Publications in peer-reviewed international journals Other


Publications in peer-reviewed international journals Other
Dr. Sylvia Haider
Publications in peer-reviewed international journals
Haider, S., Kueffer, C., Edwards, P.J. & Alexander, J. (2012): Genetic differentiation in
growth of multiple non-native plant species along a steep environmental gradient.
Oecologia (accepted for publication).
Haider, S., Alexander, J. & Kueffer, C. (2012): Elevational distribution limits of non-native
species: combining observational and experimental evidence. Plant Ecology and Diversity.
Online First. Doi: 10.1080/17550874.2011.637973.
McDougall, K.L., Alexander J.M., Haider, S., Pauchard, A., Walsh, N.G. & Kueffer, C.
(2011): Alien flora of mountains: global comparisons for the development of local
preventative measures against plant invasions. Diversity & Distributions 17: 103-111.
Haider, S., Alexander, J., Dietz, H., Trepl, L., Edwards, P.J. & Kueffer, C. (2010): The role
of bioclimatic origin, residence time and habitat context in shaping non-native plant
distributions along an altitudinal gradient. Biological Invasions 12: 4003-4018.
Pauchard, A., Kueffer, C., Dietz, H., Daehler, C.C., Alexander, J., Edwards, P.J., Arévalo,
J.R., Cavieres, L., Guisan, A., Haider, S., Jakobs, G., McDougall, K., Millar, C.I., Naylor,
B.J., Parks, C.G., Rew, L.J. & Seipel, T. (2009): Ain’t no mountain high enough: Plant
invasions reaching new elevations. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7: 479-486.
Haider, S. & Jax, K. (2007): The application of environmental ethics in biological
conservation: a case study from the southernmost tip of the Americas. Biodiversity &
Conservation 16: 2559–2573.
Other publications
Haider, S. & Kueffer, C. (2011): Pflanzeninvasionen in Gebirgen: Modellsystem für die
Forschung, Handlungsbedarf für den Naturschutz. Geographische Rundschau 3/2011:
Haider, S. & Küffer, C. (2011): Pflanzeninvasionen in Gebirgen – (noch) keine Gefahr? In:
Landschaftsökologie. Grundlagen, Methoden, Anwendungen. Laufener Spezialbeiträge
1/2011: 105-110.
Haider, S., Heger, T., Kirchhoff, T., Schuster, U., Vicenzotti, V. & Voigt, A. (2011):
Einleitung. In: Landschaftsökologie. Grundlagen, Methoden, Anwendungen. Laufener
Spezialbeiträge 1/2011: 4-6.
(10) McDougall, K., Haider, S., Seipel, T., Kueffer, C. & MIREN Consortium (2009): Spread of
non-native plant species into mountains: now is the time to act. Mountain Forum Bulletin
July 2009: 23-25.
(11) Haider, S. & Kirchhoff, T. (2008): Biologische Invasionen: liberal und konservativ
betrachtet. In: Technische Universität München, Lehrstühle für Landschaftsarchitektur und
Landschaftsplanung (Eds.): Ambiguous landscapes – vieldeutige Landschaften. Bode,
Freising, Germany: 96-97.
Book sections
Kirchhoff, T. & Haider, S. (2009): Globale Vielzahl oder lokale Vielfalt: zur kulturellen
Ambivalenz von „Biodiversität“. In: Kirchhoff, T. & Trepl, L. (Eds.): Vieldeutige Natur.
Landschaft, Wildnis und Ökosystem als kulturgeschichtliche Phänomene. Transcript,
Bielefeld, Germany: 315-330.
Dr. Sylvia Haider
Editorial work
Bavarian Academy of Nature Conservation and Landscape Planning (Ed.) (2011):
Landschaftsökologie. Grundlagen, Methoden, Anwendungen. Laufener Spezialbeiträge
1/2011. Editorship: Haider, S., Heger, T. & Schuster, U.
Oral presentations
Haider, S., Alexander, J.M. & Kueffer, C. (2011): No evidence for genetic adaptation of
alien plants along an elevational gradient. GfÖ 2011 “Ecological functions, patterns,
processes”, Oldenburg, Germany, 05.-09.09.2011.
Jeschke, J., Gómez Aparicio, L., Haider, S., Heger, T., Lortie, C., Pyšek, P. & Strayer, D.
(2011): Major hypotheses about invasive species fail the test of generality. GfÖ 2011
“Ecological functions, patterns, processes”, Oldenburg, Germany, 05.-09.09.2011.
Albrecht, H. & Haider, S. (2011): Species diversity and plant trait variation along a spatiotemporal urbanization gradient in oligotrophic grassland. GfÖ 2011 “Ecological functions,
patterns, processes”, Oldenburg, Germany, 05.-09.09.2011.
Jeschke, J., Gómez Aparicio, L., Haider, S., Heger, T., Lortie, C., Pyšek, P. & Strayer, D.
(2011): Drei von sechs grundlegenden Hypothesen über Neobiota sind nicht empirisch
gestützt. Annual meeting of the German Limnological Society, Freising, Germany,
Haider, S. (2011): Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die nicht-einheimische Flora in
Gebirgen – Handlungsoptionen für den Naturschutz. Workshop “Klimawandel und
Biodiversitätsschutz”, Akademie für Natur- und Umweltschutz Baden-Württemberg,
Feldberg, 01.07.2011. (Invited)
Haider, S., Alexander, J. & Kueffer, C. (2010): Climatic limits of non-native plant
distributions along elevation gradients. "Global Change in the World's Mountains", Perth,
Scotland, 26.-30.09.2010.
Haider, S., Alexander, J. & Kueffer, C. (2010): Non-native plant species richness along
elevation gradients: the interplay of climate matching and time since introduction. 2nd
International GMBA-DIVERSITAS conference "Functional significance of mountain
biodiversity", Chandolin, Switzerland, 27.-30.07.2010.
Haider, S., Alexander, J., Dietz, H., Trepl, L. & Kueffer, C. (2009): Alien plant invasions into
mountains: a reciprocal approach to identify the role of climate matching. GfÖ 2009
"Dimensions of ecology", Bayreuth, Germany, 14.-18.09.2009.
Haider, S., Kueffer, C., Dietz, H. & Trepl, L. (2009): Distribution patterns of mediterranean
and temperate non-native species in mountain regions: comparisons between Switzerland
and Tenerife. EMAPi10 ("Ecology and Management of Alien Plant Invasions"),
Stellenbosch, South Africa, 23.-27.08.2009.
(10) Haider, S. (2008): Climate dismatching: Do mediterranean species have a better life in
temperate Switzerland than temperate species on Tenerife? 4. MIREN-Workshop
(Mountain Invasion Research Network), Charlottes Pass, Australia, 01.-05.12.2008.
(11) Haider, S. Dietz, H. & Trepl, L. (2008): Alien plant invasions in the Swiss Alps: is bioclimatic
origin a driving factor? EURECO-GfÖ 2008 "Biodiversity in an Ecosystem Context", Leipzig,
Germany, 15.-19.09.2008.
(12) Heger, T.; Jeschke, J. M.; Haider, S. & Saul, W. (2008): Why waterfleas are similar to
plants: a new invasion perspective. EURECO-GfÖ 2008 "Biodiversity in an Ecosystem
Context", Leipzig, Germany, 15.-19.09.2008.
Dr. Sylvia Haider
(13) Haider, S. (2008): Some like it hot! Zum Einfluss der globalen Klimaerwärmung auf die
Ausbreitung von Neophyten in Gebirgen. Seminar "Vom Riesenbärenklau zum Indischen
Springkraut - Neophyten im Nationalpark Hohe Tauern", Nationalparkzentrum BIOS,
Mallnitz, Austria, 04.09.2008. (Invited)
(14) Haider, S. & Kirchhoff, T. (2008): Biotische Homogenisierung - mehr als ein ökologisches
Phänomen. Workshop "Grenzen der Ökologie" organized by the GfÖ-Specialist group
„Ecological theory“, Benediktbeuern, Germany, 03.-05.03.2008.
(15) Haider, S. (2007): Plant invasion patterns in the northern part of Tenerife: the role of
bioclimatic origin and time since introduction. 3. MIREN-Workshop (Mountain Invasion
Research Network), Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, 26.-30.11.2007.
(16) Haider, S. (2007): The North American beaver (Castor canadensis): an invasive species in
southern Chile. Workshop "To what extent can the model of invasion steps and stages
(INVASS model) be transferred from terrestrial vascular plants to other groups of
organisms?", Freising, Germany, 14.-15.10.2007.
(17) Haider, S. & Kirchhoff, T. (2007): Biologische Invasionen: liberal und konservativ
betrachtet. Workshop "Vieldeutigkeit des Natur- und Landschaftsbegriffs", Freising,
Germany, 09.-10.10.2007.
(18) Haider, S., Dietz, H. & Trepl, L. (2007): The role of bioclimatic origin and climate change in
plant invasions into mountains. Workshop “Colonization versus invasion: do the same traits
matter? Towards a joint perspective in research on range expansion of native and biological
invasion of non-indigenous plants”, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, 25.02.-02.03.2007.
(19) Haider, S. (2006): The role of climate matching in mountain invasions – a comparison
between Switzerland and the Canary Islands. 2. MIREN-Workshop (Mountain Invasion
Research Network), Cove, Oregon, 24.-28.09.2006.
(20) Haider, S. (2006): Organismen in Modellen zur Vorhersage von biologischen Invasionen.
Forum "Das Modell Organismus in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft" of the Evangelische
Akademie Tutzing, Tutzing, Germany, 21.-23.04.2006.
(21) Haider, S. (2004): Der Nordamerikanische Biber (Castor canadensis) als invasive Art auf
der südchilenischen Insel Navarino: eine Bewertung aus naturschutzethischer Sicht.
Arbeitskreis des Department Naturschutzforschung, Umweltforschungszentrum HalleLeipzig, Leipzig, Germany, 01.12.2004. (Invited)
(22) Haider, S. (2004): Der Nordamerikanische Biber (Castor canadensis) als invasive Art auf
der südchilenischen Insel Navarino: eine Bewertung aus naturschutzethischer Sicht. 3.
Workshop BIOKONCHIL (Bewertung biologischer Vielfalt unter der Perspektive des
Ökosystemansatzes der Biodiversitätskonvention, am Beispiel der südchilenischen Insel
Navarino (Feuerland, Kap Hoorn Archipel)), Umweltforschungszentrum Halle-Leipzig,
Leipzig, Germany, 12.01.2004.
Poster contributions
Haider, S., Kueffer, C. & Alexander, J. (2011): Phenotypic plasticity can enable non-native
plant species to spread along elevational gradients. Symposium of the Zurich-Basel Plant
Science Center „Understanding Plant Phenotypes”, Zurich, Switzerland, 04.11.2011.
Haider, S. & Jax, K. (2007): The beaver (Castor canadensis) as an exotic species on
Navarino island (Tierra del Fuego): an application of environmental ethics in biological
conservation. Aldo Leopold Symposium 2007 "Wildnis – Werte – Wirtschaft", Munich,
Germany, 08.-11.11.2007.
Haider, S. (2005): Landscape changes by beaver (Castor canadensis) in the Cape Horn
Archipelago: applying environmental ethics in biological conservation. GfÖ 2005
“Landscapes, ecosystems and populations – dynamics, functions and conservation”,
Regensburg, Germany, 19.-23.09.2005.
Dr. Sylvia Haider
Haider, S. & Jax, K. (2005): The application of environmental ethics in biological
conservation: The beaver (Castor canadensis) as an exotic species on Navarino island.
BioTeam Status Seminar, Bonn, Germany, 14.-16.03.2005.