Prof. Dr. Carlo Masala Vorlesungsplan Theorien der Internationalen


Prof. Dr. Carlo Masala Vorlesungsplan Theorien der Internationalen
Prof. Dr. Carlo Masala
Institut für Internationale Politik und Völkerrecht
Fakultät für
Staats- und Sozialwissenschaften
Tel.: 089-6004-2044/-2048 (Sekr.)
E-Mail: [email protected]
Basismodul : Einführung in die Politikwissenschaft
Theorien der Internationalen Politik
WT 2008, 2. Trim.
1 Sitzung
Wozu dienen Theorien in der Internationalen Politik?
Einführende Literatur:
Waltz, Kenneth N.: Theory of International Politics, Mass, 1979, Kapitel 1.
Weiterführende Literatur:
Russett, Bruce/Starr, Harvey 1996: World Politics. The Menu for Choice, 5. Aufl., New York 1-33.
2 Sitzung
Anarchie und Macht I
Einführende Literatur:
Baldwin, David A.: Power Analysis and World Politics,” World Politics 31. (January 1979):
Waltz, Kenneth N.: Theory of International Politics, Kapitel 2, 4, 6 und 7.
Waltz. Kenneth N.: Man, The State and War, New York 3. Aufl. 2001, Kapitel 2, 4, 6, and 7.
Weiterführende Literatur:
Wagner, R. Harrison. "What Was Bipolarity?" International Organization 47, no. 1 (Winter 1993):
Wohlforth, William C. "The Stability of a Unipolar World." International Security 24, no. 1
(Summer 1999): 5-41.
3 Sitzung
Anarchie und Macht II
Einführende Literatur:
Mearsheimer, John J. Tragedy of Great Power Politics. New York 2001: 1-54.
Schroeder, Paul. "Historical Reality vs. Neo-Realist Theory." International Security 19, no. 1
(Summer 1994): 108-148.
Weiterführende Literatur:
Krasner, Stephen D. "State Power and the Structure of Foreign Trade."
World Politics 28, no. 3 (April 1976): 317-347.
Gilpin. War and Change in World Politics, Kapitel 1, 2, 5 und Epilogue.
Schweller, Randall L. "Neorealism's Status Quo Bias: What Security Dilemma?" Security Studies 5,
no. 3 (1996): 90-121.
4 Sitzung
Internationale Regime und Institutionen
Einführende Literatur:
Martin, Lisa L. / Beth A. Simmons. "Theories and Empirical Studies of International Institutions."
International Organization 53, no. 4 (Autumn 1998): 729-757.
Pierson, Paul. "The Path to European Integration: A Historical Institutionalist Analysis."
Comparative Political Studies 29, no. 2 (April 1996): 123-164.
Weiterführende Literatur:
Axelrod, Robert. "Effective Choice in the Prisoner's Dilemma." Journal of Conflict Resolution 24,
no. 1 (March 1980): 3-25.
Krasner, Stephen D. "Structural Causes and Regime Consequences: Regimes as Intervening
Variables." International Organization 36, no. 2 (Spring 1982): 185-205.
Keohane, Robert O. "The Demand for International Regimes." International Organization 36, no. 2
(Spring 1982): 325-355.
Stein, Arthur A. "Coordination and Collaboration: Regimes in an Anarchic World." International
Organization 36, no. 2 (Spring 1982): 299-324.
5 Sitzung
Normen, Ideen und die internationale Staatengemeinschaft
Einführende Literatur:
Bull, Hedley. The Anarchical Society: A Study of Order in World Politics, New York 1977: 1-77.
Finnemore, Martha / Kathryn Sikkink. "International Norm Dynamics and Political Change."
International Organization 52, no. 4 (1998): 887-917.
Weiterführende Literatur:
Buzan, Barry. "From International System to International Society: Structural Realism and Regime
Theory Meet the English School." International Organization 47, no. 3
(Summer 1993): 327-352.
Kocs, Stephen A. "Explaining the Strategic Behavior of States: International Law as System
Structure." International Studies Quarterly 38, no. 4 (December 1994): 535-556.
6 Sitzung
Identitäten und Agent-Structure
Einführende Literatur:
Wendt, Alexander. "Anarchy is what States Make of it: The Social Construction of Power Politics."
International Organization 46, no. 2 (Spring 1992): 391-425.
Risse, Thomas. "'Let's Argue!': Communicative Action in World Politics." International
Organization 54, no. 1 (Winter 2000): 1-39.
Weiterführende Literatur:
Adler, Emanuel. "Seizing the Middle Ground: Constructivism in World Politics." European Journal
of International Relations 3, no. 3 (1997): 319-363.
Tickner, J. Ann. "You Just Don't Understand: Troubled Engagements between Feminists and IR
Theorists." International Studies Quarterly 41, no. 4 (December 1997): 611-632.
Mitzen, Jennifer. "Reading Habermas in Anarchy: Multilateral Diplomacy and Global Public
Spheres." American Political Science Review 99, no. 3 (August 2005): 401-417.
Von Staatsmännern/Frauen und Wahrnehmungen
Einführende Literatur:
Byman, Daniel L., and Kenneth M. Pollack. "Let Us Now Praise Great Men: Bringing the
Statesman Back In." International Security 25, no. 4 (March 2001): 107-146.
Jervis, Robert. "Hypotheses on Misperception." World Politics 20, no. 3 (April 1968): 454-479.
Levy, Jack S. "An Introduction to Prospect Theory." Political Psychology 13, no. 2 (June 1992):
Weiterführende Literatur:
Stein, Arthur A. "When Misperceptions Matter." World Politics 34, no. 4 (July 1982): 505-526.
Wohlforth, William C. "The Perception of Power: Russia in the Pre-1914 Balance." World Politics
39, no. 3 (April 1987): 353-381.
Mercer, Jonathan. "Rationality and Psychology in International Politics." International
Organization 59, no. 1 (Winter 2005): 77-106.
8 Sitzung
Internationale Politik und Außenpolitik
Einführende Literatur:
Fearon, James D. "Domestic Politics, Foreign Policy, and Theories of International Relations."
Annual Review of Political Science 1 (1998): 289-313.
Putnam, Robert. "Diplomacy and Domestic Politics: The Logic of Two-Level Games."
International Organization 2, no. 3 (Summer 1988): 427-460.
Weiterführende Literatur:
Ikenberry, G. John, David A. Lake, and Michael Mastanduno" Toward a Realist Theory of State
Action." International Studies Quarterly 33, no. 4 (December 1989): 457-474.
Hudson, Valerie M. "Foreign Policy Analysis: Actor-Specific Theory and the Ground of
International Relations." Foreign Policy Analysis 1, no. 1 (2005): 1-30.
Snyder, Jack. "Science And Sovietology: Bridging The Methods Gap in Soviet Foreign Policy
Studies." World Politics 40, no. 2 (January 1988): 169-194.
9 Sitzung
Innenpolitische Einflüße auf auswärtige Politik
Einführende Literatur:
Moravcsik, Andrew. "Taking Preferences Seriously: A Liberal Theory of International Politics."
International Organization 51, no. 4 (Autumn 1997): 512-553.
Layne, Christopher: The Peace of Illusions. American Grand Strategy from 1940 to the Present,
Ithaca 2006, Kapitel 1.
Weiterführende Literatur:
Narizny, Kevin. "The Political Economy of Alignment: Great Britain's Commitments to Europe,
1905-39." International Security 27, no. 4 (Spring 2003): 184-219.
Haas, Mark L. "Ideology And Alliances: British And French External Balancing Decisions In The
1930s." Security Studies 12, no. 4 (Summer 2003): 34-79.
Friedberg, Aaron L. "Why Didn't the United States Become a Garrison State?" International
Security 16, no. 4 (Spring 1992): 109-142.
Johnston, Alastair Iain. "Cultural Realism and Strategy in Maoist China." In The Culture of
National Security: Norms and Identity in World Politics, Peter J. Katzenstein (Hg.). New
York, 1996, pp. 216-270.
Goldstein, Judith / Robert Keohane, "Ideas and Foreign Policy: An Analytical Framework." In:
diesb (Hrsg.): Ideas and Foreign Policy: Beliefs, Institutions, and Political Change. Ithaca,
1993, pp. 3-30.
10 Sitzung
Politisches System und Internationale Politik
Einführende Literatur:
Doyle, Michael W. "Liberalism and World Politics." The American Political Science Review 80, no.
4 (December 1986): 1151-1169.
Rosato, Sebastian. "The Flawed Logic of Democratic Peace Theory." American Political Science
Review 97, no. 4 (November 2003): 585-602.
Weiterführende Literatur:
Owen, John M. "How Liberalism Produces Democratic Peace." International Security 19, no. 2
(Autumn 1994): 87-125.
Maoz, Zeev, and Bruce Russett. "Normative and Structural Causes of the Democratic Peace."
American Political Science Review 87, no. 3 (September 1993): 624-638.
Fearon, James D. "Domestic Political Audiences and the Escalation of International Disputes."
American Political Science Review 88, no. 3 (September 1994): 577-592.
Schultz, Kenneth A. "Do Democratic Institutions Constrain or Inform? Contrasting Two
Institutional Perspectives on Democracy and War." International Organization 53, no. 2
(Spring 1999): 233-266.
Mansfield, Edward / Jack L. Snyder. "Democratic Transitions, Institutional Strength, and War. "
International Organization 56, no. 2 (Spring 2002): 297-337.