Psychosocial Issues in Youth Sport Participation (Seminar)


Psychosocial Issues in Youth Sport Participation (Seminar)
Bachelorstudium ISPW, 2. Studienabschnitt, Modulbeschrieb für das Studienjahr 2016/17
Offered since
Psychosocial Issues in Youth Sport Participation (Seminar)
Dr. Olivier Schmid
Course description
Youth sport participation offers the potential to foster lifetime physical and psychological
well-being and to build intra and inter-personal life skills that can be transferred to other life
domains. However, positive youth development through sport does not happen
automatically, by mere sport participation. An optimal context must be purposefully
facilitated by the adults (e.g., coaches, mentors, and parents) who are closely involved and
play an essential role in children and adolescents’ athletic and personal development. A
psychosocial lens will be used to discuss critical issues in youth sport participation beyond
performance outcomes, including motivational climates, parent-coach-athlete relationships,
physical and emotional abuse, and parenting and coaching education. Interventions to
promote long-term positive youth development through sport and life skills development will
be presented.
Learning outcomes
Students are able to:
 critically assess the benefits and risks of participation in youth sports.
 explain relevant theories and how they can be applied in practice.
 discuss the concept of “positive and supportive coaching” in sports, and its importance
in training coaches.
 describe the role of parents and their possible collaboration with the coach.
 explain the importance of being sensitive to the capacity and needs of young athletes at
different stages
 improve their oral presentation skills
Multi-dimensional perspective related to youth sport participation:
 Theories related to achievement goal orientation, basic needs/self-determination, longterm athlete development, parent-coach-athlete relationships
 Physical and emotional abuse
 Parenting and coaching education
 Athletic identity, drop-outs, and career transition
 Development of psychosocial assets and life skills in youth athletes
Programm Bachelor
Abgeschlossenes Propädeutikum
Letzte Änderung April 2016
Small group projects:
Lead a class presentation and discussion of a relevant empirical study
Seminararbeit: Conduct an applied research project (observations or interviews) and
present your work to the class.
Individual project: Develop your teaching / coaching / parenting philosophy adapted to
youth athletes
Unterlagen auf der Lehr- und Lernplattform ILIAS und im Seminarapparat
Requires readings
A list of the necessary literature will be provided at the beginning of the semester.
Class presentation (25%)
Seminararbeit (Bericht der Untersuchung) (50%)
Teaching / coaching philosophy (25%)