central park


central park
stockxchng/Andrew Beierle
Leisure Activities
Como você viu na Vídeo Aula, neste episódio de Late Night Talk, as apresentadoras
Hannah, Jessica e Pamela falam sobre atividades de lazer e onde as fazem. Falam também
sobre o Central Park e o que elas gostam de fazer lá. Observe este trecho da Vídeo Aula.
Hannah – Tonight on our show, okay girls, we’ll celebrate the anniversary of a New York
icon, our very own Central Park.
Jessica – That’s so nice, Hannah! I just love that park...it’s a place for gathering, and
interactions. It’s just wonderful being there...it’s magical, isn’t it?
Pamela – I love it, you know...I guess every week I take a run or walk around Central
Park. It’s just...
Hannah – OK. So let’s find out what we do there and where? What do you think, girls?
Jessica – I think that sounds great.
Pamela – Well, just ask.
Hannah – Obviously, where do you run?
Pamela – I like to run around the reservoir, you know. It’s beautiful...and you have fresh
air and it’s close to my house.
Jessica – Well, I practice yoga at the northern part of the park where you have some
great hills...it’s easier to meditate there.
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A. Leisure Activities
stockxchng/Kevin Tuck
Nesta etapa vamos ver uma lista de atividades de lazer e possíveis complementos para
cada uma dessas atividades. Ouça o áudio correspondente a cada um dos verbos e
complementos e repita para praticar a pronúncia.
132-1 ÁUDIO
cook – dinner / for friends / Italian food
(cozinhar – jantar / para amigos / comida italiana)
go to – bars / clubs / the movies
(ir – a bares / a clubes / ao cinema)
listen to – music / opera / the news
(ouvir – música / ópera / notícias)
organize – DVDs / the bedroom / the house
(organizar – DVDs / o quarto / a casa)
paint – a canvas / a landscape / a watercolor
(pintar – uma tela / uma paisagem / uma aquarela)
play – baseball / football / tennis
(jogar – beisebol / futebol / tênis)
play cards – by the pool / with friends / at home
(jogar cartas – a beira da piscina / com amigos / em casa)
read – a good book / a thriller / the newspaper
(ler – um bom livro / um suspense / o jornal)
relax – at a park / at home / in yoga
(relaxar – em um parque / em casa / na yoga)
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ride – a bike / a horse / a motorcycle
(andar – de bicicleta / a cavalo / de moto)
run – at the beach / in the park / on a treadmill
(correr – na praia / no parque / em uma esteira)
shop – for clothes / for groceries / for shoes
(comprar – roupas / verduras / sapatos)
stay – at home / at my parents’ / quiet
(ficar – em casa / na casa dos meus pais / quieto[a])
swim – at the beach / at the lake / at the pool
(nadar – na praia / no lago / na piscina)
talk – to friends / to people / to relatives
(conversar – com amigos / com pessoas / com parentes)
travel – alone / abroad / to Europe
(viajar – sozinho[a] / para o exterior / para a Europa)
visit – friends abroad / grandparents / museums
(visitar – amigos no exterior / avós / museus)
walk – alone / around the lake / the dog
(caminhar – sozinho[a] / em volta do lago / com o cachorro)
watch – soccer games / TV / TV Series
(assistir – a jogos de futebol / à TV / a séries de TV)
work – at home / in the garden / in the office
(trabalhar – em casa / no jardim / no escritório)
workout – at the gym / at home / outdoors
(malhar – na academia / em casa / ao ar livre)
• Where
Como vimos na aula anterior, quando fazemos a pergunta com where, a resposta provavelmente
vai conter uma preposição, como podemos ver nos seguintes exemplos da Vídeo Aula.
Hannah – Obviously, where do you run?
Pamela – I like to run around the reservoir, you know. It’s beautiful...and you have fresh
air and it’s close to my house.
Hannah – Where do you like to take pictures?
Jessica – I usually take pictures near the great lawn. It’s so vast and full of people in the
summer. Great for people watching.
Hannah – Where do you like to have...let me think...okay, picnics?
Pamela – Oh, you’re going to laugh, you know...Hmm, well I love to have picnics under the
tunnels during the winter time, you know...because of the snow...It’s so cozy and charming.
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Na Vídeo Aula, a apresentadora Hannah pergunta Where do you run? Quando
queremos saber onde alguém desempenha alguma atividade, usamos where para fazer as
perguntas. Ouça o áudio correspondente às seguintes perguntas.
132-2 ÁUDIO
Do / Does
Where do
(Onde você corre?)
(Onde ela gosta de tirar fotos?)
like to take pictures?
they like to have a picnic?
(Onde eles/as gostam de fazer um piquenique?)
Usamos essa estrutura sempre que queremos fazer uma pergunta com where no Simple
Present. Como vimos na aula anterior, as únicas exceções são as perguntas feitas com o
verbo to be. Nesse caso não usamos o auxiliar do/does.
132-2 ÁUDIO
Where is your house? Where are you from? (Onde é a sua casa?)
(De onde você é?)
B. Prepositions
Na aula anterior, vimos que sempre que falamos sobre endereços e direções em geral
teremos essas ideias expressadas por preposições de lugar. Revise como e quando usamos
essas preposições em Inglês. Ouça o áudio correspondente aos seguintes exemplos.
132-3 ÁUDIO
É usado quando nos referimos a cidades, estados e países.
In Brazil (no Brasil), in Paris (em Paris)
Também usamos in para dizer que uma coisa está dentro de outra.
I guess every week I take a walk or run in the park.
(Acho que toda semana eu caminho ou corro no parque.)
I keep my books in the cabinet.
(Guardo meus livros no armário.)
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132-3 ÁUDIO
É usada para lugares, sem necessariamente indicar “dentro”. Também pode ser usado
em endereços com números.
I’m at the shopping mall.
They are at the park.
There’s a cat at the door.
Pam lives at 3441 21st Ave.
(Estou no shopping center.)
(Eles estão no parque.)
(Há um gato na porta.)
(Pam mora no número 3441 da Avenida 21.)
A diferença entre in e at está em que in é geralmente usado para locais definidos ou
fechados, enquanto at é usado para lugares no sentido geral.
132-3 ÁUDIO
I’m at the shopping mall.
(Estou no shopping center.)
I’m in the restaurant in the shopping mall.
(Estou no restaurante dentro do shopping center.)
132-4 ÁUDIO
Near é usada para indicar que algo ou alguém está perto de um ponto de referência.
My house is near the supermarket.
Belize Bank is near Central Park.
(Minha casa é perto do supermercado.)
(O Banco de Belize é perto do Central Park.)
132-4 ÁUDIO
In front of
Indica que algo está na frente de, ou à frente de um determinado ponto de referência.
I can’t move. There are thirty people in front of me.
(Não consigo andar. Há trinta pessoas na minha frente.)
The bus stop is in front of the Quality Hotel.
(O ponto de ônibus é em frente ao Hotel Quality.)
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132-4 ÁUDIO
Indica que algo ou alguém está ao lado de um ponto de referência.
Carrie always sits beside Cynthia in the classroom. They talk all the time.
(Carrie sempre se senta ao lado de Cynthia na sala de aula. Elas conversam o tempo
The entrance is beside the café.
(A entrada é ao lado do café.)
132-5 ÁUDIO
Usamos on para nos referir a algo que está sobre uma superfície. Também usamos
para meios de transporte e para endereços, quando números não são indicados.
The flowers are on the table.
The painting is on the wall.
I’m on the bus, she’s on the plane.
She lives on Bleecker Street.
I run on the beach every chance I get.
(As flores estão sobre a mesa.)
(O quadro está na parede.)
(Estou no ônibus, ela está no avião.)
(Ela mora na Rua Bleecker.)
(Eu corro na praia sempre que tenho a chance.)
132-5 ÁUDIO
Significa embaixo de, sob um determinado ponto de referência.
My shoes are under the bed.
(Meus sapatos estão embaixo da cama.)
I love to have picnics under the tunnels during winter.
(Adoro fazer piqueniques embaixo dos túneis durante o inverno.)
132-5 ÁUDIO
Significa “perto de” ou “por”.
He’s driving by the lake.
I prefer to have picnics by the lake.
(Ele está dirigindo perto do lago.)
(Eu prefiro fazer piqueniques perto do lago.)
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Preencha os diálogos com os verbos e as preposições que achar apropriados. Leia as frases
completas para entender bem os contextos. O exercício será corrigido na próxima aula.
The following answers are suggestions. Feel free to accept any other possibility.
Dialogue 1
Jennifer – What do you do on the weekends?
Kathy – I usually
good books;
some friends in
New Jersey...Oh, sometimes I
to the club and
in the swimming pool.
And you?
Jennifer – I
for my friends, I
the garden,
for clothes...these things.
Kathy – Sometimes I
at my parents’ for the weekend. They are very lonely
and need company.
Jennifer – That’s nice.
Kathy – Where do they live?
Manhattan, 2988 59th Street,
Central Park.
Jennifer – They live
Kathy – Wow! What a nice place.
Lexical Box
(fins de semana)
Dialogue 2
Robert – What are your favorite restaurants
New York?
Yousef – Hmm…I love pasta! I always go to Erminia. The food is fantastic.
Robert – Where is it? I’ve never heard of it.
Yousef – It’s on
East 83rd St, it’s between
2nd and 3rd Avenue.
Robert – We could go there someday. I don’t do much on the weekends.
Yousef – Sure! What do you do in your free time?
Robert – I
to some classical music, I
the lake...let me see...
Oh, yes...I also
my apartment because I don’t have a maid.
Yousef – I see. Let’s go to Erminia someday!
Robert – Sure!
Lexical Box
to hear of
to do much
(ouvir falar)
(fazer muita coisa)
free time
(tempo livre)
(empregada doméstica)
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Dialogue 3
Judith – My my, David! Look at you! You look great! It’s been ages!
David – You haven’t changed one bit!
Judith – Tell me everything! Where are you living?
in Wisconsin.
David – I’m living in a small town
Judith – But you used to hate small towns.
David – I know, I know…I’m married now, that’s why I moved there.
Judith – But, what do you do on the weekends? You used to go out a lot…
David – Things have changed quite a bit since the last time I saw you. I live the
same old routine. I still work out
! There’s this small gym there. What saves
me is the fact that I
a lot to New York because of my job. I have to
my clients in New York and New Jersey. Back in Sheboygan, on the
weekends I sometimes
my motorcycle by the lake...It relaxes me.
Judith – I see. You don’t sound very happy. But still…
David – I know. I guess it’s time to do something.
Lexical Box
General Guidelines
Class Color: Red
This class is an extension
of the previous one with
the addition of new
elements. Besides that,
students will have to deal
with reading activities that
will present new words
and expressions, which
may be challenging.
Play close attention to
INTRO–A1 students.
Visit their groups first
during Interaction to
clear up doubts and solve
It’s been ages...
You haven’t changed one bit!
to hate
to be married
to go out
Things have changed quite a bit.
same old routine
to save
it’s time to do something
TG (Part One)
Duration: 10–15 minutes
Procedures: Use the
correction of “Etapa
3” as a review. All the
verbs and prepositions
were presented during
“Preparação da Aula” with
very similar examples. As
the texts present different
levels of difficulty, INTRO
and lower-level students
might deal with the first
one just fine, but they
might have vocabulary
doubts when dealing with
the other two. Explain
the meaning of the whole
dialogue, but do not stop
at each word. Help them
calm down in case they
mention their difficulties.
In case you get different
answers, use the book
as a reference and use
the same examples. If
necessary, mention other
uses. Remind them of
the importance of class
preparation to their
learning process.
(Há quanto tempo...)
(Você não mudou nada!)
(estar / ser casado)
(As coisas mudaram muito.)
(passado do verbo ver)
(a mesma velha rotina)
(está na hora de fazer alguma coisa)
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Do the activities according to your level.
After reading the following text, look at the pictures and tick () the places and activities
(  )
stockxchng/Chris Chidsey
stockxchng/Mateusz Stachowski
(  )
( )
stockxchng/Chrisna Louw
stockxchng/Jyn Meyer
stockxchng/Claudia Meyer
(  )
stockxchng/Sanja Gjenero
stockxchng/Charles Thompson
Well, one of my favorite places is a bakery called Batch! It’s in West Village, near
San Vincent Hospital, in Manhattan. It’s on W. 10th Street. They serve very creative
cupcakes. I love to go there on Sunday mornings. Let me see…My second favorite
place is Bryant Park. I often go there on the weekends, but sometimes I go after work.
I read, walk around the park, listen to music on my iPod and watch the sunset. But to
be sincere, on the weekends, I really like to stay at home and organize my things.
TG (Part Two)
Duration: 30–35 minutes
Type of Interaction: 5
Procedures: It’s important
that students understand
that the goal is to
complete the task, even if
they don’t understand the
texts in their entirety. As
students do the activities,
walk around monitoring
the groups, but do not
intervene unless they
experience difficulties.
Make sure all students
participate. Take notes of
the good and weak points
of their production before
you start the correction.
Save the last ten to fifteen
minutes to correct the
Output Awareness:
INTRO–B1: Focus on the
general understanding
of the text, vocabulary
learned during
“Preparação da Aula”,
as well as their ability to
complete the task.
B2–C2: Focus on all
the elements previously
mentioned as well as on
cohesion and coherence
when students formulate
their answers.
( )
(  )
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After reading the following text, classify the sentences as true (T) or false (F). Then,
support your answer using information from the text.
My favorite pizza place is Totonno’s. It’s a famous old restaurant in Brooklyn. It’s been in
the family for more than eight decades. That’s true! It was established in 1924 by Anthony
Pero, but everyone calls him Totonno. It’s in Coney Island, and the address is 1524
Neptune Ave., between West 15th and West 16th Streets. My favorite pizza is the White
Pizza. Totonno prepares it with mozzarella cheese, pecorino Romano, and fresh garlic.
Unfortunately, delivery isn’t available, so you have to go there. Totonno’s Manhattan
locations feature a full menu in addition to the distinguished pizza. It is a must.
a) Totonno’s is part of a restaurant chain.
It’s a famous old restaurant in Brooklyn. Totonno’s Manhattan locations feature a full menu in addition to the distinguished pizza.
b)Totonno’s is 75 years old.
If it was established in 1924, it can’t be 75 years old.
c) They call it White Pizza because it doesn’t take tomato sauce.
The only ingredients in this pizza are mozzarella cheese, pecorino Romano cheese, and fresh garlic.
d)Totonno’s Brooklyn and Totonno’s Manhattan have the same menu.
Totonno’s Manhattan locations feature a full menu in addition to the distinguished pizza.
Read the text and answer the questions that follow.
After living three blocks away from Elaine’s for the past three years, I decided it was a
restaurant I had to go to at some point. I went there with a friend some time ago and
we sat at a table for two in the back room angled so you see and are seen. The food
was very typical, very unimaginatively Italian...and for the price a bit of a rip-off, but
worth every penny. The room was just full of people wanting to be looked at, thinking
they were important—young women with sugar daddies, older ladies with facelifts,
guys trying too hard to steal the spotlight...Such a random evening and definitely
a New York City experience not to be missed. But honestly, don’t go expecting to
have fabulous Italian food. Go to some of the many other excellent Italian restaurants
available in New York.
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a) What is Elaine’s famous for?
It’s famous because it’s a place to see and be seen.
b)What kinds of customers go there?
People wanting to be looked at, young women with sugar daddies, older ladies with facelifts, guys trying hard to steal the spotlight.
c) What’s the author’s opinion about the food?
It was very typical, very unimaginatively Italian, and the price a bit of a rip-off.
d)How can you explain the term “very unimaginatively Italian”?
It’s simple Italian food that you can probably find at any Italian restaurant in town. It is very common.
TG (Part Three)
Duration: 5–10 minutes
Procedures: Start talking
about “Preparação da
Aula.” Ask them how
they felt and if they had
any difficulties doing it.
Welcome newcomers
warmly and tell them this
is a very important part
of the process of learning
a different language.
They have to follow these
steps; otherwise, they
won’t achieve the best
results. Talk about their
interaction. Tell them
your impressions of their
performance focusing
on its emotional aspects.
Reinforce the fact that it is
a matter of trial and error.
They have to bear in
mind that the classroom
is a safe place for trying,
a simulation of what they
will face in the world out
there, which is why they
have to participate and
make the most of it.
1. Faça as seguintes tarefas de acordo com o seu nível.
Do the following tasks according to your level.
Após ler o texto a seguir, veja as figuras e marque () nas atividades mencionadas.
After reading the following text, look at the pictures and tick () the activities mentioned.
The place is called Eisenberg Sandwich Shop. It is a charming classic delicatessen and
coffee shop that serves the best tuna salad sandwich in the city. It’s a nice place to sit,
drink some coffee, read your favorite newspaper, and talk to the frequent customers. And
it’s very easy to find: 174 Fifth Ave, between 22nd and 23rd St, New York.
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stockxchng/Janet Burgess
stockxchng/Daniel Duchon
stockxchng/Christian Carollo
a) (
b) (  )
stockxchng/Robbie Owen-Wahl
e) (  )
stockxchng/Sanja Gjenero
stockxchng/Charles Thompson
d) (
f) (
stockxchng/Wang Mei Teng
c) (  )
g) (
h) (  )
i) (
After reading the following text, classify the sentences as true (T) or false (F). Then, support
your answer using information from the text.
I’ll tell you what we do on weekends. On Sunday, I often wake up very early. Sometime
around seven or eight a.m. I know it’s early, but I’m an early bird. I take a shower, and go
to a café to have an espresso. After that, I go to the street market to get my supply of
fruit and vegetables for the week. This market is around a square and it’s very charming. I
often have a Chilean empanada at this Chilean stand. After I do my shopping, I often sit
and relax while I read a book, or listen to music on my MP3 player. After that, I go home
and cook lunch for me and my husband. In the afternoon, we often go to the movies. I
love Sundays.
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a) It’s a problem for her to wake up early.
It is not a problem. She’s an early bird.
b)She often has an espresso and an empanada at the café.
She has an espresso at the café and an empanada at the street market.
c) She often relaxes before doing the shopping.
She often relaxes after doing the shopping.
d)She enjoys Sundays.
She enjoys the things she does on Sunday.
e) She often cooks lunch for herself and her husband after doing the shopping.
“After that, I go home and cook lunch for me and my husband.”
Read the text and answer the questions that follow.
On our vacation time, we often rent a house in Newport Beach, California. It’s fun! We
relax like celebrities as we enjoy panoramic views of Newport Bay and swaying palm trees
from either the first or second floor of this bay front townhouse. Let me tell you a little
about this house: the house has a private yacht dock, a fireplace, outdoor barbecue, wet
bar, and a plasma TV. There are two private decks where we sit and relax as we watch
the sunset. Sometimes we go for a walk down to the ocean. It’s wonderful. In the evening,
we cook dinner and sometimes play cards. It’s expensive to rent this house, but it’s worth
every penny.
a) Why does she say they relax like celebrities?
Because it’s a luxurious house.
b)Would you like to spend your vacation in this house? Why (not)?
Free answer
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c) What impressed you the most about this house? Why?
Free answer
d)Have you ever been to a house like this? Describe the experience.
Free answer
2. Prepare o Script para a próxima aula.
Prepare the Script for next class.
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