Publications Received


Publications Received
[American Field.--Contlnued.•
2•o8. []•asser domesticusin ]•rovldence, t?. /.]
23, •89o, p. 5r2.
2•o9. C•a•tffed Habits of •uails.
Editorial. Ibid., Nov.
By M. G. Ellzey, M.D.
Dec. 6, •89o, pp. 534, 535.
The Loon. By Agamak. /bid., Dec. i3, •89o, p. 56L
Birds ObservedœnAlabama. By W. C. A[vei,y'l. Ibid., Dec.
2o, •89o, p. 584; Dec. 27, pp. 6o7, 6o8.
2112. [Snowy Owls.] By A. B. Merrill, E. P. Shipley, and the Editor.
xrbld.,Dec. 27, i89o, p. 6o8.--Recent occurrence in Massachusetts, Missouri, and Long Island, N.Y.-- C. F. B.
Publications Received.--Bendire,
Directions for Collecting
Preparing, and Preserving Birds' Eggs and Nests. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus.,
No. 39, Part D. Pp. •o.
Blasius, R. (I) IV. Bericbt fiber das permanente internationale ornith~
ologische Comitd und iihnliche Einrichtungen in einzelnen Liindern.
(Ornis, Jahr. •89•. ) (2) Bericht an das ungarische Comitd ffir den II.
intern. ornith. Congress in Budapest. Braunschweig, March, 1891.
Butler, Amos W. A Catalogue of the Birds of Indiana. •89•. 8vo.
PP. •35.
Chapman, Frank M. (•) The Origin o[' the Avit'auna of the Bahamas.
(Am. Nat., June, •89•. ) (2) On the Color-Pattern o[' tire Upper TailCoverts in Cola•les auralus. (Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Ilist., Vol. III, No.
2, pp. 3•-3•4.)
(3) On the Birds observednear Corpus Christi, Texas,
during parts ofMarch and April, i89•. (Ibid., pp.3I$-328.)
Cherrie, George K. Description of New Genera, Species, and Subspeciesof Birds from Costa Rica. (Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., XIV, pp.
Colburn, Win. W., and Robert O. Morris. The Birds of the Connecticut Valley in Massachusetts. i6 mo. pp. 24.
Duty, Charles, and Ralph Kellogg. Notes on Birds. (Journ. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist. XIV, No. •, pp. 43, 44-)
Frivaldszky, Joannes.
Aves Hnngarite.
Enumeratio systematica
Avium Hungarise cure notis brevibus biologicis, Iocis inventionis virorumque a qnibus oriuntur.
8vo. pp. ix, •97- Budapest, 1891.
Giglioli, Enrico Itillyer. Primo Resocontodei Risultati della inchiesta
Ornitologica in Italia. Parte terza ed ultima. Notizie d'Indole generale,
migrazioni, nidificazione, allmentazione, ecc. 8vo. pp. vii, 5•$. Firenze,
Herman, Otto. 0) J- S. v. Pet•nyi, der Begr•nder der Wissenschaftlichen Ornithologie in Ungarn. •799-•855ß 4 to. PP- •39. Budapest,
x89•. (2) U'eber die ersten Ankunœtszeitender Zugv6gel in Ungarn.
(Frfihjahrs-Zng.) Vorbericht œi•irden II. internat. ornithol. Congress.
Hornaday, William T., and W. J. Holland. Taxidermy and Zo61ogical
Collecting. Scribner's Sons, New York, I89•.
xxiv, and 85 cutsin text;.
8vo. pp. xix, 36g, pll.
Liebe, Th., und v. Wangelin. Referat iiber den Vogelscbutz der 7-ten
Sectiondes H. internationalen Oruithologen-Congressesin Budapest.
Lucas, Frederic A. On the Structure or the Tongue in Humming
Birds. (Proc, U.S. Nat. Mus , XIV. pp. •69-•72.)
Madarfisz, Julius v. ErlS.uterungen zu der aus Artlass des II. Internationalen Ornithologen-Congresses zu Budapest veranstalteten Ausstellung
der Ungarischen Vogelfauna im Namen des Ungarischen AusstellungsComitds zusammengestellt von Dr. Julius v. Madar, 8vo. pp. •22., Isidor.
Referat fiber den interxmtionalen Scbutz der, die
Bodenkultur nfitzlichen V6gel. Dem II. intern. ornitholog. Congress in
Budapest, x89t, vorgelegt.
Merriam, C. Hart. North American Fauna, No. 5, July, t89•.
Newton, Alfred. Fossil Birds, fi'om the forthcoming 'Dictionary of
Birds,' delivered before the Second International Ornithological Congress on the tSMay, x89•. 4to. pp. t 5. Budapest, •89•.
Palmen, J.A. Referat tiber den Stand der Kenntniss des Vogelzuges..
Vorlage ffir den II. intern. ornith. Congress in Budapest t89•.
Ramsey, E. P. Catalogue
Museum at Sidney, N.S.W.
Reichenow, Ant. Entwur[
tur. Dem II. intern. ornith.
of tbe Australian Birds in the Anstralian
PartlII, Psittaci. $vo. pp. •o6, iv.
von Regeln ffir die zoologiscbe NomenclaCongress in Budapest •$9• vorgelegt yon
Reiser, O. Die Vogelsammlung des Bosniscb-ltercegovinischenLandesmuseumsin Sarajevo. $ vo. pp. xxxii, •45. Budapest, t89t.
Ridgway, Robert. Directions for Collecting Birds. (Bull. U.S. Nat.
Mus. No. 39, Part A, pp. 27.)
Rhoades, Samuel N. Probable Cause of Polygamy among Birds. (Am.
Nat., xxiv, t$9o, pp. to24-to36.)
Schalow, Herman. (x) J. F. yon Brandt: Ueber die Vogelfauna der
Aleuten, Kurilen und der russisch-amerikani•-chenColonien. (Journ.
far Orn., •$9t, pp. 235'27•') (2) Friedrich Kutter. Ged•ichtuissrede
gehalten in der Sitzung atn 6 April, t89•. (Ibid., pp. 225-235.)
Sharpe, R. Bowtiler. A Review of Recent Attempts to Classify Birds;
an Address delivered before the Second International
Congresson the tSth of May, •$9 •. $vo. pp. 9o, pll. xii. Budapest, •$9 x
Contributionsto the ComparativeOstcologyof
Arctic and Sub-Arctic Water-Birds.
Part IX.
(Journ. Anat. and Phys.
Vol. XXV, pp. 509-525,pll. xi, xii.) (2) On the Q•ue•tion of Saurognathism of the Pici, and other O.•teologicalNotes upon that Group.
(Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., •89t, pp. •22-•29.) (3) On the Comparative
Osteologyof the United StatesColumbidte. (Ibld., pp. •94-•96.)
American Field, XXXV, Nos. 2, 5, 26, XXXVI, Nos. t'•3, t$9 •.
American Jonrn. Sci., July-Sept., •$9•.
American Naturalist, June, July, t$9t.
Australian Museran, Records of, Vol. I, Nos. 6, 7, t89t'
Bulletin of the Eusex Institute, XXII, Nos. •o-•2, •89o.
Forest and Stream, XXXVI, Nos. 22-26, XXXVII, Nos. I-$, •89t.
Ge,eral fVo&,$.
Journal Cincinnati Soc. Nat. 1Iist., XIV, Nos. •, 2, 1891.
Observer, The, II, Nos. 6-8, •89I.
Ornithologist and Botanist, I, Nos. 7, 8, July, Aug., 1S9•.
Ornithologisches .lal•rbucl•, 1I, pt. 4, July, •S9I.
Ornithologist and O61ogist, July, •'kttg'ttst,1891.
Ottawa Naturalist, V, Nos. 4, 5, I89•.
Proceedings oœLinnaeau Society of New Yot'k, Abstract of, 189•.
Wisconsin Naturalist, I, Nos. II, 12, June, July, •89•.
Zoologist, July-Sept. 1891.
The Yellow-legs (Tola,t•s ./htw•es) Breeding in Ontario County,
N. Y.--A 1)air of Yellow-legs (7'o/a,usjlav/Sbes) remained tiffs season
and bred in a wet pasture in company with Killdeers
voc(/bra) and Spotted Sandpipers (Actltis macttl(tr?a). 1 do not know
of any former record of tbeir breeding in the County. The o;vnerof the
pasture, xvhois somewhat of a sportsman, and who first called my attention
to the birds, would not permit their being disturbed, as be was anxious that
tbeyshotfid make it a regular breeding ground. I repeatedly saw the birds
atclosequartersantt fifilyidentified them. 1)uringtbelatter part of Jnne
I noticed œouryoung accompanyingthe parents who permitted of much
closer approacl• than formerly. The young were about ball grown
and I endeavored to catch one oœthembut they eluded pursuit amt finally
escapedinto a swamp close at hand.--B. S. Bowl)Is[l, Phelfix, N. T'.
The Turkey Vulture
(Calhar[es aura) in Ontario County, N. Y.--
July 3 Charles Donelly, ayoung sportsmanof thisl)lace, shot a Turkey
Vulttn'e (Cttlharlcs a•ira) wbicl• xvasone of a flock of eight, seen in the
vicinity of a marshy wood. On the 5lb the bird was presented to me,
and although in poor coudiliou--heing badly shot--was preserved as a
good .specimen. The bh'd is a female. The ttock tenlathed in the vlcinit5, the entire afternoon, hnt the next morning•vere gone, and none have
been seen since.
is, so far as I know, the first record of the bird
being taken iu the County.--B.
S. BOWDIS[l, Phel•s, iV-. T'.
An Abnormal Specimen ofCoccyzus maynardi.--A peculiar exa•npte of
•vbat is prol)ably Coccyzus m•tynarcli bas been lately received from
[nag-ua,Bahamas. The bird has the general appearance and marktug uœ
C. m•yu•trarœ,
hut the head, neck, and underparts are plumbeous gray,
and the back and upper tail-coverts ast,-gray. The quills are pale brown
and the tail-featbe• s black, which, with the exception of the two central
feathers are tipped wittlwhite. The bird, a female, was taken nearNortb•vest Point, Inagua, May 28, I89I.C[l^•LES B. CORY, t3oston, Mass.

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