educação de jovens e adultos 9O ano


educação de jovens e adultos 9O ano
educação de jovens e adultos
9o Ano
Introdução do Autor ............................................................................................................................. 02
Conteúdo Programático ....................................................................................................................... 02
Abordagem dos Assuntos
Greenpeace ........................................................................................................................................ 02
Interviewing a Movie Star .................................................................................................................... 03
Flying from LA to NY ........................................................................................................................... 03
Going to High School .......................................................................................................................... 03
Mall of America ................................................................................................................................... 03
Gabarito .............................................................................................................................................. 04
Manual do professor
inglês - 9o Ano
MANUAL DE Inglês – 9o Ano
Introdução do Autor
Este último fascículo para Ensino de Jovens e Adultos apresenta tópicos gramaticais mais complexos, que requerem o conhecimento
de estruturas já previamente estudadas, e pode ser uma ótima fonte de revisão do conteúdo dos fascículos anteriores, conforme
você considere necessário.
A carga de textos deste módulo é maior, uma vez que o aluno, ao término do curso, deverá ter aptidão para prosseguimento dos
estudos da língua inglesa no nível médio, atividade que requer uma certa fluência na leitura e compreensão de textos. Desta forma,
é importante que você, professor, sempre agindo como um facilitador do aprendizado, estimule seu aluno a ler o texto em sua
versão original, procurando compreender seu conteúdo por intermédio da associação de ideias e de outros recursos de que o aluno
pode dispor. Os exercícios de compreensão de leitura foram elaborados para verificar a compreensão geral do aluno, sem exigir
maiores detalhes e minúcias do texto. Da mesma forma, o jovem deve ser estimulado a compreender o enunciado dos exercícios
sem recorrer à tradução, o que em muito o auxiliará no trabalho com os textos.
Quanto ao conteúdo gramatical, corresponde às exigências mínimas para um bom relacionamento com a língua inglesa, no que
se refere à leitura e à escrita, formas com as quais os alunos possivelmente terão mais contato prático.
Os exercícios propostos devem ser utilizados como forma de auxiliar o aluno a raciocinar e encontrar as soluções para as dificuldades
apresentadas. Cabe a você, professor, selecionar aqueles que devem ser executados em sala ou em casa, uma vez que as turmas
possuem necessidades e dificuldades diferentes, demandando atenção diferenciada de sua parte.
Cabe ressaltar que, como facilitador do aprendizado, o professor deve sempre partir do conhecimento prévio dos alunos, evitando
explicações desnecessárias e repetitivas, que tendem a dispersar a atenção dos jovens.
A Autora
Conteúdo Programático
Assunto: greenpeace
Past Perfect Tense
Question Tag
Passive Voice
Indirect Speech
Relative Pronouns
Sugestão de Planejamento:
Orientações Gerais
Abordagem do Assunto:
As sugestões que se seguem consideram uma previsão de 32
aulas semestrais, sendo que, descontados os feriados e dias
de provas, o conteúdo de língua inglesa pode ser ministrado
em 30 aulas, permitindo tempo necessário para algum reforço
e/ou aplicação das avaliações propostas.
Também é importante mencionar que fica a critério do professor a seleção das atividades a serem executadas, visto que
a realidade da sala de aula pode variar conforme a turma e
o período, sempre considerando que algumas das atividades
propostas devem ser executadas como tarefa de casa, com o
objetivo de fixação e reforço do conteúdo.
Reading and Vocabulary........................................... 2 aulas
Past Perfect Tense ..................................................... 3 aulas
O Past Perfect é um tempo verbal que não apresenta maiores
dificuldades para o aluno brasileiro que encontra uma referência
em sua própria língua. Devido a esta facilidade, o professor pode
aproveitar a oportunidade para trabalhar mais intensamente o
vocabulário da unidade e fazer uma ligeira revisão do Present
Perfect, que será de grande utilidade em unidades futuras deste
É importante evitar explicações gramaticais extensas que já
sejam de conhecimento do aluno, permitindo que ele utilize os
exercícios propostos para identificar como se forma e se utiliza
o tempo verbal estudado. O vocabulário trabalhado é reforçado
nos exercícios, o que os transforma em excelentes ferramentas de
assimilação do conteúdo.
Correlação Transversal:
O texto da unidade permite a discussão do tema Meio Ambiente
e a importância de se preservar os recursos do planeta em que
vivemos, em prol de uma vida mais saudável para as gerações
futuras e para a nossa também.
MANUAL DE Inglês – 9o Ano
Assunto: interviewing a movie star
Assunto: going to high school
Sugestão de Planejamento:
Sugestão de Planejamento:
Reading and Vocabulary............................................2 aulas
Question Tag .............................................................4 aulas
Tom Cruise reading and vocabulary .........................1 aula
Reading and vocabulary............................................2 aulas
Indirect Speech ..........................................................4 aulas
Abordagem dos Assuntos:
O tópico trabalhado nesta unidade permite a revisão de todos
os tempos verbais já estudados e não deve ser de difícil
compreensão para o aluno, uma vez que a língua portuguesa
possui uma forma semelhante de uso do Question Tag.
Assim sendo, o professor pode partir do conhecimento
prévio dos alunos com relação aos tempos verbais estudados
e permitir que eles tirem suas próprias conclusões quanto à
formação e utilização dos tags, por intermédio dos exercícios
aqui propostos.
Correlação Transversal:
Os temas Pluralidade Cultural/Sociedade, Trabalho e Consumo
podem ser trabalhados nesta unidade, discutindo-se a
importância da mídia, da remuneração salarial e das diferenças
entre as diversas carreiras, incluindo-se o artista, o atleta etc.,
bem como o status e prestígio social conferido a elas.
Abordagem do Assunto:
O Discurso Indireto requer uma certa atenção por parte do
aluno, já que são muitas as alterações das frases do discurso
direto para o indireto. O importante é que o aluno seja capaz
de perceber as diferentes relações verbais e compreenda
a utilidade de tal tópico gramatical. A referência à língua
mãe é sempre útil, embora não recomendável neste estágio
do aprendizado, uma vez que o aluno precisa adquirir
independência, não só do facilitador da aprendizagem como
também da língua materna.
Correlação Transversal:
A importância do estudo e as diferentes abordagens que se
pode dar à educação relacionam-se diretamente com os temas
Pluralidade Cultural e Trabalho/ Consumo, com especial
enfoque nas diferenças entre Brasil e Estados Unidos, na
intenção de mostrar que o que é diferente nem sempre é melhor
ou pior, apenas diferente.
Assunto: flying from la to ny
Sugestão de Planejamento:
Reading and vocabulary............................................2 aulas
Passive Voice............................................................. 4 aulas
Other famous American Cities ..................................1 aula
Abordagem dos Assuntos:
A Voz Passiva, bastante utilizada em língua inglesa, também
é de fácil compreensão para o aluno brasileiro e, mais uma
vez, pode ser uma ótima ferramenta para revisão e reforço
dos tempos verbais já estudados e de suas diferentes formas
de utilização. Com base em seu conhecimento anterior, o
aluno está apto a analisar os exemplos fornecidos e fazer uso
correto da voz passiva, cabendo ao professor a orientação,
quando necessária, de forma a manter o nível de interesse e
estímulo dos alunos.
Correlação Transversal:
A Pluralidade Cultural pode ser aqui trabalhada por intermédio
das diferenças que existem dentro de um mesmo país, seja ele
os Estados Unidos ou o Brasil, devido à sua grande extensão
territorial. Da mesma forma, pode-se discutir a importância
da leitura para aquisição de uma cultura geral mais vasta, que
permita ao indivíduo o trânsito em diferentes situações sociais
e culturais, conhecimento este sempre estimulado e facilmente
alcançável por intermédio da leitura.
Assunto: mall of america
Sugestão de Planejamento:
Reading and vocabulary............................................ 1 aula
Relative Pronouns ..................................................... 4 aulas
Abordagem dos Assuntos
O tópico gramatical aqui estudado não apresenta maiores
dificuldades para o aluno brasileiro, uma vez que sua utilização
é muito semelhante à língua portuguesa. Cabe ao professor
permitir que o aluno identifique as possibilidades de uso
desta estrutura, conduzindo-o na execução dos exercícios
e das leituras propostas, com a finalidade de facilitar sua
compreensão e assimilação.
Correlação Transversal:
O tema Pluralidade Cultural, através do eixo Sociedade e
Consumo, pode ser bem trabalhado nesta unidade, que tem o
tema compras como ponto de partida. Pode-se discutir a real
necessidade de se comprar novos produtos, em substituição
a outros que ainda são úteis, levando os indivíduos a se
relacionarem pelo que têm e não pelo que são.
MANUAL DE Inglês – 9o Ano
01.Personal answer.
02.Personal answer.
03.a) The animals had died because there was no more water
b) The science teacher had told the students about the
changes in the environment.
c) My father had been to Sobradinho before they built
the dam.
d)People had hunted a lot of alligators before they were
in danger of extinction.
e)Poverty had become a serious problem before the
government decided to change the situation.
04.a) Had the environmentalist advised the population about
the dangers of pollution?
b) Had we already read about the problems in the ozone
c) Had hunters killed a lot of wild animals before they
knew about the risk of extinction?
d) Had the students visited a recycling plant before they
did their schoolwork?
e) Had the fire destroyed the habitat of many different
05.a) The environmentalists hadn’t advised the population
about the dangers of pollution.
b) We hadn’t read about the problems in the ozone layer
c) Hunters hadn’t killed a lot of animals before they knew
about the risk of extinction.
d) The students hadn’t visited a recycling plant before
they did their schoolwork.
e) The fire hadn’t destroyed the habitat of many different
06.a) Had the animals died because there was no more water
The animals hadn’t died because there was no more
water left.
b) Had the science teacher told the students about the
changes in the environment?
The science teacher hadn’t told the students about the
changes in the environment.
c) Had your father been to Sobradinho before they built
the dam?
My father hadn’t been to Sobradinho before they built
the dam.
d) Had people hunted a lot of alligators before they were
in danger of extinction?
People hadn’t hunted a lot of alligators before they
were in danger of extinction.
e) Had poverty become a serious problem before the
government decided to change the situation?
Poverty hadn’t become a serious problem before the
government decided to change the situation.
07.a) They had called me before I got home.
b)She had seen that film before.
c)We had never seen such a beautiful animal before.
d)He had already heard the story of the origin of
e)I had been to Pantanal before.
If the teacher thinks it’s necessary, he/she could ask the
students to give the interrogative and negative forms of
the sentences above.
08.a) I had never seen such a beautiful waterfall.
c) Marta had visited Pantanal before with her parents.
interviewing a movie star
01.a) She’s an actress.
b) She’s at a TV program, giving an interview.
c) It was about a couple of adventurers who tried to steal
something from a museum.
d) She worked with Matt Pitty.
e) She did all the dangerous scenes in her film.
f) No, she’s divorced.
g) She hasn’t decided it yet.
h) She doesn’t say it, but she doesn’t want to get involved
02.a) a short piece of action which is filmed in one continuous
session for a cinema or television film. – tomada
b) person who invites and / or receives the guests. –
c) person whose job is to do dangerous things in film so
that the actor doesn’t risk his life. – dublê
d) a TV program based on interviews. – programa de
e) a book or film that is very popular and successful. –
sucesso de vendas
f) to become available for people to buy or see. – lançar
g) an extremely good work of art. – obra de arte
h) difficult to do or solve. – difícil
i) people are saying it, talking about it. – dizem que
j) the way people think and behave towards each other.
– relacionamento
k) people or companies that pay for a product to be
advertised in a newspaper, television or poster. –
Some words in this exercise have more than one meaning,
but students should be stimulated to work with meanings
related to the context of the unit they are studying.
03.a) ( x ) director b) ( x ) stunt e) ( x ) camera man
f) ( x ) actor i) ( x ) writer
In case there are any doubts about the jobs referred to in
this exercise, it’s useful to mention to the students that
some jobs are related to any activity, not only to the movie
industry, and this is why they can’t be ticked.
MANUAL DE Inglês – 9o Ano
04.( D ) science fiction ( I ) thriller
( A ) soap opera ( E ) romance
( F )comedy( B )news
( J ) documentary ( C ) adventure
( G ) cartoon ( H ) talk show
05.a) She isn’t your sister, is she?
b) They are your new neighbors, aren’t they?
c) You have just finished filming your latest movie,
haven’t you?
d) Marta can speak both German and French, can’t she?
e) The boys went to the movies last night, didn’t they?
f) Carlos wasn’t at the studio yesterday, was he?
g) You won’t finish recording this program today, will you?
h) Susie dances very well, doesn’t she?
06.Personal Answers. Students should be stimulated to choose
a person they would like to interview, or create a fictitious
one. They should prepare questions with tags in the end.
Presenting their interviews to the class is a good way of
practicing pronunciation, intonation and fluency. You could
even establish a talk show competition, having the students
vote on the one they like most.
07.a) The movie hasn’t started yet, has it?
b) Susan saw that film last Sunday, didn’t she?
d) Catherine Zeta Jones is a famous movie star, isn’t she?
e) Brad Pitt doesn’t live in England, does he ?
08.a) Yes, he was born in 1962.
b) Yes, they traveled a lot.
c) Yes, they divorced when Tom was 12.
d) Yes, he changed school many times.
e) Yes, his first famous film was Top Gun.
f) Yes, he has two children.
g) Yes, they are divorced.
h) Yes, it was Vanilla Sky.
09.a) ( 2 ) caixa
b) ( 3 ) cabine de projeção
c) ( 5 ) tela
d) ( 8 ) bilheteria
e) ( 1 ) lanterninha
f) ( 4 ) cartaz
( 6 )plateia
h) ( 9 ) poltronas
( 7
)saída de emergência
j) (10 ) fila
This is a good opportunity to show the students some
differences between American and British English, not only
in the spelling, but also in the use of words. For example:
Americans say “line” instead of “queue”, and “movie
theater” instead of “cinema”.
They also write “theater”, and not “theatre”, as the British.
You can mention any other difference you can think of, or
ask the students if they know any. They might come with
“soccer” and “football”, which refer to the same sport, only
soccer is American and football is British.
10.a) You have to buy your ticket at the cashier.
b) Ask the usher to show us the way to our seats.
c) What a huge queue? Do you still want to see this film?
d) Do you like adventure movies?
e) Where is the emergency exit in this movie theater?
f)The camera man wants to film the stunt going up the
g) Julia Robert’s movies are always blockbusters.
11.Personal Answer
12.a) She’s a good actress, isn’t she?
b) The film starts at eight, doesn’t it?
c) You bought the popcorn, didn’t you?
d) They haven’t divorced yet, have they?
13.a) Rumor has it that Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman are
b) Today our host Larson Kid is going to interview the
famous movie star Gilda Wonderbuilt.
Gossip magazines are always talking about the
relationships of famous people.
d) His acting in this film was so good. In fact, the whole
film is a masterpiece.
e) Was there anything good on the news today? Don’t tell
me anything about wars and crimes.
14.a) That man is a famous TV actor, isn’t he?
b) We haven’t seen that film yet, have we?
c) Marcia works as a stunt, doesn’t she?
d) Their relationship isn’t going very well, is it?
15.( e ) aren’t they?
( c ) doesn’t he?
( f ) can she?
( g ) didn’t he?
( b ) couldn’t we?
( a ) wasn’t it?
( d ) did you?
flying from la to ny
The teacher should ask the students to read the text by
themselves once, to get acquainted with it. Then, (s)he could
read it aloud or ask someone to read it or parts of it for the class.
01.a) intercâmbio
c) valer a pena
f) de tirar o fôlego
g) ônibus que permite subir e descer em várias paradas,
mediante o pagamento de um único bilhete
Before giving the answers, the teacher should stimulate
the students to figure out the meaning of the words by
themselves, referring to the text. Only then should (s)he
give the answers.
MANUAL DE Inglês – 9o Ano
02.a) ( F ) She’s an exchange student from another country.
b) ( F ) Beverly hills is in LA.
c) ( F ) Cintia is in New York. She wrote a letter to Paola
in her hometown.
d) ( F ) It was tiring.
e) ( T ) Cintia is enjoying her stay in New York.
f) ( T ) There are many places to visit in New York.
g) ( F ) People say it’s worth seeing.
h) ( F ) She still has some time to stay there.
03.This exercise is to be done orally. The teacher can ask
the students to do it in pairs or ask individuals to say the
answers aloud. It could be interesting to review the cardinal
points before doing the exercise.
New York is located on the east coast of the US.
San Francisco is located on the west coast of the US.
Washington is located on the east of the US.
Houston is located on the south of the US.
Miami is located on the south of Florida. (or on the
southeast of the US)
Seattle is located on the northwest of the US.
Boston is located on the east coast of the US.
Kansas City is located in the center of the US.
04.a) ( T )
b) ( T )
c) ( T )
d) ( T )
e) ( F ) Disneyland is located in California. Disneyworld
is located in Florida.
f) ( F ) Boston is known for its famous university,
g) ( T )
h) ( F ) Broadway is known for its theaters.
The teacher could divide the class in groups and suggest
a competition. This exercise could also be assigned as
homework, to give them time to look for the answers.
05.a) Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.
b) Graham Bell invented the phone in 1876.
c) They produce good cars in Japan.
d) Gustave Eiffel built the Eiffel tower in 1889 to celebrate
the anniversary of the French Revolution.
Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.
f) People speak English all over the United Kingdom.
g)An earthquake destroyed San Francisco in 1905.
h) A fire-bomb raid on December 1940 didn’t destroy
St. Paul’s Cathedral, in London.
i) William, the Conqueror, built the Tower of London to
protect and control the city.
j) They grow cotton in China.
06.The teacher should tell the students to check on the
examples already given to figure out when the agent is
not necessary. After giving them time to understand, the
teacher can explain that the passive is basically used when
we wish to emphasise an action itself rather than the doer
of the action, which is why we don’t need to mention the
agent. However, some passive sentences require the agent
to be mentioned in order to complete the meaning. The
class could contribute with some examples of their own.
Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.
b) The phone was invented by Graham Bell in 1876.
c) Good cars are produced in Japan.
d) The Eiffel Tower was built by Gustave Eiffel in 1889
to celebrate the anniversary of the French Revolution.
e)The Mona Lisa was painted by Da Vinci.
f) English is spoken all over the United Kingdom.
g) San Francisco was destroyed by an Earthquake in 1905.
h) St. Paul’s Cathedral, in London, wasn’t destroyed by
a fire-bomb raid on December 1940.
i) The Tower of London was built by William, the
Conqueror, to protect and control the city.
j) Cotton is grown in China.
07.The teacher could explain other necessary expressions for
doing this exercise, like Not really or I don’t think so,
among others.
08.a) Brazil was discovered by Pedro Álvares Cabral in 1500.
b) George Washington was elected the first American
c) London is crossed by the river Thames.
d) The Eiffel Tower has been considered a symbol of Paris
since the end of last century.
e) Cristo Redentor was given to Brazil by the French.
f) Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in
November by the Americans.
g) The Channel Tunnel was built by the English and
French together.
h) Foz do Iguaçu is visited by thousands of tourists every
i) Europe is separated from the United Kingdom by the
British Channel.
j) Your bags will be taken to your room by the messenger.
going to high school
01.a) It’s a girl. (She talks about a cute guy who she dates in
the end.)
b) Because the school was new for her.
c) Yes, it was, because she was given the wrong directions.
d) Because he wanted to play a joke on her, since she was
a junior student.
e) The girl and the guy started dating.
Most of the questions in this exercise require a good
understanding of the story, since the answers are not clear
in the text. Therefore, if the students give answers which
are different from the suggested, but show understanding
of the passage and can justify their answers, they can be
considered correct.
02.a) Freshman ( b ) second grade
b) Sophomore ( d ) fourth grade
c) Junior ( a ) first grade
d) Senior ( c ) third grade
It would be interesting to tell the students that in the US,
when students enter high school, they have themselves
in high consideration and it’s very common for the older
ones to make fun of the younger ones. When they go to
university they refer to themselves with the same words
used in this exercise.
MANUAL DE Inglês – 9o Ano
03.He told me that I was too far from it. He said I should go to the
end of that corridor, which was quite a long one, go up the stairs
to the third floor and I would find my room there. He said it would
be the third or fourth door to my left.
04.No, they aren’t. His actual words were: “You are too far from it.
You should go to the end of the corridor, which is quite a long
one, go up the stairs to the third floor and you will find your room
there. It will be the third or fourth door to your left.”
If the teacher believes it is necessary, he/she can tell the students
that the actual words a person says are in direct speech, whereas
the words that were in the text, referring to the boy’s actual words,
were in indirect speech.
05.a) She said Maria was coming for lunch the following
b) He said that Marco had been at the club the previous
c) She said Janet would travel to the beach the
following month.
d) She said she had been waiting for him for twenty
06.a) “I’m leaving Budapest on the 12th.”
b) “We’re getting married in one year.”
c) “I want to learn Spanish in High School.”
d) “I have to study for my math test on Sunday.”
The teacher must be aware that sometimes the changes
mentioned above do not happen. However, the objective
of this unit is to allow the student to learn the necessary
changes, helping him / her to analyze when the changes
Wenthad gone
are really necessary. Therefore it’s important for the
teacher to mention that some sentences can be turn
Has / have been had been
into indirect speech without any change, as long as the
speaker understands that, whatever was said, is being
reported at the exact time.
Is goingwas going
08.a) It was Peter. He said he would meet us at the
theater at 7:00 pm.
b) It was Janet. She said she and Robert are having
a get together tomorrow at their place and they
would like you and I to go.
c) Mr. Thuler called and asked you to call him back
as soon as you came back.
Tomorrowthe following day
d) She said David had called from England the
previous day and he would come back the
Yesterdaythe day before
following Friday.
Next week / month / etc. the following week / month / etc. It’s important to point out to the students that some
sentences, when turned into reported speech, don’t need
Last week / month / etc. the previous week / month / etc.
any changes, like sentence (b) of this exercise. The same
thing could happen with sentence (d) in this exercise.
Personal Pronouns
09.a) Billy said he had had a good grade in his last
Spanish test.
Ihe / she
b) Samantha told me her boyfriend was going / went
to Colorado the following week.
c) Jason said I could stay at this apartment if ever I
went to New York.
d) Janet said she didn’t want to take a trip to Australia
Possessive Adjectives
with her parents.
10.a) “I had a good grade in my last Spanish test.”
Myhis / her
b) “My boyfriend is going / goes to Colorado next
c) “You can stay at my apartment if ever you go to
New York.”
d) “I don’t want to take a trip to Australia with my
Possessive Pronouns
11.a) Marta said her father was going to pick her up.
b) Dennis told me he had broken up with Carol.
c) The teacher told us there will be no classes
d)Jonathan said he was going to study all afternoon.
Verb tenses
MANUAL DE Inglês – 9o Ano
12.a) Correct
b) Jack told me/him/her/us/them he wanted to travel to
Japan after his graduation.
c) Edgard said he had been ill the previous week.
d) Barbara told Paul that her parents had given her a
beautiful graduation ring the previous week.
the mall of america
( T )b)
( F )c)
( T )
( F )e)
( T )f)
( T )
g) ( F ) h) ( T ) i) ( F )
02.a) The Mall of America is in Bloomington, Minnesota,
near Minneapolis.
c) There aren’t any hotels in the Mall of America.
e) There is a law school inside the mall.
h) There isn’t a beach inside the Mall of America. OR
There is a beach inside the West Edmonton Mall in
j) There are plans to expand the Mall of America, so there
must be space to do it.
03.a) A shopping mall is a place ...
b) Carnival is a time ...
c) A law student is someone ...
d) An elevator is a device ...
( b ) ... when Brazilians dance the samba on the streets.
( c ) ... who is studying to become a lawyer.
( d ) ... which we use to go up and down.
( a ) ... where you have many different shops.
The teacher could guide the students through the previous
exercise, asking them to find the relative pronouns and the
words they refer to, so that they would be able to notice how
the relative pronoun is used before doing the exercises by
It could be a good idea to introduce here extra activity 1, which
is a role play at the mall. It could also be done at the end of
the unit, when the students have more knowledge about the
subject and can create dialogues with more confidence.
Who: We use who to refer to a person.
Where: We use where to refer to a place.
Which: We use which to refer to an object (or a thing).
When: We use when to refer to a period of time.
Marta studies in a law school which is in the Mall of
b) Carlos, who is a waiter there, waited on us the last time
we were at the Rainforest Café.
c) Men like to go to the Nascar, which is a virtual
d) The vast area in the middle of the mall is the location
of the amusement park, which features a Ferris wheel,
a rollercoaster and at least 20 other rides.
e) The Mall of America has 500 stores, where you can
buy everything, from buttons to a wedding dress.
06.All answers are personal and should begin with a relative
pronoun as follows:
08.Personal answer.
09.( 3 ) clothes store ( 10 ) lift
( 5 ) toy store ( 1 ) department store
( 9 ) escalator ( 6 ) bookstore
( 7 ) drugstore ( 4 ) jewelry store
( 2 ) shoe store ( 8 ) movie theater
10.It is possible only in sentences a, d and f.
11.a) If you get lost in the Mall of America, look for one of
the famous department stores which / that are located
on the corners of the building.
b) The amusement park inside the Mall of America is
called Knott’s Camp Snoopy in honor of the cartoonist
Charles Schulz who / that was born in Minneapolis.
(The teacher could tell to the students that Charles
Schulz was the creator of Charlie Brown, the famous
cartoon character.)
c) The first indoor shopping mall, which / that was built
in the 1950’s, was located in a suburb of Minneapolis
named Edina.
d) More than being a shopping destination, the Mall of
America is a tourist destination which / that receives
about 90,000 visitors every day.
e) The Mall of America is a place where you can find
many interesting attractions, including the funky
ecologically themed restaurant Rainforest Café.
f) Winona Ryder, who / that is a famous actress, was
named after her hometown, Winona, in Minnesota.
g) Christmas is a time when malls all over the world are
full of people shopping for presents.
h) Inside the Mall of America there is a facility of the
National American University where you can study
for a college degree.