Gesamtverzeichnis von Publikationen und Vorträgen


Gesamtverzeichnis von Publikationen und Vorträgen
April 3, 2009
Cieslik, T.; Felsen, David; Kalaitzidis, Akis (2009): Immigration – A Documentary and Reference
Guide, Praeger-Greenwood (Westport, CT).
Cieslik, T. (2001) Wiedervereinigungen während und nach der Ost-West-Blockkonfrontation.
Ursachen der Teilung – Grundlagen der (fehlenden) Einheit. Untersucht an den Fallbeispielen Vietnam,
Jemen, Deutschland, China und Korea. [Reunifications during and after the East-West-Conflict.
Reasons for divisions – conditions of the (missing) unity. The cases of Vietnam, Yemen, Germany,
China and Korea], (Marburg: Tectum).
García Gossio, Ma. Ileana; Cieslik, T. (eds.) (2006): Los nuevos escenarios de la migración: Causas,
Condiciones, Consecuencias [The new scenarios of migration: causes, conditions, consequences],
(Mexico-City: Colección de la Fundación Heinrich Böll, Vol. 20).
Cieslik, T. (2009): The American Dream – Job migration from Latin America into the United
States. Liberal approaches for a sustainable migration regime (Potsdam: Liberal Institute, Friedrich
Naumann Stiftung für die Freiheit) (forthcoming).
Cieslik, T. (2007): Beyond the wall: Perspectives and Proposals on Migration (Mexico-City:
Fundación Friedrich Naumann).
Cieslik, T.; Cansino, Cesar; Klein, Harald (Co-coordinators) (2005): Dossier „La Europa Incierta:
De la Reunificación Alemana al proyecto de ampliación” [Unsecure Europe: From the German
reunification to the enlargement project], Metapolítica, Special Edition, Vol. 9, No. 43
Cieslik, T. (ed.): (2004) La Globalización: Retos y Oportunidades para México. Los tres mejores
trabajos del concurso de ensayo realizado por la Fundación Friedrich Naumann y el Centro de
Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE) [The globalization: Challenges and Opportunities for
Mexico. The three best works of an essay competition organized by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation
and the Center of Economic Research and Teaching (CIDE)], (Mexico-City: Fundación Friedrich
Cieslik, T. (2009) Mexico: Between skepticism, hope and disillusion, in: Matthias Maas (ed.): The
World Views of the US Presidential Election, (New York: Palgrave) (forthcoming).
Cieslik, T. (2009) The role of Greater China in Latin America, in: Sujian Guo & Baogang Guo
(eds.): Greater China in an Era of Globalization, (Lanham (MD): Lexington Books Rowman &
Littlefield Publishers) (forthcoming).
Cieslik, T. (2008) Mexican Immigration, in: George T. Kurian (Ed.): International Encyclopedia of
Political Science, (Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, American Political Science Association),
Cieslik, T. (2008) Liberal Parties, in: George T. Kurian (Ed.): International Encyclopedia of Political
Science, (Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, American Political Science Association), (forthcoming).
Cieslik, T. (2008) ¿Es el estado europeo de bienestar un modelo para México? La inclusión social
como elemento de la política exterior de la Unión Europea [Is the European Welfare State a pattern
for Mexico? The social inclusion as an element of the foreign policy of the European Union], in:
Roberto Pena (ed.): México-Unión Europea. Asociación estratégica para la gobernabilidad y la
inclusión social, UNAM, (Mexico-City: Plaza y Valdés), p. 59-87.
Cieslik, T. (2008) El proyecto de una asociación estratégica y la falta de políticas concretas. Una
reflexion sobre las relaciones entre México, América Latina y la Unión Europea [The Project of a
strategic association and the missing of concrete politics. Reflections about the relations between
Mexico, Latin America and the European Union], in: Huacuja Acevedo, Luis Antonio: Relación
México-Unión Europea. IV Reunion Parlamentaria Mixta. (Mexico-City: UNAM), p. 29-34,
Cieslik, T. (2007) Liberalismo, in: Martín, Nuria González (compiladora): Grandes Temas para un
observatorio electoral ciudadano, Democracia: retos y fundamentos [Great Themes for a citizen
electoral observatory, Democracy: challenges and fundaments], Vol. 1 (Mexico-City: Instituto Electoral
del Distrito Federal), p. 453-468.
Cieslik, T. (2007) The Future of the Strategic Association, in: Joaquín Roy and Roberto Dominguez
(eds.): After Vienna: Dimensions of the Relationship between the European Union and the Latin
America-Caribbean Region, (Miami: Jean Monnet Chair, University of Miami), p. 51-62.
Cieslik, T. (2006) Las fuerzas armadas contra los inmigrantes. ¿Cómo aseguran sus fronteras los
Estados Unidos, la Unión Europea y Australia? [Military against Migrants: How do the United States,
the European Union and Australia secure their borders], in: García Gossio, Ma. Ileana (Ed.): Los
nuevos escenarios de la migración: Causas, Condiciones, Consecuencias [The new scenarios of
migration: causes, conditions, consequence], (Mexico-City: Colección de la Fundación Heinrich Böll,
Vol. 20) p. 130-150.
Cieslik, T. (2005) Cinco años después: una balanza modesta. La dimensión política del Acuerdo
Global entre México y la Unión Europea [Five years later: a modest balance. The political dimension of
the Global Agreement between Mexico and the European Union], in: Piñón Antillón, Rosa Maria
(Coord.): El Acuerdo Global entre México y la Unión Europea: Balance y Perspectivas [The Global
Agreement between Mexico and the European Union: Balance and perspectivas], (Mexico-City: ECSA
Mexico, Proyecto Jean Monnet, Comisión Europea, Fundación Friedrich Ebert y UNAM), p. 121-138.
Cieslik, T. (2005) El problemático articulo 33 de la constitución mexicana. La participación
ciudadana de los extranjeros en los tiempos de la globalización [The problematic article 33 of the
Mexican constitution. The civic participation of foreigners in the time of the globalization], in:
Mihailovic, Dejan; Gonzalez Martinez, Marina (Coord.): Pulsos de la Modernidad. Diálogos sobre la
democracia actual [Pulses of Modernity. Dialogues about the actual democracy], (Mexico-City: Plaza y
Valdés), p. 141-160.
Cieslik, T. (2005) The US-American position on the German reunification, in: Adam, Thomas
(Ed.): Germany and the Americas. Culture, Politics, and History, Vol. 2 (Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio), p.
Cieslik, T. (2003) Aspekte der südkoreanisch-mexikanischen Beziehungen [Aspects of South
Korean and Mexican Relations], in: Patrick Köllner (Ed.): Korea 2003 – Politik, Wirtschaft,
Gesellschaft, (Hamburg: Institute for Asian Affairs Hamburg), p. 138-154.
Cieslik, T. (2002) Mit der Maus nach Pyongyang. Nordkorea im Netz [With the Mouse to
Pyongyang. North Korea in the World Wide Web], in: Patrick Köllner (Ed.): Korea 2002 – Politik,
Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft, Hamburg: Institute for Asian Affairs Hamburg), p. 232-241.
Cieslik, T. (2002) Das verlorene Individuum? Menschenrechte im ostasiatisch-konfuzianischen Raum
[The lost individual? Human Rights in East Asia and in the Confucian Region], in: Friedrich-NaumannFoundation (Ed.): Menschenrechte, Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Demokratie heute [Human rights,
constitutional state and democracy today], (St. Augustin: Comdok), p. 38-47.
Cieslik, T. (2002) Vom Schiessbudenteam zum WM-Gastgeber. Ein Streifzug durch die Geschichte
der koreanischen Fussballnationalmannschaften [From a Shooting-Gallery-Team to the World CupHost. An incursion through the history of both Korean Soccer Teams], in: Evangelisches Missionswerk
in Deutschland (Ed.): Korea & Japan. Der schwierige Weg der Versöhnung [The difficult way of
reconciliation], (Hamburg: Weltmission heute Nr. 42), p. 101-106.
Cieslik, T. (2002) Lernen von anderen Beispielen? Wiedervereinigungsprobleme in vergleichender
Perspektive [Learning from other examples? Problems of reunification in a comparative perspective],
in: Patrick Köllner (Ed.): Sozialwissenschaftliche Koreaforschung in Deutschland, Aktuelle
Forschungsthemen, Personen und Publikationen [Social Scientific Korean Investigation in Germany],
(Hamburg: Mitteilungen des Instituts für Asienkunde Nr. 354), p. 223-240.
Cieslik, T. (2000) Nichts aus der Geschichte gelernt? Die deutsche Frage im 21. Jahrhundert: Jenseits
von Instrumentalisierung, Wegschauen und „Weiter So“ [Nothing learnt from history? The German
question in the 21st century: Beyond instrumentality, looking away and “going on”], in: Dettling, Daniel
(Ed.): Deutschland ruckt – Die junge Republik zwischen Berlin, Brüssel und Budapest [Germany
moves – The young republic between Berlin, Brussels and Budapest], (Frankfurt/M.: POD-Verlag), p.
61-66, 203.
Cieslik, T. (1999) Die Moralkeule als Ruhekissen. Von den Widersprüchlichkeiten eines linken
Geschichtsverständnisses [The club of morality as a cushion of calm. About the paradoxim in the leftcentered understanding of history], in: Stiftung für die Rechte zukünftiger Generationen (Ed.): Was
bleibt von der Vergangenheit? Die junge Generation im Dialog über den Holocaust [What stays from
the past? The young generation in a dialogue about the holocaust]. With an article of the German
president Roman Herzog, (Berlin: Chr.Links), p. 68-73, 268-269.
Cieslik, T. (2008) Eine Mauer gegen mexikanische Migranten [A wall against Mexican migrants],
in: Liberal-Vierteljahreshefte für Politik und Kultur, Vol. 50, No. 1 (February), p. 46-52.
Cieslik, T. (2007) Los mexicanos, la migración y el muro. El debate sobre la inmigración entre
México y los Estados Unidos [The Mexicans, the migration and the wall. The debate about
immigration between Mexico and the United States], in: revista perspectiva (Instituto de Ciencia
Política de Colombia), No. 14 (August), p. 57-59.
Cieslik, T. (2007) Mexikos künftige Energiepolitik nach den Präsidentschaftswahlen 2006:
Zwischen Privatisierungswillen und politischem Widerstand [The future Mexican energy politics:
Between privatization and political resistance], in: Lateinamerika-Analysen, German Institute of Global
and Aera Studies, Institute of Latin American Studies, Hamburg, No.16, p. 149-168,
Cieslik, T. (2007) Presseunfreiheit in Mexiko: In keinem anderen Land ausser dem Irak werden
mehr Journalisten ermordet [Non Press Freedom in Mexico: In no other country except Iraq more
journalists are killed], in: Liberal-Vierteljahreshefte für Politik und Kultur, Vol. 49, No. 1 (Feburary), p.
Cieslik, T. (2006) Von den Sechs-Parteien-Verhandlungen zu einer ostasiatischen “OSZE”? [From
the Six-Parties-Talk to an East Asian OSCE?], in: Friedenswarte - Journal of International Peace and
Organization, Vol. 81, No. 3-4, p. 81-99.
Cieslik, T. (2006) Linkspopulismus in Lateinamerika [Left populism in Latin America], in: LiberalVierteljahreshefte für Politik und Kultur, Vol. 48, No. 2 (June), p. 47-50.
Cieslik, T. (2005) La agenda política después de la ampliación [The political agenda after the
enlargement], in: Metapolítica, Special edition, „La Europa Incierta: De la Reunificación Alemana al
proyecto de ampliación” [Unsecure Europe: From the German reunification to the enlargement project],
Vol. 9, No. 43 (September/October), p. 75-81.
Cieslik, T. (2004) China sucht nach mehr Einfluss in Lateinamerika – Taiwan kämpft um die
Aufrechterhaltung seiner diplomatischen Anerkennung [China looks for more influence in Latin
America – Taiwan struggles for keeping its diplomatic recognition], in: China aktuell (Institute for
Asian Affairs Hamburg), October, p. 1115-1120.
Cieslik, T. (2003) Im Parteienwettbewerb untergegangen. Kein Erfolg für die
neugegründete Liberale Partei Mexikos bei den Kongresswahlen [Gone down in parties´ competition.
No success for the new founded Liberal Mexican Party at Congress election], in: LiberalVierteljahreshefte für Politik und Kultur, Vol. 54, No. 3 (September), p. 63-65.
Cieslik, T. (2003) Wie aus einem Wunsch- ein Albtraum wurde. Jemens Wiedervereinigung in
vergleichender Perspektive [How a dream has become a nightmare: The reunification of Yemen in a
comparative perspective], in: Jemen-Report, Vol. 34, No. 1, p.23-26.
Cieslik, T. (2001) Wiedervereinigungsprozesse als globales Phänomen. Ein theoretischer Überblick
über Teilungen und Einigungen [Processes of Reunification as a global phenomenon. An overview
about divisions and unifications], in: Koreaforum, Vol. 11, No. 1, p. 5-7.
Cieslik, T. (1999) Eine Bilanz der deutschen Wiedervereinigung. 10 Jahre nach dem Fall der
Berliner Mauer [A balance of the German reunification. Ten years after the fall of the Berlin Wall], in:
IKUP (Institute of Korea Unification and Postunification Seoul), No. 1 (10), p. 68-73 (in Korean: p. 7479).
Cieslik, T. (2008) La educación política y cívica. El modelo alemán y su experiencia en el mundo
[The political and civil education. The German pattern and its experiences in the World], in: Instituto
Electoral del Distrito Federal (ed.): Democracia y construcción de ciudadanía [Democracy and the
construction of citizenship], Mexico-City, p. 293-305.
Cieslik, T. (2007) La libertad, la cohesión social y los Derechos Humanos en México [Liberty,
social cohesion and Human Rights in Mexico], in: Programa de Cooperación sobre derechos humanos,
México – Comisión Europea (ed.): Dialogo entre el gobierno y la sociedad civil para la construcción de
una agenda sobre derechos humanos [Dialogue between the government and the civil society for the
construction of an agenda about human rights] (Mexico-City: Programa de Cooperación sobre
derechos humanos, México – Comisión Europea, Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores de México), p.
45-55. Vol. 12, Internet:,,%20la%20cohesion%20social.pdf.
Cieslik, T. (2005) Wars: Between rejection and political tool. The controversial debate in America
and Europe about wars as a political option in the 21st century, in: Wallin, Charlotte and Silander, David
(Eds.): Democracy and Culture in the Transatlantic World, Third Interdisciplinary Conference, October
2004, (Växjö University (Sweden), Maastricht Center for Transatlantic Studies), p. 69-86.
Cieslik, T. (2005) High Tech made by North Korea. Communication technology in the Democratic
People’s Republic of Korea and its impact on society, in: BAKS Papers (British Association for Korean
Studies London), Vol. 10, No. 1, p. 43-57.
Cieslik, T. (2005) Die DDR – nur ein Spielball der Sowjetunion? Analyse der internationalen
Beziehungen zwischen Ostberlin und Moskau [The GDR – only a pinball of the Soviet Union? Analysis
of the international relations between East Berlin and Moscow], in: Timmermann, Heiner (Ed.): Die
DDR in Europa – zwischen Isolation and Öffnung [The GDR in Europe – between isolation and
openness], Dokumente und Schriften der Europäischen Akademie Otzenhausen, Vol. 140 (Münster:
LIT-Verlag), p. 100-115.
Cieslik, T. (2004) El fortalecimiento del multilateralismo en una asociación estratégica entre la
Unión Europea y América Latina después de la cumbre de Guadalajara [The fortification of
multilateralism within a strategic association between the European Union and Latin America after the
summit of Guadalajara], in: Asociación Latinoamericana de Ciencia Política (Ed.): II Congreso
Latinoamericano de Ciencia Política: Los desafíos de la gobernanza democrática en América Latina,
Mexico-City, CD-ROM.
Cieslik, T. (2007) La importanica de las organizaciones europeas en México [The importance of
European Organizations in Mexico], in: ideario, Publicación de la Licenciatura en Relaciones
Internacionales del Campus Estado de México, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Vol. 1, No. 2 (AugustOctober), p. 16-17.
Cieslik, T. (2007) La cátedra Theodor Heuss en México. Pensamientos y políticas para la libertad
[The Theodor Heuss professorship. Thoughts and Politics for Liberty], in: ISTOR, Revista de Historia
Internacional (CIDE), Vol. 8, No. 30, p. 199-200.
Cieslik, T. (2007) Wahlkampf global. Mexiko: Die Gespaltenen [Global election campaign. Mexico:
The splitting], politik & kommunikation, No. 48 (July/August), p. 19.
Cieslik, T. (2007) “New wind” for the Mexican budget – Oil: the ally of the government runs off,
liberal matters (Liberal International Magazine, London), March, p. 32.
Cieslik, T. (2006) La crisis de la democracia – retos del parlamentarismo en el siglo XXI [The
crisis of democracy – challenges for parliamentarism in the 21st century], Educreación (Revista
Institucional del Partido Nueva Alianza, Mexico-City), Vol. 2, No. 6 (December), p. 54-59.
Cieslik, T. (2006) El antipresidente de México: ¿folclor o APPO menospreciado? [The Mexican
antipresident: folklore or APPO despised?], in: Deutsche Welle,,2144,2243459,00.html, 20. November.
Cieslik, T. (2006) La Libertad de Prensa es la Base de la Democracia. México necesita una
formación profesional de periodistas y un código de ética [Press Freedom is the fundament of
democracy. Mexico needs a professional formation of journalists and a code of ethics, Educreación
(Revista Institucional del Partido Nueva Alianza, Mexico-City) Vol. 2 (September), p. 56-57.
Cieslik, T. (2006) Liberale positionieren sich gegen den Linkspopulismus [Liberals take position
Stiftung,, 18. April.
Cieslik, T. (2005) Alemania después de Schröder y Merkel: poker por el poder [Germany after
Schröder and Merkel: Poker for power], in: El Financiero, 10 October, p. 67.
Cieslik, T. (2005) Dresde – ¿otra vez la salvación del canciller alemán Gerhard Schröder?
[Dresden – again the salvation of the German Chancellor?], in: Contexto, Columna Semanal del
Cieslik, T. (2005) El fin del proyecto rojo-verde de Schröder [The end of Schröder’s red-green
project], in: El Financiero, 31 May, p. 21.
Cieslik, T. (2003) UE ¿solamente “cacahuates”? Conferencia sobre la Reunificación de Europa:
Nuevos Mercados, nuevos retos, [The EU – only peanuts? Conference about the reunification about
Europe: New markets, new challenges] in: Terra Networks Mexico, Noticias, Concoce más:, 3. December.
Cieslik, T. (2003) Johannes Rau, un presidente en su gira de despedida [Johannes Rau, a president
in his Goodbye-Tour], in: El Financiero, 19. November, p. 54.
Cieslik, T. (2003) Hoffen auf ein besseres Leben: Arbeitsmigranten in Mexiko-City. Ich-AG als
Alternative zur Auswanderung in die USA [To hope for a better life: Labour migration in Mexico. ICorporation as an alternative to emigration into the USA], in: Das Parlament, Vol. 53, No. 37 (8.
September), p. 4 and
Selbsthilfe, Mitbestimmung und Desinteresse [Political processes of decision in Mexico-City. Among
self-help, participation and lack of interest], in: Das Parlament, Vol. 53, No. 37 (8. September), p. 4
Cieslik, T. (2002) El canciller Gerhard Schröder, defensor de un título sin brillo [Chancellor
Gerhard Schröder, a title defender without brightness], in: El Financiero, 30. September, p. 66. Also
published under the title Canciller Gerhard Schröder, denfensor de título [Chancellor Gerhard Schröder,
title defender] in the section “Novedades” in the internet page of the German-Mexican Chamber of
Commerce:, October.
Cieslik, T. (2002) Inundaciones, ¿salvación para Schröder? [The flood, salvation for Schröder?], in:
El Financiero, 3. September, p. 38.
Cieslik, T. (1997) Auf den Spuren des Prager Frühlings [On the traces of the Prague spring], in:
Agora (Magazine of the Catholic University of Eichstätt), Vol. 13, No. 1, p. 23.
Cieslik, T. (2009) Chinese influence on the Korean Peninsula, Scott Snyder (2009): China’s Rise
and the two Koreas. Politics, Economics, Security (Boulder, London: Lynne Rienner), in: Journal of
Chinese Political Science (forthcoming).
Cieslik, T. (2008) China’s new influence in Latin America, Jörg Husar (2008): Chinas Engagement
in Lateinamerika (Saarbrücken: Verlag für Entwicklungspolitik), in: Iberoamericana, Vol. 8, No. 32, p.
Cieslik, T. (2007) El debate sobre el análisis y la asimilación de las enseñanzas del pasado en
Alemania [The debate about coming to terms in Germany], Peter Reichel (2003):
Vergangenheitsbewältigung in Deutschland (Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung), in: ISTOR,
Revista de Historia Internacional (CIDE), Vol. 8, No. 30, p. 172-175.
Cieslik, T. (2007) La cumbre de Guadalajara 2004 [The summit of Guadalajara 2004], Rosa María
Piñón Antillón (coord.) (2004): La Cumbre de Guadalajara 2004: ¿Una Alianza Histórica o una
Asociación Estratégica entre la Unión Europea, América Latina y el Caribe? [A historical alliance or a
strategic association between the European Union, Latin American and the Caribbean?] (Mexico-City:
ECSA México/Fundación Friedrich Ebert), in: Iberoamericana, Vol. 7, No. 25, p. 299-303.
Cieslik, T. (2007) Einwanderer nach Mexiko [Immigrants to Mexico], Silke Nagel (2005): Ausländer
in Mexiko. Die Kolonien der deutschen und US-amerikanischen Einwanderer in der mexikanischen
Hauptstadt 1890-1942 [Foreigners in Mexico. The colonies of German and US-American Immigrants in
the Mexican capital 1890-1942] (Frankfurt a. Main: Vervuert), in: Geschichte-Transnational, H-Soz-Uhttp://geschichte-transnational.clioKult
Berlin),, 12. January.
Cieslik, T. (2007) Learning from the reality, Matthias Groß, Holger Hoffmann-Riem and Wolfgang
Krohn (2005): Realexperimente. Ökologische Gestaltungsprozesse in der Wissensgesellschaft [Realworld experiments. Ecological organization processes in the knowledge society] (Bielefeld: transcript),
in: International Sociology Review of Books, Vol. 22, No. 5 (September), p. 621-623.
Cieslik, T. (2005) Der 9. November 1989 aus mexikanischer Sicht [November 9, 1989, from the
Mexican perspective], Metapolítica, Fuera de Serie 2004: 1989-2004 La caída del Muro. 15 años
después (Mexico-City: Jus, Centro de Estudios de Política Comparada), in: Deutschland-Archiv, Vol.
38, No. 6, p. 1106-1108.
Cieslik, T. (2005) Zwischen Tequila und Transformation [Between Tequila and transformation],
Walther L. Bernecker et. al (Eds.) (2004): Mexiko heute. Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur [Mexico today.
Politics, Economy, Culture], 3rd edition, (Frankfurt am Main: Vervuert) in: H-Soz-U-Kult (Humboldt
University Berlin),
Cieslik, T. (2004) Wissenschaftliche Streitfragen und pointierte Stellungnahmen [Cientific debates
and pointed comments], Hans-Ulrich Wehler (2003): Konflikte zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts
[Conflicts in the beginning of the 21st century], (München: Beck) in:, 13. July.
Cieslik, T. (2004) Drei Grossmächte zwischen Konfrontation und Kooperation [Three powers
between confrontation and cooperation], Manfred P. Emmes (2000): Die Auβenpolitiken der USA,
Japans und Deutschlands im wechselseitigen Einfluβ von der Mitte des 19. bis Ende des 20.
Jahrhunderts [The Foreign Politics of the USA, Japan, and Germany in the mutual influence from the
midst of the 19th to the end of the 20th century], (Münster: LIT-Verlag) in:, 5.
Cieslik, T. (2004) Vom Versuch, die „neue“ Demokratie zu definieren [The attempt to define the
„new“ democracy], Ralf Dahrendorf (2003): Die Krisen der Demokratie [The crisis of democracy],
(München: Beck) in:, 4. March.
Cieslik, T. (2004) Der erste deutsche Friedensnobelpreisträger [The first German who was awarded
with the Peace Nobel Price], Eberhard Kolb (2003): Gustav Stresemann, (München: Beck) in:, 19. February.
Cieslik, T. (2003) Wie ein Bauernsohn China zur Weltmacht formte [How a farmer’s son formed
China to become a world power], Jonathan D. Spence (2003): Mao, (München: Claassen) in:, 23. October.
Cieslik, T. (2003) In langsamen Schritten zur Demokratie [In slow steps towards democracy],
Wolfgang Merkel (2003): Demokratie in Asien. Ein Kontinent zwischen Diktatur und Demokratie
[Democracy in Asia, A continent between dictatorship and democracy], (Bonn: Dietz) in:, 26. June.
Cieslik, T. (2008) Wolfgang Gerhardt: Libertad y Equidad [Freedom and Fairness], Spanish edition
of “Freiheit und Fairness” (Mexico-City: Friedrich Naumann Foundation).
Cieslik, T. (2007) Raúl Abreu Lastra, David Calderón Martín del Campo: Índice Compuesto de
Eficacia de los Sistemas Escolares 2007 [Compound Index of the Efficiency of the Scholar System
2007] (Mexico-City: Friedrich Naumann Foundation, Fundación Idea, Mexicanos Primero).
Cieslik, T. (2007) Juan Carlos Zentella Gómez, Abigail Rolón, Alfredo Sánchez Flores: Cómo
gobernar las zonas metropolitanas de México. Los desafíos y las soluciones para las zonas
metropolitanas de México en 2020 [How to govern metropolitan areas in Mexico: Challenges and
solutions for metropolitan areas in Mexico in 2020], (Mexico-City: Friedrich Naumann Foundation and
Metrópoli 2025).
Cieslik, T. (2007) Demian Sanchez: La educación básica en México: Diagnostico, Recomendaciones
y Clasificación Estatal [Basic Education in Mexico: Diagnosis, Recommendations and Classification
of the states], (Mexico-City: Friedrich Naumann Foundation and Fundación idea (Implementación,
Diseño, Evaluación y Análisis de Políticas Públicas)).
Cieslik, T. (2006) Arturo Damm Arnal: ¿Cómo vencer los obstáculos hacia un mundo globalizado,
sin fronteras? El argumento moral a favor de la Globalización [How to overcome the obstacles
toward a globalized world without frontiers. The moral argument in favor of the globalization],
(Mexico-City: Friedrich Naumann Foundation and Asociación Mexicana de Estudios Internacionales).
Cieslik, T. (2006) Guillermo Zepeda Lecuona: Los retos de la eficacia y la eficiencia en la seguridad
ciudadana y la justicia penal en México [The challenges of efficiency and effectiveness in the
security of the citizens and the penal justice in Mexico], (Mexico-City: Friedrich Naumann Foundation
and CIDAC (Centro de Investigación para el Desarrollo)).
Cieslik, T. (February 2009): The Role of Greater China in Latin America, 50th Annual International
Studies Association Convention, New York City.
Cieslik, T. (February 2009): The Renaissance of Geopolitics: New Global Conflicts, New Global
Orders, 50th Annual International Studies Association Convention, New York City.
Cieslik, T. (January 2009): Organization and Moderation: Dr. Josef Braml (German Council on Foreign
Affairs): Die US-Außenpolitik der Obama-Administration: Neubeginn oder Kontinuität? Deutsch
Atlantische Gesellschaft, Youth Atlantic Treaty Association, University of Würzburg.
Cieslik, T. (January 2009): Der Ausgang der Wahlen in den USA und die Folgen für die
internationale Politik [The results of the U.S. elections and their impact on international politics],
Wintervortragsreihe des Universitätsbundes Würzburg, Bronnbacher Gespräche, Kloster Bronnbach.
Same Talk at Volkshochschule Marktheidenfeld, Volkshochschule Karlstadt and Hauptschule für
Landkreisgemeinden Rimpar and Estenfeld.
Cieslik, T. (January 2009): Herausforderungen der deutschen Außenpolitik im Wahljahr 2009
[Challenges to the German Foreign Policy in the Election Year 2009], KDStV Guelfia, KDStV
Thuringia, Würzburger Cartellverbindungen, Würzburg.
Cieslik, T. (December 2008): Der Ausgang der Wahlen in den USA und die Folgen für die
internationale Politik [The results of the U.S. elections and their impact on international politics],
Wintervortragsreihe des Universitätsbundes Würzburg, Bad Kissingen.
Cieslik, T. (July 2008): The Bolivarian Revolution: The Construction of Conflicts in Latin
America, WISC Second Global International Studies Conference, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia).
Cieslik, T. (July 2008): Migration from Latin America to the United States in the shadow of the
U.S. presidential elections, WISC Second Global International Studies Conference, University of
Ljubljana (Slovenia).
Cieslik, T. (June 2008): Moderation: Lateinamerikaner in Deutschland und Europa [Latin
Americans in Germany and Europe], Symposium „Deutsche Migration nach Lateinamerika –
Lateinamerikanische Migration nach Europa und Deutschland“ [German Migration towards Latin
America – Latin American Migration towards Europe and Germany], University of Rostock.
Cieslik, T. (March 2008): Discussant: Round Table: European and North American Perspectives
on Immigration, 89th Annual Meeting, Southwestern Political Science Association, Las Vegas
Cieslik, T. (March 2008): Organization, Moderation and Discussant: La Libertad de Transito: Retos
de la transmigración en América [The Freedom of Transit: Challenges of transmigration in America],
Friedrich Naumann Stiftung für die Freiheit, Atlas Economic Research Foundation, Universidad
Autonoma Benito Juarez, Oaxaca (Mexico).
Cieslik, T. (February 2008): Los retos del liberalismo [The challenges of liberalism], Foro nacional de
vinculación, Nueva Alianza, Mexico-City.
Cieslik, T. (January 2008): Discussant: Cruzando el Muro: Soluciones de Mercado para el conflicto
migratorio México – EE.UU. [Crossing the wall: Market solutions for the migration conflict between
Mexico and the United States], Hispanic American Center for Economic Research, The Vernon K.
Krieble Foundation, Atlas Economic Research Foundation, Friedrich Naumann Stiftung für die
Freiheit, Mexico-City.
Cieslik, T. (November 2007): Los desafíos del liberalismo contemporáneo [The challenges of
contemporary liberalism], Nueva Alianza Jalisco, Universidad de Guadalajara.
Cieslik, T. (October 2007): La educación política y cívica. El modelo alemán y su experiencia en el
mundo [The political and civil education. The German pattern and its experiences in the World], Foro
Democracia y construcción de ciudadanía [Democracy and the construction of citizenship], Instituto
Electoral del Distrito Federal, Mexico-City.
Cieslik, T. (October 2007): Discussant: After Viena: Dimension of the Relationship between the
European Union and the Latin American-Caribbean Region, XXI Congreso Anual de la Asociación
Mexicana de Estudios Internacionales (AMEI), Puerto Vallarta (Mexico).
Cieslik, T. (October 2007): TAFTA: un acercamiento para fortalecer las relaciones entre la UE,
Estados Unidos y México [TAFTA: an approach to strengthen the relations between the EU, United
Status and Mexico], XXI Congreso Anual de la Asociación Mexicana de Estudios Internacionales
(AMEI), Puerto Vallarta (Mexico).
Cieslik, T. (August 2007) Co-organization and Moderation: Presentation of the Theodor HeussProfessorship: Prof. Dr. Joachim Scholtyseck (University Bonn) and the journal ISTOR, CIDE, ITAM,
Friedrich Naumann Foundation, Mexico-City.
Cieslik, T. (July 2007) El concepto liberal de la educación [The liberal concept of education], Partido
Nueva Alianza, Oaxaca (Mexico).
Cieslik, T. (June 2007) Ein Jahr nach den Präsidentschaftswahlen: Mexiko zwischen Drogenkrieg
und Demokratie – eine erste Zwischenbilanz [One year after the Presidential elections: Mexico
between the war on drugs and democracy – a first balance], Department for Political Science,
University of Rostock.
Cieslik, T. (June 2007) Reconsidering transatlantic partnership as a tool for international stability.
The Mexican perspective. International Seminar: Toward a New Transatlantic Space? Changing
Perceptions of Identity, Belonging, and Space in the Atlantic World, German Historical Institute
Washington D.C.; American Studies Institute, University of Leipzig.
Cieslik, T. (April 2007) Co-organization and Moderation: Liberal International Executive
Committee Meeting: Migration: A challenge for the 21st century. Liberal responses and actions to
migration, Liberal International, Friedrich Naumann Foundation, Red Liberal para America Latina
(Relial), Partido Nueva Alianza, Cancun (Mexico).
Cieslik, T. (March 2007) La Unión Europea y América Latina: los alcances de la cooperación [The
European Union and Latin America: the scope of the cooperation], IV Encuentro Interuniversitario de
Estudios Europeos, Commemoration of 50 years of the Treaties of Rome, Centro de Estudios Europeos,
UNAM, Mexico-City.
Cieslik, T. (March 2007) Organization, Moderation and Discussant: International Conference:
Perspectives and Proposals on Migration, Friedrich Naumann Foundation, Atlas Economic Research
Foundation, Alliant International University, San Diego, California.
Cieslik, T. (March 2007) The Business of Illegal Migration: Border Policy and Human
Trafficking, 48th Annual International Studies Association Convention, Chicago.
Cieslik, T. (March 2007) New Integration Models in Europe and Latin America, 48th Annual
International Studies Association Convention, Chicago.
Cieslik, T. (March 2007) Failing States and Populism in Latin America, 48th Annual International
Studies Association Convention, Chicago.
Cieslik, T. (February 2007) El liberalismo en el mundo y la política social-liberal [Liberalism in the
World and social-liberal policy] Colloquium “La nueva izquierda” [The new left], Senado de la
República, Mexico-City.
Cieslik, T. (December 2006) Discussant: Derechos Humanos, gobernabilidad democrática y
cohesión social [Human Rights, democratic governance and social cohesion], International Seminar:
Diálogo entre el Gobierno y la Sociedad Civil para la construcción de una agenda sobre derechos
humanos, Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores, Geneva for Human Rights, Programa de Cooperación
sobre derechos humanos, México – Comisión Europea, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Mexico-City.
Cieslik, T. (November 2006) Moderation: ¿Cómo vencer los obstáculos hacia un mundo globalizado
sin fronteras? [How to overcome the obstacles toward a globalized world without borders?] XX
Congreso Anual de la Asociación Mexicana de Estudios Internacionales (AMEI), Tecnológico de
Monterrey (ITESM), Monterrey (Mexico).
Cieslik, T. (November 2006) El impacto de la globalización a China [The impact of globalization on
China], XX Congreso Anual de la Asociación Mexicana de Estudios Internacionales (AMEI),
Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM), Monterrey (Mexico).
Cieslik, T. (October 2006) Los retos de la Unión Europea antes de la presidencia alemana en 2007
[The challenges of the European Union before the German presidency in 2007], Centro Universitario
de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Universidad de Guadalajara.
Cieslik, T. (July 2006) Die Wahlen in Mexiko. Linkspopulismus oder liberale Demokratie? [The
elections in Mexico. Left populism or liberal democracy], Center for Latin American Studies and
Department for Political Science, Catholic University of Eichstätt.
Cieslik, T. (June 2006) Mauer und Militär gegen Einwanderer. Die Migrationsdebatte in den USA
und Mexiko [Wall and Military against Immigrants. The migration debate in the USA and Mexico],
Institute for Political Science, Westphalian Wilhelm’s University of Münster.
Cieslik, T. (May 2006) Discussant: Workshop: Prospects for US-Mexico-Cuba E-Engagement,
Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, Foreign Affairs en Español, ITAM, Mexico-City.
Cieslik, T. (May 2006) Prevenciones de conflictos en las relaciones internacionales. El caso de Iran
[Conflict prevention in international relations. The case of Iran], Centro de Estudios Geopolíticos en
Energía y Seguridad Nacional, Friedrich Naumann Foundation, Mexico-City.
Cieslik, T. (April 2006) La geopolítica en las relaciones internacionales desde una perspectiva
alemana [Geopolitics in International Relations from the German perspective], II Coloquio “La
Geopolitica en las Relaciones Internacionales y la Diplomacia” Las Potencias Geopolíticas del siglo
XXI, UNAM, Centro de Estudios Geopolíticos en Energía y Seguridad Nacional, Universidad
Internacional, Cuernavaca (Mexico).
Cieslik, T. (March 2006) International Water Regime: New approaches for international security
policy, 47th Annual International Studies Association Convention, San Diego, California.
Cieslik, T. (March 2006) The enhancement of regional Latin American integration in the frame of
the strategic association between the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean, 47th
Annual International Studies Association Convention, San Diego, California.
Cieslik, T. (March 2006) Organization and Moderation: International Seminar: Migration in the 21st
century. American and European perspectives, Friedrich Naumann Foundation, Atlas Economic
Research Foundation, Escuela de Graduados de Administración Pública de Tecnológico de Monterrey,
Monterrey (Mexico).
Cieslik, T. (February 2006) Aspectos geopolíticos del gasoducto ruso-alemán [Geopolitical Aspects
of the Russian-German gas pipeline], Centro de Estudios Geopolíticos en Energía y Seguridad
Nacional, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la UNAM, Mexico-City.
Cieslik, T. (December 2005) Public-Private Partnership in Water Governance, International
Workshop on Water poverty and social crisis. Perspectives for research and action, IRD (Institut de
recherche pour le développement), IDRC (International Development Research Centre), Ford
Foundation, Agadir University (Morocco).
Cieslik, T. (December 2005) Die politische Situation Mexikos vor den Präsidentschaftswahlen
2006: Aufbruch oder Rückschlag im Demokratieprozess? [The political situation in Mexico before
the presidential elections 2006: Departure or Setback in the democratization process?], Institute for
International Relations, Technological University of Dresden.
Cieslik, T. (November 2005) Panelist: ¿Integración regional en América Latina desde una
perspectiva comparada con Europa? [Regional Integration in Latin America from a comparative
perspectiva with Europe], Seminario "El desarrollo sostenible y la competitividad
internacional de México en el marco de la integración social", Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM),
Campus Estado de México.
Cieslik, T. (November 2005) Asia – nuevos poderes, nuevos retos [Asia – new powers, new
challenges], First Seminar about International Relations, Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM), Campus
Santa Fé, Mexico-City.
Cieslik, T. (October 2005) Militarización en contra de los migrantes ¿cómo los Estados Unidos, la
Unión Europea y Australia aseguran sus fronteras? [Militarization against migrants. How do the
US, the EU and Australia secure their borders?], XIX Congreso Anual de la Asociación Mexicana de
Estudios Internacionales (AMEI), Acapulco (Mexico).
Cieslik, T. (October 2005) Regímenes internacionales del agua: Acercamientos en las políticas de
seguridad nacional e internacional [International water regimes: Approaches in national and
international security policy], XIX Congreso Anual de la Asociación Mexicana de Estudios
Internacionales (AMEI), Acapulco (Mexico).
Cieslik, T. (October 2005) La política de Europa del gabinete de la cancillera Angela Merkel [The
European politics of Chancellor Angela Merkel], XIX Congreso Anual de la Asociación Mexicana de
Estudios Internacionales (AMEI), Acapulco (Mexico).
Cieslik, T. (September 2005) Las elecciones anticipadas en Alemania: Balance y Perspectivas [The
early elections in Germany: Balance and perspectivas], Centro de Estudios Europeos de la UNAM,
Cieslik, T. (September 2005) Organization and Moderation: “Primera Jornada sobre Alemania en
México”: La Europa Incierta: De la Reunificación Alemana al Proyecto de Ampliación [The
unsecure Europe: From the German reunification to the enlargement project], with the participation of
the former Minister of Infrastructure, Irmgard Schwaetzer, the Minister of Economy of Lower Saxony,
Walter Hirche, and the Ambassadors of Germany, Hungry, the Netherlands and United Kingdom
among others. Fundación Friedrich Naumann, Metapolítica, Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM),
Campus Estado de México.
Cieslik, T. (September 2005) Panelist: Comments on the results of the German Federal Elections
on September 18, German Embassy and Political Foundations, Centro de Diseño Aleman, MexicoCity.
Cieslik, T. (August 2005) Moderation and Organization: Photo-Exhibition “The Fall of the Berlin
Wall” and Conference: Martina Klumpp (Press-attaché, German Embassy): 15th anniversary of the
German reunification, Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM), Campus Estado de México.
Cieslik, T. (August 2005) Militarization and Migration: new approaches in international security,
WISC First Global International Studies Conference, Bilgi University, Istanbul (Turkey).
Cieslik, T. (June 2005) The relations between Latin America and the European Union, Seminario
sobre el Cumbre 2006 en Viena, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de
Relações Internacionais, Rio de Janeiro.
Cieslik, T. (June 2005) 15 años de la reunificación de Alemania: retrospectiva, perspectivas e
impactos para América Latina [15 years of the German reunification: retrospective, perspectives and
impact on Latin America], Seminario “15 Anos da Re-Unificação da Alemanha: Impactos e
Perspectivas”, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Campus Samambaia (Brasil).
Cieslik, T. (May 2005) ¿Es la ampliación de la Unión Europea una verdadera reunificación? [Is
the enlargement of the European Union a real reunification?] Panel: Amplación europea y Europa del
Este [European enlargement and East Europe], II Encuentro Universitario sobre Estuidos Europeos,
Centro de Estudios Europeos, Casa de las Humanidades de la UNAM, Mexico-City.
Cieslik, T. (May 2005) La dimensión política del Acuerdo Global. Book-Presentation: Piñón
Antillón, Rosa Maria (Coord.): El Acuerdo Global entre México y la Unión Europea: Balance y
Perspectivas [The Global Agreement between Mexico and the European Union: Balance and
perspectivas], (Mexico-City: ECSA Mexico, Proyecto Jean Monnet, Comisión Europea, Fundación
Friedrich Ebert y UNAM), Programa de Estudios sobre la Comunidad Europea, Facultad de Estudios
Superiores Acatlán UNAM, Estado de México.
Cieslik, T. (May 2005) Jury-Panelist: Debate sobre el enfoque político, económico y social para el
desarrollo sostenible en México, Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM), Campus Estado de México.
Cieslik, T. (April 2005) Militarización de las fronteras y los derechos humanos de los migrantes
[Militarization of borders and human rights of immigrants], Chair: Panel Human Rights, Foro
binacional “El Mexico Migrante”, Cámara de Diputados de Estados Unidos Mexicanos, Palacio
Legislativo de San Lázaro, Mexico-City.
Cieslik, T. (April 2005) Book-Presentation: Piñón Antillón, Rosa Maria (Coord.): El Acuerdo
Global entre México y la Unión Europea: Balance y Perspectivas [The Global Agreement between
Mexico and the European Union: Balance and perspectivas], (Mexico-City: ECSA Mexico, Proyecto
Jean Monnet, Comisión Europea, Fundación Friedrich Ebert y UNAM), Tecnológico de Monterrey
(ITESM), Campus Estado de México.
Cieslik, T. (April 2005) Las energías renovables en el mundo – El papel político ¿Una nueva
oportunidad para México? [Renewable energies in the world – the political role. New opportunities
for Mexico?] Programa Sustentable de Ahorro de Recursos: Energías Alternativas, Gobierno del Estado
de México, Secretaría de Ecología, Tlanepantla (Estado de México).
Cieslik, T. (March 2005) Out of the shadow of the USA. New emancipated foreign policy of
Mexico, Germany, and South Korea after the Iraq War 2003, 46th Annual International Studies
Association Convention, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Cieslik, T. (February 2005) Moderation: China e India – los gigantes dormidos [China and India –
the sleeping giants], Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM), Campus Estado de México.
Cieslik, T. (November 2004) El Acuerdo Global entre México y la Unión Europea: Balance y
Perspectivas 2000-2004 [The Global Agreement between Mexico and the European Union: balances
and perspectives 2000-2004], “Las relaciones políticas entre la Unión Europea y México a la luz del
Acuerdo Global: balance y perspectivas” [The political relations between the European Union and
Mexico in the light of the Global Agreement: balances and perspectives], The European Community
Studies Association Mexico, Centro Latinoamericano para las Relaciones con Europea (CELARE,
Chile) and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, UNAM, Mexico-City.
Cieslik, T. (November 2004) Die DDR - nur ein Spielball der Sowjetunion? [The GDR – only a
pinball of the Soviet Union?], International GDR-Congress: „Die DDR in Europa – zwischen Isolation
and Öffnung“ [The GDR in Europe – between isolation and openness], Europa-Akademie Otzenhausen,
Otzenhausen (Saarland, Germany).
Cieslik, T. (October 2004) Wars: Between rejection and tool, the controversial debate in USA and
Europe about wars in the 21st century, 3rd Interdisciplinary Conference: “Democracy and Culture in
the Transatlantic World, Maastricht Center for Transatlantic Studies, Maastricht (The Netherlands).
Cieslik, T. (October 2004) La Evaluación de las relaciones Unión Europea - América Latina [The
evaluation of the relations between the European Union – Latin America], “Seminario de apoyo al 2º
foro de dialogo de la sociedad civil México-Unión Europea”, Centro de Relaciones Internacionales y
Centro de Estudios Europeos, UNAM, Mexico-City.
Cieslik, T. (October 2004) Organisation and Moderation: Migración académica entre la Unión
Europea y México [Academic Migration between the European Union and Mexico], Tecnológico de
Monterrey (ITESM), Campus Estado de México.
Cieslik, T. (October 2004) Transatlantic Relations and European Defense Identity, Conference of
the United Nations (UNCTEC 2004) Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM), Campus Cuernavaca.
Cieslik, T. (October 2004) El fortalecimiento del multilateralismo en una asociación estratégica
entre la Unión Europea y América Latina después de la cumbre de Guadalajara [The fortification
of multilateralism within a strategic association between the European Union and Latin America alter
the summit of Guadalajara], II Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencia Política de la Asociación
Latinoamericana de Ciencia Política, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico-City.
Cieslik, T. (July 2004) La ampliación de la Unión Europea y su política exterior después de la
cumbre de Guadalajara [The enlargement of the European Union and her foreign policy alter the
summit of Guadalajara], Universidad Católica Boliviana, La Paz (Bolivia).
Cieslik, T. (May 2004) Evaluación de las relaciones birregionales [Evaluation of the biregional
relations], Foro académico III Cumbre América Latina y el Caribe – Unión Europea: “Hacia la
consolidación de una asociación estratégica América Latina y el caribe – Unión Europea” [Towards the
consolidation of a strategic association between Latin America, the Caribbean and the European
Union], Centro de Estudios Europeos de la UNAM, ITESO Guadalajara (Mexico).
Cieslik, T. (May 2004) Book-Review: Rosa María Piñón Antillón (Coord.): La Cumbre de
Guadalajara 2004: ¿Una Alianza Histórica o una Asociación Estratégica entre la Unión Europea,
América Latina y el Caribe? [The Summit of Guadalajara: Historical alliance or strategic partnership
between the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean], Facultad de Ciencias Políticas,
UNAM, Mexico-City.
Cieslik, T. (April 2004) Organisation and Moderation: Seminar: “Asia del Este – China, Japón, y
Corea: Retos y perspectivas para México en política y comercio” [East Asia – China, Japan, and
Korea: Challenges and perspectivas for Mexican politics and economy], Escuelas Negocios y Ciencias
Sociales y Humanidades de Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM), Campus Estado de México.
Cieslik, T. (April 2004) New Technology in the Democratic People´s Republic of Korea, Congress
“Korea in the New Millennium: Technology and Science”, British Association for Korean Studies,
British Library, London.
Cieslik, T. (March 2004) Panelist: Second Academic Forum: “La Cumbre de México: Futuro de las
Relaciones entre la Unión Europea y América Latina y el Caribe” [The summit of Mexico: The
future en the relations between the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean], La
Asociación Mexicana de Estudios sobre la Unión Europea and Friedrich Ebert-Foundation, MexicoCity.
Cieslik, T. (March 2004) La transmisión de una cultura política por las fundaciones políticas y
organizaciones alemanas en México [The transfer of political culture of German political foundations
and organisations in Mexico], Colloquium “Transmisión y recepción de la cultura y ciencia alemana
a/en México después de la IIa Guerra Mundial” [Transfer and Reception of German culture and science
from and to Mexico after the Second World War], Colegio de México, Mexico-City.
Cieslik, T. (March 2004) Organisation and Moderation: Prof. Dr. Frank Golczewski (University of
Hamburg): Anti-Semitism and Nationalism in Europe, Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM), Campus
Estado de México.
Cieslik, T. (February 2004) Panelist: El intercambio académico como elemento dinámico de las
relaciones culturales mexicano-alemanas [The academic exchange as a dynamic element of the
cultural Mexican-German relations], Visit of the Culture Commission of the German Parliament in
Mexico, DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), Colegio de México, Mexico-City.
Cieslik, T. (February 2004) The perpetual peace: the necessity of the world citizenship after
September 11, “La perspectiva política de Kant“ [The political perspective of Kant], Escuela de
Ciencia Sociales y Humanidades de Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM), Campus Estado de México.
Cieslik, T. (November 2003) Organisation and Moderation: Seminar: “La Reunificación de Europa”
Nuevos mercados, nuevos retos [The Reunification of Europe. New markets, new challenges],
Euronegocios de la Cámara Mexicano Alemana para el Comercio e Industria and Escuelas Negocios y
Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM), Campus Estado de México.
Cieslik, T. (October 2003) Partnership in the New World Order. Political and Economic Aspects
of the relations between Mexico and South Korea, XVII. Congreso Anual de la Asociación Mexicana
de Estudios Internacionales (AMEI), Huatulco (Oaxaca, Mexico).
Cieslik, T. (September 2003) Mexiko im Transformationsprozess: Halbzeitbilanz nach drei Jahren
Präsidentschaft Vicente Fox [Mexico in transition: Half-time balance after three years presidency of
Vicente Fox], Lecture, organisation and moderation of the Political and Cultural Weekend Seminar:
“Mexico”, Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation, Theodor-Heuss-Academy, Gummersbach (Germany).
Cieslik, T. (May 2003) Panelist: The conflict in Korea: Korean division and perspectives for a
reunification Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM), Campus Estado de México.
Cieslik, T. (March 2003) Book-Review: Chalmers Johnson: Blowback: The Costs and
Consequences of American Empire, Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM), Campus Estado de México.
Cieslik, T. (February 2003) Learning from the mistakes of the reunification process: A new
solidarity-debate in Germany? “Tropes of Unification: Community and Conflict in German Culture,
1848 – Present”, Department of German Studies at Stanford University, Stanford Humanities Centre
Cieslik, T. (November 2002) "Brain-drain" en Alemania: La situación de las ciencias políticas en
Alemania [Brain-drain in Germany: The situation of political science in Germany], II Congreso del
Colegio Nacional de Ciencias Políticas y Administración Publica, Mexico-City.
Cieslik, T. (October 2002) The European Defensive Identity, Conference of the United Nations
(UNCTEC 2002) Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM), Campus Cuernavaca.
Cieslik, T. (October 2002) Organisation and Moderation: Seminar: “Alemania - hacia dónde?”
Después de las elecciones y a doce años de la reunificación [Germany - quo vadis? After the election
and twelve years of the reunification], Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM), Campus Estado de México.
Cieslik, T. (September 2002) September 11, the impact on Germany, „Once de septiembre, un año
después. Evaluación y perspectiva” [September 11, one year later. Evaluation and Perspectives],
Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM), Campus Estado de México.
Cieslik, T. (December 2000) Einführung in Wiedervereinigungsprozesse zwischen
kommunistischen und nicht-kommunistischen Staaten [Introduction in processes of reunifications
between communistic and non-communistic states], Lecture, organisation and moderation of the
Weekend Seminar "Ein Land, zwei Systeme" [One country, two systems], Friedrich-NaumannFoundation, Waldhaus Jakob, Konstanz (Germany).
Cieslik, T. (October 2000) Reunifications during and after the East-West-Conflict, “Processes of
Reunification”, Institute for National Unification, Seoul (South Korea).
Cieslik, T. (October 1999) Die deutsche Einheit als Herausforderung liberaler Politik [The German
Unity as a Challenge for Liberal Politics], Lecture and Organization of the Weekend Seminar "Zehn
Jahre nach dem Fall der Berliner Mauer" [Ten Years after the fall of the Berlin Wall], FriedrichNaumann-Foundation, Wolfgang-Natonek-Academy, Kottenheide (Saxony, Germany).
Cieslik, T. (June 1999) Panelist: The Relations between Europe and Asia, Korean-German
Association for Social Sciences, Ewha Women´ s University, Seoul (South Korea).
Russian Security and Geopolitics (for graduate students) (University of Würzburg)
Der Ost-West-Konflikt: Deutschland im Interessenkonflikt der Großmächte USA und Russland gestern, heute und morgen [The East West Conflict: Germany in the conflict of interests between the
powers USA and Russia – yesterday, today, and tomorrow] in cooperation with the History Forum 2009
in Berlin (for graduate students) (University of Würzburg)
The US-presidential elections and its impact on international politics (for graduate students) (University
of Würzburg)
Energie- und Entwicklungspolitik in Lateinamerika: Integrationsmotor oder Konfliktherd? [Politics of
Energy and Development in Latin America: Engine of Integration or Center of Conflict?] (for graduate
students) (University of Würzburg)
International Migration (University of Würzburg)
The United Nations (University of Würzburg)
Analysis of Foreign Policy I: Europe (University of Würzburg)
Analysis of Foreign Policy II: Nations States out of Europe (University of Würzburg)
EU-Lateinamerikagipfel in Peru [The Summit of the EU and Latin America in Peru] (University of
Die neue Außenpolitik Chinas [The new Chinese foreign policy] (University of Würzburg)
Comparative Foreign Policy (for graduate students) (University of Würzburg)
Introduction into International Relations (University of Würzburg)
Advanced International Relations Theory (for graduate students) (Alliant International University,
Structure and Evolution of the International System (for graduate students) (ITESM)
Análisis de Políticas para el Desarrollo [Analysis of Development Policy] (Graduate School for Public
Administration and Public Policy) (ITESM)
Proyecto de Investigación Aplicada [Project of applied research] (Graduate School for Public
Administration and Public Policy) (ITESM)
The new foreign policy of Europe towards the United States (Maastricht Center for Transatlantic
Perspectives of the contemporary global agenda (ITESM)
Introduction into World History (ITESM)
History of Political Ideas (ITESM)
Theories of International Relations (ITESM)
Development and Society in the World (ITESM)
World Values, Society, and Culture: a global perspective on Modernity (ITESM)
Regional Scenario for Asia-Pacific (ITESM)
Comparative Foreign Politics (ITESM)
Regional Scenarios in the World (ITESM)
Seminar about Regional and Global Scenarios (for students of “International Business Administration”)
Planning and Development of Multinational Companies (for students of “International Business
Administration”) (ITESM)
Multi-National Companies in the Globalization (Universidad Iberoamericana, Campus Santa Fé,

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