Bachelor of Science (Honours) - International Business School


Bachelor of Science (Honours) - International Business School
Bachelor of Science (Honours)
International Tourism and
Hospitality Management
IBS International Business School
Im Eichholz 10
59556 Lippstadt
Telefon: 02941 9444-10
Fax.: 02941 9444-99
E-Mail: [email protected]
Studienbeginn September 2014
Bachelor of Science (Honours) International Tourism and Hospitality Management
(berufsbegleitend) der University of Sunderland (UK) ................................................ 3
Kursinhalte.................................................................................................................. 5
Anmeldung zum Bachelor of Science (Honours) der University of Sunderland (UK)
(berufsbegleitend) ......................................................................................................16
Anleitung für die Application Form .............................................................................19
FAQ/FGAs BSc ITHM ................................................................................................20
Änderungen vorbehalten
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Bachelor of Science (Honours) International Tourism and
Hospitality Management (berufsbegleitend)
der University of Sunderland (UK)
Die University of Sunderland (UK) führt ein Studienprogramm an der IBS International Business School Lippstadt durch, in dem Sie den Bachelor of Science (Honours) International
Tourism and Hospitality Management der University of Sunderland (UK) berufsbegleitend
erlangen können. Hiermit wird es Ihnen ermöglicht, einen akademischen Abschluss zu erreichen, der für Führungspositionen in der internationalen Hotel- und Touristikbranche und für
weiterführende Studiengänge immer wichtiger wird.
Wenn Sie bereits in der Hotelbranche bzw. der Tourismusbranche im Marketing, Personal,
Einkauf, Organisation etc. arbeiten, dann ist dies die weiterführende Aufstiegsqualifizierung,
die Sie suchen. Fach- und Führungspositionen werden heute mehr und mehr von Akademikern ausgefüllt. Sie haben das Potenzial dazu.
Die University of Sunderland (UK) ist eine Großbritannien anerkannte staatliche Universität.
Das Studium zum Bachelor of Science Honours (BSc Hons), das an der IBS International
Business School von der University of Sunderland (UK) durchgeführt wird, ist vom British
Higher Education System anerkannt. Die University of Sunderland (UK) verleiht den akademischen Bachelorgrad. Sie sind in diesem Bachelorstudium eingeschriebene/r Student/in der
University of Sunderland (UK).
Der akademische Abschluss Bachelor of Science Honours (BSc Hons) ist vom Ministerium
für Innovation, Wissenschaft und Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen nach Hochschulgesetz bestätigt.
Die Studiengebühr für das sechssemestrige Bachelorstudium beträgt 345,00 € pro Monat
über 36 Monate. Die monatliche Studiengebühr ist im Voraus im Wege des Lastschrifteinzugsverfahrens - spätestens am 25. des Vormonats - auf das Konto 1 004 464 bei der Sparkasse Lippstadt, BLZ: 416 500 01 zu zahlen.
In diesen Gebühren sind Studienmaterialien, Lehrbücher, Unterricht und Prüfungen der University of Sunderland (UK) enthalten.
Änderungen vorbehalten
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1. Studienjahr
Semester 1
Semester 2
TLH121 Study skills for the Hospitality Sector TLH122 Marketing and Business for the
Hospitality Sector
TLH112 Fundamentals of Tourism, Leisure
and Hospitality
TLH104 Tourism and Heritage Management
TLH113 Tourism Fieldwork 1
TLH119 Global Tourism
2. Studienjahr
Semester 1
TLH224 Research Methods for Tourism,
Hospitality and Events
Semester 2
TLH208 Tourism Independent Study
TLH219 Meetings, Incentives, Conferences
and Exhibitions
TLH214 Tourism Fieldwork 2
TLH210 Current Issues in Tourism and Hospitality
TLH222 Cultural Tourism, Festivals and
3. Studienjahr
Semester 1
TLH302 Strategic Planning for Tourism and
Semester 2
TLH314 International Hospitality Management
TLH307 Urban Tourism
TLH312 e-Tourism
TLH313 International Hospitality Management Major Project
Als Prüfungen sind Hausarbeiten, Präsentationen, Essays, Reports bzw. Klausuren vorgesehen.
Änderungen vorbehalten
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1. Studienjahr
Tourism and Heritage Management (TLH104)
Upon completion of the module students will be able to demonstrate
1. Introductory knowledge of the management of tourism & heritage developments and
their impacts, and their relevance to destinations of today; in particular
2. Knowledge of definitions, concepts and indicators pertinent to sustainable tourism & heritage development;
3. Knowledge of destination marketing & area management strategies;
4. Knowledge of tourism & heritage management issues using global examples, but
also applied specifically to North-east England; and
1. Field work and written presentation skills.
Imagining places; styles of tourism & their impacts on tourists; typologies of destination types
& attraction types; destination product cycle; segmentation of tourism markets as a basis for
destination promotion and area management; heritage tourism & the commodification of a
sense of place and past; destination eco-systems and natural environmental management
for tourism & heritage developments; built environmental impacts & conservation; economic
impacts; social & cultural impacts on destinations; destination marketing mix; 'imageering'
destinations; interpretation & presentation of destinations to visitors; visitor planning & carrying capacities; destination management strategies & actions; destination monitoring.
Fundamentals of Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality (TLH 112)
Upon successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated
A knowledge of leisure, tourism and hospitality
A knowledge of the characteristics of tourism, leisure and hospitality products
A knowledge of the structure, components and evolution of tourism, leisure and hospitality 'supply'
An introductory knowledge of marketing for tourism, leisure and hospitality
Critically appraise tourism, leisure and hospitality products and processes
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Leisure, recreation and tourism: definitions, commonalities and distinctions. Participation.
Tourism products - mass and 'niche' products; 'alternative' tourism. Tourism and leisure
supply and the tourism industry - suppliers incl. public, private and voluntary ('not-for-profit')
sectors; the organised multi-sector approach. Intermediaries, transportation, attractions, accommodation. Marketing for tourism and leisure. The destination - common features and
components; destination evolution; destination types incl. urban, rural, and resort destinations. Destination management; National Parks and protected areas. Tourism, society,
economy and environment.
Tourism Fieldwork 1 (TLH113)
Upon successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated
Reflect upon, assimilate and synthesise a range of knowledge gained from other
modules in Level One, and apply it to a ‘real world’ tourism situation/circumstance
Demonstrate an ability to carry out the fundamentals of empirical tourism research.
Understand the implications of health and safety legislation as it pertains to tourism.
Images and Destination Marketing
Research and Questionnaire Surveying
Participant Observation
Images of Scotland
Project Formulation Workshops
Health and Safety in the Field
Tourism in Edinburgh and Scotland
Project Presentations
Project Surgeries (Final Planning of Research, Full itinerary)
Field visit
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Global Tourism (TLH119)
Upon successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated
a knowledge of the varied geographical and socio-economic characteristics of tourism
an insight into the impacts of tourism upon society and the natural world
an ability to express the condition of tourism for particular regions,
an ability to critically discuss contemporary issues in tourism, tourism impacts, management, development and planning in different environments and in an international
This module profiles tourism in various regions and destinations. The overall aim is to illustrate key issues and impacts associated with the development of tourism via a variety of
global case studies. This is not meant to be an exhaustive analysis of tourism impacts, but
instead a broad contextualization of the changes and impacts of the tourism phenomenon in
destinations beyond the UK. The key issues in global tourism will be differentiated on a global regional basis (including Asia, the Pacific, Europe, the Americas and Africa) and will integrate illustrative case studies.
Study Skills for the Hospitality Sector (TLH121)
Upon successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated
2. the ability to identify, locate and discuss a range of information and ideas relating to tourism, hospitality and/or events
3. knowledge of the abstraction of tourism, hospitality and events information from the
4. an understanding of presenting tourism, hospitality and/or events information appropriately
Skills discuss appropriate strategies and techniques for a range of learning and presentation
skills including: information gathering, critical reading, note-taking, essay writing, verbal
presentations, exam preparation and group work knowledge
This module is designed to provide basic training and practice in a range of learning and information skills pertaining to the tourism and hospitality sectors. Specific workshops will cover: information gathering (libraries, electronic information etc.), critical reading, note-taking,
essay writing, group work, and written, graphical and verbal presentation. Students will develop confidence in taking responsibility for their own learning, be more independent and
effective learners and be able to motivate themselves. Key transferable skills are developed.
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Marketing and Business for the Hospitality Sector (TLH122)
Upon successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated
1. Understanding of the fundamentals of marketing and its application to the hospitality sectors in its broadest context.
2. Understanding of business processes as a complex system of analysis, planning and
implementation in hospitality.
3. An understanding of the role of the hospitality consumer within marketing and business
4. The application of this knowledge to the creation of a business and marketing plan for
use in the hospitality sector.
This module will introduce concepts and functions of marketing and business in the context
of the hospitality sector including: the economics of the hospitality sector; human resource
management in the hospitality sector; hospitality law; management and organisation of the
hospitality industry; marketing planning, segmentation and research in the hospitality sector;
product and distribution policy; marketing communication and advertising for the hospitality
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2. Studienjahr
Tourism Independent Study (TLH208)
Upon successful completion of this module students will have demonstrated
1. A coherent understanding of the particular topics, issues or themes of their programme
of study
2. The ability to devise and employ a research proposal and a learning contract
3. The ability to gather and analyse a range of secondary and/or primary information, literature and/or data relating to that topic
This module provides an opportunity for students to explore an area of their programme of
study that is not part of the formal curriculum, or to examine in more depth and at greater
length issues and ideas that are introduced in other modules. Students will receive guidance
and training in devising a proposal, information gathering and presentation techniques.
Current Issues in Tourism and Hospitality (TLH210)
Upon successful completion of this module students will have demonstrated
An understanding of current issues in tourism.
An understanding of theories and concepts of tourism.
The ability to make connections between academic literature and popular media accounts of tourism issues and problems.
The ability to communicate concepts and analysis in written form.
The ability to communicate concepts and analysis orally and visually.
This module introduces students to currently important conceptual and practical issues relating to tourism development and management, as well as providing a theoretical context for
contemporary debates. The module will be primarily student-led and will centre on a programme of seminars focusing on critical debates, developments and case-studies of tourism
development with information drawn from a range of sources. These sources will be both
academic and popular, with particular attention being paid to media representations of tourism products, motivations and of the processes of tourism development, management and
marketing. The nature of the module necessitates that specific content will vary as the result
of the dynamic nature of tourism both as an industry and a cultural phenomenon.
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Tourism Fieldwork 2 (TLH214)
Upon completion of the module, students will have demonstrated
Knowledge of the nature of tourism in a specific European destination
Practical fieldwork skills
Independent skills of enquiry, analysis, observation and interpretation
4. Group working skills
The module will consist of a one-week field visit to an appropriate location overseas, within
Europe. Preparatory lectures will introduce the background to the field area, and the assessed task. Preparation will also include WWW searches, with students being set reading
and tasks relevant to the European destination prior to the visit. The assessed task will involve group visits and group survey work. Data collected on the fieldtrip will form the basis of
individual assessed work to be completed on return to Sunderland.
Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions (TLH 219)
Upon successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated
1. Understanding of the experiential nature of the MICE sector
2. Understanding of the changing nature of the business consumer and marketplace
3. Ability to situate MICE within the contemporary commercial context
4. Ability to critically discuss the role of MICE within the wider tourism, events and hospitality industry
This module will provide an in-depth analysis of the meetings and conference industry, explore principles and operational practices of MICE and conceptualize them within the wider
contemporary commercial context. Thus, the importance of this industry for the events, tourism and hospitality industry will be explored, particularly with focus upon its importance for
destination branding. Furthermore, operational aspects such as Human Resource Management, Site and Venue considerations as well as Supply and Demand aspects of MICE will be
explored. The subject knowledge will be illustrated using different case studies and examples
from around the world.
Änderungen vorbehalten
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Cultural Tourism, Festivals and Events (TLH222)
Upon successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated
understand key aspects of the cultural issues surrounding tourism, festivals and
critically analyze various texts on tourism, festivals and cultural events in terms of
their social, cultural, economic, political and geographical representations and significance;
take an active part in discussion and debate;
work effectively as a team;
express their analysis in both oral and written forms.
This module examines the relationships between tourism and culture. Particular emphasis is
placed upon cultural tourism in different spatial and social contexts. Particular topics include;
tourist practice and performance; globalisation and trends in cultural tourism, festivals and
events; cultural tourism festivals and events in urban context; cultural tourism, festivals and
events in rural contexts; cultural tourism, festivals and events in Europe; cultural tourism festivals and events in the UK; tourism and cultural identities; issues of commodification and
authenticity; modernism and postmodernism and tourism the media and popular culture.
Research Methods for Tourism, Hospitality and Events (TLH224)
Upon successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated
1. An understanding of ethnographic methods.
2. An understanding of survey methods.
3. The ability to conduct methods of qualitative and quantitative data analysis for tourism
and leisure marketing.
4. The ability to communicate concepts and analysis in written form.
5. The ability to work as part of a small group.
6. Preparation for research for their Major Project at Level three.
Änderungen vorbehalten
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Principles of research design and fieldwork; preparation for fieldwork; the health and safety
implications of working in the field; the philosophical underpinnings of quantitative and qualitative methods; participant observation and ethnographic method; interviewing and focus
groups; group interviews and focus groups; positionality, situated knowledges and reflexivity;
situating knowledges and subject positions; reflexive research practice; qualitative data
analysis; grounded theory; software packages for qualitative and quantitative analysis; questionnaire surveys; statistical principles, concepts and terminology; descriptive and inferential
statistics; parametric and non-parametric statistics; correlation and regression; visual research methods, semiotics and iconography; the politics of representation; the analysis of
visual materials; the iconography of tourist landscapes; photographic and video research
methods; discourse, textual and content analysis; working with archival materials; conceptualising the archive; accessing the field/archive; writing up research; some guidance and advice on issues to consider in the presentation of research materials; representing research
respondents / subjects; scientific and social scientific styles of writing; Progress files and
personal development planning.
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Strategic Planning for Tourism and Leisure (TLH302)
Upon successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated
1. An ability to express the rationale for visitor industry planning
2. An ability to use and evaluate standard techniques and approaches to strategic visitor
industry development.
3. An ability to apply the principles and practice of marketing at the strategic level.
4. An ability to draw upon a range of approaches when formulating appropriate strategies.
5. Have a working knowledge of the practical constraints associated with strategic planning
for tourism in a mixed economy.
Goals, rationale, scope and nature of planning. Influences: political; resource; markets; environmental; the visitor. Agencies and structures: Local, regional, national, international,
global. Dimensions of planning for tourism: the destination; natural resources; infrastructure;
superstructure; transportation; hospitality and cultural resources; matching supply with demand. The planning process: public, private and not-for-profit sectors. Tourism and communities; collaboration theory and tourism planning.
Urban Tourism (TLH307)
Upon successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated
to define and discuss the characteristics of visitors to urban destinations.
to identify and critically evaluate the nature and role of specific components of the visitor product provided by urban destinations.
to critically debate management and marketing features distinct to urban sites.
to conduct independent research
skills of analysis, interpretation, evaluation and application in dealing with concepts and
data in the fields of urban tourism, as well as to present research results in a professional and creative way.
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The module will provide students with an insight into the characteristics of urban tourism. The
urban environment has only recently been re-discovered as a tourist destination. Tourist arrivals in cities are constantly growing and increasingly more research has been undertaken to
investigate the phenomenon of urban tourism. Topics covered will include: Historical background and the development of urban tourism; Tourism as a key to urban regeneration; The
demographic, socio-economic and psychographic profile of the urban tourist; The supply side
of urban tourism: services, infrastructure and activities; The impacts of tourism in the urban
environment; Managing urban tourism; The concept of place-marketing; Trends and developments in urban tourism.
eTourism (TLH312)
Upon successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated
1. eTourism, the relationship between IT and tourism and hospitality and future potential
developments in these areas.
2. Evaluation of tourism web sites, travel recommendation systems and decision support
systems of various kinds.
3. Communicate and critically reflect on those ideas in written form.
The relations between IT and tourism, and a fundamental understanding of both backgrounds and how they come together; Decision support systems, travel recommendation
systems and destination management systems; Body and layout of different travel web sites;
Internet and the tourism search and decision process; Evaluation methods (qualitative and
quantitative) of web sites, with a special focus on travel web sites; mobile technologies and
tourism, social networking and tourism
International Hospitality Management, Project (TLH313)
Upon successful completion of this module students will have demonstrated:
Demonstrated the capacity for independent thought and analysis in the critical application of appropriate theory to an empirical problem in the field of international tourism
and hospitality management related to the development of a tourism/leisure product or
the market basis for such a product.
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Designed and formulated a piece of independent empirical research or an empiricallyinformed product.
Critically reviewed and appraised the appropriate literature in tourism and hospitality.
Demonstrated a capacity to collect, analyse, interpret and present primary data and
other information.
Drawn conclusions from the research project which follow logically from the literature
review, document search and data collection processes.
Demonstrated a capacity to present research in written and visual forms in a clear, relevant and accurate manner.
This module facilitates the design and implementation of a significant piece of primary research ona topic of interest in International Tourism and Hospitality Management. Specifically, students will develop and apply the following skills: designing and focusing research; writing research proposals; formulating aims and objectives; selecting and implementing research methods; conducting a literature review; searching relevant documents; the collection
of empirical data and appropriate analysis; the presentation of data in written and visual
forms; the interpretation of data and its relation to contextual material; referencing; bibliographies; the use of appendices; the production of a research report and the related use of
computer software packages.
International Hospitality Management (TLH314)
Upon successful completion of this module students will be able to
1. The impact of globalization on strategic hospitality management.
2. Traditional and contemporary approaches to management in the hospitality industries.
3. Critically evaluate contemporary issues in hospitality management.
4. Communicate their ideas in written form.
International Hospitality Management will cover many aspects of the hospitality industries.
The focus will be on contemporary issues and as such the exact content will vary from year
to year. However, topics to be included are, the impacts of globalization, strategic hospitality
management, change management in the hospitality industries, international marketing and
branding, global trend analysis, the impact of IT, food and the hospitality industries.
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IBS International Business School
Im Eichholz 10
59556 Lippstadt
Tel. +49 (0) 2941 9444-44
Fax +49 (0) 2941 9444-99
Anmeldung zum sechssemestrigen Studiengang Bachelor of Science
(Honours) der University of Sunderland (UK) (berufsbegleitend)
Hiermit melde ich mich für den „Bachelor of Science (Honours) International Tourism
and Hospitality Management“ der University of Sunderland (UK) an.
Die monatliche Studiengebühr beträgt 345 EUR und ist über 36 Monate zu zahlen.
Vorname: _________________________ Staatsangehörigkeit: ________________
Geburtsort: _________________________ Geburtsdatum: ____________________
_________________ Fax: _______________ E -Mail: ______________
Geplanter Beginn
Wintersemester 2014/15
Sommersemester 2015
Folgende Unterlagen habe ich beigefügt:
Nachweis über die Erfüllung der Eingangsvoraussetzungen
(Fach-)Abitur mit mindestens einem Jahr Berufserfahrung in der Hotel- und
Tourismusbranche (oder ähnlicher Branche) oder
Abschluss der Klasse 10 mit dreijähriger Ausbildung in der Hotel- und Tourismusbranche und mindestens zwei Jahren Berufserfahrung in der Hotel- und
Tourismusbranche (oder ähnlicher Branche)
Application Form
Ort / Datum
Änderungen vorbehalten
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Änderungen vorbehalten
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Änderungen vorbehalten
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Anleitung für die Application Form
Alle Studierenden müssen die Application Form ausfüllen (siehe Formular: "APPLICATION
Hinweis: Nicht alle Felder müssen dabei ausgefüllt werden:
Seite 1
Personal Details
- Name
- First Name
- Date of Birth
- Title
- Date of Birth
- Sex
- Present Nationality
- Country of Birth
- Country of permanent residence
- Permanent home address
- Address for correspondence (if different from home address)
- Postcode/Zip
- Tel
- Fax
- E-Mail
Commencing in: Dort den Monat und das Jahr angeben, zu dem der Studierende eingeschrieben werden soll (z.B. für den März-Start "03MM 15YY")
Course Title: Der Kurstitel lautet "BSc ITHM“
Institution: Hier die "University of Sunderland" eintragen
Employment Details: Müssen nicht ausgefüllt werden
Seite 2
Education and Qualifications: Hier den Namen der Institution eintragen, z.B. "International
Business School Lippstadt" und dann from: (Studienbeginn z. B. "09/2014", wenn der Studierende im September 2014 mit dem Studium beginnt; to Studienende, z. B. „08/17“, wenn der
Studierende im August 2017 das Studium beendet)
Qualification, Awards, Main subjects sowie Referee und Accreditation brauchen nicht
ausgefüllt werden.
Ausgefüllt werden müssen wieder:
English Language Competence
Is English your first language: Hier muss der Studierende Ja oder Nein ankreuzen; in der
Regel Nein
Was English the language of Instruction of your first Degree: hierbei handelt es sich
darum, ob die Unterrichtssprache Englisch während der Schulzeit war - in aller Regel kann
hier NEIN angekreuzt werden
Other Information: Muss nur angekreuzt und vermerkt werden, falls zutreffend
Unterschrift und Datum
Änderungen vorbehalten
Seite 19 von 22
Bitte lesen Sie zunächst diese Fragen- und Antwortliste (FAQ/FGAs), bevor Sie mit weiteren Fragen an die International Business School Lippstadt bzw. die University of
Sunderland (UK) herantreten.
1. Frage: Welche Voraussetzungen muss ich für das Bachelor of Science (Honours) International Tourism and Hospitality Management (BSc ITHM) Studium der
University of Sunderland (UK) erfüllen?
Antwort: Zugangsvoraussetzungen sind das (Fach-)Abitur mit mindestens einem Jahr
Berufserfahrung in der Hotel- und Tourismusbranche bzw. der Abschluss der Klasse
10 (Realschulabschluss, Fachoberschule Klasse 10, Mittlere Reife) mit dreijähriger
Ausbildung in der Hotel- und Tourismusbranche und mindestens zwei Jahren Berufserfahrung in der Hotel- und Tourismusbranche
2. Frage: Bis wann muss ich mich zum BSc ITHM Programm anmelden?
Antwort: Sie können sich noch bis kurz vor Studienbeginn anmelden.
3. Frage: Welche Bewerbungsunterlagen muss ich einreichen?
Antwort: Sie reichen gemäß Anmeldeinformationen in dieser Broschüre das IBS Anmeldeformular und die Application Form der University of Sunderland (UK) ein. Eine
Anleitung zum Ausfüllen dieser Application Form ist an die Application Form angehängt.
4. Frage: Erhalte ich eine Bestätigung meiner Einschreibung?
Antwort: Sie erhalten mit Ihrer erfolgreichen Einschreibung eine New Student Enrolment Form der University of Sunderland, die Sie im Sekretariat abgeben. Mit dieser Registration durch die New Student Enrolment Form sind Sie Student der University of Sunderland (UK).
5. Frage: Wie benutze ich den Virtual Campus und mein E-Mail Konto?
Antwort: Der Zugang zum Virtual Campus „MySunderland“ erfolgt mit Username ( im Sekretariat erhältlich) und
Password (Ihr Geburtsdatum im Format ddmmyyyy). Mit diesem
Username und diesem Password können Sie auch Ihr E-Mail Konto [email protected] abfragen.
6. Frage: Erhalte ich einen Bibliotheksausweis der University of Sunderland (UK)?
Antwort: Nein, aber Sie haben als Student der University of Sunderland (UK) Zugang
zu den Britischen Bibliotheken und Elektronischen Datenbanken im Athens Access
Management System (AMS) Großbritanniens.
Das Zugangsprozedere:
a) Auf der Website wählen Sie den Link „Student
on a Distance Learning Programme“. Auf der nächsten Webseite wählen Sie „Register with the Library“ und befolgen die angegebenen Schritte.
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b) Sie erhalten zunächst eine Bestätigung per E-Mail an die angegebene E-Mail Adresse. Zugleich wird eine neue E-Mail Adresse vorname.nachname für Sie eingerichtet. Antworten Sie auf diese E-Mail an den Absender [email protected] und erfragen Sie UserId und Password
für dieses E-Mail Konto (wenn Sie es nicht schon erhalten haben).
c) Nach Erhalt von UserID und Password loggen Sie sich ins Webmail System der
University of Sunderland (UK) unter ein. Unter dem
E-Mail Betreff Athens account 'name' has been created/modified for you finden Sie
und Password für dieses Athens Konto. Unter
loggen Sie sich mit diesen Angaben ein und haben den gewünschten Bibliothekszugriff.
7. Frage: Welche Studienmaterialien erhalte ich für das BSc ITHM
Antwort: Sie erhalten Studienmaterial und Lehrbücher.
8. Frage: Wie und bis wann melde ich mich für eine Prüfung an bzw. ab?
Antwort: Die Deadline für eine Anmeldung wird per Aushang am Sunderland Brett
bzw. im Intranet der IBS Lippstadt bekannt gegeben. Sie ist in der Regel ca. acht
Wochen vor dem Klausurtermin oder dem Abgabetermin der Hausarbeit. Haben
Sie sich nicht angemeldet und nehmen dennoch an einer Prüfung teil, dann wird
diese Prüfung nicht benotet.
Ein Rücktritt von einer Anmeldung ist maximal eine Woche vor dem Prüfungstermin
(Hausarbeitsabgabetermin oder Klausurtermin) möglich.
9. Frage: Wann sind die Prüfungsphasen?
Antwort: Es gibt zwei Prüfungsphasen im Jahr jeweils am Ende des Semesters. Die
aktuellen Klausurtermine und Abgabetermine für die Hausarbeiten entnehmen Sie
bitte dem Prüfungsplan am Sunderland Informationsbrett oder im Intranet der IBS
Eine Hausarbeit (Assignment) enthält verschiedene Aufgaben und umfasst ca. 30004000 Wörter. Eine Klausur (Exam) hat in der Regel drei Zeitstunden.
10. Frage: Bis zu welchem Zeitpunkt kann ich mich von einer Prüfung abmelden?
Antwort: Sie können eine Woche vor dem Prüfungstermin (Hausarbeitsabgabetermin
oder Klausurtermin) und nur in Ausnahmefällen zurücktreten. Bitte reichen Sie den
Rücktritt (Deferral) schriftlich formlos und nicht mit einer Mitigation Form ein. Die Mitigation Form benutzen Sie bitte nur für Abmeldungen mit Attest (medical certificate)
aus Krankheitsheitsgründen. Das Examination Board der University of Sunderland
(UK) entscheidet über die Akzeptanz des auf der Mitigation Form angegebenen
Grundes. Falls Sie krank waren, benötigen Sie ein Attest mit Angabe der Krankheitsursache durch den Arzt.
11. Frage: Wann erhalte ich die Prüfungsergebnisse?
Antwort: Etwa zwei Monate nach der Prüfungsphase.
12. Frage: Wie oft darf ich ein Modul wiederholen?
Antwort: Sie haben für jedes Modul vier Versuche. Studierende, die eine Klausur oder
eine Hausarbeit nicht bestanden haben, können bei der Wiederholung der Prüfungsleistung nur mit der Note 40% bestehen (Student Handbook p. 60).
Über Ihre Prüfungsleistungen wird ein Zeugnis (transcript) ausgestellt mit den folgenden Codes:
Änderungen vorbehalten
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Pass with mitigation rejected
Pass with mitigation accepted
Compensated Pass
Fail and repeat module
Fail, cannot repeat module
Referred with mitigation rejected
Referred with mitigation accepted
Infringement alleged
Decision held
Required to withdraw
Required to withdraw with Interim Award
Required to withdraw with HE Credit
Award Obtained
Decision held until next academic year
13. Frage: Wie viele Prüfungen kann ich maximal in einer Prüfungsphase durchführen?
Antwort: Erfahrungsgemäß sollten Sie Prüfungen in jedem unterrichteten Modul pro
Prüfungsphase ablegen, damit am Ende des sechsten Semesters alle Module erfolgreich absolviert sind.
Ein Maximum von drei Prüfungen pro Prüfungsphase ist erlaubt.
14. Frage: Gibt die University of Sunderland (UK) die korrigierten Hausarbeiten/Klausuren zurück?
Antwort: Die Klausuren und Hausarbeiten werden in der Regel von der University of
Sunderland einbehalten. Sie erhalten aber einen individuellen Feedback Report.
15. Frage: Wie viele Credits und welche Noten erhalte ich?
Antwort: Sie erhalten pro erfolgreich absolvierten Modul in der Regel 20 britische credits, d.h. 10 ECTS. Das gesamte Programme hat 360 britische Credits oder 180
ECTS credits.
16. Frage: Welche formalen Anforderungen soll eine Hausarbeit erfüllen?
Antwort: Die Anforderungen, die an wissenschaftliche Hausarbeiten gestellt werden,
sollen erfüllt werden. Benutzen Sie das Harvard Reference System.
17. Frage: Darf ich bei einer Klausur Hilfsmittel benutzen?
Antwort: Ein Wörterbuch ist für die Klausuren erlaubt: “International students for
whom English is a second language are allowed to take into the exam one bilingual
paper based dictionary containing no annotations.” Weitere Informationen zu Hilfsmitteln (z. B. eine Case Study zur Klausur) erhalten Sie ca. sechs Wochen vor der Klausur.
Im Intranet der IBS finden Sie weitere Exam Guidelines, Exam Reports sowie Assignments und Exam Beispiele aus der Vergangenheit.
18. Frage: Wann und wie erhalte ich den akademischen Grad Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Management der University of Sunderland (UK)?
Antwort: Die University of Sunderland (UK) führt eine Abschlussfeier auf dem eigenen
Campus durch, zu der Sie eingeladen werden.
Wenn Sie nicht an dieser Ceremony teilnehmen, wird Ihnen die Bachelor Urkunde einige Wochen nach Ihrer letzten Prüfung zugestellt.
Änderungen vorbehalten
Seite 22 von 22

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