Erster Prüfungsteil: Hörverstehen – Leseverstehen


Erster Prüfungsteil: Hörverstehen – Leseverstehen
Lösungen zur Zentralen Prüfung am Ende der Klasse 10 – NRW
Mittlerer Schulabschluss
Englisch 2016
r 2016-1
Erster Prüfungsteil: Hörverstehen – Leseverstehen
Hörverstehen Teil 1: Racing to help
1. a) … a serious illness.
r Hinweis: “On January 20, 1925, an urgent radio signal went out from
Nome, a small town in Alaska. A local doctor had diagnosed diphtheria, an
extremely catching disease of the throat and lungs.” (Z. 3 – 5)
2. c) … the only plane was far away.
r Hinweis: “However, the only plane in the territory was on a flight to the
lower part of the continent and therefore not available.” (Z. 11–13)
3. c) … send sleighdogs.
r Hinweis: “So it was decided that a Pony Express-style team of
20 dog teams would take the extremely risky route.” (Z. 16 / 17)
4. a) … to everybody’s surprise.
r Hinweis: “Balto was generally not thought of as a particularly good dog
leader. Contrary to expectations, however, Balto fearlessly pushed ahead
into the ice-cold winds.” (Z. 24 – 26)
5. a) (there was) heavy snowfall / no visibility/ no orientation /
(there were) no route points
r Hinweis: “Visibility was near zero due to extremely heavy snowfall.
Kaasen and his dogs had no route points, no orientation at all.” (Z. 28 / 29)
b) (they) nearly fell into a river /(there were) bad winds /
the sleigh and dogs were lifted off the ground
r Hinweis: “But Balto was able to keep the team safely on the trail and even
stopped them in time before they could fall into certain death in the icy
Topkok river.” (Z. 30 – 32); “At one point, the winds were so bad that they
actually lifted the sleigh AND dogs off the ground …” (Z. 34 / 35)
6. b) … they almost lost the serum.
r Hinweis: “… the serum fell into the snow. Kaasen thought all was lost, but
thankfully he was able to find the serum buried in the ice.” (Z. 35 – 37)
2016-2 r
Englisch 2016 – Mittlerer Schulabschluss
7. c) was invited to New York.
r Hinweis: “To honor his bravery and success, a statue of him was erected
in New York’s Central Park. Balto was the guest of honour.” (Z. 42 – 44)
8. c) … a challenge against time.
r Hinweis: “… something had to be done, and fast.” (Z. 14);
“Without the serum, hundreds of lives in Nome were in danger. So it was
decided that a Pony Express-style team of 20 dog teams would take the
extremely risky route.” (Z. 15 –17);
“… the serum run …” (Z. 19);
“… the great serum race …” (Z. 46)
Hörverstehen Teil 2: Easy money by Gemma Ingram
1. a) … but mixes things up.
r Hinweis: “ ‘Oh, I’ve got it now,’ said Gran. ‘ This button is “play”.’
‘No, that’s “stop”,’ said Stephanie.” (Z. 3 / 4);
“… ‘Gran loves new gadgets, but she can’t work them! …’ ” (Z. 6 / 7)
2. b) … is enjoying an “old” TV broadcast.
r Hinweis: “She found her happily watching a film from the day before.
‘Did you record that, Gran?’ ” (Z. 9 / 10)
3. a) … and questions the stranger’s honesty.
r Hinweis: “She thought, ‘Who is this man? Why does he want to help an
old lady who lives all alone?’ ” (Z. 14 / 15); “ ‘I’m worried,’ she told Simon.
‘Gran doesn’t know this man. Maybe he’ll try to take advantage of her.’ ”
(Z. 20 / 21)
4. b) … makes a decision.
r Hinweis: ‘‘ ‘I’m going to find out.’ ” (Z. 23)
5. a) the stranger gives granny flowers / granny gives the stranger money/
granny has promised the stranger a present
r Hinweis: “ ‘Do you like the flowers my young man gave me? …’ ” (Z. 25);
“ ‘ You don’t give him money, Gran, do you?’ ‘Oh, just a few pence for programming the TV. I promised him a present if he gets his hair cut …’ ”
(Z. 27– 29)
Englisch 2016 – Mittlerer Schulabschluss
r 2016-3
b) the stranger wants a car / tulips are missing (from the garden next door)
r Hinweis: “ ‘… He wants a car, but I don’t know if they’re expensive.’ ”
(Z. 29); “As she left the house, Stephanie saw there were tulips in the garden
next door. Some were missing.” (Z. 32 / 33)
6. the stranger is a child / the stranger is only seven years old /
the stranger is the neighbour’s child / the car is a toy
r Hinweis: “In the living room, in front of the TV, was a young man in
jeans … Stephanie decided he must be seven years old.” (Z. 41– 43);
“ ‘He lives with his dad,’ explained Gran. ‘I look after him while his dad is decorating the house.’ ” (Z. 48 / 49);
“Daniel took a red car from his pocket. ‘So you bought the car,’ said
Stephanie, laughing. ‘Yes. It only cost 50p at the market …’ ” (Z. 50 – 52)
7. b) … granny earned money and got cheap help.
r Hinweis: “ ‘… his dad pays me two pounds an hour to look after him. Easy
money!’ ” (Z. 52 / 53); “ ‘My young man will help me.’ ” (Z. 16 / 17)
Leseverstehen: Harriet Tubman – Secret Agent
1. b) … guided runaway slaves to liberty.
“… people who helped runaway slaves to get to freedom …”
r Hinweis: Z. 4 / 5
2. true
“Despite a reward on her head, she returned to the South …”/
“… Harriet and her passengers had many close calls.”
r Hinweis: Z. 7–11
3. a) … was a creative thinker.
“She did what she could to trick people.”/
“Harriet often took slaves away on a Saturday night.”/
“Sometimes she poured pepper on the trail to confuse the dogs …”/
“Sometimes she didn’t head north right away.”
r Hinweis: Z. 12 –19
4. true
“… the pistol on her belt … was also a symbol to instruct slaves, making it
clear that ‘dead Negroes tell no tales’.”
r Hinweis: Z. 21– 23
2016-4 r
Englisch 2016 – Mittlerer Schulabschluss
5. false
“… she did her fair share of those jobs.”/
“… she nursed the sick and wounded.”
r Hinweis: Z. 26 – 28
6. b) … because she did not raise any suspicion.
“Tubman was a short woman without special features who moved
unnoticed through rebel territory.”
r Hinweis: Z. 29 – 31
7. true
“… Harriet continued to help blacks create new lives in freedom.”
r Hinweis: Z. 35
8. a) … thanks to a profitable deal.
“… Bradford shared the money she made from it with Harriet.”
r Hinweis: Z. 43 / 44
9. b) … the cause of Harriet Tubman’s death.
“She died in 1913 from pneumonia.”
r Hinweis: Z. 49
Zweiter Prüfungsteil: Wortschatz – Schreiben
This could happen to you
Wortschatz: CyberSafety 101: Tactics for teens and young adults
1. spend / waste / lose /…
2. a)
… trust …
3. check / inform yourself about / look up /…
4. a)
… an increased …
5. use / choose / access /…
6. communicating / communication / staying in touch / chatting /
socializing / connecting /…

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