Forschungsgruppe Tell el-Dabʻa Publikationen 2010 – 2015


Forschungsgruppe Tell el-Dabʻa Publikationen 2010 – 2015
Forschungsgruppe Tell el-Dabʻa
Publikationen 2010 – 2015
zum Druck angenommen / im Druck
E. Czerny, Der Mund der beiden Wege. Der Tempel und die Siedlung des Mittleren Reiches
von Ezbet Ruschdi, UZK, Ausgrabungen in Tell el-Dab’a. 2 Bde. (erscheint November 2015).
Zeitschriften / Artikel in Sammelbänden
D. Aston, A Possible Twenty-Square Game (?) and other Varia from L81, (zum Druck
D. Aston, How Early (and How Late) Can Khyan Really Be? in: I. Forstner-Müller – N. Moeller
(eds.), Proceedings of the Khyan Conference, Vienna 2014, (zum Druck angenommen)
D. Aston, Turning Towards The Dark Side. Fifteenth Dynasty Black Burnished Wares, in: B.
Bader – C.M. Knoblauch – E.C. Köhler, Vienna 2 – Ancient Egyptian Ceramics in the 21st
Century, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta (im Druck).
D. Aston, The Faces of the Hyksos Ceramic Sculpture in the Fifteenth Dynasty, Bulletin of
the Egyptological Seminar 19 (2015) 103–116 (im Druck).
B. Bader, Quantification as a Means of Functional Analysis: Settlement Pottery of the Late
Middle Kingdom at Tell el-Dabca, in: B. Bader – C.M. Knoblauch – E.C. Köhler, Vienna 2 –
Ancient Egyptian Ceramics in the 21st Century, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, (im Druck)
M. Bietak, Les sanctuaires cananéens dans le delta oriental du Nil, in: P. Matthiae (ed.),
L'archeologia del sacro e l'archeologia del culto. Ebla e la Siria dall'Età del Bronzo all'Età del
Ferro, Rome 2015: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma (im Druck).
M. Bietak – B. Bader, The Freedom of Fringe Art: À propos the Fish Bowls, in: O. Goelet – A.
Oppenheim (eds.), The Art and Culture of Ancient Egypt: Studies in Honor of Dorothea Arnold,
Bulletin of the Egyptological Seminar 19 (2015), 157–178 (im Druck).
K. Kopetzky, Some Remarks on the Relations between Egypt and the Levant during the late
Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period, in: W. Grajetzki – G. Miniaci (eds.), The
World of Middle Kingdom Egypt (2000–1500 BC), Contribution on Archaeology, Art, Religion
and Written Sources, Vol. 2, Golden House Publications, London (im Druck).
K. Kopetzky, Imports and local pottery production in Egypt and the Levant during the Middle
Bronze Age, BCE 25, 305‒318 (im Druck).
K. Kopetzky, The Middle Bronze Age Storage Jars, in. L.E. Stager at al. (eds.), Ashkelon IV(?).
The Middle Bronze Age, Winona Lake (im Druck).
Wissenschaftliche Redaktion
E. Czerny, Ägypten und Levante 25 (2015) (erscheint Dezember 2015)
Zeitschriften / Artikel in Sammelbänden
D. Aston, A Copy of a Copy of a Copy or an Imitation Kamares Vessel from Tell el Daba, in:
A. Jimenez-Serrano – C. von Pilgrim (eds.), From the Delta to the Cataracts. Studies in
Honour of Mohammed el-Bialy, Leiden 2015, 1–11.
D. Aston – M. Bietak, “Nubians in the Nile Delta: À propos Avaris et Peru-nefer”, Proceedings
of the Colloquium Nubia in the New Kingdom: Lived Experience, Pharaonic Control and
indigenous traditions. The Annual Egyptology Colloquium, Thursday 11 July and Friday 12
July 2012. The British Museum, London.
B. Bader, Stone objects from the late Middle Kingdom settlement at Tell el-Daba, in: W.
Grajetzki – G. Miniaci (eds.), The World of Middle Kingdom Egypt (2000–1500 BC),
Contribution on Archaeology, Art, Religion and Written Sources, Golden House Publications,
London 2015, 25–41.
M. Bietak, Recent Discussions about the Chronology of the Middle and the Late Bronze Ages
in the Eastern Mediterranean: Part I, in: Bibliotheca Orientalis LXXII no. 3–4, (mei–augustus
2015), 317–335.
M. Bietak, Harbours and Coastal Military Bases in Egypt in the 2nd Millennium BC: Avaris –
Peru-nefer – Piramesse, in: H. Willems (ed.), Proceedings of the Conference ‘The Nile. Natural
Landscape – Cultural Landscape’ at the Johann Gutenberg Universität Mainz 22.–23.
February 2013,
K. Kopetzky, Egyptian Burial Customs in the Royal Tombs I‒III of Byblos, BAAL Hors Series
X (2015), 393‒412.
Zeitschriften / Artikel in Sammelbänden
M. Bietak, Radiocarbon and the Thera Eruption, in: Antiquity 88/339 (March 2014), 277–282.
M. Bietak – N. Math – V. Müller – C. Jurman, Report on the excavations of a Hyksos Palace
at Tell el-Dabʻa/Avaris (23rd August – 15th November 2011), in: Ägypten & Levante 22/23
(2012/2013), 2014, 17–53.
M. Bietak – C. von Rüden – J. Becker – J. Jungfleisch – L. Morgan – E. Peintner, Preliminary
Report of the Tell el Dabca Wall Painting Project – Season 2011/2012, in: Ägypten & Levante
22/23 (2012/13), 2014, 127–143.
K. Kopetzky, Burial Practices and Mortuary Rituals at Tell el-Dabca, Egypt, in: P. Pfälzner et
al. (eds.), Contextualising Grave Inventories in the Ancient Near East, Qatna Studien
Supplementa 3, Wiesbaden, 123‒140.
Wissenschaftliche Redaktion
E. Czerny, Ägypten und Levante 24 (2014)
Zeitschriften / Artikel in Sammelbänden
D. Aston, Mother’s Best Tea Service, Pottery as Diplomatic Gifts in the Second Intermediate
Period, in: B. Bader – M. Ownby (Hrg), Functional Aspects of Egyptian Ceramics within their
Archaeological Context, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 217, Leuven 2013, 375–401.
B. Bader, Cultural Mixing in Egyptian Archaeology: The ‘Hyksos’ as a Case Study,
Archaeological Review from Cambridge Issue 28.1 (2013): Archaeology and Cultural Mixing,
M. Bietak, The Impact of Minoan Art on Egypt and the Levant – A Glimpse on Palatial Art
from the Naval Base of Peru-nefer at Avaris, in: J. Aruz – S.B. Graff – Y. Rakic (eds.), Cultures
in Contact: From Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean in the Second Millennium B.C. The
Metropolitan Museum of Art Symposia. New York 2013: The Metropolitan Museum of Art,
M. Bietak, Antagonisms in Historical and Radiocarbon Chronology, in: A.J. Shortland – C.
Bronk Ramsey (eds.), Radiocarbon and the Chronologies of Ancient Egypt, Oxford 1913:
Oxbow, Oxford, 78–110.
K. Kopetzky, Egyptian Pottery from the Middle Bronze Age in Lebanon, Berytus 53–54 (2010–
2011), Beirut 2013, 167‒179.
Wissenschaftliche Redaktion
E. Czerny, Ägypten und Levante 23 (2013)
D. Aston – M. Bietak, Tell el-Dab’a VIII, The Classification and Chronology of Tell elYahudiya Ware, with contributions by Hanan Charraf, Aren Maeir, Robert Mullins, Lawrence
E. Stager, Ross Voss and Karin Kopetzky, UZK 12, Vienna 2012.
Zeitschriften / Artikel in Sammelbänden
D. Aston, From the Deep South to the Far North, Nubian Sherds from Khatana and Ezbet Helmi
(Tell el-Dab’a), in: I. Forstner-Müller – P. Rose (eds.), Nubian Pottery from Egyptian Cultural
Contexts of the Middle and Early New Kingdom. Proceedings of a Workshop held at the
Austrian Archaeological Institute at Cairo, 1–12 December 2010, Vienna 2012, 159–179.
E. Czerny, Ezbet Rushdi: Glimpses of a 12th Dynasty Town- and Temple Site in: R. Schiestl –
A. Seiler (eds.), Handbook of Pottery of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom, Vol. II, CChEM 31,
Wien 2012, 49–60.
E. Czerny, F/I, str. E: An Early Middle Kingdom Settlement Site, in: R. Schiestl – A. Seiler
(eds.), Handbook of Pottery of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom, Vol. II, CChEM 31, Wien 2012,
K. Kopetzky – C. Doumet-Serhal, Sidon and Tell el-Dabca: Two Cities – One Story, in: AHL
34–35 (2011–2012), 9–52.
K. Kopetzky, The Egyptian Corpus of the Middle Bronze Age layers of Sidon, AHL 34–35
(2011–2012), 163‒172.
K. Kopetzky, The Dawn of the Middle Kingdom at Tell el-Dabca: Selected Pottery from
Settlements and Tombs from the Phases G/1–3 and F, in: R. Schiestl – A. Seiler (eds.),
Handbook of Pottery of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom, Vol. II, CChEM 31, Vienna, 89–106.
Wissenschaftliche Redaktion
E. Czerny, Ägypten und Levante 21/22 (2011/12)
Zeitschriften / Artikel in Sammelbänden
B. Bader, Contacts between Egypt and Syria-Palestine as seen in a Grown Settlement of the
late Middle Kingdom at Tell el-Dabca/Egypt, in: J. Mynářová (ed.), Egypt and the Near East –
The Crossroads, Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Relations between Egypt
and the Near East in the Bronze Age September 1–3, 2010, Charles University in Prague, Czech
Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Prague 2011, 41–72.
B. Bader, Traces of Foreign Settlers in the Archaeological Record of Tell el-Dabca/Egypt, in:
K. Duistermaat – I. Regulski (Hrg.), Intercultural Contacts in the Ancient Mediterranean,
Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 202, Leuven 2011, 127–148.
K. Kopetzky, Chapter 18: The Southern Coastal Plain: Tell el-cAjjul, in: M. Martin, The
Egyptian Pottery in the Late Bronze Age Southern Levant, CChEM 29, Vienna, 201‒209.
K. Kopetzky, Tell el-Dab‘a XX. Die Chonologie der Siedlungskeramik der 2. Zwischenzeit aus
Tell el-Dabca, UZK 32.
Zeitschriften / Artikel in Sammelbänden
E. Czerny, Fragments of Information. Observations concerning the architectural layout of the
Middle Kingdom Settlemnt at ‘Ezbet Rushdi, in: M. Bietak – E. Czerny – I. Forstner-Müller
(Hgg.), Cities and Urbanism in Ancient Egypt, UZK 35, Wien 2010, 69–80.
Wissenschaftliche Redaktion
E. Czerny, Ägypten und Levante 20 (2010)

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