Biergarten Cookbook - Dorling Kindersley


Biergarten Cookbook - Dorling Kindersley
Julia Skowronek
Biergarten Cookbook
Traditional Bavarian Recipes
Damit alle etwas davon haben: Das Biergartenkochbuch
gibt’s für alle englischsprachigen Fans des deutschen
Biergartens auch auf Englisch!
A whole book dedicated to a Bavarian tradition loved by both
locals and tourists, filled with delicious beer garden recipes
that are guaranteed to make your mouth water. Choose from
classics like Obazda Cheese Cream, Pork Leg and
Kaischerschmarrn as well as tasty new creations. Since
you’re allowed to bring your own food to the traditional beer
garden, the majority of recipes in this book are perfect for the
picnic basket. But they’re perfect for creating your own beer
garden atmosphere at home, too. Including special features
on the history of beer garden culture and Bavarian beer.
Enjoy the Bavarian Gemütlichkeit!
Hier geht’s zur deutschen Version.
Julia Skowronek
Biergarten Cookbook
Traditional Bavarian Recipes
160 Seiten, gebunden
ca. 120 Abbildungen
ISBN 978-3-8310-2579-4
€ 16,95 (D) / € 17,50 (A)
Arnulfstraße 124 • 80636 München
Telefon: ++49/89/ 44 23 26-0 • Fax: ++49/89/ 44 23 26-400 • E-Mail: [email protected]