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The Heart Disease Issue ...
Congestive Heart Failure
Congestive heart failure (CHF) occurs when the muscle fibers of the heart become damaged from arteriosclerosis (and blockage), coronary artery disease,
high blood pressure, inflammation, faulty valves (regurgitation), or heart infections. The ventricles of the heart become bloated with blood that can’t be properly expelled. The heart fails to pump blood through the 60,000 miles of
arteries and veins. This causes increased pressure in the circulatory system.
The increased pressure causes fluid to escape from the blood stream and to
accumulate in the tissues and organs.
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The symptoms of congestive heart disease include fluid retention, shortness of
breath, chronic nonproductive cough, exertion-induced fatigue, and generalized
There are two types of heart failure: right-sided and left-sided.
Right-sided heart failure occurs when the right atria and ventricle can’t keep
pace with the left atria and ventricle. Left-sided heart failure occurs when the
left atria and ventricle can’t keep up with the right side.
Right-sided heart failure causes blood to accumulate in the vessels leading to
the heart. Excess fluid (peripheral edema) and swelling occurs in the legs, ankles, and feet. In left-sided heart failure, blood accumulates in the veins leading from the lungs and the lungs become filled with fluid (pulmonary edema).
The person may experience shortness of breath on exertion or paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (shortness of breath that occurs after several hours of sleep).
Salt intake should be restricted since sodium worsens the symptoms of CHF.
Conventional medical therapy for CHF includes diuretics, ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers, and calcium channel
Nutritional therapies for managing CHF include the
following nutrients:
Magnesium may prove to be the most important nutrient
in facilitating optimal cardiovascular health. Studies have
demonstrated that low magnesium levels decrease the
survival rate in those with CHF, by almost 50 percent.
Individuals with CHF should be taking a minimum of
500mg of magnesium citrate or chelate each day.
Hawthorne berry extract has been proven in double-blind studies to help
reduce the symptoms associated with CHF. The recommended dose is 200mg
three times a day.
Numerous double-blind studies have demonstrated the importance of using the
amino acid L-Carnitine in the management of CHF. L-Carnitine delivers longchain fatty acids to the heart. These fatty acids provide 70 percent of the energy needed by the heart. Studies involving carnitine replacement therapy have
shown that it helps reduce cardiac arrhythmia, angina (chest pain), total cholesterol (by 20 percent), and triglycerides (by 28 percent), while increasing
HDL (by 12 percent).
The recommended dose is 500mg three times a day on an empty stomach.
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) has an impressive track record in regard to CHF and
should be recommended to those suffering from congestive heart failure. In
one study, patients were administered a modest 30mg of CoQ10 a day. All the
participants in the study showed improvement and 53 percent were asymptomatic after four weeks. The largest study to date on CoQ10 involved 2,664 patients with congestive heart failure and was conducted in Italy. The results
showed that individuals who took an average of 100mg of CoQ10 a day for
three months noticed a drastic improvement in their symptoms.
Percentage of those with improvement follows:
cyanosis – 78
edema (fluid retention) – 78.6%
Cholesterol Lowering Drugs may Be
Dangerous to Your
Statin drugs are used to
lower cholesterol. They
include Lipitor (atorvastatin
calcium), Lescol
(fluvastatin sodium), Altocor or Mevacor
(lovastatin), Pravachol
(pravastatin sodium), Zocor (simvastatin), and
Crestor (rosuvastatin).
Most conventional medical
doctors are convinced that
statin drugs are harmless
and should be routinely
prescribed for anyone with
cholesterol levels above
200. These doctors cite a
number of studies in which
statin use has lowered the
number of coronary deaths
compared to controls. But
if we look a little deeper
into these studies, we see
that statin medications
don’t significantly reduce
the risk of death associated
with heart disease.
Potential side effects of
statin drugs: In fact, statins increase the risk of
death overall. The British
Journal of Clinical Pharmacology reported on an
analysis of all the major
controlled trials before the
year 2000 and found that
long-term use of statins for
primary prevention of
heart disease produced a
one percent greater risk of
death over 10 years, compared to placebo.
Statins, beta-blockers, tricyclic antidepressants, and
benzodiazepine drugs can
all suppress the body’s
formation of CoQ10.
vertigo – 73%
insomnia – 66%
sweating – 79.8%
shortness of breath – 52%
pulmonary edema (fluid on the lungs) – 77.8%
enlarged liver – 49%
heart palpitations – 75%
arrhythmia (abnormal heart beats) – 63%
veinous congestion – 71.8%
CoQ10 also reduces exercise-induced angina (chest pain) by 53 percent.
Mitral Valve Prolapse
Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) or "click murmur syndrome" is the most common heart
valve abnormality, affecting 5-10 percent of the world population. MVP is a common
condition associated with fibromyalgia. A normal mitral valve consists of two thin leaflets, located between the left atrium and the left ventricle of the heart. Mitral valve
leaflets, shaped like parachutes, are attached to the inner wall of the left ventricle by a
series of strings called chordae. When the ventricles contract and the mitral valve
leaflets close snugly and prevent the backflow of blood from the left ventricle into the
left atrium. When the ventricles relax, the valves open to allow oxygenated blood from
the lungs to fill the left ventricle.
In patients with mitral valve prolapse, the ventricles contract, the redundant leaflets
prolapse (flop backwards) into the left atrium, sometimes allowing leakage of blood
through the valve opening (mitral regurgitation). In Severe cases, mitral regurgitation
can lead and abnormal heart rhythms. Most patients are totally unaware of the prolapsing of the mitral valve. Others may experience a number of symptoms. Fatigue is
the most common complaint, although the reason for fatigue is not understood. Patients with mitral valve prolapse may have imbalances in their autonomic nervous system, which regulates heart rate and breathing. Such imbalances may cause
inadequate blood oxygen delivery to the working muscles during exercise, thereby
causing fatigue.
Palpitations are sensations of fast or irregular heart beats. In most patients with mitral
valve prolapse, palpitations are harmless. In very rare cases, potentially serious heart
rhythm abnormalities may underlie palpitations, which require further evaluation and
treatment. Sharp chest pains are reported in some patients with mitral valve prolapse, which can be prolonged.
Conventional Medical Treatment for MVP
Beta-blockers, such as Inderal (propranolol); Lorpressor, Torprol (metoprolol), and
Tenormin (atenolol) are used for long-term management of mitral valve prolapse
These drugs slow the heart rate, which reduces cardiac output and leads to low blood
pressure and fatigue. The brain and muscles then aren't getting enough blood and oxygen, which can lead to fuzzy thinking, poor memory, depression, anxiety, and fatigue. Fatigue and depression are perhaps the two most common side effects. These
drugs also deplete the body's natural sleep hormone melatonin. Low melatonin leads
to poor sleep, obesity, fatigue, and decreased life span.
Safe and Effective Nutritional Therapy for Treating MVP
In my experience, the best way to stop the symptoms associated
with heart irregularities, including MVP, is to correct the underlying nutritional deficiencies. The first place to start is with a good
multivitamin like the Essential Therapeutics CFS/Fibro Formula, Healthy Heart formula, or Complete Multivitamin/
Mineral Formula, which all contain the key nutrients to help
regulate the systems of the body, including heart rate.
Magnesium is especially important. Magnesium is a natural sedative that relaxes muscles, and the heart is, of course, mostly muscle. The smooth muscle contained in the
blood vessel lining is also dependent on magnesium. Magnesium acts like a betablocker (without the side effects) by inhibiting stimulatory hormones including norepinephrine and epinephrine (hormones that increase heart rate). Fortunately, magnesium doesn't cause fatigue or the other symptoms associated with prescription
The more magnesium found within a muscle cell, the more relaxed the muscle becomes. And a relaxed heart is a happy heart. Studies show that those with mitral
valve prolapse (MVP) are deficient in magnesium. Others show that magnesium reduces the symptoms of MVP, including palpitations, chest pain, and fatigue.
Dozens of research papers have been written on how a magnesium deficiency can trigger arterial spasms, as well as muscle spasms. These spasms may be felt as chest
pain, constipation, restless leg syndrome or leg cramps, headaches, eye twitching, or
TIAs (transient ischemic attacks). The RDA for magnesium is 400mg a day. The estimated intake in the United States is 300mg a day, even less for those with fibromyalgia.
Magnesium is depleted by stress. The more stress a person is under, the more
magnesium they need, use up and eventually deplete. But studies show as much as
three times this amount, or 900mg, may be needed by the general population, especially by those predisposed to cardiac disease.
Do you have Headaches, Constipation, High Blood Pressure, Chronic Muscle Aches or
Tightness, Restless Leg Syndrome, Leg Cramps, Low Moods, and/or MVP? If so, you
may be deficient in magnesium.
Are you taking a good high-dose multivitamin/mineral supplement, yet still have problems with achy muscles or constipation? Is so, just add 150mg of magnesium at dinner. If you don’t have a normal bowel movement (BM) the next day, add another
magnesium tablet and keep increasing each day until you have normal BM. If you take
too much magnesium, you’ll have a loose BM - simply reduce the dose. Please visit
our online store to see all of the multivitamins we offer.
For Stubborn MVP, Add CoQ10
CoQ10 is a valuable nutrient for reversing MVP symptoms. The heart
muscles need large amounts of CoQ10 for optimal function. Several
studies have demonstrated that it can return heart function to normal.
Patients need to take a minimum of 100mg indefinitely, as symptoms will
usually return within 2 years of discontinuing therapy.
Important Links for More Information ...
Copyright 2011 Drs. Brandon & Chantelle Crouch
CoQ10 is an enzyme that
works with other enzymes
to keep the body’s metabolic functions working at
optimal levels. Small
amounts of CoQ10 are
found in food, but blood
levels of CoQ10 decrease
with age, high blood pressure, statin use, diabetes,
and atherosclerosis.
CoQ10’s main purpose is to
increase the function of the
mitochondria, the “power
plants” in each cell. A
CoQ10 deficiency can lead
to diffuse muscle pain and
weakness as well as fatigue, angina (chest pain),
hypertension, anxiety, depression, poor breathing,
accelerated aging, mental
confusion, poor memory,
tingling or pain in the
hands and feet, and even
heart disease.
A growing body of research
shows that CoQ10 may
benefit those suffering
from any number of unwanted health conditions,
including fibromyalgia,
achy muscle pain, type-2
diabetes, periodontal disease, chronic fatigue, migraine headaches, skin
cancers, infertility, cardiovascular disease, immune
dysfunction, asthma, muscular dystrophy – even
Alzheimer’s and
Parkinson’s! And though
there is some CoQ10 found
in foods, getting enough in
our diets is a challenge.
We find it in meat, dairy,
and certain vegetables. But
it would take, for instance,
one pound of sardines or
two-and-a-half pounds of
peanuts to provide just
30mg of CoQ10. And, especially if you’re taking a
medication that depletes
CoQ10, you’ll need much
Dr. Karl Folkers, who has
been honored with the
Priestly Medal – the highest award bestowed by the
American Chemical Society
– for his work with CoQ10,
believes that suboptimal
nutrient intake in people is
nearly universal and that
these tendencies prevent
the biosynthesis of CoQ10.
He suggests that the average or “normal” levels of
CoQ10 are really suboptimal, and that the very low
levels observed in advanced disease states are
only the tip of the deficiency iceberg. Unless we
are supplementing with
CoQ10, we may be in fact
suffering from a CoQ10
deficiency, especially considering the added stress
posed in today’s society
and the need for an everincreasing amount of antioxidants. Could it be that
many (if not all) of our
chronic illnesses are indirectly linked to a CoQ10
This biosynthesis of CoQ10
from the amino acid tyrosine is a complex, highly
vulnerable, 17-step process. It requires at least
seven vitamins (B2, B3,
B6, folic acid, B12, C, and
B5), and a number of
drugs used to treat fibromyalgia are known to deplete the body of some of
these vitamins.
We also tend to absorb and
utilize less CoQ10 as we
age. It doesn’t take much
of a decrease in absorption
for our health to suffer.
Researchers estimate the
as little as a 25 percent
decline in bodily CoQ10 will
initiate several disease
states, including high blood
pressure, heart disease,
fatigue, cancer, and immune dysfunction.

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