Get free pictures – legally!


Get free pictures – legally!
Get free pictures – legally!
It is not always easy to find pictures on the internet that you can use for free.
Here are some ways:
Most of the pictures on are
really free. But be careful: Those in the gray
box on top are commercial pictures from
The free pictures are below.
If you use a picture, you should always tell
where you got it. So copy the web address
with the picture.
Here is also an info box with each picture.
Make sure to look at the field Lizenz /
Copy the text from this box. If you use the
picture, copy the following text with
Image from,
Public Domain CC0
So, if you later send your gami per
mail, just write this text into your
You can do all this on your tablet PC
using a web browser like Safari or
Google Chrome.
First, enter a search term. For
example “Dover”.
Then click on Bilder / images.
You can now see lots of pictures, but
you don’t know if you are allowed to
use them.
Now click on the cogwheel symbol on
the right.
Choose Advanced Search / Erweiterte
Look for usage rights /
Nutzungsrechte and choose free to
use or share / frei zu nutzen und
weiterzugeben, then click
Now you can only see pictures you are
allowed to use.
Don’t forget to look up the website
with the picture, don’t copy or save it
from the google preview.
Finally, don’t forget to copy the link to
the photo before using it in your gami.
Send the link with your mail.