English Information Package for Parents who have lost their Baby


English Information Package for Parents who have lost their Baby
Information Package
for Parents
who have lost their Baby
due to a
Spontaneous Abortion / Miscarriage
Early Infant Death
I will live
as long as your heart is beating.
I will live
as long as there is a place for me
in your heart.
I will live
as long as you continue your journey.
I will live
as long as there is joy in your life
Whenever you seek me,
come search inside your heart.
If you find me there,
I will live on forever.
Loosely translated version of a poem by Milead Shalin
Definition of the basic Terms
Maternity Rights
Right to a Name
What can help you in this Situation?
Burial Rights & Burial Options
Arranging the Funeral
Your child is a full-fledged human being with his/her own personality, and you
may have already chosen a name for him/her. The personal at the hospital will
still refer to your baby with the corresponding medical term, but this does not in
any way imply that they are degrading your child.
Definition of the Basic Terms
Spontaneous Abortion / Miscarriage:
an early termination of pregnancy before 24 weeks of gestation, when the fruit
of the womb weighs less than 500 grams. The embryo/foetus has or has not yet
departed from the uterus.
the removal of, or causing the departure of the embryo or foetus from the uterus.
It serves to terminate an unwanted pregnancy or a pregnancy that endangers the
mother´s life.
an operative removal of the amniotic sac, the embryo and the uterine lining.
Live birth:
We speak of a live birth if (no matter how far along during the pregnancy) the
child has entirely exited the mother´s body and
…either initiates breathing
…or displays other signs of life such as heartbeat, an obvious movement of
muscles or pulsation of the umbilical cord.
Whether the umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta has been expelled is
We speak of a stillbirth if there are no signs of life and the child´s weight at
birth is at least 500 grams.
Early Infant Death: see “live birth”
Maternity Leave
How long I am allowed to stay at home?
The process of grieving over a child takes lot of time and strength. It may be of
help if the father of the child takes nursing leave of absence from work so that
you can spend time together and help each other cope. For that purpose, your
family doctor will need to sign a nursing leave of absence for the father.
Spontaneous Abortion: see miscarriage
You are not entitled to maternity leave and have to take a sick leave of absence
instead. You should have your doctor issue a medical certificate immediately.
You are not entitled to maternity leave and have to take sick leave of absence
instead. You should have your doctor issue a medical certificate immediately.
If you have to take a sick leave for a longer period of time, you could present
yourself to a professional (f.i. psychologist and psychotherapist Mag.
Widensky) who can sign a certificate of disability. Unfortunately, past
experiences have proven that after losing a child women are frequently made
redundant. This is why you should weigh up the advantages and disadvantages
and decide what is best for you.
Curettage: see Miscarriage
Live birth:
A doctor has to confirm a premature birth (weight below 2500 grams) in order
for the mother to be entitled to 12 weeks of maternity leave. The duration of 12
weeks is not affected by a child´s early infant death or the birth of a child that is
With a stillbirth notification you are entitled to 8 weeks of maternity leave, no
matter how many days of maternity leave you have taken before the birth. Only
if you have had a caesarean section or a multiple birth you are entitled to 12
Early infant death: see live birth
The right of your child to his/her own name
Once again it depends on how your child has been born:
In the case of a live birth, your child officially receives a first name that will
also be registered in his/her birth certificate.
In the case of a stillbirth, you can have the public authorities enter your child´s
first name into the death register. If he or she was buried at the municipality´s
expenses, this name will be written on the plaque on his/her grave.
In the case of a miscarriage, your child cannot officially receive a first name.
Nevertheless, it is still a great relieve for the family if you do choose a name for
the baby and use it in conversation. If you decide to bury your child, it is
completely up to you what you choose to write onto the gravestone or the
An Initiative of the support-group Regenbogen – for parents who lost their baby
after abortion, miscarriage, stillbirth
or death shortly after birth.
Petition “Entry in the register of births for babies weighing less than 500 g”
We are fighting to ensure that our children are also recognised as human
The petition would, for the first time, give parents of “star children”, who were
born weighing less than 500g, the opportunity to permanently document the
birth at the registry office and thus give them an official existence. Up to now,
such certification has not been possible! This would also subsequently affect the
Funeral Act and the babies could then be buried individually.
The petition was submitted in October 2012 and it is currently at third instance,
i.e. we now require 5000 signatures to submit it to the Austrian National
Council. We have already been able to collect 1500 signatures from across
Austria. It has been possible to certify the babies in Germany since 31.03.2013.
If you would like to support us, the signature lists can be requested from
[email protected] or downloaded at www.shg-regenbogen.at/downloads.
Please send the completed lists to Postfach 4 1006 Vienna.
Thank you for your support
Books that may help you in your situation:
 “Gute Hoffnung, jähes Ende” (High Hope, Abrupt End) (ISBN 9783466343898) Very comprehensive and recommendable book!
An accompanying book for parents who lose their baby and all those who wish
to support them.
This book sensitively accompanies parents on their way through the mourning
process. Through the personal statements of others, affected persons learn that
they are not alone in their feelings and reactions, but also that the time of untold
pain and inconsolability can be overcome.
Hannah Lothrop not only deals with losses suffered as a result of the death of a
baby during pregnancy, birth and early childhood, but she also addresses the
particular situation of single mourning mothers or parents who are told that their
child will die. She guides affected persons through the mourning process and
offers specific assistance in each stage to heal the body, mind and soul (body
and breathing exercises, meditation, visualisation, guidance on dealing with
feelings, creative methods such as painting, writing and much more).
She helps us find our own answers by means of targeted questions. Thus, the
experiences acquired can be lived through in terms of our own values, which is
the foundation so that mourners do not break down over these experiences, but
rather find new hope and new courage for life. Furthermore, this unique book
shows all those who support the mourning parents (relatives, friends,
professionals) how they can deal with their own helplessness in view of the
death and how to support the affected persons.
 "Wenn die Wiege leer bleibt" (When the cradle remains empty) (ISBN
978-3431033441) Another very popular book!
If a child is stillborn, or if a child dies immediately after childbirth, a world
falls apart. The parent have prepared for a new life – not for death.
The book describes authentic case studies and the emotions with which affected
persons struggle; furthermore, the book creates understanding of a still largely
taboo subject, which still affects many people. In addition, the authors
encourage the readers to not forcibly suppress the mourning for a lost baby, but
to show it openly and give it attention in rituals to prevent mental and physical
illnesses and to find a new start.
An indispensable book for all those who are involved with affected parents, and
of course for the mourners themselves. Mourning parents will not only be
comforted to know that they are not alone in going through their emotions, but
the practical guidelines and the numerous references to useful organisations and
self-help groups at the end of the book will also be a great help.
 “Warum nur, Gott?- Glaube und Zweifel nach dem Tod eines
Kindes” (Why, oh why God?- Belief and disbelief after the death of a
The death of a child is a life-changing experience for the bereaved parents and
siblings. All previous attitudes and beliefs are shaken and the affected persons
cannot escape from the unanswerable question of why and the question of the
compatibility of God's goodness and omnipotence. However, even if there are
no answers, the search for explanations and acting on the insolvability of the
questions are meaningful and enriching.
They are a part of working through the mourning process and can help to
develop a new relationship to oneself and to the world. Together with Bärbel
Friedrich and Elisabeth Korgiel, Jan Salzmann uses this book to bring together
the experiences of mourners with in-kind contributions on theodicy from
different eras and beliefs.
Please order via the following site: http://www.verwaiste-eltern.de/shop.html
 “Mein Sternenkind” (My Star Child) by Heike Wolker (ISBN 978-3902647-48-1)
After the loss of a child, it takes time to return to a life in which one feels
comfortable and reconciled with the unfathomable stroke of fate. Many things
are required to proceed along the path of mourning and reorientation: for
example, the knowledge that one is not alone and that there are opportunities
(for oneself) to do good. A central element is the experiences of other people,
who have lived through, suffered through and integrated a similar experience in
their lives, because they can help with finding equilibrium again.
Thus, besides the author, parents who have lost one or more children also
express themselves in this accompanying book. The focus is on their very
personal experiences of loss, the process of mourning and healing, which does
not mean forgetting, but rather gratefully remembering the much too short time
together with the star child.
 “Fehlgeburt-und dann…” (Miscarriage - and then...) by Anja Rief
(ISBN: 978-3848263653)
 “Jetzt bist du schon gegangen Kind” (Now, you have already gone child)
by Gerda Palm (ISBN: 3-7698-1292-1)
 “Du hast kaum gelebt” (You barely lived) (ISBN 9783783127171)
 “Bin kaum da, muss schon fort” (Barely here, have to go already) (ISBN
 “Zum Sterben geboren” (Born to die) 29 SSW (ISBN 978-3866340176)
 “Christophers Tod, während der Geburt gestorben2 (Christopher’s
death, died during birth) (ISBN 978-3404612703)
 “So zart und doch so stark. Mein Kind, das zu früh starb” (So delicate
yet so strong. My child who died too early) Anabel comes into the world
weighing 540 grams - Experience report of an affected mother (ISBN 9783451057762)
 “Schmetterlingsflüstern - Botschaften einer Kinderseele” (Butterfly
whispers - messages of a child’s soul) (ISBN 978-3466344888)
 “Ein Stern, der nicht leuchten konnte” (A star that could not shine)
(ISBN 978-3451055102)
 “Beim Sterben von Kindern” (When children die) Experiences, thoughts
and texts concerning the mystery surrounding premature death (Author:
Boogert Arie)
 “Unendlich ist der Schmerz” (The pain is endless) Images of sculptures
with text (Fritsch Julie/Sherokee Ilse)
 "Kinder und Tod” (Children and death) (Author: Kühler-Ross Elisabeth)
 “Nur ein Hauch von Leben” (Just a breath of life) Parents give accounts
of the death of their baby Authors: Küner-Riebel/Barbara and Lutz,
 “Trauern hat seine Zeit” (Mourning has its time) (Author: Nijs Michaela)
Books for siblings:
 “Der geborgte Stern” (The borrowed star)
Children's picture book as a mourning and comfort book for young and old
(available from Initiative Österreich)
 “Um Kinder trauern” (Mourn for children)
Parents and siblings encounter death
 “Himmelskinder” (Children of heaven), children's picture book (ISBN:
Mourning rituals/mourning services:
 “Trauerfeiern beim Tod von Kindern” (Mourning ceremonies for the
death of children), by Klaus Schäfer (ISBN: 978-3791722993)
 “Wenn Eltern um ihr Baby trauern” (When parents mourn for their
baby) lmpulses for the chaplaincy model for services (ISBN 9783451282102)
 “Jetzt bist du schon gegangen” (Now you have gone already) Mourning
support and healing rituals with parents of prematurely deceased children
(Don Bosco-Publications)
For hospital and nursing staff:
 “Fehl-und Todgeburt, ein Weg aus dem Tabu” (Miscarriage and
stillbirth, away from the taboo) Non-fiction book for nursing staff (Author:
Grützner Christine)
Subject “Subsequent pregnancy”:
 “Meine Folgeschwangerschaft” (My subsequent pregnancy) by Heike
Wolter (ISBN: 978-3-902647-368)
We have described some of the books in more detail on our homepage:
“Regenbogen” association brochures:
Available in German only!
Experience reports 1, 2, 3
Experience reports “Only a miscarriage”
Experience reports “Subsequent pregnancies”
“Incisions”, poems, texts, images
“A very important image”
A gentle guide to the photography of deceased babies
 Name cards
 Commemorative bows (white, with blue, pink or blue/pink baby feet)
Please contact the following address to order brochures:
Email: [email protected]
Self-help groups
Lower Austria
St. Pölten
 “Windrad” (wind wheel) self-help group
Meeting: monthly
Venue: Youth room of the Parish of St. Johannes, Josefstrasse 90, 3100 St.
Contact: Petra König
Tel: 0664/ 5426111
Email: [email protected]
Homepage: http://selbsthilfegruppewindrad.npage.de
Language: German
 Guided groups “Living with the death of a child” and “reorientation” (St.
Meeting: Once a month on a Thursday (by arrangement)
Venue: “Advice and Assistance”, Heitzlergasse 2, 3100 St. Pölten
Contact: “Advice and Assistance (Mrs Ronge)” Tel. 02742/353510 (Mon-Fri
8.00-12.00, plus Mon 13.00-16.00)
 “Living with the death of a child” self-help group Lower Austrian central
Meeting: Please enquire about next meeting date by telephone
Venue: In the Advisory Centre Advice & Assistance, Schulgasse 10, 3100 St.
Contact: Elisabeth and Anton Reneis
Telephone: 02275/ 61 69
Mobile: 0676/41 30 382
Email: [email protected]
Language: German
 Regenbogen (Rainbow) self-help group
Meeting: Please register by telephone
Venue: Caritas Regional Office, Kirchengasse 6a, 2130 Mistelbach
Contact: Gabriela Brunner
Tel.: 0664/73 800 349
Email: [email protected]
Language: German
 Windrad Tulln (wind wheel) - SHG for parents whose baby has died
during or after birth
Meeting: On the second Monday of every month from 19.00 hrs. (In case of
public holiday, one week later)
Venue: In the seminar room of the Austrian Red Cross Lower Austria, Franz
Zant Allee 3-5, 3430 Tulln - Please register by telephone.
Contact: Sabina Pay
Telephone: 059 144 50591 (Red Cross)
Mobile: 0676/5634030
Email: [email protected]
Homepage: www.roteskreuz.at/noe
Language: German
 “Bereaved parents” self-help group
Meeting: By arrangement
Venue: Castelligasse 28, 2020 Hollabrunn
Contact: Claudia Öller
Tel.: +43/2952/20245
Email: [email protected]
Language: German
 “Parents mourn their child” self-help group
Meeting: By arrangement
Venue: 5020 Salzburg
Contact: Claudia Gstöttner
Tel.: +43/662/451948
Email: [email protected]
Language: German
 “Roof of hope” SHG (Laa/Thaya)
Meeting: By arrangement
Venue: Parsonage Laa/Taya
Contact: Michaela Sedivy
Tel.: 0664 73715910
“Parents mourn” self-help group
Meeting: By arrangement
Venue: Parish office Bischofshofen, Franz-Mohshammer-Platz 2,
5500 Bischofshofen, Telephone: 06462 I 23 94
Contact: Anton Fink
Tel.: 06462 / 23 94
Email: a.fink(at)sbg.at
Language: German
 “Parents mourn their child” self-help group
Meeting: On the first Wednesday of every month at 20:00 hrs.
Venue: Education Centre St. Virgil, Ernst-Grein-Str. 14, 5026 Salzburg-Aigen,
registration is not required (open group).
Contact: Hannelore and Elisabeth Koch
Tel.: Tel. 0664 I 7824462 or Tel. 0680 I 2195007
Email: hanne.koch(at)gmx.at or elisabeth.koch1(at)gmx.net
Language: German
 “Life without my child” self-help group
Meeting: By arrangement
Venue: Disclosed on request
Contact: Andrea Ferstl/Barbara Hutter
Tel.: 0664 / 7639966 or 0664 / 9224302
Email: [email protected]
Language: German
 “Initiative to support mourning parents” of the University Hospital
holds a commemoration ceremony for the deceased babies three times a year,
NOT A self-help group!
Contact: Mag. Elisabeth Sallinger-Leidenfrost
Tel.: 0662/4482-58531
Email: [email protected]
 “Star children - living without you” self-help group
Meeting: Monthly
Venue: Parent-child centre Graz, Bergmanngasse 10, 8020 Graz
Contact: Christina Kandler
Tel.: +43/664/4371590
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Homepage: www.leben-ohne-dich.com
Language: German
 Support group for bereaved parents/Bruck,Kapfenberg
Meeting: Not specified
Contact: Sabine Moises / Sonja Karr
Tel.: 03862 / 22 413 or 0664 / 23 00 507
Email: [email protected]
Homepage: www.rettet-das-kind-stmk.at
Language: German
Verein Regenbogen-Hilfestellung bei glückloser Schwangerschaft
 Association “Bereaved parents - Living with the death of a child”
Meeting: Not specified
Venue: Graz
Contact: Hanna Caspaar
Tel.: 0664 / 53 36 044
Email: [email protected]
Homepage: www.verwaisteeltern.at
Language: German
 Self-help group telephone hotline “High Hope - Abrupt End” (Voitsberg)
Meeting: By arrangement
Venue: Parent-child centre Voitsberg District, Josef-Radkohl-Str. 16, 8570
Contact: Mag. Andrea Zügner-Lenz
Tel.: 0664 51 49 298
Email: [email protected]
Language: German
 “Fortuneless pregnancy” self-help group (Mürzzuschlag)
Meeting: Monthly
Venue: Mürzzuschlag
Contact: Mrs Theresia Bruckgraber/ Mrs Katharina Reisenauer
Tel.: 0650/403 50 17 or Tel.: 0650/436 46 40
Homepage: www.muerzerhebammen.at
Language: German
 Herzschmerz ADE – Association for mourning support for bereaved
Meeting: not specified
Venue: Hans Tinhof Straße 7/11,7000 Eisenstadt
Contact: Petra Parsons
Tel.: 0699/17111876
Email: office(at)herzschmerzade.at
Homepage: www.herzschmerzade.at
Language: German
Verein Regenbogen-Hilfestellung bei glückloser Schwangerschaft
Upper Austria
 SARA- SHG for mourning parents
Meeting: On the third Wednesday of every month by appointment, No meeting:
July, August
Venue: Gmunden
Contact: Gabriela Rossini
Tel.: 0650 3664 202
Email: [email protected]
Language: German
 High Hope - Abrupt End – Support group for men and women
Meeting: Please register
Venue: Linz
Contact: Michaela Kaiser
Email: [email protected]
Homepage: http://www.zoe.at/index_html?sc=227948862
Language: German
 “Meeting point Hope” self-help group, for bereaved parents
Meeting: Monthly
Venue: “Bühnenstüberl” der r. k. Pfarre in 4210 Gallneukirchen
Contact: Dipl. Päd. Petra Ratschenherger
Tel.: 0699/10 24 38 37
Email: [email protected]
Language: German
 Self-help group for mourning parents and siblings
Meeting: Monthly
Venue: Haus der Frau, Volsgartenstrasse 18, 4020 Linz
Contact: Josefine Mülleder
Tel.: 07215/35 02
Email: [email protected]
Homepage: www.trauernde-eltern.at
Language: German
Verein Regenbogen-Hilfestellung bei glückloser Schwangerschaft
 “A breath of life” SHG, miscarriage & stillbirth (Wels)
Meeting: On the first Monday of every month from 19:30 hrs.
Venue: Women’s health centre (PGA), Kaiser Josef-Platz 52,4600 Wels
Contact: Simone Strobl
Email: [email protected]
Language: German
 “Sudden infant death syndrome” self-help group
Meeting: Not specified
Venue: Velden
Contact: Elfi Köstenberger
Tel.: 0699/115 20 176
Email: [email protected]
Homepage: http://www.selbsthilfe-kaernten.at
Language: German
 “Suddenly without child” self-help group
Meeting: Not specified
Venue: Not specified
Contact:, Sonja Walder
Tel: 0650/73 11 511
Email: [email protected]
Homepage: http://www.selbsthilfe-kaemten.at
Language: German
 “Bereaved mothers and fathers” self-help group
Meeting: Monthly
Venue: Stauderplatz 5/3/308
Contact/Tel.: (0463) 50 48 71
 “Fortuneless pregnancy” self-help group
Meeting: By arrangement
Venue: Spittal/Drau
Contact: Brigitte Winkler
Tel.: 0699/114 04 070
Email: [email protected]
Verein Regenbogen-Hilfestellung bei glückloser Schwangerschaft
 “Fortuneless pregnancy” self-help group
Meeting: By arrangement
Venue: By arrangement
Contact: Birgit Freibergen
Tel.: 0650/60 50 20
Language: German
 SHG by Christina Wurmitzer (Life and social counsellor)
Meeting: Every third Thursday in 1 month
Venue: Hadanig 5 9212 Techelsberg a. Wörthersee
Contact: Christina Wurmitzer
Tel.: 0660/4651314
Email: [email protected]
Language: German
 “Star children” self-help group Lienz
Meeting: Every 2 months at 19:00 hrs.
Venue: Parent-child centre Lienz
Contact: Monika Pucher-Schweiger,
Our group is guided by Mr Rudi Rumpl (grief counsellor).
Tel.: 0676/3254540.
Email: [email protected]
Language: German
 “Mourning for bereaved parents” self-help group
Meeting: Monthly
Venue: Parent-child centre Rechter Iselweg 5, 9900 Lienz
Contact: Antonia Schwarz
Tel.: 0676/ 436 5717 or 04852 606 290
Language: German
Verein Regenbogen-Hilfestellung bei glückloser Schwangerschaft
Until now, there have been no self-help groups relating to our topic in
Vorarlberg. According to latest research, a self-help group is now being created.
Please enquire on www.selbsthilfe-vorarlberg.at or www.shg-regenbogen.at.
 “Regenbogen” self-help group
Meeting: On the first Wednesday of every month (if this day falls on a public
holiday, then the meeting will take place one week later, meetings in July and
August by arrangement from 19:30 hrs.
Venue: Nanaya Centre, Zollergasse 37, 1070 Vienna
Contact: Petra Hainz/ Claudia Weinert
Tel.: +43/676/6428692
Email: [email protected]
Homepage: www.shg-regenbogen.at
Languages: German, English
 Conversation group “Bereaved parents”
Meeting: Evenings by arrangement
Venue: Breitenseerstraße 19/27, 1140 Vienna
Contact: Sabine Reisinger, Tel. 0664/4851929
Email: [email protected]
Homepage: www.viennanet.at/VerwaisteEltem
Language: German
Other groups in smaller towns and communities can be found at
www.best-help.or.at or www.selbsthilfe.at.
Links and forums relating to the subject
Verein Regenbogen-Hilfestellung bei glückloser Schwangerschaft
Further Training Opportunities for Professionals
Seminar for doctors, midwives, (paediatric) nurses, spiritual advisors,
psychologists, social workers, and office and visiting service employees:
„Wenn Schwangerschaften glücklos enden“
(When pregnancies end in grief)
Seminar leader: Mag. Elisabeth Widensky
Cell phone: 0650 37 105 37 („Please leave a message, I will get back to you“)
4 Points of Emphasis:
 Introduction, informative handout for parents whose baby has died: legal
regulations (e.g.: burial rights, right to a name)
 The grieving process, the special characteristics of the hospital setting
 Practical experience, questions relating to specific institutions, practical
advice on handling cases
 Case supervisions for individuals or couples
Verein Regenbogen-Hilfestellung bei glückloser Schwangerschaft
Burial Law and Burial Options
Generally, any baby no matter his/her weight or his/her week of gestation can be
buried at the parents´ own expenses. The decision to bury the child should at
best be made within the first 24 hours, but if you can come to an arrangement
with the local pathologist, he/she can keep your baby for up to a week, granting
you more time to make your decision.
Spontaneous Abortion:
see Miscarriage
look at the information in the curettage section
By signing the histology form you decide if you wish to have a separate funeral
for your child. For a separate funeral you will need a „Leichenbegleitschein“ (a
corpse movement authorization) issued by the coroner. This form will have to be
handed over to Bestattung Wien, Vienna´s funeral service.
If you do not decide to have an individual funeral, your child will join other
children who have died in a collective coffin and will be cremated in the
crematory in Simmering. The urn will be buried in a collective grave on the
“Zentralfriedhof”, on “Grabfeld (burial ground) 35 B”, a place of
commemoration for the relatives. Family and friends can be present at the burial
and get involved in the funeral arrangements (see „Arranging the Funeral“).
The burial of the urn takes place every first Friday of the months March, June,
September and December at 08:30 a.m. (meeting place: hall 3 [“Halle 3”] at
08:00 a.m.). All expenses are covered by the city of Vienna. To find out on
which date the funerals take place, feel free to call 760 41/97803.
If you want to know if your child is going to be buried in the upcoming
collective funeral (the transfer is usually carried out up until two days before the
funeral), do not hesitate to contact the cemetary´s administration or the
crematory of the “Zentralfriedhof”. They have a list of names of the affected
mothers (Tel: 760 41/871 or 872).
In the case of a miscarriage, an autopsy is carried out, but there is no
certification or registration of the child at the civil registry office
Verein Regenbogen-Hilfestellung bei glückloser Schwangerschaft
Babies who have not been born and have left the womb through a curettage are
not buried. They are kept in the respective pathology unit for 30 years. There
have been cases, however, in which very empathetic pathologists have agreed to
release the child for the collective funeral (in this case see Miscarriage).
In the case of a stillbirth you can choose to have a separate funeral for your child
with a signature on the autopsy form („Obduktionsschein“). (Average cost for an
individual funeral: ~ € 1.600 ).
If you do not wish to have a separate, individual funeral for your child, he or she
will be buried on the “Zentralfriedhof” on burial ground („Grabfeld“) 35B. In
case you do not report the child´s first name to the civil registry office, the
plaque on the grave will be engraved with either “Mädchen” (girl) or “Knabe”
(boy) and the baby´s last name. If you would like to attend the funeral, please
contact „Bestattung Wien” (Tel: 501 95-0, in service 24 hours a day). This is
where you will be informed about the date of the funeral. You may also deposit
clothes and toys for your child at the pathology unit so that they can be placed
inside the casket as well.
A further possibility is to cremate your child and take the urn home with you.
This option, however, is only possible with a special authorization by the
Magistrate Division 40 (“MA 40”).
In the case of a stillbirth, both an autopsy and a subsequent certification and
registration of the child at the civil registry office are required. For your child´s
certification at the registry office you need to bring a photo identification and
the child´s death notice from the hospital.
Verein Regenbogen-Hilfestellung bei glückloser Schwangerschaft
Early infant death:
When it comes to early infant death or death shortly after birth, the parents
themselves are responsible for the organization of the funeral. Still, the
possibility exists that the organization of the burial be handed over to the city of
In that case, the baby is buried in an individual grave on the “Zentralfriedhof”
on burial ground 35B, and the grave will be reserved for this child for a period
of 10 years. This is the time span of the so-called “Ruherecht” (“right of rest”)
that applies to the grave according to law. Up to this point there is no possibility
of extending the 10-year-period, but the cemetery´s administration is eagerly
seeking solutions.
The death certificate („Todesbescheinigung“) from the pathology unit and the
live birth notice (“Anzeige der Lebendgeburt“) will be sent directly from the
hospital to the corresponding civil registry office (to find out which civil registry
office is responsible for you, call: 501 95-0; number is in service 24 hours a
day). You can pick up the certificate of death at the authorities
(„Sterbeurkunde“) by presenting your personal ID. The costs are about € 10. On
demand the certificate of death can also contain the name of your child.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time:
Petra Hainz Tel: 0676 64 28 692
Verein Regenbogen-Hilfestellung bei glückloser Schwangerschaft
Funeral Parlours Specialised on Burials of Babies and Children
Every funeral parlour in Vienna offers the following types of burial:
In-ground burial
Urn to take home ( with official permission by the Ma 40)
Forest cemetary (starting from 3000 €)
Diamond burial (cremation diamonds) (starting at 5000€)
Cremation/Urn burial ( starting at about 1000€)
Sky burial ( starting at about 4000€)
We have contacted several funeral parlours and have researched their offers.
The following funeral parlours have specialised on burials of babies and
Special Offers:
 Diamond made from the parents´ hair and the child´s ashes
 Memorial crystal with the child´s ashes
 Painting of the coffin
Special Offers:
 Coffins in the shape of (tear) drops or baby feet
 Painting of urns and coffins
Verein Regenbogen-Hilfestellung bei glückloser Schwangerschaft
Special Offers:
 Painting of urns and coffins
 Possibility of releasing doves/balloons during the ceremony
Examples for Coffins:
Examples for Urns:
Verein Regenbogen-Hilfestellung bei glückloser Schwangerschaft
Song proposals for the funeral service
"Comptire d'un autre été, l'après-midi"/Klavierstück aus den
Film “Die fabelhafte Welt der Amelie`“
Kirchenlied "Von guten Mächten wunderbar geborgen"
Kirchenlied "Der Himmel geht über allen auf".
"Tears in Heaven"/Eric Clapton
"Somewhere over the Rainbow"/Judy Garland
Current in the hit parade:
“Und wenn ein Lied “/ Söhne Mannheims
„Into the west“/ Annie Lennox
"Angel"/Sarah McLaughlin
"Amoi seg ma uns wieder"/ Andreas Gabalier
„Geboren um zu Leben“/ Unheilig
"Somewhere over the Rainbow"/ Israel Kamakawiwoʻole
Verein Regenbogen-Hilfestellung bei glückloser Schwangerschaft
Map “Zentralfriedhof” Vienna:
Verein Regenbogen-Hilfestellung bei glückloser Schwangerschaft
Location of the “Babygrabfeld” / Burial Ground 35B:
Verein Regenbogen-Hilfestellung bei glückloser Schwangerschaft
Ground Plan of the “Babygrabfeld“ /Burial ground 35B:
Verein Regenbogen-Hilfestellung bei glückloser Schwangerschaft
New funeral options for bereaved parents of Muslim background
Starting from October 2012, there are two options of burying a child at the
Islamic cemetery in the Grossmarktstrasse 2a,1230 Wien:
Collective Grave:
The Collective Grave is intended for babies with a birth weight of under 500g.
Furthermore it is intended for Muslim families who find it hard to bear the costs
of an individual funeral (900-1100 Euro). The latter should be confirmed in
written form by a friend or a relative of the bereaved family. In this case, only
the costs of 28 Euros per year for the maintenance of the grave would have to be
The collective grave is property of the Islamic cemetery and the name of the
child is only documented in the cemetery´s registry.
Individual Grave:
Babies, no matter their birth weight, can also be buried in an individual grave.
The child is buried in a coffin of 110cm of length. The contract for the grave can
be extended every ten years.
The parents have to cover the costs for the funeral (900-1100 Euros) and for the
maintenance of the grave (28 Euro per year).
The individual grave is property of the Islamic cemetery and the name of the
child is engraved on the gravestone.
Verein Regenbogen-Hilfestellung bei glückloser Schwangerschaft
Arranging the Funeral
If you prepare your baby´s funeral yourselves, or if you have chosen a separate,
individual grave for your child, you are free to organize the ceremony according
to your liking.
However, if your baby is going to be buried in a collective funeral, it will be
rather difficult to make arrangements, especially if you do not know the other
deceased children´s parents. For reasons of data protection and privacy
concerns, the administration of the cemetery is not authorized to offer you any
names or other information on the other mothers and fathers.
Try to contact a support group (see „List of support groups“) and inquire about
other grieving mothers and fathers who will be present at the same funeral.
The date of the burial can be found out by contacting the administration of
vienna central cemetery (01/76041-43802, 01/76041-43803).
Questions that could be helpful during the funeral arrangements:
 Because of the different religious denominations of the concerned parents
it is not allowed to have a religious discharge. If you like a spiritual
guidance during the ceremony, you have to contact a priest or pastor for
your own.
 During the urn laying out the vienna funeral service will play even
mourning music.
 You will have the possibility to read a convient text, poem or letter to
your baby.
 You can place a burial object inside the grave. You can use any object
that is biodegradable, for instance a soft toy, flowers, a letter.
A closing ritual:
Light a candle for every deceased baby at the grave; release helium balloons;
cite a farewell poem, etc.
Verein Regenbogen-Hilfestellung bei glückloser Schwangerschaft
An important note on releasing helium balloons:
The “Zentralfriedhof“ is located within the safety zone of the Vienna Schwechat
Airport! Therefore the following regulations apply:
 Contact and inform the “Flugplatzkontrollstelle Wien Schwechat” (Air
traffic control) about the balloons at least one hour before they are going
to be released (Tel.: 051703 32 222)
 The balloons must not be tied together
 No metal objects must be tied to the balloons and the balloons must be
free of radar reflective lettering and writings
For some time now 1-2 volunteers of our association have been attending the
collective funerals and have been offering balloons to be released. These
volunteers also contact the air traffic control – you can approach them at any

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