporated in the research work. As a matter of principle, research in the sense of comprehensive knowledge production is defined as open to any outcome. The study programme will enable graduates to accomplish independent artistic research achievements at the level of international standards, as well as to take on coordinating and leading roles. The doctoral studies offer artists the opportunity to generate fresh knowledge regarding specific issues in the arts, to contextualize their artistic research and to adequately communicate the insights gained. They possess the abilities required to successfully hold their ground in both national and international artistic environments. Admission to the programme requires evidence of meeting all legal conditions and the successful completion of the admission procedure (check links below). For the admission procedure, applicants need to provide evidence of a qualified artistic career by submitting a curriculum vitae, a portfolio of artistic works and a written exposé outlining their intended artistic research project (English). Particularly the research context, methodology and project goal are to be described. In addition, the exposé should include a schedule regarding contents and timeline of the intended project. Selection criteria include the potential for innovation and possible social relevance of the artistic research as outlined in the exposé and the knowledge of the national and international research context. The doctoral students will be supervised by professors from the University of Applied Arts Vienna, recommended by a commission also responsible for the identification of the candidates according to the exposé provided; the PhD Programme is located at Zentrum Fokus Forschung (lead by Alexander Damianisch und Nikolaus Gansterer, zentrumfokusforschung.uni-­‐ All documents for the admission procedure (CV, portfolio, exposé) have to be send as pdf (surname_cv.pdf, surname _port.pdf, surname _exp.pdf; feel free to integrate hyperlinks for the download of relevant material in common digital formats) via email to zff@uni-­‐, with subject: Surname Participation PhDArt until May 26, 2016. The result of the admission procedure will be announced to applicants at the latest by August 12, 2016. Further information (Links): Künstlerisch forschendes Doktoratsstudium // Artistic Research PhD Programme: Link Selection process: Selection Process Contact: Dr.phil. Alexander Damianisch MAS Zentrum Fokus Forschung Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien University for Applied Arts Vienna Oskar-­‐Kokoschka-­‐Platz 2 A-­‐1010 Wien / Vienna +43-­‐1-­‐71133 2810 zentrumfokusforschung.uni-­‐ Zentrum Fokus Forschung Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien Oskar Kokoschka-­‐Platz 2 A-­‐1010 Wien +43-­‐( 0)1-­‐71133-­‐2810 zff@uni-­‐ 

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