
April 16 – July 25, 2010 (Deichtorhallen Hamburg)
The exhibition at the Hamburg’ Deichtorhallen will be the first extensive presentation of the JULIA STOSCHEK
COLLECTION shown in the context of a museum worldwide.
The exhibition, which will commence April 16, 2010, will feature 65 works by 54 artists from this very young
private collection in a space extending of over 3,000 square meters.
The main focus of the presentation will be on film and video works produced in the last 40 years, a time range
which applies to the entire Julia Stoschek Collection. Classics of video art, such as Marina Abramović’s Art must
be beautiful/ Artist must be beautiful dating from 1975-76, Vito Acconci’s Openings (1970) and Chris Burden’s
Shoot (1971 are conjoined with more recent works of younger artists, giving viewers the opportunity to relate to
the history of the still rather young genre of video art. The majority of the works were actually produced after
2000. They range from lyrical pieces such as Heike Baranowsky’s Mondfahrt and complex animation films such
as Björk’s Wanderlust in 3D up to elaborate spatial installations by artists such as Monica Bonvicini, Anthony
McCall, and Nathalie Djurberg.
The video works are accompanied by sculptures (e.g., by Nandipha Mntambo), photographic works (e.g., by
Thomas Demand, Taryn Simon, Thomas Ruff) and installations (e.g., by Jeppe Hein). The title of the exhibition
I Want To See How You See was derived from the work in the show by Pipilotti Rist (2003) of the same name.
Most of the presented works reflect the production process or question the validity of the image via the staged
realites generated in the realms of film or video. A recurring subject is the image of women as conveyed by the
mass media.
The exhibition continues the Deichtorhallen tradition of presenting major private collections. In this case, the
collection is one of the most important convolutes of media-influenced art in Germany, whose contemporaneity
and acuteness aptly reflects the young age of the collector (34). At the same time, the show refers back to the
Fire, Earth, Water, Air exhibition, presented at the Deichtorhallen in 1993 as part of the Mediale Festival featuring
media-influenced art at the Deichtorhallen for the first time.
The Julia Stoschek Collection is a private collection of contemporary art that focuses on media and video
art, installations and photography. Julia Stoschek was born in 1975 and is a shareholder of the Brose Group and
great-granddaughter of the founder of the company, which produces automotive components for the
international market.
She studied Business Administration and since her graduation in 2001 has devoted herself completely to the
collection of art. Since 2004 she has been on the Board of Directors of the KW-Institute for Contemporary Art,
Berlin. In 2007, she was appointed a voting member of the acquisitions commission of the Trustee Committee
for Media and Performance Art at MoMA, Museum of Modern Art.
April 16 – July 25, 2010 (Deichtorhallen Hamburg)
Selection of Artists for the Deichtorhallen
Marina Abramović
Jen DeNike
Carsten Nicolai
Vito Acconci
Nathalie Djurberg
Tony Oursler
Pep Agut
Claus Föttinger
Paul Pfeiffer
Peggy Ahwesh
Douglas Gordon
Rob Pruitt
Doug Aitken
Cao Guimarães
Pipilotti Rist
Eleanor Antin
Andreas Gursky
Aura Rosenberg
Heike Baranowsky
Jeppe Hein
Martha Rosler
Lynda Benglis
Christian Jankowski
Mika Rottenberg
Walead Beshty
Isaac Julien
Thomas Ruff
Björk (Encyclopedia Pictura)
Terence Koh
Christoph Schlingensief
Monica Bonvicini
Klara Liden
Carolee Schneemann
Robert Boyd
Gordon Matta-Clark
Taryn Simon
Chris Burden
Anthony McCall
Wolfgang Tillmans
Jeff Burton
Adam McEwen
Steina Vasulka
Matt Calderwood
Alex McQuilkin
Clemens von Wedemeyer
Paul Chan
Nandipha Mntambo
Franz West
Patty Chang
Lutz Mommartz
Hannah Wilke
Thomas Demand
Bruce Nauman
Aaron Young
„Julia Stoschek Collection – I Want To See How You See“, Snoeck Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Ed. Dirk Luckow,
with texts of Beate Söntgen, Dörte Zbikowski and an interview between Dirk Luckow and Julia Stoschek,.
Format 17,5 x 24,5 cm, 148 pages, Hardcover, , ISBN 978-3-940953-51-3, in German language, price on request.
Thursday, April 15, 2010, 11 h
Julia Stoschek and Dirk Luckow, Intendant of the Deichtorhallen, will be present
Press photograph : „Presse“ at www.deichtorhallen.de
16. APRIL – 25. JULI 2010
Die Pressefotos stehen zum Download in 300dpi im Bereich „Presse“ unter
www.deichtorhallen.de zur Verfügung. Dort werden auch Installationsaufnahmen
fortlaufend aktualisiert.
Die Pressebilder sind nur frei zur aktuellen Berichterstattung über die o.g. Ausstellung
in den Deichtorhallen Hamburg und bei Copyright-Nennung. Jede andere Nutzung ist
PRESS PRINT - IMPORTANT NOTE: These photographs have been copyright cleared
for media reproduction in the context of a review or preview of the exhibition, ALL
Information : [email protected]; Tel. +49-(0)40-32103250
An tho ny M c Call : L ine D es cri bi n g A Con e, 19 73
16-mm-Filminstallation; 30min; unlimitiert
Installationsansicht Julia Stoschek Collection, Düsseldorf
Foto: Achim Kukulies , Düsseldorf, Courtesy of Galerie Thomas Zander, Köln
Björk ( En cy clo pe di a Pi c tur a) W an derl us t ( 3 -D), 2 008
Stereoskopische, digitale Videoinstallation. 7:27 min., Farbe, Ton, Edition 1/6
Courtesy of One Little Indian; London
Terence Koh: The Camel was God, the Camel Was Shot,
2007, Abguss des Künstlerkörpers, Bronze, weiße Patina
18 x 46 x 166 cm
Ed. 1/5 + 2 AP
Courtesy of Peres Projects, Berlin/Los Angeles
Foto: Hans-Georg Gaul
(Details auf Anfrage)
Cl aus Fö ttin ger: Hanoi /Sai gon
Höhe circa 290 cm, Durchmesser circa 100 cm,
Inkjetprints mit pigmentierter Tinte auf Baumwollpapier, beidseitig laminiert, auf
Kupfergestell genäht, beleuchtet
Unikat, 2007
Foto: Ivo Faber, Düsseldorf
Paul Ch an : Happi ne ss (Fi n all y) A fter 35, 000 Y ear s of Civ il iz atio n ( after
He nry D ar ger an d Ch arle s Fo urier ), 2 000-2 003
Digital animiertes Video,17:20 Min.,Farbe, Ton, Ed. 3/6
Courtesy of Greene Naftali, New York,(weitere Motive auf Anfrage)
Rob Pr ui tt: E s pri t de Corps: G ui tar Jam, 2 006
Skulptur; Jeans, Beton, 38 x 74 x 59 cm
Unikat; Courtesy of the artist and Gavin Brown’s enterprise, New York
Installationsansicht Julia Stoschek Collection, Düsseldorf, Foto: Achim Kukulies,
Tho m as De m an d
Zaun/Fence, 2004
C-Print/Diasec, 180 x 230 cm
© Thomas Demand, VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn
Iss ac Jul ien : Tr ue North Ser ies, 2 004.
Digital print on Epson Premium Photo Glossy, 100 x 100 cm.
(In der Ausstellung als 3-Kanal Film Installation)
Courtesy of Isaac Julien and Victoria Miro Gallery, London
Iss ac Jul ien : Tr ue North Ser ies, 2 004. Digital print on Epson Premium Photo
Glossy, 100 x 100 cm. (In der Ausstellung als 3-Kanal-Videoinstallation)
Courtesy of Isaac Julien and Victoria Miro Gallery, London
Je ff Bur ton : un title d #15 1 ( pi cke t fe nc e), 2 001.
Cibachrome print, 50,8 x 61 cm, Ed. 2/5
Courtesy of the artist and Casey Kaplan, New York
Je ff Bur ton : un title d# 17 6 (r o ds an d c lam ps) , 2 003.
Cibachrome print, 67,3 x 101,6 cm, gerahmt 71,1 x 105,4 cm
Ed. 1/5, Courtesy of the artist and Casey Kaplan, New York
Moni c a Bonv i cin i: „ De stro y She Sai d“, 1 99 8.
2-Kanal-Videoinstallation, 60 min.
Courtesy of the artist and Galleria Emi Fontana, Mailand und VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn
Installationsansicht Julia Stoschek Collection, Düsseldorf, Foto: Achim Kukulies,
Taryn Si mo n, LARRY MAYES. Scene of arrest, The Royal Inn, Gary, Indiana
Police found Mayes hiding beneath a mattress in this room, Served 18.5 years of an 80year sentence for Rape, Robbery and Unlawful Deviate Conduct, 2002, C-Print, 121,9 x
157,5 cm, Ed. 5/5, © Taryn Simon, Courtesy of Gagosian Gallery, New York
Tho m as De m an d, Zaun/Fence, 2004, C-Print/Diasec, 180 x 230 cm, © Thomas
Demand, VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn
He ike B ar ano wsk y: „ Mon dfahrt“, 2 001.
Videoinstallation, 6:22 min., Farbe, kein Ton, Ed. 4/5
Courtesy of Galerie Barbara Weiss, Berlin und VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn
Installationsansicht Julia Stoschek Collection, Düsseldorf
Foto: Achim Kukulies , Düsseldorf
Robert Bo y d: „ Xanadu“, 2 006, 4-Kanal-Videoinstallation, 22 min., Farbe, Ton,
Ed. 2/2 + AP, Courtesy of the artist and Participant Inc., New York
Installationsansicht Julia Stoschek Collection, Düsseldorf
Foto: Achim Kukulies, Düsseldorf
Cl e men s von W e de mey er, „The Bi g B usi ne s s Pro je c t“, 2 002
The Big Business Project, 2002, 2-Kanal-Videoinstallation, Farbe, Ton
Big Business, 25 Min., The Making Of Big Business, 27 Min.,Ed. 6/10
Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Jocelyn Wolff, Paris Installationsansicht Julia
Stoschek Collection, Düsseldorf, Foto: Achim Kukulies, Düsseldorf
Je ppe He in: „2 -Di me nsi on al -M irror -L abyr in th“, 2 006
Skulptur-Installation, polierter Edelstahl, 220 x 350 cm, Ed. 1/3 + 2 AP
Installationsansicht Julia Stoschek Collection, Düsseldorf
Foto: Achim Kukulies , Düsseldorf, Courtesy of Galerie Johann König, Berlin
A aron Y oun g : „ Hi gh P erfor m an ce “, 2 000
Video, 3 min., Farbe, Ton, Ed. 1/5 + AP,
Installationsansicht Julia Stoschek Collection, Düsseldorf
Foto: Achim Kukulies , Düsseldorf
Courtesy of the artist and Harris Lieberman Gallery, New York
Matt Cal derwoo d: Glo ss, 2 004, Video
Farbe, kein Ton, 01:16 Min., Ed. 3/6, Courtesy of the artist
Mik a Ro tten ber g: The Tro pic al Br eeze Pr oje ct, 2 004.
Videoinstallation, Speerholzcontainer, Pappkartons, „tropical breeze moist tissues”Boxen, Maße variabel, 10 Min., Farbe, Ton, Ed. 1/5 + 1 AP
Courtesy of Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery, New York
Mik a Ro tten ber g: The Tro pic al Br eeze Pr oje ct, 2 004. Videoinstallation,
Speerholzcontainer, Pappkartons, „tropical breeze moist tissues”-Boxen, Maße
variabel, 10 Min., Farbe, Ton, Ed. 1/5 + 1 AP,Courtesy of Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery, New
Nan di ph a Mn tam bo: In ts an dv ok ati, 2 008.
Rinderfell, Harz, Polyestergewebe und gewachste Schnur,100 x 175 x 140 cm, Unikat
Installationsansicht Julia Stoschek Collection, Düsseldorf, Foto: Achim Kukulies,
Düsseldorf, Courtesy of Michael Stevenson, Kapstadt
Nan di ph a Mn tam bo: Son dzel a, 2 008. Rinderfell, Harz, Polyestergewebe,
Glasperlen und gewachste Schnur,170 x 165 x 100 cm, Unikat, Installationsansicht Julia
Stoschek Collection, Düsseldorf, Foto: Achim Kukulies, Düsseldorf, Courtesy of
Michael Stevenson, Kapstadt
Taryn Si mo n, Calvi n W as hin gto n, C& E Mo te l , Roo m No. 2 4, W ac o, Te x as,
2 002, Where an informant claimed to have heard Washington confess, Served 13
years of a Life sentence for Murder, 2002, C-Print, 121,9 x 157,5 cm, Ed. 5/5. © Taryn
Simon, Courtesy of Gagosian Gallery, New York
T aryn Si mo n, Ron al d Jo nes, Scen e o f arre s t, Sou th Si de, Chi cago,
Ill ino is, Served 8 years of a Death sentence for Murder and Rape, 2002, C-Print, 121,9
x 157,5 cm, Ed. 2/5, © Taryn Simon, Courtesy of Gagosian Gallery, New York
Ele onor An ti n. “The Ki n g,,” 19 72. ,Vi deo, 52 mi n., s /w, ke in T on,
unl i mi tier t
Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York.
Credit is a condition of use for each image. The full credit line as worded below must
appear directly under the reproduction, on the page facing, or on the reverse. If the
image is reproduced on the Web, a link to http://www.eai.org must be included.
Lyn da Be n gli s. “Fe m al e Se ns i bi li ty,” 1 97 3, V ideo, 14 Mi n.. F ar be, Ton,
unl i mi tier t, Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York.
Credit is a condition of use for each image. The full credit line as worded below must
appear directly under the reproduction, on the page facing, or on the reverse. If the
image is reproduced on the Web, a link to http://www.eai.org must be included.
Bruce Nau m an. “ G auz e,”, 1 96 9, 16 -m m -Fil m, tr ansf erier t auf Vi deo
8 Mi n., S/W, Ton, Un li m itier t
Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York.
Credit is a condition of use for each image. The full credit line as worded below must
appear directly under the reproduction, on the page facing, or on the reverse. If the
image is reproduced on the Web, a link to http://www.eai.org must be included.
Mar th a Ro sler. “ Se m io ti cs of the ki tc hen, ” 1 975. Vi de o, 6: 09 Min. S/W,
Un li mi tiert, Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York.
Credit is a condition of use for each image. The full credit line as worded below must
appear directly under the reproduction, on the page facing, or on the reverse. If the
image is reproduced on the Web, a link to http://www.eai.org must be included.
Carol ee Sc hnee m ann. “ U p to an d i n clu din g her li mi ts,” 19 76. Vi deo
29 M in., Far be, To n, Un li m itier t
Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York.
Credit is a condition of use for each image. The full credit line as worded below must
appear directly under the reproduction, on the page facing, or on the reverse. If the
image is reproduced on the Web, a link to http://www.eai.org must be included.
Stei n a V asul k a. “Vi oli n Pow er,” 19 7 0-78, V i deo, 1 0: 04 Mi n., S/W, To n
Un li mi tiert, Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York.
Credit is a condition of use for each image. The full credit line as worded below must
appear directly under the reproduction, on the page facing, or on the reverse. If the
image is reproduced on the Web, a link to http://www.eai.org must be included.
Julia Stoschek, 2010
Fotos: Max von Gumppenberg und Patrick Bienert/COLORSTORM