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Deutsch-Indische Handelskammer Kontakt: seibert@indo
Presselinksammlung: Luft- und Raumfahrt Indien
Indien betreibt ersten Flughafen mit Solarenergie
Der Cochin International Airport in Indien ist der erste Flughafen weltweit, der komplett auf Solarenergie umgestellt
hat. Damit möchte man ein Zeichen gegen die extreme Umweltverschmutzung in Indien setzen.
Das Land hat vor allem mit Smog, Müll und Abgasen zu kämpfen. Deswegen hat man es gewagt, den viertgrößten
Flughafen des Landes auf Solarenergie umzustellen (bis auf die Flugzeuge natürlich). 46,150 Solarzellen
versorgen laut dem Portal I Fucking Love Science den Airport mit Strom. Die Paneele erstrecken sich über eine
Fläche von unglaublichen 180.000 Quadratmetern.
Sechs Monate lang hat man an der Solar-Farm gebaut, die 6 Millionen Dollar gekostet hat. Dafür werden die
Solarzellen aber auch 25 Jahre lang halten. Vor allem sparen sie 300.000 Tonnen an CO2-Ausstoßen ein. Cochin
International Airport könnte damit ein Vorbild für weitere Flughäfen sein, zumindest in Ländern in denen eine
ähnlich hohe Sonneinstrahlung wie in indien vorherrscht.
Entlastung für Kathmandu Tribhuvan International - Indien baut Großflughafen in Nepal
Die indische Regierung will Nepal beim Bau eines neuen Großflughafens helfen. Er soll den Tribhuvan
International Airport in Kathmandu entlasten. Selbstlos ist das Engagement nicht.
Neuer internationaler Flughafen für Nepal: Indien investiert Milliarden in dem Land.
Indien will für 650 Millionen Dollar im südnepalesischen Nijgadh einen neuen Großflughafen bauen. Er soll jährlich
15 Millionen Passagiere abfertigen können und sogar ausreichend Platz für den Airbus 380 bieten. Dies berichtet
die Zeitung Business Standard. Der neue Airport soll ein Drehkreuz für Flüge in 27 südasiatische Städte sein und
über 100.000 Jobs schaffen. Er würde auch den Flughafen Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu entlasten.
Obendrauf legt Indien noch eine Schnellstraße, die den Flughafen mit der Hauptstadt Kathmandu verbinden soll.
Dadurch reduziert sich die Reisezeit auf weniger als eine Stunde – bislang benötigt man für die Strecke mehr als
drei Stunden. Die Kosten für das Straßenprojekt werden auf mehr als eine Milliarde Dollar geschätzt.
China und Indien investieren
Indien und China versuchen, ihren Einfluss auf Nepal auszuweiten. Nach dem Erdbeben im vergangenen April
schickten beide Länder innerhalb weniger Stunden Rettungsteams und Hilfsgüter. Die Beziehungen zwischen
Indien und Nepal sind traditionell eng und wurzeln in tiefen geografischen, sprachlichen und kulturellen
Gemeinsamkeiten. Allerdings werfen nicht wenige in Nepal Indien eine «semikoloniale» Haltung gegenüber ihrem
Land vor.
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China wiederum plant Nepal in seinem Prestigeprojekt «Neue Seidenstraße» fest ein und investiert massiv in
Infrastrukturprojekte wie Straßen und Kraftwerke. Mittlerweile ist China der größte ausländische Investor – doch
nicht ohne Gegenleistung: Die Regierung in Peking fordert von Nepal mehr Zurückhaltung im Umgang mit der
tibetischen Minderheit im Land. Der Organisation Human Rights Watch zufolge schickt Nepal vermehrt tibetische
Flüchtlinge nach China zurück.
India's air traffic grows 29% in July
The number of passengers ferried by domestic carriers climbed 29 per cent to 67.45 lakh in July as discounts and
fall in fuel prices made airfares more affordable.
While no-frills carrier IndiGo continued to dominate with the highest market share of 35.8 per cent, SpiceJet
remained on top in terms of passenger load factor that touched 93.4 per cent in July, according to latest official
Aviation regulator DGCA on Tuesday said passenger load factor declined in July compared with June mainly on
account of tourist season coming to an end.
Last month, local carriers ferried 67.45 lakh passengers, a growth of 29.3 per cent compared with 52.16 lakh
passengers seen in July last year.
Many carriers had come out with discounts in July and fuel prices had also declined. Both these factors to some
extent helped in reducing airfares.
In June, local airlines carried 66.01 lakh people.
The cumulative figures are for Air India and nine other private carriers, including Jet Airways, SpiceJet and IndiGo.
As many as 24.17 lakh people travelled in IndiGo last month, the highest for any carrier. Air India ferried 10.94 lakh
while Jet Airways and Jet Lite together carried 15.37 lakh people during the same period.
In terms of passenger load factor or occupancy rate of seats, SpiceJet continued to be on top at 93.4 per cent,
while rival IndiGo clocked 78.4 per cent in July.
Compared with June, SpiceJet saw a marginal improvement from 93.2 per cent whereas IndiGo witnessed a
decline from 86.6 per cent.
Air India's passenger load factor rose to 77.8 per cent last month from 73.5 per cent seen in June.
Last month, Jet Airways' passenger load factor touched 81 per cent, Jet Lite (80.1 per cent), Go Air (81.2 per cent),
Vistara (60.3 per cent), Air Asia (80.2 per cent), Air Costa (81.7 per cent) and Air Pegasus (71.5 per cent).
"The passenger load factor in the month of July 2015 has shown declining trend compared to previous month
primarily due to the end of tourist season," DGCA said.
During the January-July period, passenger growth jumped 21.13 per cent to 455.78 lakh.
"Passengers carried by domestic airlines during Jan-Jul 2015 were 455.78 lakh as against 376.28 lakh during the
corresponding period of previous year thereby registering a growth of 21.13 per cent," DGCA said.
The overall cancellation rate of scheduled domestic airlines for July stood at 0.53 per cent with little over 47 per
cent instances caused due to technical issues.
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Kontakt: [email protected]
The maximum cancellation was by Air Costa (4.67 per cent) while the least was by IndiGo at 0.11 per cent. Air
Pegasus' stood at 2.50 per cent, Air India (1.12 per cent), Jet Airways (0.52 per cent), SpiceJet (0.49 per cent), Go
Air (0.46 per cent), Vistara (0.37 per cent), Air Asia (0.30 per cent) and Jet Lite (0.22 per cent).
New terminal at Cochin Airport to start by May next year: Oommen Chandy
Rekord-Auftrag: Indische Fluglinie bestellt 250 Airbus-Maschinen
Die indische Fluggesellschaft Indigo ordert 250 Airbus-Maschine vom Typ A320neo für rund 23,5 Milliarden Euro.
Die größte Fluglinie Indiens will das Angebot für preiswerte Reisen weiter entwickeln.
Der europäische Flugzeugbauer Airbus hat seinen zahlenmäßig größten Auftrag endgültig abgeschlossen. Die
indische Fluglinie Indigo bestätigte am Montag ihre vorläufige Bestellung von 250 Maschinen vom Typ A320neo,
wie Airbus mitteilte. Wenn die Listenpreise zugrunde gelegt werden, kosten die Flugzeuge rund 23,5 Milliarden
Euro. Häufig verhandeln die Kunden jedoch Preisnachlässe. Ein Vorvertrag hatten die Unternehmen bereits im
vergangenen Jahr abgeschlossen.
Spirit komplettiert ersten 737 MAX-Rumpf
Der amerikanische Luftfahrtzulieferer Spirit AeroSystems hat am Donnerstag die erste Fertigstellung eines
Rumpfes für die künftige Boeing 737 MAX gefeiert.
Boeing 737 MAX 8 erster Rumpf Spirit AeroSystems
Der erste Rumpf einer Boeing 737 MAX 8 wurde bei Spirit AeroSystems in Wichita komplettiert. Foto und
Copyright: Spirit AeroSystems
Das erste Flugzeug der nächsten Generation des Boeing-Bestsellers 737 trägt die Baunummer 5602. Für die
künftige Generation 737 MAX hat Boeing den Rumpf des Standardrumpfmusters optimiert: Im neu gestalteten
Heckbereich verjüngt sich der Rumpf nun erst wesentlich weiter hinten, so dass die volle Rumpfbreite und
Sitzkapazität von sechs Plätzen pro Reihe bis zum Heck zur Verfügung steht. Die bei Spirit in Wichita gebauten
737 MAX-Rümpfe sind dennoch so bemessen, dass sie noch auf amerikanische Breitspur-Eisenbahnwagen
passen, die sie zum Endmontagewerk nach Renton bei Seattle liefern. Dort hat die Fertigung der ersten 737 MAXFlügel in einer neuen, hochmodernen Halle mit Bohr- und Nietrobotern bereits begonnen.
Das erste Flugzeug der neuen Generation ist eine Boeing 737 MAX 8 mit dem Produktionskürzel 1A001, das nach
der Flugerprobung und Zulassung an Southwest Airlines geliefert wird. Die texanische Niedrigpreisfluggesellschaft
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erhält auch die danach folgenden fünf Fllugzeuge, alles Flugzeuge der Version Boeing 737 MAX 8. Abnehmer des
siebenten Flugzeugs ist dann Lion Air aus Indien.
Boeing rechnet mit Milliardenbestellungen aus Indien
Boeing rechnet in seiner Langfristprognose mit Bestellungen im Wert von 240 Milliarden US-Dollar aus Indien.
Demnach dürfte das Land in den kommenden 20 Jahren 1.740 neue Flugzeuge brauchen, da immer mehr
Menschen aus der starken indischen Mittelschicht das Fliegen für sich entdecken.
Das Chicagoer Unternehmen erstellt jedes Jahr Langfristprognosen für die Gesamtnachfrage, wobei der Ausblick
dieses Jahr angetrieben von Asien insgesamt rosiger ausfiel als im Vorjahr. "Der Handel zwischen Indien und dem
Rest der Welt wird zunehmen, und das wird die Nachfrage im Luftverkehr stärken", sagte Dinesh Keskar, Senior
Vice President of Sales für Boeings Verkehrsflugzeuge in der Region Asien-Pazifik und Indien. Mehr als 80
Prozent der Nachfrage werde voraussichtlich nach Flugzeugen mit einem Mittelgang wie Maschinen des Typs
Boeing 737 und Airbus 320 sein.
Bei indischen Fluggesellschaften zeigen sich nach schwierigen Jahren wegen eines sich verlangsamenden
Wirtschaftswachstums und hoher Kerosinpreise erste Anzeichen einer Erholung.
Im heimischen Luftverkehr schnellte die Zahl der Passagiere in den ersten sechs Monaten 2015 um fast 20
Prozent nach oben auf 38,83 Millionen Passagiere. 2014 wurde ein Anstieg von 10 Prozent auf 67,38 Millionen
Passagiere verzeichnet.
Der Dachverband der Fluggesellschaften, IATA, rechnet damit, dass Indien sich um sechs Plätze nach oben
arbeitet und bis um das Jahr 2031 herum drittgrößter Markt weltweit nach China und den USA wird.
Die Wachstumsprognosen haben Fluggesellschaften in Indien zu Neuaufträgen veranlasst. Spicejet - der
zweitgrößte Billigflieger des Landes nach Marktanteil - bestellte vergangenes Jahr 42 Boeing-Jets des Typs 737-8
Max und verhandelt mit Boeing und Airbus derzeit über potenzielle Aufträge für bis zu 150 weitere Flugzeuge. Im
Oktober vereinbarte die führende Billig-Airline des Landes, IndiGo, mit Airbus den Kauf von 250 Flugzeugen mit
einem Mittelgang.
IndiGo owner says terms of 250-jet Airbus order have expired
The owner of Indian airline IndiGo said on Tuesday that the terms of a provisional order to buy 250 aircraft from
Airbus (AIR.PA) had expired, but that the two companies remained in talks about acquiring a "significant" number
of A320neo jets.
Budget airline Indigo, India's biggest carrier by market share, signed a provisional order for 250 A320neo jets from
Airbus in October, handing the European planemaker its biggest-ever potential order.
The order was worth nearly $26 billion at list prices.
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"Although the term sheet has expired we remain in active discussions concerning the potential acquisition of a
significant number of aircraft from the A320neo family," InterGlobe Aviation said in the draft prospectus for its initial
public offering, which it filed with Indian regulators on Tuesday.
InterGlobe said there was "no assurance" that it would be able to negotiate a new aircraft order with Airbus.
The chief executive of planemaker Airbus said described the delay as a technical one related to the timing of the
"I am not worried about this," Fabrice Bregier told Reuters.
Industry sources have said the deal is expected to be signed before the end of this year.
Founded in 2006 by travel entrepreneur Rahul Bhatia and Rakesh Gangwal, a former chief executive of U.S.
Airways, IndiGo has placed a series of aggressive, eye-catching orders for Airbus jets as it tries to win a bigger
share of India's fast-growing aviation market.
Before last October's provisional order, which industry sources had expected to be completed by the end of this
year, the airline had placed firm orders for a total of 280 A320-family jets, of which it has taken delivery of 100.
IndiGo specialises in placing big orders for jets and selling them on to lessors before renting them back to reduce
capital costs.
It has denied that the sale-and-leaseback model is the main driver of its profits, which stand out against the chronic
losses that have plagued most other major carriers in India.
The company is also interested in defence and aerospace projects?
We'd like to participate in the indigenous manufacture of submarines and are in discussion with public sector and
private shipyards. We expect the government to shortlist shipyards for the project in the next six to eight weeks. We
have the technology and expertise and are willing to collaborate with Indian companies, by offering design,
engineering and implementation knowhow. We have also invested in a service centre at Bengaluru for the
aerospace industry. This is for material processing of aluminium and titanium used in manufacture of aircraft. At
present, the revenue size of the aerospace business in India is small but we expect opportunities as the aviation
sector grows. We do not want to lose out on opportunities.
Military airspace to be opened up for commercial airlines
India's ministries of civil aviation and defence have started testing out a plan which entails commercial airlines
using military airspace, till now restricted for civilian use. Passenger airlines can currently operate only in 60% of
India's airspace. If successfully implemented, the flexible use of airspace will lead to airlines taking more direct
routes, cutting flight durations by up to a fifth and may lead to fuel cost savings of up to 15% on one flight and 5%
annually. So far, SpiceJet, IndiGo and Jet AirwaysBSE -0.47 % have participated in the test flights.
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"Once institutionalised, this will be a win-win-win: Less fuel consumption and emissions which is good for the
environment, lower fuel bills for the airlines, and shorter flying times for passengers. We support this initiative fully,"
said Sanjiv Kapoor, chief operating officer of SpiceJet, which has operated the first test flight. "We are most
definitely at the forefront of this initiative and strongly support flexible use of air space. We worked for months on
refining and getting the manual approved by the aviation ministry, and got this three-day training and exercise
organised on June 3-6," said a senior executive at IndiGo. On June 6, SpiceJetBSE -1.62 % operated a DelhiDehradun-Delhi flight, flying over Hindon and Sarsawa air force stations. The flight usually takes 50 minutes either
way. On the alternate route, SpiceJet saved 3 minutes on one leg and 10 minutes on the other saving a combined
total of 330 litres of fuel on the, said a senior executive at the airline.
On other routes, airlines will save a lot more. "For example, in order to fly to Dubai, we first have to take our
aircraft over Pakistan then over Bahrain to Dubai. Once the airspace is freed, we will directly fly over Muscat and
land in Dubai," said a senior executive at SpiceJet. On average, an airline can save 215 litres or Rs 12,900 per
flight. Indian carriers buy about 3,000 kilolitres orRs 19,000 crore worth of fuel every year. Jet fuel prices in India
are costlier than most of the world due to the implementation of high taxes. Jet fuel expense accounts for above
40% of an airline's operating costs.Talks for the flexible use of airspace started in January 2007 when the DGCA
drafted the first plan to the aviation ministry. In the two subsequent years, officials from the regulator and the
ministry visited their counterparts in the US, as well as NATS, the main air safety provider in the UK and
Eurocontrol, the European organisation for the safety of air navigation. The following years saw the setting up of
bodies such as the National High Level Airspace Policy Body (NHLAPB) and National Airspace Management
Advisory Committee (NAMAC) which has airline executives, officials from the defence ministry and the airports
authority of India as members. The Airports Authority of India has constituted a separate directorate, which will
oversee the optimisation of airspace in co-ordination with the ministry of defence. Earlier too there has been have
been some instances of this mixed use. For instance, commercial aircraft are now allowed to fly to 26 military
airports. But much of the airspace remains restricted for them, leading to longer flights. The mixed use will be
implemented at three levels: some airspace will be permanently opened up for civil flights, some air routes can be
applied for by an airline to operate on, while others will be opened up as and when required on the basis of
requirement. For example on a flight's way to Dehradun, if there is no airforce movement over the Hindon base
which is in the way, the air traffic controller can take a call instantly and direct a flight to fly over the defence base.
Five Indian students win Airbus innovation contest
Five Indian students have won the fourth edition of the Airbus Fly Your Ideas global competition organised in
partnership with UNESCO to encourage the next generation of innovators. Team Multifun is the name of the
contest and it comprises of aerospace engineering students-Sathiskumar Anusuya Ponnusami, Shashank Agrawal,
Dhamotharan Veerasamy, Mohit Gupta and Ajith Moses, who have bagged the top prize of Euros 30,000 at the
award ceremony held in Hamburg, Germany on 27th May, 2015.
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Kontakt: [email protected]
Govt yet to take a call on Tata-Airbus bid
Despite the independent committee report, submitted to the government on the Tata-Airbus consortium’s bid...
Despite the independent committee report, submitted to the government on the Tata-Airbus consortium’s bid to
replace Indian Air Force’s (IAF) ageing fleet of 56 Avro aircraft with C-295 transport carriers in a Rs 12,000-crore
deal, the government is unlikely to take a decision next week.
Sources said, “MoD has been studying the Gokhale committee report, but has not reached any decision. The
study has raised questions over the single-vendor situation and other related issues about the replacement plan. It
will now be up to the Defence Acquisition Council meeting led by defence minister Manohar Parrikar that is
scheduled to meet on May 11 to take a final decision.”
It maybe recalled Parrikar had told Parliament the government had set up an independent panel to look into various
issues vis-a-vis a single-vendor scenario. Since last November, the DAC, headed by the defence minister, has
been seeking additional information.
Prime minister Narendra Modi during the France visit went to the Airbus headquarters in Toulouse. Airbus Defence
and Space (ADS) had submitted a joint proposal with Tata to produce the modern C-295 aircraft in the country as a
replacement for the ageing Avro aircraft of the Indian Air Force.
In May 2013, the ministry had issued a global tender — called a request for proposals (RfP) to original equipment
manufacturers including US defence major Boeing, Ilyushin of Russia, Antonov of Ukraine, Franco-German
consortium EADS (now rechristened Airbus), Embraer of Brazil and Alenia Aeromacchi of Italy.
They were required to tie-up with an Indian private company under which 40 aircraft will be produced here, while 16
would be bought off-the-shelf. Of these, 40 aircraft would be manufactured in India by an Indian Production Agency
(IPA) from the private sector. The IPA is to be chosen by the original equipment manufacturer. As per the tender,
foreign OEM would remain as the main contractor and the Indian partner would only remain as a vendor.
Flugzeugbauer expandiert: Airbus will in Indien produzieren
Airbus treibt es nach Indien: Konzernchef Enders kündigte nach einem Treffen mit dem Premierminister Modi an,
auf dem Subkontinent produzieren zu wollen. Zuvor hatte eine indische Airline eine Massenbestellung getätigt.
Der europäische Flugzeugbauer Airbus will künftig auch in Indien produzieren. Airbus-Chef Tom Enders sagte am
Samstag nach einem Treffen mit dem indischen Premierminister Narendra Modi in Toulouse, Airbus sei bereit, in
Indien herzustellen.
Dabei gehe es etwa um eine Endmontage von militärischen Transportflugzeugen und Hubschraubern. Bisher
betreibt Airbus Ingenieurszentren und eine Forschungseinrichtung in Indien.
Modi eröffnet am Sonntag gemeinsam mit Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) die Hannover Messe. Indien ist
diesmal das Partnerland der weltgrößten Industrieschau.
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Ender sagte, Indien nehme eine wichtige Rolle in den internationalen Aktivitäten von Airbus ein. Im vergangenen
Oktober hatte sich der Konzern einen Milliardenauftrag aus Indien gesichert. Die Inlandsfluggesellschaft IndiGo
hatte einen Kaufvertrag über 250 Maschinen aus der A320neo-Klasse unterzeichnet.
Private sector manufacturing for aerospace to boost investment: Minister
Private sector participation in aerospace manufacturing in India will boost the prospects of fresh investments by
domestic and overseas investors and create more employment opportunities, said the Union Civil Aviation Minister,
Ashok Gajapathi Raju Pusapati at the inauguration of the Gujarat Aero Conclave here on Wednesday.
"Gujarat Aero Conclave, is a distinctive initiative to encourage private sector participation in aerospace
manufacturing and promoting air connectivity and skill development in the country," said the minister in his address.
The minister also mentioned that India is set to become the third largest aviation market in the world by 2020 from
its present 9th position with a size of about US $ 16 billion.
Adding further he termed the Civil Aviation a key infrastructure sector that facilitates the growth of business,
seamless flow of investment, trade and tourism, with significant multiplier effects across the economy.
The three-day Aero Conclave, jointly organised by Ministry of Civil Aviation, Govt. of India, Government of Gujarat
and FICCI will have discussion on topics like Indigenization in Aviation Sector - Future role of India in
manufacturing and maintenance, Connecting the remote area to hubs for economic growth in Aviation Sector and
promoting Aviation Skills in youth for better employability.
The Conclave was inaugurated by the Gujarat Chief Minister Anandiben Patel. There will be air shows twice daily
during April 1-4 as Ahmedabad residents will see the sky being filled with airplanes of different sizes and colour.
India an integral part of our supply chain
India is a strategic country for Airbus Group both as a big, growing market and an important industrial partner. The
group is competing in several important tenders and is enthusiastic about supporting ‘Make in India’. At the same
time, it is plugging India in its global value chain with over 30 Indian companies supplying to the group. Its
procurement from India has tripled in the last three years and crossed $350 million in 2013. Yves Guillaume,
president (India), Airbus Group, spoke to FE’s Huma Siddiqui. Edited excerpts:
What is your opinion on the ‘Make in India’ campaign and how are you planning to support it?
I believe it is an excellent opportunity for India to realise its true manufacturing potential and in defence it can be a
turning point as far as establishing a robust indigenous military-industrial complex is concerned. We are willing to
strongly support India in this endeavour and hope that it will take decisions which further the spirit of this
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As far as how are we supporting it, our actions speak louder than words. We have submitted a joint bid with Tata to
replace the Indian Air Force’s Avro transporter with the modern C295 medium military transport aircraft. This is an
excellent ‘Make in India’ project and promises to support the Indian private sector in making the highly significant
leap to creating a modern and efficient aircraft final assembly line (FAL), as well as assembling main components
and producing detailed parts. This in turn will lay the ground for an Indian supply chain supporting the production of
a market-leading military transport. This is why it is important that the government moves ahead with the
Beyond our partnership with Tata for the C295, we have a JV with Larsen & Toubro for manufacturing radar,
avionics, electronic warfare and mobile systems for military applications.
The strength of our commitment to the ‘Make in India’ programme lies in the fact that we have a history of
collaborating with India.
To give you an example from the field of space, ISRO, its commercial arm, Antrix, and we have together designed
and built two communication satellites — Eutelsat W2M in 2008 and HYLAS 1 in 2010 — for European operators.
Not to mention our over 50-year-old industrial collaboration with HAL (Hindustan Aeronautics) wherein it has built
more than 600 helicopters with highly cooperative sharing of technology and know-how from Airbus Helicopters.
You are the single bidder for the Avro replacement tender. Do you see the government going ahead with your
We submitted our proposal in accordance with the RFP (request for proposal) and now it is up to the Indian
government to decide on how to proceed. We were not aware that we would end up being the sole bidder at the
time we submitted our response. According to us there were other potential bidders with products that could have
been fielded in the competition.
As I said before, the Avro replacement programme is an excellent Make in India project. India could hardly invest a
programme more optimised to help boost the local private sector aircraft manufacturing industry and that’s why it is
important that the government progresses the tender. We just had an excellent year of sales with the C295, with no
fewer than 28 aircraft ordered by seven countries.
Have you formed a JV with the Tata Group to produce the Avro in India? If yes, what is the percentage that you
hold in it?
The RFP does not ask for a JV to be created, so we haven’t formed one. In our bid, we are the prime contractor
and Tata is the Indian production agency (IPA). As the prime we will work closely with Tata including transfer of
technology and know-how in order to allow it to deliver aircraft as per the specifications in the RFP, on cost and on
What is the status of the A330 MRTT (multi-role tanker transport) contract?
We have been in final negotiations with the ministry of defence for some time now but I think both sides now really
need to finalise the contract.
What is the status of your participation in the reconnaissance and surveillance helicopter (RSH) competition?
We are talking to different Indian companies on possible tie-ups. We have time until the issuance of the RFP to firm
up a partnership. I would just like to add that we have been very active in the light utility helicopter or RSH project
for over 10 years now, expending in the different stages of the tender, sizeable resources and efforts. The AS550
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Fennec was shortlisted each time as one of the preferred operational choices for the armed forces thanks to its
unparalleled performance and versatility. It demonstrated in all climates and environments in India as being fully
compliant with the technical requirements.
How was 2014 for your civil business in India?
Last year, Airbus signed a MoU (memorandum of understanding) with IndiGo for 250 firm A320neo family aircraft.
The agreement will become Airbus’ single largest order by number of aircraft. Airbus also signed a long-term flight
hour services tailored support package (FHS-TSP) with Vistara. Commercial A380 flights to India started last year
as did AirAsia India operations using A320 aircraft. Also, Vistara commenced operations using A320 in January this
You claim sourcing is part of your industrial strategy for India. Do you have any examples to back that?
It is not just a claim. It is a fact that India is an integral part of Airbus Group’s global supply chain. We have over 30
local suppliers, public and private, and more than 5,000 jobs have been generated by Airbus across this supplier
network. The top three commodities that we source from India are engineering and IT services, aero structures and
detail parts and systems. To give you some examples, HAL produces half of all A320 forward passenger doors
while Dynamatic Technologies, a global tier-1 supplier, provides flap track beams for the A320 and A330 family
aircraft. Tata Advanced Materials, in partnership with Spirit AeroSystems, is producing composite parts for the
A350XWB programmes. In addition, Aequs supplies several detail parts. Companies such as Infosys, Tech
Mahindra, Tata, HCL, Geometrics and Wipro also provide information system and engineering services. Overall,
Airbus’ procurement from India has tripled in the last three years and was over $350 million in 2013. There is a bit
of made in India in every Airbus aircraft. This is not all. In 2007, together with the Supply Chain Management
Institute at the EBS Business School in Germany, we have endowed a research chair for sourcing and supply
management at the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore.
Airbus signs pact with Dynamatic Technologies for flap-track beams
Airbus hofft auf Milliardenauftrag aus Indien
Europas größter Luftfahrtkonzern Airbus kann für seinen Eurofighter wieder auf einen Milliardenauftrag aus Indien
Nach Informationen der Wirtschaftswoche sind die seit drei Jahren laufenden Verhandlungen zum Kauf von 126
Kampfflugzeugen zwischen dem französischen Hersteller Dassault und der indischen Regierung ins Stocken
geraten. Darum könnte bei dem Auftrag im Wert von rund 20 Milliarden Dollar nun doch der damals zweitplatzierte
Eurofighter zum Zuge kommen, den Airbus unter anderem mit BAE Systems aus Großbritannien baut.
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„Wenn Dassault abspringt, gibt es zwar keine Garantie, dass Airbus als zweitbester Bieter drankommt, aber der
Optimismus ist da“, sagte ein Insider. Dem Vernehmen nach gerät Indien bei der Anschaffung allmählich unter
Zeitdruck. Eine neue Ausschreibung wäre zeit- und kostenintensiv. Doch Indien brauche dringend Ersatz für seine
alten russischen Kampfjets, heißt es in Industrie-Kreisen.
Ein Auftrag aus Indien wäre insbesondere für die deutschen Standorte von Airbus Defence and Space eine
Erlösung. Denn an Standorten wie dem bayerischen Manching könnten sonst bis zu 2600 Arbeitsplätze wegfallen.
Derzeit hat Airbus für den Eurofighter keine Exportorder.
Axis Aerospace launches bird detection & monitoring radar systems
Axis Aerospace & Technologies Ltd (AAT), a leading Indian company offering hi-Tech products and solutions to
defence, aerospace and homeland security needs, launched their first ever Bird Detection & Monitoring Radar
System (BDMRS) at the Defexpo 2014. This unique system has been developed to address the bird menace faced
by aircrafts both civil and military.
Bird hits are the most menacing hazards faced by aircrafts globally. As per the latest statistics available with Airport
Authority of India (AAI), 14 bird hits were recorded in 2012. In addition, the Indian aviation industry loses over an
estimate of Rs.20 crore annually due to bird hits. While traditional measures like bursting fire crackers, placing
scare crows near the runways, regular trimming of grass and maintaining cleanliness near the perimeter walls of
the airport has helped in bringing down incidents of bird hits, there is still scope to further minimize this risk using
technology and such radar systems.
The BDRMS is one such technology developed by AAT to prevent Bird Airstrike Hazards (BASH) in India. The
system operates in the S Band and has a detection range of 15km for large birds and 8km for small birds. It can be
deployed upto altitudes of 3000m. It is maintenance free and easily transportable by road.
The BDMRS not only manages bird airstrike hazards but is also helps in ornithological studies by habitat
assessment, deriving trends and patterns of avian activity which can help in assessment of risks to flying and
instituting permanent anti BASH measures. In addition, it has key technical features like data warehousing and
mining, advanced analysis algorithms in risk assessment and warning systems.
“Axis Aerospace Technologies is committed to offer product and solutions which can seamlessly integrate into
industry requirements. We provide holistic solutions and add value in the development process using our technical
competency and industrial expertise. With BDMRS, we strive to offer Hi-Tech solutions to the Defence and
Aerospace industry, protecting lives in the process.” said Sudhakar Gande, vice chairman, Axis Aerospace &
Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
He further added, “Multinational Defence OEMs will see our ability to contribute more than the mandatory 30%
Indian content and Offsets in the ‘Buy (Indian) and Buy (Global)’ categories respectively. AAT is willing to invest in
cutting edge technologies for developing self-reliance in defence production and providing cost effective production
in India for our foreign partners.”
AAT’s BDMRS has gone through successful field evaluation trials and is now ready for deployment.
Deutsch-Indische Handelskammer
Kontakt: [email protected]
march 2014
Karnataka woos aviation firms to aerospace park
Tata to supply wings for Dornier aircraft
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Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao will participate in the ground-breaking ceremony of a new project of the Tata
Advanced Systems to manufacture wings and fuselage for the Dornier 228 NG (New Generation) aircraft, here on
Monday. The project also involves RUAG Aviation of Germany.
The 19-seater has a five-blade propeller made of fibre composite materials and a high-quality glass cockpit and
avionics that has short take-off and landing capabilities.
With the ability to operate from unprepared airstrips and in hot conditions, the aircraft is also said to be the fastest
in transporting passengers or cargo over a comparable distance.
RUAG is an international technology group operating in the fields of aerospace and defence.
Tata Advanced Systems is a major in the aero structures business in India with joint ventures with Lockheed Martin
Aeronautics and Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation.
The project is the fourth unit to be set up since 2009 in Hyderabad, and all products made in the units are exported.
Tata Advanced Systems has delivered over 70 Sikorsky S-92 cabins, successfully indigenising production of the
entire cabin and through its joint venture with Lockheed Martin, has also delivered the Empennage and Centre
Wing Box.
feb 2013
Karnataka unveils aerospace policy
Chief Minister Jagadish Shettar unveiled the State government’s Aerospace Policy, the first such policy statement
in the country, at Aero India 2013 on Wednesday. Recognising that the expenditure on aerospace and defence
equipment in the next 10 years is to amount more than Rs. 5 lakh crore, the policy aims to develop Karnataka as a
hub for the aerospace industry.
Deutsch-Indische Handelskammer
Kontakt: [email protected]