Caspar Fröhlich Executive Coach and Management Consultant


Caspar Fröhlich Executive Coach and Management Consultant
Caspar Fröhlich
Executive Coach and Management Consultant, supports
Senior Management Teams and Leaders designing
management offsites, enhancing collaboration efficiency and
establishing „High Performance Team“-cultures. Swisscom,
Migros, Gruppe, KPMG, Metrohm, Angst+Pfister and
Continental are among his clients.
After graduating from the University of Zurich, Caspar
Fröhlich has worked over 15 years in management consulting
in strategy and profit-optimization projects. 2011 he finished
a psychotherapeutic training at the Institut of Processwork in
Caspar Fröhlich publishes regularly articles about leadership
and team development in journals like managerSeminare,
OrganisationsEntwicklung and zfo. His own series
„Managertools“ provide practical solutions for typical
leadership challenges.
Books (all in German):
1. „Werkzeuge des Wandels - die 30 wirksamsten
Tools des Change Managements“ (Schäffer-Poeschel
2012 zusammen mit Heiko Roehl, Brigitte Winkler, Martin
2. „Manage Your Boss – Die Kunst, den Boss mit Eleganz
zu führen“ (Zürich 2016)
3. „Deep Democracy in der
Organisationsentwicklung (Schäffer-Poeschel 2016)
Series ‚Managertools’: Tools are downloadable
Languages: German, English, Spanish
Executive Coaching & Leadership Development
Hornbachstrasse 50 | CH-8034 Zürich
Tel. +41 44 389 84 11 | [email protected]