Wittgenstein`s Nachlass catalogue – some suggestions


Wittgenstein`s Nachlass catalogue – some suggestions
Alfred SCHMIDT: Wittgenstein’s Nachlass catalogue – some suggestions, 24.07.2012
Nachlass catalogue –
some suggestions
Alfred Schmidt
Kirchberg, 2012
Alfred SCHMIDT: Wittgenstein’s Nachlass catalogue – some suggestions, 24.07.2012
Introduction: from the “aura” to the dispensability of the originals
Jan. 17 1935
Dear Miss Ambrose,
I still feel very uncertain about tomorrow but I don't want to put you off & I want to make
you a proposal: Could you come at 9.30 as usual & bring some work along with you,
perfectly prepared just to work on quietly in case I find that I can't dictate or explain. I say,
bring some work along, because reading my german M.S. isn't quite the right thing; it's only
a makeshift, for you can't properly understand it without spending lots of time on it, & also
the thought that you are reading it & puzzled by it makes me feel sort of nervous when I sit
there. If I have proposed something which you don't quite like, please don't do it for me. On
the other hand, if you like doing it this way I should be very pleased.
Yours very sincerely
Ludwig Wittgenstein
P.S. This signature is worth £ 100.
Alfred SCHMIDT: Wittgenstein’s Nachlass catalogue – some suggestions, 24.07.2012
The non-philosophical Wittgenstein Nachlass
Occasional (non philosophical) writings
 Wittgenstein’s Matura
 Wörterbuch für Volksschulen (“Geleitwort”= TS 205)
 Wittgenstein’s Russian vocabulary exercise books (1935)
 Wittgenstein’s medical recipe book in Guy’s Hospital (1943/44)
 Birth and death certificate
 Aeronautic patent
 Architect’s plans of Palais
Stonborough, Vienna
 Wittgenstein’s last will
Personal Collections
 Wittgenstein’s library
 Wittgenstein’s photo album
 “Collection of nonsense”
Alfred SCHMIDT: Wittgenstein’s Nachlass catalogue – some suggestions, 24.07.2012
The non-philosophical Wittgenstein Nachlass
Baupläne Palais Stonborough (Cod. Ser.n. 37.614)
Alfred SCHMIDT: Wittgenstein’s Nachlass catalogue – some suggestions, 24.07.2012
The philosophical Nachlass /classification
Von Wright’s Nachlass classifications:
Material type of document
Formal type of document
(a) Material classification
Volumes (Mss 105, 106, 107 …)
(Large) Notebooks (Mss 101, 102, 103, 145-152 …)
Pocket notebooks (Mss 125, 126, 127 …)
Loose sheets (Ms 139a and b, Ms 143, Tss)
Cuttings / Arrangements of cuttings (Tss 212, 222, 223…)
Bound copies (“Blue book”, “Brown book”)
Alfred SCHMIDT: Wittgenstein’s Nachlass catalogue – some suggestions, 24.07.2012
The philosophical Nachlass /classification
(b) Formal classification
 MSS - manuscripts
 TSS- typescripts (“dictated to a typist or otherwise prepared by
Wittgenstein himself”)
 DIC - dictations (“verbatim records of dictations to colleagues or
 [NCL] Notes of conversations and lectures (“more or less verbatim”)
 [COR] Correspondence
Alfred SCHMIDT: Wittgenstein’s Nachlass catalogue – some suggestions, 24.07.2012
The philosophical Nachlass
Log.-phil Abhandlung, TS 203 “Vienna
Typescript”, p. 10a , (ANL, Cod. Ser. n.
Alfred SCHMIDT: Wittgenstein’s Nachlass catalogue – some suggestions, 24.07.2012
The philosophical Nachlass / formal classification
Blue Book with dedication to his sister
Margarethe Stonborough (ANL, Cod.
Ser. n. 52.856)
Brown Book of Theo Redpath (ANL, Cod.
Ser. n. 39.545)
Alfred SCHMIDT: Wittgenstein’s Nachlass catalogue – some suggestions, 24.07.2012
The philosophical Nachlass /formal classification
(b) Formal types of documents / additional suggestions
 MAR – Marginalia: annotations of LW to texts of other authors
(understandable only in connection with the commented text)
- Notes on Frazer’s Golden Bough (MS 143)
- Notes on Ludwig Hänsel’s articls: Wert und Wertgefühl and Newton –Goethe
Pascal. Die Farbenlehre und das Problem der Mitte
- Notes on Lamb’s Hydrodynamics
- Notes on Hard‘s A course of Pure Mathematics
- …
 MPT – Materials concerning the publication of the Tractatus
like corrections, page proofs etc.
 MIN – Minutes of meetings (like Moral Science Club Meetings) –
Alfred SCHMIDT: Wittgenstein’s Nachlass catalogue – some suggestions, 24.07.2012
The philosophical Nachlass /formal classification
MPT : Materials concerning the publication
of the Tractatus
 Print of the Logisch-Philosophische
Abhandlung in “Annalen der
Naturphilosophie” ed. by Wilhelm Ostwald, Vol.
XIV 1921,with corrections of L.W. (Cod. Ser. n.
 Engl. Translation of the Log.-Philosophischen
Abhandlung by Frank Ramsey with annotations
of L.W. (Cod. Ser. n. 39.598)
 List of questions of C.K. Ogden concerning
the engl. translation of the Tractatus (Attached to
his letter to L.W. from 3.5.1922, Cod. Ser. n.
 Page-proofs of the Tractatus of the bilingual
edition 1922 with annotations of L.W and Ogden.
(Cod. Ser. n. 39.039)
Alfred SCHMIDT: Wittgenstein’s Nachlass catalogue – some suggestions, 24.07.2012
The philosophical Nachlass / formal classification
Authentic Wittgenstein texts
Non authentic texts
MSS – manuscripts
TSS – typescripts
DIC – dictations
NCL - Notes of conversations
and lectures
MIN - minutes of meetings
COR Correspondence
MAR – marginalia
MPT – materials conerning the
publication of the Tractatus
Alfred SCHMIDT: Wittgenstein’s Nachlass catalogue – some suggestions, 24.07.2012
The philosophical Nachlass / problem of units
Von Wright catalogue:
MS 105 Volume I. “Philosophische Bemerkungen“ . Begun 2.Februray 1929, 135 pp.
MS 106 Volume II. Undated, 1929.298pp.
MS 105 ≠ I. Band Philosophische Bemerkungen
MS 106 ≠ II. Band
catalogue of (physical) items
catalogue of (intended) texts
MS 105
I. Band Philosophische
Bemerkungen [pages recto
II Band [part 3, verso
I. Band Philosophische Bemerkungen
MS 105 (recto pages)
II Band
[part 1, recto]
II. Band
MS 106
(„Fortsetzung der philosophischen
Betrachtungen des II
(„Fortsetzung auf den Verso- Seiten vorne“)
[part 2, verso]
MS106 (recto page)
MS 106 (verso pages)
MS 105 (verso page)
Alfred SCHMIDT: Wittgenstein’s Nachlass catalogue – some suggestions, 24.07.2012
The philosophical Nachlass / problem of units
catalogue of (physical) items
catalogue of (intended) texts
MS 115
• Band XI. Philosophische Bemerkungen,
(Dez. 1933-)
• Philosophische Untersuchungen . Versuch
einer Umarbeitung (Aug. 1936)
MS 237a
MS 237b
TS 207
Lecture on Ethics
DIC 309 / Exemplar Skinner
DIC 309 / Ex. Thouless
DIC 309 / Ex. Margarethe
MSS ?…
Blue Book
[Parts of MS 107-112]
[“Kringelbuch“ ]
Alfred SCHMIDT: Wittgenstein’s Nachlass catalogue – some suggestions, 24.07.2012
The philosophical Nachlass / text-genetic view
Text-genetic map of the Big
Typescript (TS 213)
"The big typescript" Hrsg. von Michael
Nedo. 2002
Alfred SCHMIDT: Wittgenstein’s Nachlass catalogue – some suggestions, 24.07.2012
The philosophical Nachlass / text-genetic view
Text-genetic map of the
Philosophical Investigation I
Herbert Hrachovec :
Alfred SCHMIDT: Wittgenstein’s Nachlass catalogue – some suggestions, 24.07.2012
The philosophical Nachlass / text-genetic view
Alfred SCHMIDT: Wittgenstein’s Nachlass catalogue – some suggestions, 24.07.2012
The philosophical Nachlass / summery / 3 access points
List of items
MS 101
MS 102
MS 103
TS 201
Textgenetic map
(analytic description
of each item)
Item MS 101
Full text
Alfred SCHMIDT: Wittgenstein’s Nachlass catalogue – some suggestions, 24.07.2012
The philosophical Nachlass / metadata
Physical item / Von
Wright Nr.
Original titel (by L.W.)
MS 105
I. Band Philosophische Bemerkungen
[incl. part 3 of II. Band ]
Common title
Place of origin
Dates in document
Date from
Date to
Physical description
2.2.29; 4.2.29; 5.2.29; 6.2.29
Manuscript by L.W.
hardback writing book, 25,2 x 20,2 cm,
Band I on the recto pages (+ 2,4, verso);
Band II / part 3 on the verso pages beginning with page 6
(=continuation of Band II ( MS 106)).
Some remarks verso encoded.
Owning Institution /
Numerical code
Date of purchase
Austrian National Library/ Department of Manuscripts and
Rare Book
Cod. ser. n. 22.018
Thomas Stonborough
Alfred SCHMIDT: Wittgenstein’s Nachlass catalogue – some suggestions, 24.07.2012
Thank you!
Dr. Alfred SCHMIDT
Österreichische Nationalbibliothek /
A-1015 Wien , Josefsplatz 1
Tel: +43 1 53410 / 205
Fax: +43 1 53 410/ 280
E-Mail: [email protected]