Programm 2015 - World Talent Forum


Programm 2015 - World Talent Forum
Programm 2015
Internationale Ausrichtung
Hochkarätige Referenten
Vielseitiges Networking
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Liebe Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer des World Talent Forums 2015,
wir freuen uns Ihnen ein spannendes Programm mit vielen praxisorientierten Präsentationen,
Diskussionen und Workshops präsentieren zu können.
Neben dem Vortragsprogramm haben Sie den ganzen Tag verschiedenste Möglichkeiten zum Netzwerken,
um sich mit Kollegen auszutauschen. Genießen Sie die Atmosphäre der Business Lounge und verpassen
Sie nicht die Gelegenheit einen Blick auf die beeindruckende Arena zu werfen.
Wenn wir Ihnen in irgendeiner Weise behilflich sein können, wenden Sie sich gerne an unser Team am
Infodesk. Wir wünschen Ihnen einen interessanten Tag auf dem World Talent Forum 2015!
An dieser Stelle möchten wir uns auch für die großartige Unterstützung unserer Partner IBM, Promerit,
Bersin by Deloitte und WWM bedanken.
Ihr Team von IntraWorlds
v.l.n.r. Prof. Dr. Christoph Böhringer, Bundesbildungsministerin Johanna Wanka, Prof. Dr. Monika Schnitzer, Prof. Dietmar Harhoff, Ph.D.,
Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel, Prof. Dr. Uschi Backes-Gellner, Prof. Dr. Ingrid Ott, Prof. Dr. Dominique Foray.
Foto: David Ausserhofer
10:15 - 10:45 Uhr
Sprache: Englisch
The Importance of Innovation & Entrepreneurship for Talent Management
Dietmar Harhoff ist seit 2013 Direktor am Münchener Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb sowie
Honorarprofessor an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Dort hatte er seit 1998 das Institut für Innovationsforschung, Technologiemanagement und Entrepreneurship geleitet. Nach seiner Ausbildung zum Diplomingenieur (Maschinenbau) forschte Dietmar Harhoff in Großbritannien und Deutschland, bevor er einen Master in
Public Administration an der Harvard University und ein Promotionsstudium an der Sloan School of Management
am Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) absolvierte. Seine wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten konzentrieren sich
auf Fragen der Innovationsforschung und Industrieökonomik. Seit 2007 ist Dietmar Harhoff Vorsitzender der Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation (EFI), die im Auftrag der Bundesregierung regelmäßig Empfehlungen
für die Forschungs- und Innovationspolitik vorlegt.
10:45 - 11:15 Uhr
Sprache: Englisch
The Talent Life Cycle Perspective
Martin will be discussing the importance of recognizing the talent lifecycle as part of
a larger talent management strategy.
Dr. Martin Heibel
Managing Director
IntraWorlds GmbH
• The impact the talent lifecycle has on the organization and talent
management functions
• How society trends influence candidate mobility throughout the talent lifecycle
• How HR can change to reap maximum benefit from a talent life
cycle driven approach
As a founder and managing director at IntraWorlds, Dr. Martin Heibel helps leading
global employers establish an effective Candidate and Alumni Relationship
Management. Prior to IntraWorlds, Martin worked for LMU Entrepreneurship Center
and completed a Ph.D. Having studied in Germany, Chile and Switzerland he holds a
Masters equivalent in Business Administration from WHU – Otto Beisheim School of
09:00 Uhr
Anmeldung & Frühstück
10:15 Uhr
Keynote Präsentation
The Importance of Innovation & Entrepreneurship for Talent Management
Prof. Dietmar Harhoff , Ph.D.
Managing Director Max-Planck-Institut for
Innovation and Competition
Head of the Expert Commission on Innovation and Research of
the German Federal Government
10:45 Uhr
Einleitung & Trends
The Talent Life Cycle Perspective
Dr. Martin Heibel
Managing Director
IntraWorlds GmbH
11:15 Uhr
11:45 Uhr
Pause & Networking
Session 1
Schülermarketing neu gedacht –
Beziehungsaufbau mit den Digital Natives
Ute Neher
Projektleiterin Personalmarketing
Deutsche Telekom
Oliver Stoisiek
Leiter Berufsausbildung
Deutsche Bank
Julia Schley
Associate Manager Employer Branding HR People
& Talent Management
Peek & Cloppenburg
Isabell Brauer
Referentin Personalbetreuung /
Referat Berufsausbildung
Allianz Deutschland
Moderation: Moritz Ettl Co-Founder, blicksta
Julia Kounlavong Talent Relationship Manager, blicksta
11:45 Uhr
Session 1
Branding, Launch and Implementation of the
PwC Belgium Alumni Program
Saskia Jamaers
Alumni Program Coordinator
PwC Belgium
A Changing World - Strategische Herausforderungen
im Talent Management
Dr. Elisabeth Denison
Partner, Chief Strategy & Talent Officer
Deloitte Germany
11:45 Uhr
Breakout Sessions
How to lure the Talent? Candidate Experience in Europe &
the World – Similarities & Differences
Wolfgang Brickwedde
Director at the Institute for Competitive
Recruiting (ICR)
Program Manager, Candidate Experience Awards
Talent Acquisition through Recruiting Events
Dr. Christian Coppeneur-Gülz
12:30 Uhr
Mittagessen & Networking
13:45 Uhr
Session 2
Why invest in a Corporate Alumni Network?
Sarah Dovlo
Head of HR Marketing Europe & Switzerland
Talent in the New World of Work:
3 Imperatives for Getting the Right Talent in the Right Place
David Mallon
Head of Research
Bersin by Deloitte, Deloitte Consulting LLP
Around the World in 90 Days: The Journey of a
Talent Revolution at Regus!
Nicky Ivory-Chapman
Global Recruitment Director
14:30 Uhr
Session 3
Candidate Relationship Management Success Metrics
Melanie Stracke
Teamlead Sourcing & Scouting
Jens Bender
Managing Director
Internal Career Mobility
Anke Kirn
Director HR Talent Acquisition
Deutsche Bank
Corporate Alumni Panel Discussion
Graziella Reis-Trani
Alumni Program Manager
White & Case
Anna Masing
Global Alumni Relations Executive
Herbert Smith Freehills
Moderator: Stephan Herrlich
15:15 Uhr
Head of Finance & North America, IntraWorlds
Pause & Networking
15:45 Uhr
Session 4
Global recruiting or How to balance global strategy with local needs
Christian Schutz
Global Head of Employer Marketing
Talent Acquisition Strategy at Bayer
Farsana Jakubi
Global Head of Talent Acquisition
The Perfect Storm: Digital Transformation will affect
every aspect of HR and the Workforce
Duke Daehling
Smarter Workforce Executive
David Kelly
Smarter Workforce Executive
15:45 Uhr
Breakout Sessions
ROI of Corporate Alumni Programs
Jens Bender
Managing Director
16:30 Uhr
Abschluss & Networking
ab 19:00 Uhr
Learn more about IntraWorlds at the
World Talent Forum!
IntraWorlds’ unique lifecycle
approach to talent relationship
management empowers
o rganizations to successfully
source, engage, and nurture
talent from pre-hire to retire.
IntraWorlds | Source
IntraWorlds offers a robust
talent relationship management
platform with solutions
spanning the career lifecycle.
IntraWorlds | Engage
IntraWorlds | Alumni
IBM Kenexa unlocked:
All HR data and
applications welcome
“The days of single vendor suites are gone.”
Jim Lundy, CEO & Lead Analyst Aragon Research
The Kenexa Open HR initiative gives clients choice and flexibility as they
build out their next generation HR systems by welcoming all HR data and
applications to assist in achieving business goals.
t A multi-vendor approach makes HR professionals more productive with
a complete and consistent view of everything you need to effectively
perform your job in a familiar, common interface.
t With end-to-end support for any talent analytics project, you can now
analyze any HR data for deeper insights into workforce issues, enabling
you to focus on strategic initiatives that will positively impact the business.
IBM, the IBM logo,, and the planet icon are trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. A current list of IBM trademarks
is available on the Web at © International Business Machines Corporation 2015.
11:45 - 12:30 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
Schülermarketing neu gedacht – Beziehungsaufbau mit den
Digital Natives
Trotz stetig sinkender Ausbildungsplatzsuchender hat das Schülermarketing immer noch
einen geringen Stellenwert bei den meisten Unternehmen.
Gemeinsam mit unseren Panelteilnehmern werden wir die Userexperience eines
Schülers nachbauen und diese im Nachgang bewerten.
Ute Neher
Deutsche Telekom
Julia Schley
Oliver Stoisiek
Associate Manager Employer
Branding HR People
& Talent Management
Peek & Cloppenburg
Leiter Berufsausbildung
Deutsche Bank
Isabell Brauer
Personalbetreuung /
Referat Berufsausbildung
Allianz Deutschland
Julia Kounlavong
Moritz Ettl
Talent Relationship
11:45 - 12:30 Uhr
Sprache: Englisch
Branding, Launch and Implementation of the PwC Belgium
Alumni Program
Saskia Jamaers
Alumni Program Coordinator
PwC Belgium
• Why implement an alumni program?
• From Branding to Integration: The way to a running program
• Resume one year after launch
Saskia Jamaers is the Alumni Coordinator for PwC Belgium. She has more than 18
years of marketing and communication experience in both the private and public
sectors, working on projects concerning business-to-business, business-toconsumer, recruitment and internal communication, as well as public relations.
Saskia has also been responsible for the launch of several new service offerings to
the market.
11:45 - 12:30 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
A Changing World – Strategic Challenges in Talent Management
• The role of Strategy & Talent in a changing world
Dr. Elisabeth Denison
Partner, Chief Strategy
& Talent Officer
• 5 Key Talent Trends and Responses
• Praxisbeispiele
Dr. Elisabeth Denison is Partner and Chief Strategy & Talent Officer of Deloitte
Germany. Originally from Austria, she has gained wide-ranging global experience
in finance and professional services over the past twenty years, with several years
in Hong Kong, Singapore and the US. She leads the Strategy & Talent agenda in the
German Executive of Deloitte and is member of the global Talent Executive.
Dr. Elisabeth Denison holds an MSc in Financial Economics from the University of
London, a Master in Business Administration and a PhD in Economics from Austria.
She is married with two sons aged 10 and 11 and lives with her family near
Munich, Germany. She enjoys travel and triathlons, her hobbies are biking, skiing
and scuba diving.
11:45 - 12:05 Uhr
Sprache: Englisch
How to lure the Talent? Candidate Experience in Europe
& the World – Similarities & Differences
Wolfgang Brickwedde
Director at Institute for
Competitive Recruiting
Program Manager
Candidate Experience
• “Nobody cared about the candidates!” - Where do we come from?
• “It’s the data applied, stupid!” - The current status
• “Don’t make them happy!” - Views on the future
Wolfgang Brickwedde is the founder and the director of the Institute for
Competitive Recruiting (ICR), Heidelberg. The Institute for Competitive
ecruiting (ICR) is exploring improvement areas and consults in the steps of
attracting, sourcing, selecting and hiring of new employees. Since 45 years,
the ICR is one of three partners in the prestigious “Germany’s Best Job Portals”
awards. Since 2015, Wolfgang Brickwedde acts as the program manager for
the Candidate Experience Awards DACH.
Before the ICR, Wolfgang Brickwedde held senior management positions
at SAP and Royal Philips Electronics in the areas of employer branding and
recruitment for various regions and countries in Europe. He is a renowned
speaker on a broad range of recruitment topics at various occasions and
12:10 - 12:30 Uhr
Sprache: Englisch
Talent Acquisition through Recruiting Events
Dr. Christian
The 20 minute impulse presentation “Talent Acquisition through Recruiting Event”
is focused on recruiting executives. Based on the introduction of the LiveRecruiting-SWOT-Analysis, the opportunities and risks of Live-Recruiting are
interactively worked out. Consequently, successful strategies and best-practices
samples are introduced to unleash the potential of Live-Recruiting.
Nach seinem Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre in Vallendar, Rom und Los
Angeles promovierte Christian Coppeneur-Gülz im Bereich Wirtschaftsinformatik
und Informationsmanagement an der Wissenschaftlichen Hochschule für
Unternehmensführung (WHU). Nach Projekten in der strategischen IT-Beratung,
fokussierte er sich auf die Möglichkeiten der Prozessoptimierung durch gezieltes
Business-Process-Outsourcing im Bereich von Recruiting-Events.
13:45 - 14:30 Uhr
ROOM TEAM Sprache: Englisch
Why Invest in a Corporate Alumni Network
Sarah Dovlo
Head of HR Marketing
Europa & Schweiz
Over a year ago, ABB Switzerland decided to establish an alumni network. The main
objectives were to stay in contact with former employees, gain them as referral
sources but also to win them back. What are the main challenges and learnings
after establishing an ABB Alumni Club for an exclusive selected group of
ex-employees? – This will be the main topic of the presentation.
Since August 2013, Sarah Dovlo has lead HR Marketing for Switzerland and Central
Europe at ABB. She is responsible for the development and implementation of the
HR marketing strategy. After her studies in Media and Communication Management at the University of St. Gallen, Sarah worked for eight years as a consultant
and strategist in several advertising agencies. Before ABB, she joined SBB in 2011
and began her work in Employer Branding and HR Marketing.
13:45 - 14:30 Uhr
Sprache: Englisch
Talent in the New World of Work:
3 Imperatives for Getting in the Right Place
David Mallon
Head of Research
Bersin by Deloitte,
Deloitte Consulting LLP
Over the last several years, many organizations have had a tight focus on
integrating talent processes, but some leaders are now asking — to what end?
Bersin by Deloitte’s newest research on integrated talent management finds that
the majority of organizations surveyed lack a clear, integrated and continuous
talent strategy tied to business outcomes. In this session, David Mallon will share
select results from Bersin by Deloitte’s largest and most comprehensive research
effort on global integrated talent management and highlight 3 broad sets of actions
all organizations should consider to help meet strategic talent needs.
David Mallon leads the research team – setting strategy, ensuring high-quality
operations and driving continuous innovation. He is also the steward for our
Learning and Development research practise and is the primary force behind our
work in learning cultures, high-impact learning organization maturity and learning
management systems. He is a recognized thought leader in the learning industry
and a frequent speaker at key industry events. Before joining Bersin, David led the
consulting practice for a major LMS provider. Prior to that, he held learning and
organization development-related positions with EarthLink, where he was
responsible for the overall learning strategy for its global call center organization.
He holds a B.A. in English Literature from Emory University and an M.S. in Digital
Media from the Georgia Institute of Technology with focuses on computer-aided
distance learning and on storytelling in digital environments.
13:45 - 14:30 Uhr
Sprache: Englisch
Around the World in 90 Days:
The Journey of a Talent Revolution at Regus!
Nicky Ivory-Chapman
Global Recruitment Director
During a period of hyper growth, Regus created a talent management solution for
100 countries in just three months. Hear how the organisation uses technology
and workforce science to support 40% business growth – opening one new Regus
center every day for the past two years. Join Nicky Ivory-Chapman, Global
Recruitment Director for Regus, who shares the key learnings and outcomes, and
reveals how they are embarking on the next phase of their journey, utilising their
data for talent analytics programs.
Nicky is a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD and a Board Director for the Association of
Graduate Recruiters (AGR). Currently the Global Recruitment Director for Regus,
Nicky’s responsibility lies in enabling the Regus teams, across 106 countries, to hire
effectively and grow the Regus brand in new territories. Joining Regus in 2014,
during a period of high growth for the business, Nicky’s challenge is to create global consistency and implement programs, systems and technology that is scalable.
Prior to joining Regus, she was the Resourcing and Employer Reputation Manager
for McDonald’s UK, responsible for Recruitment, Employer Brand, Uniforms and
Employee Engagement across 1,225 UK restaurants.
14:30 - 15:15 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
CRM Success Metrics
This interactive workshop will analyze and discuss ways to develop candidate relations with high impact on talent acquisition performance.
Melanie Stracke
Teamlead Sourcing & Scouting
• A look at talent acquisition performance drivers
• Discussion & best practices for developing candidate pools
• Developing recruiting relationships internally and externally
• Metrics for measuring CRM success
Melanie Stracke leitet seit Dezember 2013 das Personalmarketing bei Accenture in
Deutschland. Sie verantwortet die Themen Campus Arbeit, Studenten-Mentoringprogramm, Messeauftritt, Praktikantenprogramm, Mitarbeiter-werben-Mitarbeiter
Programm, Jobpostings sowie das Talent Relationship Management. Nach ihrem
Studium der Pädagogik, Psychologie sowie BWL an der Universität Münster
arbeitete Melanie fünf Jahre bei PwC im Personalmarketing & Recruiting und betreute dort einen Recruitingbereich sowie verschiedene Personalmarketingthemen.
Jens Bender
Managing Director
Jens Bender is Co-Founder and Managing Director of IntraWorlds. He is responsible
for marketing, operations and client success at IntraWorlds.
Prior to IntraWorlds, he worked for Oliver Wyman, a leading global management
consulting firm. Having studied in Germany, Sweden and Canada, he holds a
Masters equivalent in Business Administration from WHU – Otto Beisheim School
of Management.
14:30 - 15:15 Uhr
Sprache: Englisch
Internal Career Mobility
Anke Kirn
• The importance of internal career mobility
• Long term strategy involving a broad spectrum of stakeholders
• Sustainable internal career mobility needs cultural change
Director HR Talent Acquisition Anke Kirn heads the HR Talent Acquisition function for Deutsche Bank in Germany,
Deutsche Bank
covering all target groups from students to the Senior Executive level. As member
of the global Talent Acquisition Executive team she leads the internal Career
Mobility strategy for Deutsche Bank globally and is part of the Germany HR Management Group. Over the last 20+ years she has acquired broad HR knowledge in
multiple positions across various HR functions and in various German and global
locations including the US, Singapore and Hong Kong.
Anke holds a Diploma in Business Administration and an Executive MBA from Duke
University, Durham, NC, USA. She is married and lives near Frankfurt where she
enjoys biking, hiking and running. Anke also loves travelling, meeting friends and
learning about wine and food pairing.
14:30 - 15:15 Uhr
Sprache: Englisch
Corporate Alumni Panel
In the Corporate Alumni Panel discussion, we will be focusing on current trends in alumni management.
We will cover the whole spectrum from strategic objectives to operational best practices.
• Understanding the customer: What do alumni want and how have alumni expectations evolved over time?
• Creating a program: What works and what does not work in corporate alumni management?
• Thinking ahead: What are the biggest trends in corporate alumni management in the US and in Europe?
Graziella Reis-Trani
Alumni Program Manager
White & Case
Anna Masing
Global Alumni
Relations Executive
Herbert Smith Freehills
Stephan Herrlich
Head of Finance & North America
Graziella Reis-Trani is the Alumni Program Manager for White & Case LLP. She joined the firm in 2014 after
nearly 7 years as Alumni Relations Manager at Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP.
Graziella serves as the Chair of NALP’s Legal Employer Alumni Relations section and also runs a professional
group called CAPE (Corporate Alumni Programs Exchange) that brings together alumni relations
professionals from different sectors for the exchange of best practices and networking opportunities.
Graziella has a B.A. from Tufts University and an M.A. from American University and currently lives in
Anna joined Herbert Smith Freehills in November 2006 at the launch of the alumni network. With a
background in arts and event management, Anna has worked across the theatre, visual arts and hospitality
industries as well the corporate world.
Stephan Herrlich is co-founder and managing director of IntraWorlds. He is responsible for strategy, finance,
and business development. His current priority is driving IntraWorlds’ growth in North America out of our
New York office.
Prior to IntraWorlds, Stephan worked for Bain & Company, a strategy consulting firm. He holds a Masters
equivalent in Business Administration from WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, having studied in
Koblenz, Munich, Paris and Los Angeles.
15:45 - 16:30 Uhr
Sprache: Englisch
Global recruiting or - How to balance Global Strategy with
local Needs
Christian Schutz
Global Head of
Employer Marketing
• Centralized vs decentralized organization
• Broaden the picture – what do others do
• The Siemens Talent Acquisition way – example of University Relations
Christian is globally responsible for “University Relations” for Siemens since
February 2011, when he joined the company. Before that he was in his last
function responsible for the Strategy of Talent Acquisition and Recruiting at BMW
Group and started his career as a business consultant.
Chris brings with him 20 years of human resources and consulting experience in
various industries.
He has particular experience in employee engagement, talent bonding and
development (student, entry and development programs) in competitive markets,
post merger integration, CSR and HR strategy and process optimization.
Chris has lived, worked and studied in the USA, Guatemala, France, Spain and
Germany and was employed most of his time in international contexts and with
global responsibilities.
He holds Master Degrees of Intercultural and Business Studies from the
Universities of Passau and Cordoba (Germany and Spain) and of International Commerce from the University of Tours (France).
15:45 - 16:30 Uhr
Sprache: Englisch
Talent Acquisition Strategy at Bayer
Farsana Jakubi
Global Head of
Talent Acquisition
Bayer AG
• The challenge: To find adapted, scalable TA answers to increasingly
dynamic labor and product markets
• The answer: to define a strategic approach for TA that is built around an
end-to-end, differentiated and customer-driven TA product portfolio
• The way ahead: to define and roll-out all product prerequisites in a way that they allow for a smooth and efficient TA product delivery
Farsana Jakubi joined Bayer in October 2012 and heads up the Talent Acquisition
function at Bayer globally. As the subject matter expert in the field of Employer
Branding, Talent Marketing, Sourcing & Recruiting and On-Boarding she provides
state-of-the-art practises and advice to Bayer worldwide.
Prior to Bayer, Farsana was the Global Head of Talent Acquisition at Syngenta, a
world-leading agri-business committed to sustainable agriculture through
innovative research and technology.
Prior to Syngenta, Farsana was the Global Employer Branding Manager at
F. Hoffmann, La-Roche, a research-focused healthcare company, where she
developed Roche’s global employer branding strategy. Overall, Farsana has been
with Roche for over 6 years.
15:45 - 16:30 Uhr
Sprache: Englisch
The Perfect Storm: Digital Transformation will affect every
aspect of HR and the Workforce
Duke Daehling
Smarter Workforce Executive
We are in the midst of a fundamental shift across work, the workplaces and
workers. We are experiencing a boom of innovation that allows enterprise systems
to be as clever and agile as consumer apps. At the same time, easy-to-use cloud
analytics capability is turning HR in to a function that powers business, rather than
supporting it. IBM’s “Open HR” approach let’s you harness this latest capability
while protecting your existing investments and allowing for choice and flexibility;
that’s why SAP and IBM are coming together to deliver better business results
through HR.
Duke Daehling is an executive at IBM’s Smarter Workforce business including IBM’s
software, behavioural sciences and analytics solutions to improve workforce performance. Daehling leads teams in EMEA to consult with Chief Human Resource
Officers to improve key business objectives, critical metrics and challenges.
David Kelly is the Vice President at IBM’s Smarter Workforce in Europe.
Kelly has been in the human capital and consulting industries for the last 14 years.
David Kelly
He is a big proponent of cloud talent management technologies and has a personal
Smarter Workforce Executive interest in people metrics that drive growth across industries. David has worked
with over half of the FTSE 100 across a range of different workforce topics.
16:10 - 16:30 Uhr
Sprache: Englisch
ROI of Corporate Alumni Programs
This interactive workshop will provide an introduction to calculating the return on
investment of alumni programs and will allow for comparisons and discussions.
Jens Bender
Managing Director
• Key benefits & costs of corporate alumni programs
• Calculating the return on investment of alumni programs
• Discussion of drivers and assumptions for calculation
Jens Bender is Co-Founder and Managing Director of IntraWorlds. He is responsible
for marketing, operations and client success at IntraWorlds.
Prior to IntraWorlds, he worked for Oliver Wyman, a leading global management
consulting firm. Having studies in Germany, Sweden and Canada he holds a Masters
equivalent in Business Administration from WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management.
Wirksame Strategien, Konzepte un
d Umsetzung
Global Jakubi
Head o
Acquis f
Bayer A
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Uhr //
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Prämierte HR Beratung
– 1. PLATZ –
Erfahren Sie, wie Promerit Unternehmen
mit wirksamem HR Management
zukunftsfähig macht.
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24/09/15 16:24
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