Edge Blending Passive 3D Decoding Active 3D Edge - AV-iQ


Edge Blending Passive 3D Decoding Active 3D Edge - AV-iQ
(Video Processor for Multi-Projector)
For Professional installation
Edge Blending
Passive 3D Decoding
Active 3D Edge Blending
Image Stacking
Curve Screen Display
Video Wall
VNS Inc.
[email protected]
Tel: +886-2-8751-2785
Skype: vns-inc
Value & Satisfaction
About GeoBox
Vns Inc. designs and manufactures a series of high end video processor “GeoBox”
to expand the application of projector. State-of-the-art technologies are
integrated in the design, including 10-bit processor with advanced video
processing, Perfect Sync 3D synchronization and patented warp technology.
GeoBox is a standalone system for up/down scaling, format conversion, video
wall, 3D demultiplexer, curved surface display, sophisticated image edge
blending, image stacking and quick 4 corner adjustment up to WQXGA input and
WUXGA (& full HD) output. It is a robust and reliable design to meet demanding
industrial standard & requirements.
Flexible, easy, convenient and high performance are the key features of GeoBox. It
takes only very short time for the settings of GeoBox in two projector stacking,
edge blending or high quality passive 3D display. No PC or special tool is required
for the installation and setup.
Convenient features for system integrators:
Ÿ Full functional keypads on front panel .
Ÿ Standalone, no PC or special tool is required, better perfomance, more reliable.
Ÿ Friendly user interface. Real time result.
Ÿ Only few minutes for the setup of dual channel edge blending, image stacking
or passive 3D applications.
Integrated IR extender to extend IR control up to 20 meters for easy installation.
ID number can be assigned to each GeoBox for individual control.
User can easily lock the keypads to prevent setting changes by negligence.
Five profiles can be saved and recalled to provide different display modes.
Use low cost projectors without lens shift or keystone correction.
Can be controlled by smart phone or Ethernet.
Curved screen edge blending
Image warp to fit curved screen
Irregular curve edge blending with PIP
Flight simulation
Product comparison chart
Ite m s
M ode ls
G-1 0 1
G-1 0 2
G-1 0 4
G-2 0 2
G-3 0 1
G-3 0 2
G-3 0 3
G-5 0 1
G-5 0 2
Proc e s s ing c ha nne l
Form a t
c onve rs ion
Single CH
Edge Ble nd
Curve Edge
Ble nd
Low c os t
W a rp Box
Dua l
3 D de c ode
w ith W a rp
Dua l
2 proje c tor
Edge Ble nd
Dua l
3 D de c ode
w /o w a rp
Dua l
Profe s s ion
pa s s ive 3 D
Dua l
Profe s s ion
Edge Ble nd
1A , 1D, 1H,
1DP, 1Y
1A +1H
1A , 1D, 1H,
1DP, 1Y
1A +1H
1DV I-I, 1A ,
1A +1H
1A , 1H, 1D
1A , 1H, 1D
2H, 1DV I-I
2A , 2H, 1D,
2A , 2H, 1D,
-Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
-Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
-Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
-Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
-Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
--Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
--Ye s
Ye s
-Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
--Ye s
Ye s
-Ye s
Ye s
-Ye s
Ye s
2 0 4 8 *1 0 8 0
Ye s
-Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
-Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Op tio n
Op tio n
M a jor a pplic a tions
In p u t p o rts *1
In p u t/Ou tp u t
re s o lu tio n
Ge o m e try & W a rp
Vid e o W a ll
Ed g e Ma s k
Pictu re in Pictu re
Ou tp u t p o rts
L o o p b a ck o u tp u t
Su p p o rt VGA/D VI/H D MI in p u t s ig n a ls
Su p p o t D VI/H D MI o u tp u t s ig n a ls
In p u t/Ou tp u t u p to 1 0 8 0 P / W U XGA
In p u t u p to 2 5 6 0 x1 6 0 0 via D u a lL in k D VI
In p u t u p to 2 5 6 0 x1 6 0 0 via D is p la yPo rt
4 co rn e r q u ick a d ju s tm e n t
H & V Ke ys to n e C o rre ctio n
Im a g e ro ta tio n u p to ± 1 2 7 d e g re e s
Pa te n te d W a rp fo r cu rve d is p la y
In te rn a l g rid p a tte rn
Im a g e H &V flip & 1 2 8 d e g re e ro ta tio n
e W a rp PC s o ftw a re to o l fo r s o p h is tica te d cu rve
d is p la y
Im a g e s p lit, cro p p in g , m a g n ify a n d a s s ig n
lo ca tio n
Pixe l b a s e d o ve rla p re g io n a d ju s tm e n t
Im a g e e d g e s m a s ke d w ith b la ck b a ckg ro u n d
U p to 1 0 2 4 x7 6 8 a t a n y im a g e lo ca tio n
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Fla t s cre e n Ed g e Ble n d in g
Ye s
Ye s
-Ye s
-Ye s
(+ Ma tro x)
C u rve d s cre e n Ed g e Ble n d in g
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
-Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
-Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
-Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s (+ 2 x G202)
Ye s
-Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
-Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
-Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
U p to 2
p ro je cto rs
U p to 2
p ro je cto rs
U p to 3
p ro je cto rs
U p to 3
p ro je cto rs
U p to 3
p ro je cto rs
U p to 3
p ro je cto rs
1 0 b its
1 0 b its
8 b its
8 b its
1 0 b its
1 0 b its
1 0 b its
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Op tio n
--Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Op tio n
Ye s
Ye s
---Ye s
Ye s
Ed g e Ble n d in g
Pa s s ive 3 D D is p la y
Active (Sh u tte r) 3 D
d is p la y *4
Mu lti-p ro je cto r
s ta ckin g
Ad va n ce d vid e o
p ro ce s s in g
Sys te m co n tro l
Ea s y U s e
Au to m a tica lly 3 D fo rm a ts d e te ctio n
Ye s
Ye s
2 D to 3 D co n ve rs io n
--Su p p o rt Sid e b y Sid e 3 D fo rm a t
Ye s
Ye s
Su p p o rt To p -Bo tto m 3 D fo rm a t
Ye s
Ye s
Su p p o rt L in e In te rle a ve 3 D fo rm a t
Ye s
Ye s
Su p p o rt Blu e R a y 1 0 8 0 P@ 2 4 H z 3 D fo rm a t
Ye s
Ye s
Su p p o rt So n y H D R TD -2 0 /3 0 1 0 8 0 i fra m e
Ye s
Ye s
p a ckin g 3 D fo rm a t
Sw a p p a b le o u tp u ts fo r R H /L H p ro je cto rs
Ye s
Ye s
Pe rfe ct Syn c a lg o rith m fo r p a s s ive 3 D R H /L H
Ye s
Ye s
s yn ch ro n iza tio n
Su p p o rt 1 2 0 H z (XGA, 7 2 0 P, 1 0 8 0 P) 3 D s ig n a l
Ye s
Ye s
fo r a ctive 3 D w a rp & s ta ckin g
Su p p o rt 1 2 0 H z (XGA, 7 2 0 P, 1 0 8 0 P) 3 D s ig n a l
-Ye s
fo r a ctive 3 D e d g e b le n d in g
C o n ve rt 1 0 8 0 p /2 4 H z fra m e p a cke d 3 D fo r
--XGA/7 2 0 P 1 2 0 H z a ctive 3 D d is p la y
C o n ve rt 1 0 8 0 p 1 2 0 H z to XGA/7 2 0 P 1 2 0 H z
Ye s
Ye s
o u tp u t fo r a ctive 3 D d is p la y
C o n ve rt 1 0 8 0 p 1 2 0 H z in to 1 0 8 0 p 6 0 H z fo r 2 D
Ye s
Ye s
d is p la y
Mu ltip le p ro je cto r im a g e s ta ckin g fo r
U p to 2
U p to 2
b rig h tn e s s m a g n ifica tio n o n fla t & cu rve d
p ro je cto rs
p ro je cto rs
s cre e n
Vid e o p ro ce s s o r
1 0 b its
1 0 b its
3 D d e -in te rla ce , s m o o th e d g e a lg o rith m a n d
Ye s
Ye s
3 :2 /2 :2 film m o d e d e te ctin g a n d re co ve ry
H ig h q u a lity vid e o a n d g ra p h ics s ca lin g u p a n d
Ye s
Ye s
s ca lin g d o w n
Fra m e ra te co n ve rs io n
Ye s
Ye s
In te llig e n t C o lo r a d ju s tm e n t
Ye s
Ye s
Fu ll fu n ctio n IR R e m o te co n tro lle r
Ye s
Ye s
C a b le d IR Exte n d e r u p to 2 0 m
Op tio n
Ye s
Bo x ID s e ttin g s fo r in d e p e n d e n t co n tro l
Ye s
Ye s
Em b e d d e d R S-2 3 2
Ye s
Ye s
R J4 5 Eth e rn e t co n tro l
Op tio n
Op tio n
1 2 V Trig g e r o u tp u t
Ye s
Ye s
Ph o e n ix 5 V trig g e r s ig n a ls fo r s ys te m co n tro l
--D iffe re n t d is p la y s e ttin g s s a ve /re ca ll
Ye s
Ye s
N O PC re q u ire d
Ye s
Ye s
A: VGA, H : H D MI, D : D VI-D , D P: D is p la yPo rt, Y: YPb Pr, D VI-I=D VI-D +VGA
All H D MI p o rt ca n b e co n n e cte d w ith D VI ca b le th ro u g h H D MI to D VI
All D VI p o rt ca n b e co n n e cte d w ith H D MI ca b le th ro u g h D VI to H D MI
p ro je cto rs
Ye s
Pro je cto rs
--Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Op tio n
Op tio n
Op tio n
Op tio n
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
---Op tio n
Op tio n
--------Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
*4 Fo r a ctive 3 D , th e o u tp u t is lim ite d to XGA/7 2 0 P @ 1 2 0 H z. W a rp &
e d g e b le n d in g a re s till a va ila b le a n d fu n ctio n a l.
Products selection guide
Edge Blending:
1. Curved screen edge blending: G-104
2. Dual projector flat screen edge blending: G-302
3. Multi-projector Flat screen edge blending: G-502
4. Multi-projector curved screen edge blending: G-104
5. Super high resolution edge blending (Works with PC display card):
Ÿ Flat screen: G-202
Ÿ Curved screen: G-104
Ÿ High performance high resolution edge blending (reduce 50-80% PC
CPU loading)
-- F lat screen: G-502
--Curved screen: G-104
3D Screen selections:
1. Spectrum filter system and glasses: Normal 2D screen.
2. Polarized filter system and glasses: Silver matte screen.
3D processor and demultiplexer:
1. No precise geometry alignment required: G-303
2. For DIY with geometry adjustment: G-301
3. Professional and Commercial 3D system : G-501
4. Passive 3D + Edge blending: G-502
5. Active 3D Warp & Edge Blending: G-104/G-502
Image stacking:
1. Dual projector image stacking: G-202
2. More than 3 projector image stacking: G-301
3. Edge blending + stacking: G-502
Other application:
1. Single projector curved screen display: G-202
2. Display with PIP (picture in picture): G-101, G-102, G-104
3. Irregular curved display (eWarp Tool): G-104, G-202
4. Video wall: image split, location assignment and overlap: G-303
5. PIP for big video wall: to add one G-101 at the front end of the whole
system to provide PIP function, then to do further procession such as
edge blending, 3D or image stacking.
6. Flexible display windows with different input contents: G-102, G-104
7. Professional switcher and scaler: G-101, G-501
Flexible display:
User can save up to five
display [Profile] in GeoBox
and recall in few seconds.
GeoBox is a professional
switcher with high end 10-bit
video processing.
Remarks: The specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
System configuration Example
Ÿ No video splitter, PC or special software tool required. Quick, easy and reliable.
Ÿ Multiple GeoBox can combine passive 3D, active 3D, edge blending & stacking functions
into one big video wall for different application environments.
Passive 3D Processor
G-301: Dual channels
Patented warp for precise alignment,
multiple inputs, low cost for DIY user
G-303: Dual channels
Professional grade 3D demultiplexer,
low cost, without geometry alignment
G-501: Dual channel
Patented warp for precise alignment
& 10 bits processor, multiple inputs
and control system, for Pro-AV &
commercial application.
Active 3D display
G-502: Professional Dual channel
Edge Blender for active 3D
G-104: Support 1080p frame packed
from Blue Ray for 120Hz active 3D
Edge Blending
G-104: Curved Edge Blender
Single channel specific for curved
screen edge blending, professional
grade quality.
G-202: Single channel
works with PC display card for high
resolution edge blending.
G-302: Dual projector Edge
Blender for entry users
Dual channel edge blender with easy
and friendly user interface.Few
minutes for geometry adjustment and
edge blending setting.
G-502: Professional Dual
channel edge blender
Up to 6 inputs, 2 outputs, professional
quality, 10-bit processor, up to 15x15
matrix display, no PC required.
Image Stacking
G-202: 2 Projectors Stacking
Patented warp for precise alignment,
10 bits processor, one loop back
output, no video splitter is required.
G-301: 3 Projector Stacking
Patented warp, one loop back output,
no video splitter required for 3
projector stacking, same setup for
3D display.
GeoBox--Passive/Active 3D processor
Ÿ Support Blue Ray, PC, STB... HDMI 1.4 mandatory 3D formats, including 1080P
frame packing, Side by Side, Top-Bottom and Line interleave.
Support Sony TD-20/30 camcorder 1080i frame packing full HD 3D formats.
Decode 3D for RH/LH dual projector passive 3D display.
Perfect Sync algorithm for full RH/LH synchronization.
Patented pixel base warp technology for quick and precise image alignment.
Curved screen 3D display.
Support 1080p/24Hz frame packed for passive and 120Hz for active 3D display
Support 1080p@120Hz input for XGA/720p@120Hz active 3D display
Active 3D image warp, stacking and edge blending.
G-301 Dual channel passive 3D
processor with warp
(Low cost for DIY and home theater)
Input: 1x HDMI, 1x VGA, 1xDVI-D ( support
DVI/HDMI) up to full HD & WUXGA
Output: 2x HDMI (support DVI/HDMI),
up to full HD & WUXGA
Loop out: 1x raw signal loop out (HDMI)
Audio: In: HDMI, PC Jack
Out: HDMI, Analog PC Jack
Control: IR, RS232
Size: 303x157x36mm
1. Dual channel 3D processor, RH/LH outputs for passive 3D.
2. Supports Blue Ray 1080p@24Hz frame packing, Side by Side,
Top Bottom, Line interleave and Sony TD20/30 1080i frame
packing 3D formats.
3. Perfect Sync for RH/LH 3D synchronization.
4. 8-bit processor with 2D to 3D conversion.
5. Patented warp technology for precise RH/LH alignment and
curved screen 3D display.
6. Same setup can be used for high brightness 2D stacking and
passive 3D display.
G-303 Dual channel passive 3D
processor without warp
(For professional and home theater)
Input: 2x HDMI, 1x DVI-I ( support VGA/DVI/HDM)
up to 1080P & 2048x1080
Output: 2x HDMI for passive RH/LH outputs
up to full HD & 2048x1080
Audio: In: HDMI, PC Jack
Out: HDMI, Analog PC Jack
Control: IR, RS232
Size: 303x157x36mm
1. Dual channel 3D processor, RH/LH outputs for passive 3D
2. supports frame packing, Side by Side, Top Bottom, Line
Interleave and Sony TD-20V 1080i frame packing 3D format.
3. Perfect Sync for RH/LH 3D synchronization.
4. 10-bit high end scaler, 3D de-interlace, smooth edge algorithm,
3:2/2:2 film mode.
5. Convert 3D signal for 2D display.
6. Professional grade passive 3D system.
7. without warp ability. User needs to do overlap alignment via
keystone or lens shift in the projector.
G-501 Dual channel passive 3D
processor with warp
(Professional cinema 3D system)
Input: 2x HDMI, 2xVGA, 1x DVI, 1x
DisplayPort up to 2560x1600 (via DP)
Output: 2x HDMI (support DVI/HDMI)
up to full HD & WUXGA
Audio: In: HDMI, PC Jack
Out: HDMI, SPDIF out (RCA & Optics)
Control: IR, RS232, Ethernet (option)
3x programmable trigger outs
1. Dual channel 3D processor, RH/LH outputs for passive 3D.
2. Supports Blue Ray frame packing, Side by Side and Top
Bottom, Line interleave and 1080i Sony 3D formats.
3. Perfect Sync for RH/LH 3D synchronization.
4.10-bit high end processor, 3D de-interlace, smooth edge
algorithm, 3:2/2:2 film mode auto detect and recovery.
5. Patented warp technology for precise RH/LH alignment and
curved screen 3D display.
6. Same setup can be used for high brightness 2D stacking and
passive 3D display.
7. Able to use Edge Blending + 3D function to combine 2x, 4x...
projectors for large screen 3D display (model: G-502).
GeoBox--Edge Blending Processor
(Features in different models)
Professional quality, same edge blending technology as tier 1 projector brands.
Reliable design to meet pro-AV and industrial installer requirements.
No PC is required, more flexible and reliable.
Allow multiple input sources from Blue Ray Player, Media Player, game, STB & PC...
Grid pattern for quick and easy installation via OSD and remote controller, easy to use by
no experienced installer, reduce the cost for setup and after service.
Patented warp technology with pixel based geometry adjustment and edge blending,
complete parameters for edge blending quality fine-tune.
High end processor with 3D deinterlacing, low angle smoothing and 3:2/2:2 film mode.
Passive/Active 3D + edge blending to provide big screen 3D display.
Support 360 degree curved screen edge blending.
Flexible multiple window displays with different content in each projector.
eWarp PC tool for irregular curve adjustment.
Work with Matrox display card to provide super high resolution edge blending image.
G-302 Dual projector edge blender
(Simple, easy for entry user)
1. Patented warp technology for precise
geometry alignment.
2. Easiest user interface for Dual projector edge
blending . Good for no experienced user.
3. Five minutes setup time for two projector edge
blending, 3D or image stacking applications.
4. Support full function passive 3D display and
2D to 3D conversion.
5. Image stacking for 3 projectors without
additional video splitter.
6. 2x G302 with 4x projectors can be used for 3D
edge blending in big size passive 3D system.
Input: 1x HDMI, 1x VGA, 1xDVI-D ( support
DVI/HDMI) up to full HD & WUXGA
Output: 2x HDMI (support DVI/HDMI),
up to full HD
Loop out: 1x raw signal loop out (HDMI)
Audio: In: HDMI, PC Jack
Out: HDMI, Analog PC Jack
Control: IR, RS232
G-104 Single channel
Curved screen Edge Blender
1. Dual patented warp engines for both image
warp and edge blending simultaneously.
2. Loop out connector for daisy chain
connection. No video splitter required.
3. 10-bit processor, professional quality.
4. Support 360° cylindrical screen edge
DisplayPort (up to 2560x1600)
Output: HDMI, VGA (up to 1920x1200)
Loop back output: HDMI
Audio: IN: HDMI
Control: IR, RS232, Ethernet (option)
Size: 303x157x45mm
GeoBox--Edge Blending & Stacking
G-502 Dual channels professional
High performance Edge Blender
1. Dual processing channels with different video
processing from common input. No PC required
2. Same edge blending & warp technology as tier
one projector brands.
3. 10 bits high end processor, professional video
quality, up to 15x15 matrix displays.
4. 6 input ports for flexible signal connection.
5. Able to execute edge blending with 4 or more
projectors to build big screen 3D.
Input: 1xDVI, 2xHDMI, 2x VGA, 1x DisplayPort
(up to 2560x1600)
Output: 2x HDMI (up to full HD)
Audio: IN: HDMI, PC Jack
OUT: HDMI, RCA/Optic SPDIF digital
Control: IR, RS-232, Ethernet (option)
Size: 440x157x45 mm
G-202 Super High Resolution
Edge Blender
Ÿ Example:
1x PC with 1x M9148 Matrox VGA card
4x G-202 video processor
4x 1920*1080 projectors
Matrox card provides 4x 1920*1080
outputs to G-202.
Overlap pixels setting between two
projectors done by Matrox card.
Normal overlap pixels: 250~400.
Projector image alignment done by G-202.
Edge Blending done by G-202.
Final image resolution: 6930*1080
Input: DVI-I (support VGA/DVI/HDMI)
Output: DVI-D (support DVI/HDMI)
Loop out: 1x raw signal loop out (DVI)
Audio: In: HDMI, PC Jack
Out: HDMI, Analog PC Jack
Control: IR, RS232
Size: 225x157x36mm
2D/3D Multi-Projector Stacking System
Brightness increase by 2x, 3x, 4x... You can yield 10k lumens by using three 3,500 lumens projectors paired with one G-301 at
less than 1/3 cost compared with one 10k projector. Using GeoBox patented precise geometric adjustment, user can stack
more projectors to get higher brightness with fraction of cost increase. Another major advantage is that even some projectors
are broken down during the operation, user still can keep the system running without affect important events. It also supports
image stacking on curved screen.
Stacking processor
(support curved screen stacking)
2x projectors: G-202
No need to add video splitter, with 1x
DVI-I input, 1x DVI-D output and 1x
DVI-D loop back output.
3x projectors: G-301
No need to add video splitter, with 1x
VGA, 1x DVI-D, 1x HDMI inputs, 2x
HDMI outputs and 1x HDMI loop back
* User can use any GeoBox with warp
function to do image stacking.