List of all Publications


List of all Publications
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Jörg W. Metzger
Zapf-Gottwick, R., Koch, M., Fischer, K., Schwerdt, F., Hamann, L., Kranert, M., Metzger, J.
W. and Werner, J. H. (2015): Leaching Hazardous Substances out of Photovoltaic Modules.
International Journal of Advanced Applied Physics Research, cosmos Scholars Publishing
House 2(2): 7-14.
Gerbersdorf, S., Cimatoribus, C., Class, H., Engesser, K.-H., Helbich, S., Hollert, H., Lange,
C., Kranert, M., Metzger, J. W., Nowak, W., Seiler, T.-B., Steger, K., Steinmetz, H. and
Wieprecht, S. (2015): Anthropogenic Trace Componounds (ATCs) in aquatic habitats –
Research needs on sources, fate, detection and toxicity to ensure timely elimination
strategies and risk management. Environment International 79(2015): 85-105.
Lange, C., B. Kuch and J. W. Metzger (2014). "Occurence and fate of synthetic musk
fragrances in a small German river." Hazardous Materials:
Lange, C.; Kuch, B.; Metzger, J. W. (2014): Estrogenic activity of constituents of underarm
deodorants determined by E-Screen assay. Chemosphere 108 (August 2014), 101-106.
Lange, C.; Kuch, B.; Metzger, J. W. (2014): Determination of the Occurrence and Elimination
of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDCs) in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants
(WWTP). Computational Water, Energy, and Environmental Engineering, 3, 1-7 (Published
Online January 2014).
Launay, M., Kuch, B., Lange, C., Schlichtig, B., Dittmer, U., Metzger, J. W. and Steinmetz,
H. (2014): Anwendung von Leitparametern zur Abschätzung des Verhaltens organischer
Spurenstoffe in einem urban geprägten Gewässer. KA – Korrespondenz Abwasser, Abfall,
(61): Nr.11, 1013-1018, DOI: 1010.3242/kae2014.1011.1005.
Sasu, S. ; Metzger, J. W.; Kranert, M.; Kümmerer, K. (2013): Biodegradation of the
Antituberculosis Drug Isoniazid in the Aquatic Environment. CLEAN - Air Water and Soil,
Accepted Article. Online ISSN: 1863-0669.
Lange, C.; Kuch, B.; Metzger, J. W. (2013): Untersuchung von Mineralwässern auf
estrogene Wirkung mittels E-Screen-Assay. GWF-Wasser/Abwasser, 09/2013 (154), 982987.
Lange, C.; Kuch, B.; Metzger, J. W. (2013): Determination of the occurrence and elimination
of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) in municipal wastewater treatment plants
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Jörg W. Metzger
(WWTP). Istanbul International Solid Waste, Water And Wastewater Congress,Turkey,
Istanbul, 22.-24.05.2013, Book of Abstracts.
Lange, C.; Kuch, B.; Pfeiffer, J. A.; Podlipsky-Sanchez, J.; Hetzenauer, H.; Schroeder, H.;
Metzger, J. W. (2013): Biomonitoring of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers and Polychlorinated
Biphenyls in Fishes of Lake Constance, Germany. 14th EuCheMS International Conference
on Chemistry and the Environment, Spain, Barcelona, 25.-28.06.2013, Book of Abstracts,
Triebskorn, Rita; Amler, Klaus; Blaha, Ludek; Gallert, Claudia; Giebner, Sabrina; Güde,
Hans; Henneberg, Anja; Hess, Stefanie; Hetzenauer, Harald; Jedele, Klaus; Jung, RalphMichael; Kneipp, Sven; Köhler, Heinz-R; Krais, Stefanie; Kuch, Bertram; Lange, Claudia;
Löffler, Herbert; Maier, Diana; Metzger, Jörg W.; Müller, Michael; Oehlmann, Jörg;
Osterauer, Raphaela; Peschke, Katharina; Raizner, Jürgen; Rey, Peter; Rault, Magali;
Richter, Doreen; Sacher, Frank; Scheurer, Marco; Schneider-Rapp, Jutta; Seifan, Merav;
Spieth, Markus; Vogel, Hans-Joachim; Weyhmüller, Michael; Winter, Josef; Wurm, Karl
(2013): SchussenAktivplus: reduction of micropollutants and of potentially pathogenic
bacteria for further water quality improvement of the river Schussen, a tributary of Lake
Constance, Germany. Environmental Science Europe 25(2), doi:10.1186/2190-4715-25-2.
Metzger, J. W.; Amaral, K.; Erthal, L. A. V. (2012): Análise do uso de osmose reversa em
uma indústria automotiva. Hydro No 74, 24-29.
Kuch, Bertram; Kern, Frieder; Metzger, Jörg W.; Trenck, Karl Theo von der (2009): Effectrelated monitoring: estrogen-like substances in groundwater. chemical and biological
environmental monitoring.
Klaus, Cornelia; Metzger, Jörg W. (2008): Hormone im Abwasser - Untersuchungen zum
Vorkommen und der Elimination von estrogenen aktiven Substanzen während der
Abwasser/Abfall.(vorraussichtlich im II. Quartal 2008).
Metzger, Jörg W. (2008): Anthropogene Spurenstoffe im Wasserkreislauf - Gefahr für die
Wasserversorgung? Stuttgarter Berichte der Siedlungswasserwirtschaft Band 192, 41-47.
Pfeiffer, Jörg; Kuch, Bertram; Hetzenauer, Harald; Löffler, Herbert; Metzger, Jörg W. (2008):
Organische Schadstoffe im Bodensee. Labor Praxis 4, 30-32.
Stäb, Jessica; Kuch, Bertram; Rupp, Silke; Fischer, Klaus; Kranert, Martin; Metzger, Jörg W.
(2008): Determination of Organic Contaminants in Compost and Digestates in BadenWürttemberg, South-West Germany. Proceedings of the international congress Codis 2008,
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Jörg W. Metzger
Trautwein, Christoph; Kümmerer, Klaus; Metzger, Jörg W. (2008): Aerobic biodegradability
of the calcium channel antagonist verapamil and identification of a microbial dead-end
transformation product studied by LC-MS/MS. Chemosphere 72, 442-450.
Metzger, Jörg W. (2006): Organische Spurenstoffe im Wasserkreislauf - (K)ein Problem für
das Trinkwasser? Begleitband der Vortragsreihe Stiftung für Lebensmittelsicherheit und
Verbraucherschutz, 26-29.
Rupp, Silke; Metzger, Jörg W. (2005): Brominated-chlorinated diphenylethers formed by
thermolysis of polybrominated diphenyl ethers at low temperatures. Chemosphere 60(11),
Mößmer, P.; Kuch, Bertram; Spengler, Peter; Willems, M.; Metzger, Jörg; Janke, H. D.
(2004): Residual concentration of estrogenic compounds in the effluent of two different
activated sludge plants. GWF, Wasser/Abwasser 145(4), 251-262.
Mößmer, P.; Kuch, Bertram; Spengler, Peter; Willems, M.; Metzger, Jörg; Janke, H. D.
(2004): Untersuchungen zum Restgehalt an estrogen wirkenden Substanzen (EWS) im
gereinigten Ablauf von zwei funktionell unterschidlichen kommunalen Belebungsanlagen.
GWF, Wasser/Abwasser 145(4), 251-262.
Schultis, Tanja; Kuch, Bertram; Kern, Andrea; Metzger, Jörg W. (2004): Potential
accumulation of estrogenic substances in biofilms and aquatic plants collected in sewage
treatment plant (STP) and receiving water. Organohalogen Compounds 66, 3004-3008.
Schultis, Tanja; Metzger, Jörg W. (2004): Determination of estrogenic activity by LYESassay (yeast estrogen screen-assya assisted by enzymatic digestion with lyticase).
Chemosphere 57, 1649-1655.
Spengler, Peter; Metzger, Jörg (2004): Analysis of hormonally active agents in sewage
treatment plant effluents, influents amd in surface waters. Analytical Workshop on Endocrine
Disruptors. P. Werner B. Bilitewski, D. Weltin: Dresden University of Technology. 18: 53-73.
Wurst, Friedrich Martin; Wiesbeck, Gerhard A.; Metzger, Jörg W.; Weinmann, Wolfgang;
Graf, Marc (2004): On sensitivity, specificity, and the influence of various parameters on
ethyl glucuronide levels in urine-results from the WHO/ISBRA study. Alcoholism: Clinical and
Experimental Research 28(8), 1220-1228.
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Jörg W. Metzger
Baumeister, F., König, A., Ender, O., Metzger, J. W. (2003): Bewertung eines neuen
Nitrifikationshemmtests durch Vergleich mit der Methode nach DIN EN ISO 9509.
Korrespondenz Abwasser 50(1), 39-44.
Giger, W.; Field, J.A.; Reinhard, M.; Schultz, M.; Barofsky, D.; Metzger, J. W.; Kuch, B.;
Keppler, F. (2003): Focal point: Environmental analytical chemistry: Emerging contaminants
and water analysis. CHIMIA, r+d in life sciense 57(1-2), 22-34.
Metzger, Jörg W. (2003): Klärschlamm als Düngemittel - Drei Beiträge in der Buchreihe
VOM WASSER im Rückblick - Sewage Sludge as Fertilizer - Looking Back at three
Contributions in the Book Series VOM WASSER. Vom Wasser 101, 69-76.
Metzger, Jörg W.; Kuch, Bertram (2003): Organic Flame Retardants in Wastewater
Treatment Plants. CHIMIA, r+d in life sciense 57(1/2), 24-26.
Spengler, Peter; Böhmer, Jürgen; Schlichtig, Birgit; Metzger, Jörg; Rott, Ulrich (2003):
Hormonelle Belastungen von Schönungsteichen. Wasser - Abwasser - GWF 144(12), 834842.
Spengler, Peter; Scholz-Muramatsu, Heidrun; Gaiser, Suse; Metzger, Jörg W. (2003): The
fate of some xenoestrogenic substances in wastewater treatment plants. GWF,
Wasser/Abwasser 4(144), 284-291.
Spengler, Peter; Scholz-Muramatsu, Heidrun; Gaiser, Suse; Metzger, Jörg W. (2003):
Verbleib ausgewählter Xenoestrogene in der Kläranlage - The fate of some xenoestrogenic
substances in wastewater treatment plants. Wasser - Abwasser - GWF 144(4), 284-291.
Baumeister, F., König, A., Metzger, J. W. (2002): Drei Testsysteme zur Bestimmung der
Nitrifikationshemmung in Abwässern - Vergleichende Untersuchungen mit einem
Respirometer, einem Biosensor und der Methode nach EN ISO 9509. Korrespondenz
Abwasser 49(8), 1086-1095.
Bolz, Ulrike; Kuch, Bertram; Metzger, Jörg W.; Körner, Wolfgang (2002): Eintrag/AustragBilanzierung der estrogenen Gesamtaktivität in Kläranlagen mit unterschiedlicher
technischer Ausstattung mittels eines Bioassays. Vom Wasser 98, 81-90.
Feurle, Gerhard E.; Metzger, Jörg W.; Grudinki, Alexandra; Hamscher, Gerd (2002):
Interaction of xenin with the neurotensin receptor of guinea pig enteral smooth muscles.
Peptides 23(3), 523-529.
Feurle, Gerhard E.; Metzger, Jörg W.; Grudinki, Alexandra; Hamscher, Gerd (2002):
Interaction of xenin with the neurotensin receptor of guinea pig enteral smooth muscles.
Peptides 23(8), 1519-1525.
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Jörg W. Metzger
Hegemann, Werner; Busch, Kerstin; Spengler, Peter; Metzger, Jörg W. (2002): Einfluss der
Verfahrenstechnik auf die Eliminierung ausgewählter Estrogene und Xenoestrogen in
Kläranlagen - ein BMBF Verbundprojekt - Ergebnisse von Stufenbeprobungen auf
kommunalen Kläranlagen. Wasser - Abwasser - GWF 145(5), 422-428.
Link, Andreas; Spengler, Peter; Metzger, Jörg W. (2002): Bildung von 4Nonylphenoxyessigsäure (NP1EC) aus 4-Nonylphenolpolyethoxylaten (NPnEO) im
Abwasser - on-line-Kopplung eines Belebtschlamm-Batchreaktors mit HPLC-MS/MS. Vom
Wasser 98, 13-28.
Metzger, Jörg W.; Schneider, Carmen; Schullerer, Susanne; Spengler, Peter; Körner,
Wolfgang; Bolz, Ulrike; Kuch, Bertram; Brauch, Heinz-Jürgen; Lange, Frank Th.; Sacher,
Frank (2002): Bestimmung endokrin wirksamer Substanzen und Pharmaka in der
aquatischen Umwelt. KTBL-Schrift 404, 117-130.
Schmid, Dietmar; Behnke, Beate; Metzger, Jörg W.; Kuhn, Reinhard (2002): Nano-HPLCmass spectrometry and MEKC for the analysis of oligosaccarides from human milk.
Biochemical Chromatography 16, 151-156.
Schullerer, Susanne; Spengler, Peter; Metzger, Jörg W. (2002): Einfluss unterschiedlicher
Reinigungstechniken in der Abwasserbehandlung auf die Konzentration von Estrogenen im
Abwasser. Vom Wasser 98, 65-80.
Schultis, Tanja; Spengler, Peter; König, Andreas; Metzger, Jörg Wolfgang (2002):
Bestimmung der östrogenen Aktivität von Umweltproben mittels Rezeptorbindung
(Östrogenrezeptoren ER-alpha und ER-beta) und Fluoreszenzpolarimetrie. Vom Wasser 98,
Wurst, Friedrich Martin; Metzger, Jörg W. (2002): The ethanol conjugate ethyl glucuronide is
a useful marker of recent alcohol consumption. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental
Research 26(7), 1114-1119.
Knoche, G., Graf, I., Joas, G., König, A. und J.W. Metzger (2001): Vergleich von drei
Testverfahren zur Bestimmung des Biochemischen Sauerstoffbedarfs in wässrigen Proben.
Vom Wasser 97, 51-62.
Koch, M., Metzger. J.W. (2001): Festlegung von Vorgabewerten bei Ringversuchen zur
Eignungsprüfung von Laboratorien. Vom Wasser 96, 55-62.
Koch, Michael; Metzger, Jörg W. (2001): Definition of assigned values for proficiency tests in
water analysis. Accred. Qual. Assur. 6, 181-185.
Körner, Wolfgang; Spengler, Peter; Bolz, Ulrike; Schuller, Winfried; Hanf, Volker; Metzger,
Jörg W. (2001): Substances with estrogenic activity in effluents of sewage treatment plants
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Jörg W. Metzger
in southwestern Germany. Part I: Chemical analysis. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 20(10), 21332141.
Körner, Wolfgang; Spengler, Peter; Bolz, Ulrike; Schuller, Winfried; Hanf, Volker; Metzger,
Jörg W. (2001): Substances with estrogenic activity in effluents of sewage treatment plants
in southwestern Germany. Part II: Biological analysis. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 20(10), 21422151.
Möhle, Edda; Metzger, Jörg (2001): Drugs in municipal sewage effluents: Screening and
biodegradation studies. ACS Symposium Series 791, 192-205.
Schmid, Dietmar G.; Behnke, Beate; Kempter, Christoph; Metzger, Jörg W.; Kuhn, Reinhard
(2001): Nano-HPLC of Oligosaccarides - Method Development and Optimization.
Mikrochimica Acta 137, 111-118.
Schneider, C.; Möhle, E.; Stenz, G.; Krauß, P.; Metzger, J. W. (2001): Arzneimittel in
Siedlungsabfällen und in Deponiesickerwässern. Müll und Abfall 6, 362 - 369.
Spengler, Peter; Körner, Wolfgang; Metzger, Jörg Wolfgang (2001): Substances with
estrogenic activity in effluents of sewage treatment plants in southwest Germany. Part I:
Chemical Analysis. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 20(10), 2133-2141.
Süßmuth, Roderich D.; Metzger, Jörg W.; Jung, Günther (2001): Structure elucidation and
Forschungsgemeinschaft-DFG-Microbial Fundamentals of Biotechnology, 318-342.
Möhle, Edda; Metzger, Jörg (2000): Drugs in municipal sewage effluents: Screening and
biodegradation studies. ACS Division of Environmental Chemistry Preprints 40(1), 114-116.
Schmid, Markus; Twachtmann, Ulf; Klein, Michael; Strous, Marc; Juretschko, Stefan; Jetten,
Mike; Metzger, Jörg W.; Schleifer, Karl-Heinz; Wagner, Michael (2000): Molecular evidence
for genus level diversity of bacteria capable of catalyzing anaerobic ammonium oxidation.
Systematic and applied microbiology 23, 93-106.
Wurst, Friedrich Martin; Kempter, Christoph; Metzger, Jörg W.; Seidl, Stephan; Alt, Andreas
(2000): Ethyl glucuronide: a marker of recent alcohol consumption with clinical and forensic
implications. Elsevier - Alcohol 20, 111-116.
Wurst, Friedrich Martin; Seidl, Stephan; Alt, Andreas; Metzger, Jörg W. (2000): Der direkte
Ethanolmetabolit Ethylglucuronid. Psychiatrische Praxis 27, 367-371.
Behnke, Beate; Metzger, Jörg W. (1999): Tryptic digest mapping by gradient capillary
electrochromatography. Electrophoresis 20, 80-83.
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Jörg W. Metzger
König, A.; Bachmann, T.T.; Metzger, J.W.; Schmid, R.D. (1999): Disposable sensor for
measuring the biochemical oxygen demand for nitrification and inhibition of nitrification in
wastewater. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 51, 112-117.
Körner, Wolfgang; Hanf, Volker; Schuller, Winfried; Kempter, Christoph; Metzger, Jörg;
Hagenmaier, Hanspaul (1999): Development of a sensitive E-screen assay for quantitative
analysis of estrogenic activity in municipal sewage plant effluents. Sci. Total Environ. 225,
Körner, Wolfgang; Spengler, Peter; Bolz, Ulrike; Hagenmaier, Hanspaul; Metzger, Jörg
(1999): Monitoring of estrogenic substances in sewage plant effluents by biological and
chemical analysis. Organohalogen Compounds 42, 29-32.
Möhle, Edda; Kempter, Christoph; Kern, Andrea; Metzger, Jörg (1999): Untersuchungen
zum Abbau von Pharmaka in kommunalen Kläranlagen mit HPLC- ElektosprayMassenspektrometrie. - Examination of the degradation of drugs in municipal sewage plants
using liquid chromatographa- electospray mass spectrometry. Acta Hydrochemica et
Hydrobiologica 27(6), 430-436.
Heidrich, Christoph; Pag, Ulrike; Michaele, Josten; Metzger, Jörg; Jack, Ralph. W.;
Bierbaum, Gabriele; Jung, Günther; Sahl, Hans-Georg (1998): Isolation, Characterization,
and Heterologous Expression of the Novel Lantibiotic Epicidin 280 and Analysis of Its
Biosynthetic Gene Cluster. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 64(9), 3140-3146.
Höltzel, Alexandra; Kempter, Christoph; Metzger, Jörg W.; Jung, Günther; Groth, Ingrid;
Fritz, Thomas; Fiedler, Hans-Peter (1998): Spirofungin, a new antifungal antibiotic from
Streptomyces violaceusniger Tü 4113. J. Antibiotics 51(8), 699-707.
König, Andreas; Riedel, Klaus; Metzger, Jörg W. (1998): A microbial sensor for detecting
inhibitors of nitrification in wastewater. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 13, 869-874.
Schönharting, Barbara; Ruxandra, Rehner; Jörg W., Metzger; Krauth, Karlheinz; Rizzi,
Manfred (1998): Release of nitrous oxide (N2O) from denitrifying activated sludge caused by
H2S-containing wastewater: quantification
and application of a new mathematical model. Water Science and Technology 38(1), 237–
Haap, Wolfgang J.; Metzger, Jörg W.; Kempter, Christoph; Jung, Günther (1997):
Composition and purity of combinatorial aryl ether collections analyzed by electrospray mass
spectrometry. Mol. Diversity 3, 29-41.
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Jörg W. Metzger
Huber, Alexander; Merz, Wolfgang; Metzger, Jörg W. (1997): Quantitative recoveries of
organically bound sulfur adsorbed on active carbon (AOS) obtained by a new combustion
technique. GIT Laborfachzeitschrift Special Edition (4/99), 102-104.
Kempter, C.; Kaiser, D.; Haag, S.; Nicholson, G.; Gnau, V.; Walk, T.; Gierling, K.H.; Decker,
H.; Zähner, H.; Jung, G.; Metzger, J.W. (1997): CDA: Calcium-Dependent Peptide
Antibiotics from Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) Containing Unusual Residues. Angew.Chem.
36(5), 498-501.
Kienle, S.; Wiesmüller, K.-H.; Brünjes, J.; Metzger, J.W.; Jung, G. (1997): MS-Pep: a
computer program for the interpretation of mass spectra of peptide libraries. Fresenius J.
Anal. Chem. 359, 10-14.
König, Andreas; Secker, Jutta; Riedel, Klaus; Metzger, Jörg W. (1997): A microbial sensor
for measuring inhibitors and substrates for nitrification in wastewater. Amer. Lab. 29(24), 1221.
Subramaniam-Niehaus, Bhavani; Schneider, Thomas; Metzger, Jörg W.; Wohlleben,
Wolfgang (1997): Isolation and analysis of moenomycin and its biosynthetic intermediates
from Streptomyces ghanaensis (ATCC 14672) wildtype and selected mutants. Zeitschrift für
Naturforschung Section C- Journal of Biosciences 52c(3-4), 217-226.
Feurle, G.E.; Klein, A.; Hamscher, G.; Metzger, J.W.; Schuurkes, A.J. (1996): Neurokinetic
and myokinetic effects of the peptide xenin on the motility of the small and large intestine of
Guinea pig. J. of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 278(2), 654-661.
Fiedler, H.-P.; Nega, Mulugeta; Pfefferle, C.; Groth, I.; Kempter, C.; Stephan, H.; Metzger,
J.W. (1996): Kanchanamycins, new polyol macrolide antibiotics produced by Streptomyces
olivaceus Tü 4018 I. Taxonomy, fermentation, isolation and biological activities. J.
Antibiotics 49(8), 758-764.
Kempter, Christoph; Kupke, T.; Kaiser, D.; Metzger, J. W.; Jung, . G. (1996): Thioenols from
Peptidyl Cysteines: Oxidative Decarboxylation of a laC-Labeled Substrate. Angewandte
Chemie (International Edition in English) 35(18), 2104-2107.
Kuipers, O.P.; Bierbaum, G.; Ottenwälder, B.; Dodd, H.M.; Horn, N, .; Metzger, J.; Kupke, T.;
Gnau, V.; Bongers, R.; van den Bogaard, P.; Kosters, H.; Rollema, H.S.; de Vos, W.M.;
Siezen, R.J.; Jung, G.; Götz, F.; Sahl, H.-G.; Gasson, M.J. (1996): Protein engineering of
lantibiotics. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 69, 161-170.
Ness, A.; Metzger, J.W.; Schmidt, P.C. (1996): Isolation, identification and stability of 8desacetylmatricine, a new degradation product of matricine. Pharma. Acta Helv. 71, 265271.
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Jörg W. Metzger
Pfefferle, C.; Kempter, C.; Metzger, J.W.; Fiedler, H.-P. (1996): (E)-4-Oxonon-2-enoic acid,
an antibiotically active fatty acid produced by Streptomyces olivaceus Tü 4018. J. Antibiotics
49(8), 826-828.
Rollema, H.S.; Metzger, J.W.; Both, P.; Kuipers, O.P.; Siezen, R.J. (1996): Structure and
biological activity of chemically modified nisin A species. Eur. J. Biochem. 241, 716-722.
Schliemann, W.; Joy, R.W.; Komamine, A.; Metzger, J.; Nimitz, M.; Wray, V.; Strack, D.
(1996): Betacyanins from plants and cell cultures of Phytolacca Americana. Phytochemistry
42(4), 1039-1046.
Stephan, H.; Kempter, C.; Metzger, J.W.; Jung, G.; Potterat, O.; Pfefferle, C.; Fiedler, H.-P.
(1996): Kanchanamycins, new polyol macrolide antibiotics produced by Streptomyces
olivaceus Tü 4018 II. Structure elucidation. J. Antibiotics 49(8), 765-769.
Blum, S.; Fiedler, H.-P.; Groth, I.; Kempter, C.; Stephan, H.; Nicholson, G.; Metzger, J.W.;
Jung, G. (1995): Biosynthetic capacities of actimomycetes. 4. Echinoserine, a new member
of the quinoxaline group, produced by streptomyces tendae. J. Antibiotics 48(7), 619-625.
Dornberger, K.; Ihn, W.; Ritzau, M.; Gräfe, U.; Schlegel, B.; Fleck, W.F.; Metzger, J.W.
(1995): Chrysospermins, new peptaibol antibiotics from Apiocrea chrysosperma Ap101. J.
Antibiotics 48(9), 977-989.
Ettner, N.; Metzger, J.W.; Lederer, T.; Hulmes, J.D.; Kisker, C.; Hinrichs, W.; Ellestad, G.A.;
Hillen, W. (1995): Proximity mapping of the Tet repressor-tetracycline-Fe2+ complex by
hydrogen peroxide mediated protein cleavage. Biochemistry 34, 22-31.
Hamscher, G.; Meyer, H.E.; Metzger, J.W.; Feurle, G.E. (1995): Distribution, formation, and
molecular forms of the peptide xenin in various animals. Peptides 16, 791-797.
Metzger, J.W.; Beck-Sickinger, A.G.; Loleit, M.; Eckert, M.; Bessler, W.G.; Jung, G. (1995):
-terminus of the
cytochrome-subunit of the photoreaction centre of Rhodopeudomonas viridis enhance
murine splenocyte proliferation. J. Peptide Sci. 3, 184-190.
Ottenwälder, Birgit; Kupke, Thomas; Brecht, Susan; Gnau, Volker; Metzger, Jörg; Jung,
Günther; Götz, Friedrich (1995): Isolation and characterization of genetically engineered
gallidermin and epidermin analogs. J. Appl. Environm. Microbiol. 61, 3894-3903.
Singh, D.G.; Lomako, J.; Lomako, W.M.; William, J.W.; Meyer, H.E.; Serwe, M.; Metzger, J.
-Glucosylarginine: a new glucose-protein bond in a self-glucosylating protein from
sweet corn. FEBS Letters 376, 61-64.
van de Kamp, M.; Horstink, L.M.; van den Hooven, H.W.; Konings, R.N.H.; Hilbers, C.W.;
Frey, A.; Sahl, H.-G.; Metzger, J.W.; van de Ven, F.J.M. (1995): Sequence analysis by NMR
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Jörg W. Metzger
spectroscopy of the peptide lantibiotic epilancin K7 from Staphylococcus epidermis K7. Eur.
J. Biochem. 227, 757-771.
Zimmermann, N.; Metzger, J.W.; Jung, G. (1995): The tetracyclic lantibiotic actagardine: 1H
and 13C-NMR assignments and revised primary structure. Eur. J. Biochem. 228, 786-797.
Baker, D.C.; Dougall, D.K.; Gläßgen, W.E.; Johnson, S.C.; Metzger, J.W.; Rose, A.; Seitz,
H.U. (1994): Effects of supplied cinnamic acids and biosynthetic intermediates on the
anthocyanins accumulated by wild carrot suspension cultures. Plant Cell Tiss. Org. Cult. 39,
Heuer, S.; S., Richter; Metzger, J.W.; Wray, V.; Nimitz, M.; Strack, D. (1994): Betacyanins
from bracts of Bougainvillea glabra. Phytochemistry 37, 761-767.
Jack, R.W.; Carne, A.; Metzger, J.; Stefanovic, S.; Sahl, H.-G.; Jung, G.; Tagg, J. (1994):
Elucidation of the structure of SA-FF22, a lanthionine-containing antibacterial peptide
produced by Streptococcus pyogenes strain FF22. Eur. J. Biochem. 220, 455-462.
Kleine, B.; Rapp, W.; Wiesmüller, K.-H.; Edinger, M.; Beck, W.; Metzger, J.; Ataulakhanov,
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Metzger, Jörg W. (1994): Ladder sequencing of peptides and proteins - Acombination of
Edman degradation and mass spectrometry. Angewandte Chemie (International Edition in
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Metzger, J.W.; Kempter, C.; Wiesmüller, K.-H.; Jung, G. (1994): Electrospray mass
spectrometry and tandem mass spectrometry of synthetic multi-component peptide mixtures:
determination of composition and purity. Analytical Biochemistry 219(2), 261-277.
Metzger, J.W.; Stevanovic, S.; Brünjes, J.; Wiesmüller, K.-H.; Jung, G. (1994): Electrospray
mass spectrometry and multiple sequence analysis of synthetic peptide libraries. Methods: A
Companion to Methods in Enzymology 6, 425-431.
Meyer, H.E.; Heber, M.; Eisermann, B.; Korte, H.; Metzger, J.W.; Jung, G. (1994): Sequence
analysis of lantibiotics: novel derivatization procedures allow a fast access to complete
Edman degradation. Anal. Biochem. 223, 185-190.
Potterat, O.; Stephan, H.; Metzger, J.W.; Gnau, V.; Zähner, H.; Jung, G. (1994): Aborycin - a
tricyclic 21-peptide antibiotic isolated from Streptomyces griseoflavus. Liebigs Ann. Chem.,
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microorganisms, part 269. 5-Phenylpentadienoic-acid derivatives from Streptomyces sp.
Helv. Chim. Acta 77(2), 569-574.
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Jörg W. Metzger
Bessalle, R.; Gorea, A.; Shalit, I.; Metzger, J.W.; Dass, C.; Desiderio, D.M.; Fridkin, M.
(1993): Structure-function studies of amphiphilic antibacterial peptides. J. Med. Chem. 36,
Glässgen, W.E.; Metzger, J.W.; Heuer, S.; Strack, D. (1993): Betacyanins from fruits of
Basella rubra. Phytochemistry 33, 1525-1527.
Kupke, T.; Stevanovic, S.; Ottenwälder, B.; Metzger, J.W.; Jung, G.; Götz, F. (1993):
Purification and characterization of EpiA, the peptide substrate for post-translational
modification involved in epidermin biosynthesis. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 112, 43-48.
Metzger, J.W.; Sawyer, W.H.; Wille, B.; Biesert, L.; Bessler, W.G.; Jung, G. (1993):
Interaction of immunologically active lipopeptides with membranes. Biochim. Biophys. Acta
1149, 29-39.
Metzger, Jörg W.; Wiesmüller, K.-H.; Gnau, V.; Brünjes, J.; Jung, . G. (1993): Ion-spray
mass spectrometry an high performance liquid chromatography - Mass spectrometry of
synthetic peptide libraries. Angewandte Chemie (International Edition in English) 32(6), 894896.
Mock, H.-P.; Wray, V.; Beck, W.; Metzger, J.W.; Strack, D. (1993): Coumaroylaspartate
from cell suspension cultures of Arabidopsis thaliana. Phytochemistry 34, 157-159.
Petersen, F.; Zähner, H.; Metzger, J.W.; Freund, S.; Hummel, R.-P. (1993): Germicidin, an
autoregulative germination inhibitor of Streptomyces viridochromogenes NRRL B-1551. J.
Antibiotics 46, 1126-1138.
Petersen, M.; Metzger, J.W. (1993): Identification of the reaction products of rosmarinic acid
synthase from cell cultures of Coleus blumei by ion-spray mass spectrometry and tandem
mass spectrometry. Phytochemical Anal. 4, 131-134.
Stevanovic, S.; Wiesmüller, K.-H.; Metzger, J.; Beck-Sickinger, A.G.; Jung, G. (1993):
Natural and synthetic peptide pools: characterization by sequencing and electrospray mass
spectrometry. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 3, 431-436.
Feurle, G.E.; Hamscher, G.; Kusiek, R.; Meyer, H.E.; Metzger, J.W. (1992): Identification of
xenin, a xenopsin-related peptide, in the human gastric mucosa and its effect on exocrine
pancreatic secretion. J. Biol. Chem. 267, 22305-22309.
Gläßgen, W.E.; Seitz, H.U.; Metzger, J.W. (1992): High-performance liquid chromatography
- ion spray mass spectrometry and tandem mass spectrometry of anthocyanins from plant
tissues and cell cultures of Daucus carota L. Biol. Mass Spectrom. 21, 271-277.
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Jörg W. Metzger
Gläßgen, W.E.; Wray, V.; Strack, D.; Metzger, J.W.; Seitz, H.U. (1992): Anthocyanins from
cell suspension cultures of Daucus carota. Phytochemistry 31, 1593-1601.
Heilmeyer, Jr., L.M.G.; Serwe, M.; Weber, C.; Metzger, J.; Hoffmann-Posorske, E.; Meyer,
muscle phosphorylase kinase: localization by conversion to S-ethylcysteine and by tandem
mass spectrometry. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 89, 9554-9558.
Heuer, S.; Wray, V.; Metzger, J.W.; Strack, D. (1992): Betycyanins from flowers of
Gomphrena globosa. Phytochemistry 31, 1801-1807.
Metzger, Jörg W.; Beck, W.; Jung, . G. (1992): Ion-spray mass spectrometry of lipopeptide
vaccines. Angewandte Chemie (International Edition in English) 31(2), 226-228.
Offermanns, S.; Seifert, R.; Metzger, J.W.; Jung, G.; Lieberknecht, A.; Schmidt, U.; Schultz,
G. (1992): Lipopeptides are effective stimulators of tyrosine phosphorylation in human
myeloid cells. Biochem. J. 282, 551-557.
Seifert, R.; Serke, S.; Huhn, D.; Bessler, W.G.; Hauschildt, S.; Metzger, J.; Wiesmüller, K.H.; Jung, G. (1992): Incomplete functional differentiation of HL-60 leukemic cells by synthetic
lipopeptides. Partial inhibition by pertussis toxin of enhanced superoxide formation. Eur. J.
Biochem. 203, 143-151.
Strack, D.; Wray, V.; Metzger, J.W.; Grosse, W. (1992): Two anthocyanins acylated with
gallic acid from the leaves of Victoria amazonica,. Phytochemistry 31, 989-991.
Beck-Sickinger, A.G.; Schnorrenberg, G.; Metzger, J.; Jung, G. (1991): Sulfonation of
arginine residues as side reaction in Fmoc-peptide synthesis. Int. J. Peptide Prot. Res. 38,
Berner, I.; Greiner, M.; Metzger, J.; Jung, G.; Winkelmann, G. (1991): Identification of
enterobactin and linear dihydroxybenzoylserine compounds by HPLC. Biol. Metals 4, 113118.
Drechsel, H.; Metzger, J.; Freund, S.; Jung, G.; Boelaert, J.R.; Winkelmann, G. (1991):
Rhizoferrin - a novel siderophore from the fungus Rhizopus microsporus
rhizopodiformis. Biol. Metals 4, 238-243.
Falk, K.; Rötzschke, O.; Deres, K.; Metzger, J.; Jung, G.; Rammensee, H.G. (1991):
Identification of naturally processed viral nonapeptides allows their quantification in infected
cells and suggests an allele-specific T cell epitope forecast. J. Exp. Med. 174, 425-434.
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Jörg W. Metzger
Heuer, S.; Wray, V.; Metzger, J.; Strack, D. (1991): Modern spectroscopic methods in the
structural elucidation of betacyanins from Gomphrena globosa. Planta Medica 57(2), A121A122.
Metzger, J.; Jung, G.; Bessler, W.G.; Hoffmann, P.; Strecker, M.; Lieberknecht, A.; Schmidt,
U. (1991): Lipopeptides containing 2-palmitoyl-6,7-bis(palmitoyloxy)-heptanoic acid:
synthesis, stereospecific stimulation of B-lymphocytes and macrophages, and adjuvanticity
in vivo and in vitro. J. Med. Chem. 34, 1969-1974.
Metzger, J.; Wiesmüller, K.-H.; Schaude, R.; Bessler, W.G.; Jung, G. (1991): Synthesis of
novel immunologically active tripalmitoyl-S-glycerylcysteinyl lipopeptides as useful
intermediates for immonogen preparations. Int. J. Peptide Prot. Res. 37, 46-57.
Metzger, J.W.; Jung, M.; Schmalzing, D.; Bayer, E.; Schurig, V. (1991): Analysis of
cyclomalto-oligosaccharides (cyclodextrins) and derivatives by ion spray mass spectrometry.
Carbohydrate Res. 222, 23-35.
Metzger, J.W.; Wiesmüller, K.-Fmoc protected
derivatives of S-(2,3-dihydroxypropyl)-cysteine and their application in peptide synthesis. Int.
J. Peptide Prot. Res. 38, 545-554.
Schmidt, U.; Lieberknecht, A.; Kazmaier, U.; Griesser, H.; Jung, G.; Metzger, J. (1991):
Amino acids and peptides; 75. Synthesis of di- and trihydroxyamino acids - construction of
lipophilic tripalmitoyldihydroxy- -amino acids. Synthesis, 49-55.
Uhl, B.; Wolf, B.; Schwinde, A.; Metzger, J.; Jung, G.; Bessler, W.G.; Hauschildt, S. (1991):
Intracellular localization of a lipopeptide macrophage activator: immunocytochemical
investigations and EELS analysis on ultrathin cryosections of bone marrow-derived
macrophages. J. Leukocyyte Biol. 50, 10-18.
Bessler, W.G.; Kleine, B.; Martinez Alonso, C.; Biesert, L.; Strecker, M.; Wiesmüller, K.-H.;
Metzger, J.; Jung, G. (1990): Biological activity of bacterial surface components: bacterial
extracts and defined bacterial cell wall components as immunomodulators. Lung Suppl:,
Hoffmann, P.; Jimenez-Diaz, M.; Loleit, M.; Tröger, W.; Wiesmüller, K.-H.; Metzger, J.; Jung,
G.; I., Kaiser; Stöcklin, S.; Lenzner, S.; Peters, J.H.; Grimm, R.; Schäfer, E.; Bessler, W.G.
(1990): Preparation of human and murine monoclonal antibodies: antigens combined with or
conjugated to lipopeptides constitute potent immonogens for in vitro and in vivo
immunizations. Hum. Antibod. Hybridomas 1, 137-144.
Rötzschke, O.; Falk, K.; Deres, K.; Schild, H.; Norda, M.; Metzger, J.; Jung, G.;
Rammensee, H.-G. (1990): Isolation and analysis of naturally processed viral peptides as
recognized by cytotoxic T cells. Nature 348, 252-254.
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Jörg W. Metzger
Schneider, C.H.; Rolli, H.; Metzger, J.; Jung, G. (1990): Anaphylactic properties of
monohaptenic dinitrophenylated tripalmitoyl-S-glyceryl-cysteinyl-lipopeptides. Mol. Immunol.
27, 241-245.
Seifert, R.; Schultz, G.; Richter-Freund, M.; Metzger, J.; Wiesmüller, K.-H.; Jung, G.;
Bessler, W.G.; Hauschildt, S. (1990): Activation of superoxide formation and lysozyme
release in human neutrophils by the synthetic lipopeptide Pam3Cys-Ser-(Lys)4. Biochem. J.
267, 795-802.
Weil, H.-P.; Beck-Sickinger, A.G.; Metzger, J.; Stevanovic; Josten, M.; Jung, G.; Sahl, H.-G.
(1990): Biosynthesis of the lantibiotic Pep5. Isolation and characterization of a prepeptide
containing dehydroamino acids. Eur. J. Biochem. 194, 217-223.
Hoffmann, P.; Wiesmüller, K.-H.; Metzger, J.; Jung, . G.; Bessler, W.G. (1989): Induction of
tumor cytotoxicity in murine bone marrow-derived macrophages by two synthetic lipopeptide
analogues. Biol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler 370, 575-582.
Reitermann, A.; Metzger, J.; Wiesmüller, K.-H.; Jung, G.; Bessler, W.G. (1989): Lipopeptide
derivates of bacterial lipoprotein constitute potent immune adjuvants combined or covalently
coupled to antigen or hapten. Biol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler 370, 343-352.
Wolf, B.; Hauschildt, S.; Uhl, B.; J., Metzger; Jung, G.; Bessler, W.G. (1989): Localization of
the cell activator lipopeptide in bone marrow-derived macrophages by electron energy loss
spectroscopy (EELS). Immunol. Lett. 20, 121-126.
Wolf, B.; Uhl, B.; Hauschildt, S.; Metzger, J.; Jung, G.; Bessler, W. (1989): Interaction of the
lymphoid cell line BCL1 with lipopeptide analogues of bacterial lipoprotein: electron energy
loss spectroscopy (EELS) as a novel method to detect the distribution of the activator within
the cells. Immunobiol. 180, 93-100.
Metzger, J.; G., Jung (1987): Elucidation of a side reaction during acylation of primary
amines with fatty acid chlorides. Liebigs Ann. Chem., 895-899.
Metzger, J.; Jung, G. (1987): Mycoloylpeptides and other lipopeptide adjuvants from higher
aldoketene dimers. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 26, 336-338.
Metzger, J.; Olma, A.; Leplawy, M.T.; Jung, G. (1987): Synthesis of a B-lymphocyte
-methylserine containing lipopentapeptide. Z. Naturfosch. 42 b, 1195-1201.

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