Getting to know the Silicea patient


Getting to know the Silicea patient
 Getting to know the Silicea patient Which were his first impressions of life around him? Too violent motion of fetus.
Aversion to mother's milk; child refuses to nurse, or if it does nurse, it vomits.
The boy awakes at night, with violent weeping, he does not become conscious, but
laments anxiously, with inarticulate babbling.
Spasms (probably due to worms) in a child, æt. 1 1/2, within three weeks gradually
increasing in number until there were fifteen attacks daily, and finally paralysis of r.
Everything annoys and vexes her.
Compunction of conscience about trifles.
He feels the greatest conscientious scruples about trifles; as if he had done a very great
Terrifying dream as if she was about to be throttled (enforcada), she could not scream,
but could only kick with her feet.
Terrifying dream, that he was accused of murder and betrayed.
Dreams about transactions of the day, and about big dogs pursuing him.
Dream, that he had to die.
Dreaming about robbers and murderers, which causes him to wake up and say that he
will likely catch them.
A half awake dream, as if innumerable spirits wanted to seize him; when he waked up, he
could not move a limb and lay in a sweat with great anguish and palpitation, subsequently
great timidity (aft. 12 d.). Dream after midnight, of a spectre which pursued him (aft. 13 d.). [Gll.]. - When half awake, a nightmare, with great anguish, as if a rough animal weighing
many hundred weight lay upon him, so that he could not move, nor utter a sound. Further on Affections from egotism. **
** Egotism is the drive to maintain and enhance favorable views of oneself and generally features an
inflated opinion of one's personal features and importance — intellectual, physical, social and other.
If you should listen to the description of this state by a prominent clergyman,
or a lawyer, or a man in the habit of appearing in public with self-confidence,
firmness and fullness of thought and speech, he would tell you he had come to
a state where he dreads to appear in public, he feels his own selfhood so that
he cannot enter into his subject, he dreads it, he fears that he will fail, his mind
will not work, he is worn out by prolonged efforts at mental work.
1 Great nervous debility; exhaustion with erethism*; depression may be overcome by
will force.
*It is commonly characterized through behavioral changes such as irritability, low self-confidence,
depression, apathy, shyness and timidity, and in some extreme cases with prolonged exposure to
mercury vapors, delirium, personality changes and memory loss occur as a result. People with erethism
find it difficult to interact socially with others, with behaviors similar to that of a social phobia.
Desponding, melancholy, tired of life. θ Spermatorrhœa.
Indifferent, apathetic. Dejected and melancholy.
Wishes to drown herself.
Lewd dream, very repugnant to her.
Nymphomania due to plethora or spinal irritation.
Lewd dream of practicing coitus, but being disturbed in it, on awaking, erection and
voluptuous fancies (aft. 6 h.).
Lewd thoughts in the evening and in the morning while abed, with erections. [Gr.] Lewd dreams and strong sexual impulses (aft. 13 d.).
Synthesis Female, Sexual desire, violent. Male – Excitability of genitals Masturbation, disposition. Pollutions after coition Sexual desire – excessive, violent Ailments, sexual excesses O Estudo da questão existencial em Silicea Quais seriam as primeiras impressões em Silicea? O que sua mãe lhe oferece como primeiro alimento são agulhas. O machucam, o ameaçam. É dessa forma que ele interpreta ou se relaciona com o aleitamento. Isso perverteu sua sexualidade? O que fraturou sua mente? Entre a infância difícil, com seu desenvolvimento atrasado, sua vida escolar atribulada e sua vida adulta, dividida, Silicea desenvolve um padrão de personalidade fragmentado entre o clérigo judicioso, o advogado preocupado com a Lei e sua sexualidade violenta. Dr. Jekill and Mr. Hyde. Existe uma divisão interna entre o clérigo e o homem devasso, sem controle sobre sua sexualidade. Daí a fantasia de estar em 2 lugares ao mesmo tempo. Sua sexualidade alterada esteve desde sempre com ele? O que ele tem a esconder, por que se sente tão culpado? A única coisa possível é sua sexualidade. 2 E a esconde através da sua profissão: clérigo, advogado, pessoas da Lei. Mas ele sabe que, no fundo, ele se sente envergonhado e culpado por sentir (e talvez viver) essas coisas. Faz parte de seu organismo, de sua natureza? Não serão indivíduos com somente uma sexualidade aumentada. Os pensamentos lascivos estão associados a impulsos sexuais violentos, ou seja, provavelmente Silicea não terá como controlá-­‐los. E na sociedade puritana do Séc. XIX isso seria algo realmente digno de repreensão e punição. Perseguido pelos cachorros, enforcado. Atualmente a sexualidade de Silicea deve estar nas casas de Swingue, na pedofilia, nos prostíbulos, no turismo sexual. Silicea tem seu lado de “Egotism” que o fará criar uma persona respeitável, um indivíduo com uma posição importante dentro da sociedade. Mas e se ele for visto num lugar como esse? Se descobrirem esse seu outro lado? Ele está em dois lugares ao mesmo tempo. Seus sintomas demostram que Silicea é uma pessoa extremamente irritada, intolerante e raivosa pelas menores coisas. Capricious and disposed to take things ill.
Everything annoys and vexes her.
Hering atribui seus sintomas neurológicos aos seus hábitos: Dissipation, hard work, with close confinement, cause obstinate neuralgias, hysterical
attacks or paralysis.
Essa combinação da lascívia somada ao seu extremo esforço no trabalho em lugares fechados seria capaz de produzir, em Silicea, todos seus sintomas nervosas e neurológicos. Algumas rubricas exemplificam o comportamento de Silicea, comportamento esse provavelmente sempre mantido à sombra pelo paciente. Sao eles: Synthesis Afectation Alcoholism Anal fixation Antagonism with herself Avarice Character, lack of Deceitful; fraudulent. Delusions: divided into two parts, left side doesn’t belong to her; being double; being in two places at the same time; seeing vermin crawled about; Dependent of others, desire of Desires, suppressing his Dictatorial Dishonest Duty: aversion to; domestic duty; no sense of Effeminate 3 Elegance: want of, in women Fear of killing her child Forsaken feeling; feels not being loved by his parents, wife, friends. Help others; aversion to Indifference: to his family; to duties; to his religion; Kill, desire Kleptomania Liar Mania, demonic Mother fixation Anal fixation Pedant Queer; dressing (vestir-­‐se estranho) Religious affections: too occupied; want of Strange; crank in dressing Thoughts – two trains of Ungrateful: avarice, from Unreliable in his promises Will; weakness of; loss of will power Os estudos de Freud sobre a fase oral e a Fixação Anal poderiam nos ajudar a compreender como se forma a personalidade de Silicea? 4