Mißfelder, Jan


Mißfelder, Jan
A VIII 6585:35
Schmauder, Andreas;
Mißfelder, Jan-Friedrich;
Südwestdeutscher Arbeitskreis
für Stadtgeschichtsforschung
AK 39580 Caro 2009
Caro, Sarah
How to publish your PhD : a practical guide for the humanities and social
sciences / Sarah Caro
@Zondervan Publishing House Today's parallel Bible, : New International Version, New American Standard
(Grand Rapids, Mich.)
Bible, updated edition King James Version, New Living Translation
BC 2507 Zond 2000
BD 7040 Mame 2006
Mamet, David
BE 2240 Coll 2010
Kaftan, Kreuz und Kopftuch : religiöse Koexistenz im urbanen Raum (15. 20. Jahrhundert) ; 44. Arbeitstagung / [Südwestdeutscher Arbeitskreis für
Stadtgeschichtsforschung]. Hrsg. von Andreas Schmauder und Jan-Friedrich
Wicked son, The : anti-Semitism, self-hatred, and the Jews / David Mamet
Collins-Mayo, Sylvia;
Dandelion, Pink
Religion and youth / ed. by Sylvia Collins-Mayo and Pink Dandelion
BE 2240 Eins 2008
Einstein, Mara
Brands of faith : marketing religion in a commercial age / Mara Einstein
BE 2240 Emer 2011
Emerson, Michael O.;
Mirola, William Andrew;
Monahan, Susanne C.
Religion matters : what sociology teaches us about religion in our world /
Michael O. Emerson, William A. Mirola, Susanne C. Monahan
BE 2240 Janz 1998
BE 2240 Roy 2010
Janz, Denis R.
Roy, Olivier
BE 2250 Joha 2010
BE 2250 Sten 2009
BE 3740 Chak 2010
BE 7300 Cole 2004
BE 8030 Llew 2005
BE 8080 Grew 2009
BE 8530 Cuev 2007
Cole, Susan Guettel
Grewal, J. S.
World Christianity and Marxism / Denis R. Janz
Schäfer, Ursel
Heilige Einfalt : über die politischen Gefahren entwurzelter Religionen /
Olivier Roy. Aus dem Franz. von Ursel Schäfer
Johannsen, Friedrich
Postsäkular? - Religion im Zusammenhang gesellschaftlicher
Transformationsprozesse / Friedrich Johannsen (Hrsg.)
Stencel, Sandra; Pew Forum on Global restrictions on religion
Religion & Public Life
<Washington, DC>
Chakrabarti, Chandana
Politics, pluralism and religion / ed. by Chandana Chakrabarti ...
Landscapes, gender, and ritual space : the ancient Greek experience / Susan
Guettel Cole
Llewellyn, J. E.
Defining Hinduism : a reader / edited by J.E. Llewellyn
Sikhs, The : ideology, institutions, and identity / J.S. Grewal
Cuevas, Bryan J.
Buddhist dead, The : practices, discourses, representations / ed. by Bryan J.
Cuevas ...
BE 8630 Welc 2007
Welchman, Lynn
BE 8660 Abu-L 2006
BE 8660 Baya 2007
BE 8660 Sach 2006
BE 8673 Alag 2006
Abu-Lughod, Lila
Bayat, Asef
Sachedina, Abdulaziz
Alagha, Joseph Elie
BE 8673 Marc 2010
Marcinkowski, Christoph
BE 8690 Sten 2010
BE 9000 Mole 2010
BG 9200 Hann 2010
Women and Muslim family laws in Arab states : a comparative overview of
textual development and advocacy / Lynn Welchman
Local contexts of Islamism in popular media, / Lila Abu-Lughod
Islam and democracy, : what is the real question? / Asef Bayat
Role of Islam in public square, The : guidance or governance? / Abdulaziz
Shifts in Hizbullah's ideology, The : religious ideology, political ideology,
and political program / Joseph Elie Alagha
Shi'ite identities : community and culture in changing social contexts /
Christoph Marcinkowski
Stencel, Sandra; Pew Forum on Tolerance and tension : Islam and Christianity in sub-saharan Africa
Religion & Public Life
<Washington, DC>
Molendijk, Arie L.
Exploring the postsecular : the religious, the political, and the urban / ed. by
Arie L. Molendijk, Justin Beaumont and Christoph Jedan
Hann, Christopher M.; Goltz,
BL 5330 DeBe 2000
DeBerg, Betty A.
CC 7800 Voig 2007
Voigt, Rüdiger
Eastern Christians in anthropological perspective / ed. by Chris Hann and
Hermann Goltz
Ungodly women, : gender and the first wave of American fundamentalism
/ by Betty A. DeBerg
Staat denken, Den : der Leviathan im Zeichen der Krise / Rüdiger Voigt
CI 6388 Butl 2008
Butler, Judith
Gender trouble : feminism and the subversion of identity / Judith Butler
CI 6389 Armo 2006
LB 25015 Raba 2008
Armour, Ellen T.; St. Ville,
Susan M.
LB 31900 Elm 2010
Elm, Ralf
LB 31900 Grah 2006
LB 31900 Ivis 2010
Graham, Stedman
LB 31900 Prep 2007
Preparata, Guido Giacomo
Ivison, Duncan
Bodily citations : religion and Judith Butler / ed. by Ellen T. Armour and
Susan M. St. Ville
Archive des origines, L' : Sanskrit, philologie, anthropologie dans
l'Allemagne du XIXe siècle / Pascale Rabault-Feuerhahn
Grenzlinien : Interkulturalität und Globalisierung: Fragen an die Sozial- und
Geisteswissenschaften / Ralf Elm ... (Hrsg.)
Diversity, : leaders not labels / Stedman Graham
Ashgate research companion to multiculturalism, The / ed. by Duncan
Ideology of tyranny, The : Bataille, Foucault, and the postmodern
corruption of political dissent / Guido Giacomo Preparata
LB 31900 Shin 1998
LB 31900 Terk 2010
LB 31960 Brod 2010
LB 31960 Coll 2010
LB 39000 Bert 1981
LB 40000 Moun 2010
LB 40005 Chri 2001
LB 40005 Imme 2010
LB 40280 Star 2010
LB 40326 Shev 2009
LB 40385 Full 2010
Shinagawa, Larry Hajime;
Jang, Michael
Terkessidis, Mark
Atlas of American diversity / Larry Hajime Shinagawa; Michael Jang
Interkultur / Mark Terkessidis
Rassismus bildet : bildungswissenschaftliche Beiträge zu Normalisierung
und Subjektivierung in der Migrationsgesellschaft / Anne Broden ... (Hg.)
Broden, Anne
Collins, Patricia Hill; Solomons, Sage handbook of race and ethnic studies, The / ed. by Patricia Hill Collins
and John Solomons
Bertaux, Daniel
Biography and society : the life history approach in the social sciences / ed.
by Daniel Bertaux
Mountz, Alison
Seeking asylum : human smuggling and bureaucracy at the border / Alison
Christiansen, Thomas
Social construction of Europe, The / ed. by Thomas Christiansen ...
Immerfall, Stefan; Therborn,
Handbook of European societies : social transformations in the 21st century
/ Stefan Immerfall; Göran Therborn. ed.
Starécevi´c-Srkalovi´c, Lejla
Democratization process in post-Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina and the
role of the European Union, The / Lejla Starécevi´c-Srkalovi´c
Shevchenko, Olga
Fuller, Christopher John
LB 40385 Rao 1992
LB 40385 Taka 1998
LB 40610 Fann 2003
Fannin, Mark
LB 40610 Kosm 2006
Kosmin, Barry Alexander
LB 40610 Reim 2005
Reimers, David M.
LB 40680 Stür 1998
Stürzenhofecker, Gabriele
LB 41625 Cent 2001
LB 42010 Odzi 2010
Odziemczyk, Angelika
Rao, M. S. A.
@I.S.P.C.K. (Organization)
Keysar, Ariela
Crisis and the everyday in postsocialist Moscow / Olga Shevchenko
Everyday state and society in modern India, The / ed. by C.J. Fuller ..
Urban sociology in India, : reader and source book / ed. M.S.A. Rao
Studies on theology and Naga culture, / by Takatemjen
Labor's promised land : radical visions of gender, race, and religion in the
South / Mark Fannin
Religion in a free market, : religious and non-religious Americans / Barry A.
Kosmin and Ariela Keysar
Other immigrants : the global origins of the American people / David M.
Times enmeshed : gender, space, and history among the Duna of Papua
New Guinea / Gabriele Stürzenhofecker
Netzwerkkultur und grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit : eine
kulturtheoretische Analyse in der deutsch-polnisch-tschechischen
Grenzregion / Angelika Joanna Odziemczyk
LB 43800 Bord 2005
LB 43860 Yild 2010
Yildiz, Yalcin
LB 44000 Bauh 2010
Borde, Theda; David, Matthias Kinder und Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund : Lebenswelten,
Gesundheit und Krankheit / Theda Borde, Matthias David (Hrsg.)
Migration - Familie - Alter : Altern und Generationsbeziehungen im
Migrationskontext ; eine Studie über die familialen Lebenswelten,
Sozialisationsprozesse und Handlungsressourcen älterer türkischer Väter in
Deutschland zwischen Tradition und Moderne / Yalcin Yildiz
Bauhardt, Christine; Çaæglar,
Baur, Gabriel
LB 44000 Økla 2004
Økland, Jorunn
LB 44000 Walt 2001
Walter, Bronwen
Gender and economics : feministische Kritik der politischen Ökonomie /
Christine Bauhardt; Gülay Çaæglar (Hrsg.)
Venus boyz : eine filmische Reise durch das Universum weiblicher
Männlichkeit / ein Film von Gabriel Baur
Queer spiritual spaces : sexuality and sacred places / Kath Browne, Sally R.
Munt, Andrew K.T. Yip
Women, religion, & space... : global perspectives on gender and faith / ed.
by Karen M. Morin ...
Negotiating space for gender studies : frameworks and applications ;
[Gender Workshop at International University Bremen (IUB) in February
2004] / Özen Odaég ... (eds.)
Women in their place : Paul and the Corinthian discourse of gender and
sanctuary space / Jorunn Økland
Outsiders inside : whiteness, place, and Irish women / Bronwen Walter
LB 44190 Lerm 2010
Lerman, Anthony; Morre,
Henrietta; Frosh, Stephen
Conversations with Jacqueline Rose / Anthony Lerman, Henriette Moore
and Stephen Frosh ...
LB 44385 Basi 2009
LB 44385 Wart 2006
Basi, J. K. Tina
LB 44385 Wink 2005
Winkelmann, Mareike Jule
LB 44000 Baur 2003
LB 44000 Brow 2009
Browne, Kath
Munt, Sally; Yip, Andrew K. T.
LB 44000 Mori 2007
Morin, Karen M.
LB 44000 Odaég 2005
Odaég, Özen; GW <2004,
Wartmann, Thomas
LB 44400 Blac 2001
Blackburn, Susan
LB 44420 Wich 2010
Wichelen, Sonja van
LB 44610 Lehm 1993
Lehman, Edward C.
Women, identity and India's call centre industry / J. K. Tina Basi
Between the lines : Indiens drittes Geschlecht ; zwischen Mystik,
Spiritualität und Prostitution / Regie: Thomas Wartmann
From behind the curtain : a study of a girl's madrasa in India / Mareike Jule
Love, sex and power : women in Southeast Asia / ed. by Susan Blackburn
Religion, politics and gender in Indonesia : disputing the Muslim body /
Sonja van Wichelen
Gender and work, : the case of the clergy / Edward C. Lehman
LB 44610 Tuck 2006
Tucker, Duncan
Transamerica / [Darst.]: Felicity Huffman; Kevin Zegers; Fionnula Flanagan
... Drehbuch und Regie: Duncan Tucker
Mexican women and the other side of immigration : engendering
transnational ties / by Luz María Gordillo
Verlorene Klasse, Die : ArbeiterInnen in Deutschland / Hans-Günter Thien
LB 44625 Gord 2010
Gordillo, Luz María
LB 45015 Thie 2010
Thien, Hans-Günter
LB 45190 Than 2010
Thane, Pat; Filby, Liza
LB 46000 Akba 2010
Akbarzadeh, Shahram;
Mansouri, Fethi
Hann, Chris; Max-PlanckInstitut für Ethnologische
Forschung <Halle, Saale>
Lachenicht, Susanne
Unequal Britain : equalities in Britain since 1945 / Pat Thane ed.
Contributors: Liza Filby ...
Islam and political violence : Muslim diaspora and radicalism in the West /
edited by Shahram Akbarzadeh & Fethi Mansouri
Religion, identity, postsocialism : the Halle Focus Group 2003-2010 / Ed. by
Chris Hann. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
LB 46000 Hann 2010
LB 46000 Lach 2007
Religious refugees in Europe, Asia and North America : (6th - 21st century) /
Susanne Lachenicht (ed.)
Sinno, Abdulkader H.
Muslims in Western politics / ed. by Abdulkader H. Sinno
Amghar, Samir
European islam : the challenges for society and public policy / Samir
Amghar ... eds.
Dassetto, Felice; Conrad, Yves; Musulmans en Europe occidentale : bibliographie commentée / [Forum for
Forum for the Researchers on the Researchers on Islam in Europe]. Sous la coordination de Felice
Islam in Europe
Dassetto et Yves Conrad
LB 46000 Sinn 2009
LB 46005 Amgh 2007
LB 46005 Dass 1996
LB 46005 Krei 2010
Kreienbrink, Axel
LB 46245 Garc 2009
LB 46245 More 1999
Moreras, Jordi
LB 46385 Pina 2001
LB 46610 Bukh 2004
Pinault, David
LB 46610 Rose 2001
Rosenthal, Steven T.
LB 48000 Gres 2010
Gressgêard, Randi
Muslim organisations and the state : European perspectives / Axel
Kreienbrink ... (eds.)
García Lorca, Andrés;
Inmigración y desarrollo regional : IX Congreso de la Asociación Andaluza de
Asociación Andaluza de Ciencia Ciencia Regional, Almería 2007 / editor: Andrés García Lorca
Musulmanes en Barcelona, : espacios y dinámicas comunitarias / Jordi
Horse of Karbala : Muslim devotional life in India / David Pinault
Bukhari, Zahid Hussain
Muslims' place in the American public square, : hope, fears, and aspirations
/ edited by Zahid H. Bukhari ... [et al.]
Irreconcilable differences, : the waning of the American Jewish love affair
with Israel / Steven T. Rosenthal
Multicultural dialogue : dilemmas, paradoxes, conflicts / Randi Gressgêard
LB 48000 Pére 2010
LB 48000 Ryan 2010
LB 48005 Ugar 2010
Ryan, Phil
Ugarte, Michael
LB 48060 Zinn 2010
Zinn-Thomas, Sabine
LB 48185 Kill 2006
Killian, Caitlin
LB 48190 Zuhl 2009
Zuhl, Teresa
Pérez-Agote, Alfonso; Tejerina, Barrios multiculturales : relaciones interétnicas en los barrios de San
Benjamín; Baraño, Margarita Francisco, Bilbao, y Embajadores/Lavapiés, Madrid / edición de Alfonso
Pérez-Agote, Benjamín Tejerina, Margarita Barañano
Multicultiphobia / Phil Ryan
Africans in Europe : the culture of exile and emigration from Equatorial
Guinea to Spain / Michael Ugarte
Fremde vor Ort : Selbstbild und regionale Identität in Integrationsprozessen
; eine Studie im Hunsrück / Sabine Zinn-Thomas
North African women in France : gender, culture, and identity / Caitlin
Ethnic identity in a globalised world : Germans in Richmond since 1970 /
Teresa Zuhl
Las políticas locales para la integración de los inmigrantes y la participación
de los agentes sociales / Jorge Aragón Medina ... [et al.]
LB 48245 Arag 2009
Aragón Medina, Jorge
LB 48325 Køhl 2002
Køhler, Thomas; Wessendorf,
Towards a new millenium, : ten years of the indigenous movement in
Russia / Thomas Køhler and Kathrin Wessendorf, editors
LB 48326 Gdan 2010
Gdaniec, Cordula
Cultural diversity in Russian cities : the urban landscape in the post-Soviet
era / ed. by Cordula Gdaniec
Predicament of Chukotka's indigenous movement, The : post-Soviet
activism in the Russian Far North / Patty A. Gray
Telengits of Southern Siberia, The : landscape, religion and knowledge in
motion / Agnieszka E. Halemba
Growing up American : how Vietnamese children adapt to life in the United
States / Min Zhou; Carl L. Bankston, III
Latino crossings : Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, and the politics of race and
citizenship / Nicholas De Genova and Ana Y. Ramos-Zayas
LB 48326 Gray 2005
Gray, Patty Anne
LB 48326 Hale 2006
Halemba, Agnieszka E.
LB 48610 Bank 1998
Zhou, Min
LB 48610 Geno 2003
Genova, Nicholas De;
Ramos-Zayas, Ana Yolanda
LB 48610 Lagu 1998
Laguerre, Michel S.
LB 48610 Min 2006
LB 48610 Smal 1997
Bankston, Carl Leon
Min, Pyong Gap
Small, Cathy A.
Diasporic citizenship : Haitian Americans in transnational America / Michel
S. Laguerre
Asian Americans, : contemporary trends and issues / edited by Pyong Gap
Voyages : from Tongan villages to American suburbs / Cathy A. Small
LB 48610 Suár 2009
LB 48610 Suro 1999
Suro, Roberto
Suárez-Orozco, Marcelo M.;
Páez, Mariela M.; Conference
Entitled Latinos in the 21st
Century: Mapping the
Research Agenda <2000,
Cambridge, Mass.>
Latinos : remaking America ; [... presented at the Conference Entitled
Latinos in the 21st Century: Mapping the Research Agenda, held in April
2000 at Harvard University] / ed. by Marcelo M. Suárez-Orozco and Mariela
M. Páez
LB 49380 Sidd 2001
Strangers among us : Latino lives in a changing America / Roberto Suro.
With a new afterword
Zake, Ieva
Anti-communist minorities in the U.S. : political activism of ethnic refugees
/ ed. by Ieva Zake
Ramírez González, Irma
Perfiles indígenas en el Estado de México / Irma Ramírez González
Rodríguez Pastor,
Negritud : afroperuanos, resistencia y existencia / Humberto Rodríguez
Coughlan, James E.;
Asians in Australia : patterns of migration and settlement / ed. by James E.
MacNamara, Deborah J.
Coughlan ...
Gauld, Robin
Comparative health policy in the Asia-Pacific / ed. by Robin Gauld
Strauss, Julia C.; Cruise O'Brien, Staging politics : power and performance in Asia and Africa / ed. by Julia C.
Donal B.
Strauss and Donal Cruise O'Brien
Knapp, Andrew; Wright,
Government and politics of France, The / Andrew Knapp and Vincent
Weir, Stuart; Beetham,
Political power and democratic control in Britain : the Democratic Audit of
the United Kingdom / Stuart Weir and David Beetham
Siddiqui, Tasneem Ahmad
Towards good governance, / Tasneem Ahmad Siddiqui
LB 49420 Muji 2006
LB 49450 Mori 1997
LB 49610 Jele 2010
Mori, Hiromi
Jelen, Ted G.
LB 49640 Sawy 2006
LB 51000 Cala 2009
Sawyer, Mark Q.
Calame, Jon;
Charlesworth, Esther
Parthasarathy, D.
Geissler, Paul Wenzel;
Prince, Ruth Jane
LB 48610 Zake 2009
LB 48625 Ramí 2009
LB 48655 Rodr 2008
LB 48680 Coug 1997
LB 49000 Gaul 2005
LB 49000 Stra 2007
LB 49185 Knap 2001
LB 49190 Weir 1999
LB 51000 Part 1997
LB 51546 Geis 2010
Feeling threatened, : Muslim-Christian relations in Indonesia's new order /
Immigration policy and foreign workers in Japan / Hiromi Mori
To serve God and Mammon: church-state relations in American politics /
Ted G. Jelen
Racial politics in post-revolutionary Cuba / Mark Q. Sawyer
Divided cities : Belfast, Beirut, Jerusalem, Mostar, and Nicosia / Jon Calame
and Esther Charlesworth
Collective violence in a provincial city, / D. Parthasarathy
Land is dying, The : contingency, creativity and conflict in Western Kenya /
Paul Wenzel Geissler and Ruth Jane Prince
LB 52000 Schu 2011
LB 52000 Woda 2010
Schutter, Helder De; Tinnevelt,
Wodak, Ruth; Hirsch, Angelika
LB 52005 Lehn 1997
Lehning, Percy B.
LB 52190 Pilk 2002
LB 52340 Atas 2005
Pilkington, Colin
Atasoy, Yildiz
LB 52360 Cole 2006
LB 52405 Reyn 1994
Cole, Juan Ricardo I.
Reynolds, Craig J.
LB 52430 Lee 2010
LB 52610 Teaf 2002
Lee, Eun-Jeung; Fröhlich,
Teaford, Jon C.
Nationalism and global Justice: David Miller and his critics / ed. ba Helder
de Schutter and Ronald Tinnevelt
Discursive construction of national identity, The / Ruth Wodak ....; transl.
by Angelika Hirsch ...
Citizenship, democracy and justice in the new Europe, / ed. by Percy B.
Lehning ...
Devolution in Britain today / Colin Pilkington
Turkey, Islamists and democracy : transition and globalization in a Muslim
state / Yildiz Atasoy
Ayatollahs and democracy in Iraq, The / Juan R. I. Cole
Thai radical discourse : the real face of Thai feudalism today / Craig J.
Staatsverständnis in Ostasien / Eun-Jeung Lee; Thomas Fröhlich (Hrsg.)
LB 52800 Bamy 2000
Bamyeh, Mohammed A.
Rise of the states, The : evolution of American state government / Jon C.
Making sense of the global : anthropological perspectives on
interconnections and processes / ed. by Raúl Acosta, Sadaf Rizvi and Ana
Ends of globalization, The / Mohammed A. Bamyeh
LB 52800 Baya 2007
Bayart, Jean-François
Global subjects : a political critique of globalization / Jean-François Bayart
LB 52800 Acos 2010
Acosta, Raúl; Rizvi, Sadaf;
Santos, Ana
LB 52800 Gill 1997
Gill, Stephen
LB 52800 Glob 2010
LB 54000 Arno 2010
Arnold, Maik
LB 54385 Kent 2004
Kent, Eliza F.
Globalization, democratization and multilateralism / ed. by Stephen Gill
Global issues : selections from CQ researcher
Religiöse Selbst in der Mission, Das : eine kulturpsychologische Analyse
missionarischen Handelns deutscher Protestanten / Maik Arnold
LB 56000 Baba 2010
Babacan, Alperhan
LB 56000 Benm 2007
Benmayor, Rina; Skotnes,
Converting women, : gender and Protestant Christianity in colonial South
India / Eliza F. Kent
Migration, belonging and the nation state / ed. by Alperhan Babacan...
Migration and identity / Rina Benmayor and Andor Skotnes, eds.
LB 56000 Book 2002
Bookman, Milica Zarkovic
LB 56000 Calv 2009
Calvo Salgado, Luís M.; López
Guil, Itzíar; Ziswiler, Vera
LB 56000 Elli 2010
LB 56000 Ette 2010
Elliott, Anthony
Ette, Andreas; Sauer,
LB 56000 Hans 1987
Hansen, Marcus Lee
LB 56000 Holl 2010
Johnson, Bernice Koehler
LB 56000 Kose 2007
LB 56000 Long 2004
Koser, Khalid
Problem of the third generation immigrant, The / by Marcus Lee Hansen
Long, Lynellyn; Oxfeld, Ellen
LB 56000 Mart 2010
Martiniello, Marco; Rath, Jan
LB 56000 McKe 2001
McKeown, Adam
LB 56000 Wang 2003
LB 56032 Lanz 2007
Wang, Gungwu
Lanz, Stephan
LB 56245 Rued 2010
LB 56497 Grät 2010
Mobile lives / Anthony Elliott and John Urry
Auswanderung aus Deutschland : Daten und Analysen zur internationalen
Migration deutscher Staatsbürger / Andreas Ette; Lenore Sauer
Hollenbach, David; Boston
LB 56000 John 2009
LB 56460 Sala 2010
Urry, John
Ethnic groups in motion : economic competititon and migration in
multiethnic states / Milica Z. Bookman
Migración y exilio españoles en el siglo XX : [el 24 de noviembre de 2006 se
celebró en la Universidad de Zúrich una Jornada Interdisciplinar sobre la
migración y el exilio españoles en el siglo XX] / Luís M. Calvo Salgado; Itzíar
López Guil; Vera Ziswiler y Cristina Albizu Yeregui (eds.)
Rueda, Ana; Martín, Sandra
Salaff, Janet W.; Wong, Siulun; Greve, Arent
Grätz, Tilo
Driven from home : protecting the rights of forced migrants / David
Hollenbach, editor
Shan, The : refugees without a camp ; an English teacher in Thailand and
Burma / by Bernice Koehler Johnson
International migration : a very short introduction / Khalid Koser
Coming home? : refugees, migrants, and those who stayed behind / ed. by
Lynellyn D. Long and Ellen Oxfeld
Selected studies in international migration and immigrant incorporation /
ed. by Marco Martiniello and Jan Rath
Chinese migrant networks and cultural change, : Peru, Chicago, Hawaii,
1900 - 1936 / Adam McKeown
Don't leave home, : migration and the Chinese / Wang Gungwu
Berlin aufgemischt : abendländisch, multikulturell, kosmopolitisch? ; die
politische Konstruktion einer Einwanderungsstadt / Stephan Lanz
Retorno/el reencuentro, El : la inmigración en la literatura hispanomarroquí / ed., introd. y guía de lectura Ana Rueda con la colab.de Sandra
Hong Kong movers and stayers : narratives of family migration / Janet W.
Salaff, Siu-lun Wong, and Arent Greve
Mobility, transnationalism and contemporary African societies / ed. by Tilo
LB 56605 McDo 2010
LB 56610 Buff 2001
Buff, Rachel
LB 56610 Chap 2005
Parks, Virginia
LB 56610 Sega 2002
Segal, Uma Anand
LB 56680 Jupp 2007
Jupp, James
LB 58325 Lane 1981
Lane, Christel
LB 61000 Gata 2008
Gataker, Thomas
LB 61000 Gury 2009
Guryan, Jonathan;
Schettini Kearney, Melissa
LB 61000 Haus 2008
Boyle, Conall
Is lottery gambling addictive? / Jonathan Guryan; Melissa Schettini Kearney
Cubitt, Geoffrey
Korac, Maja
LB 67000 Lath 2009
LB 71385 Mukh 2003
Mukhija, Vinit
LB 72032 Wesz 2010
Weszkalnys, Gisa
Immigrant, The : also featuring Easy Street and The Knockout / Charlie
Geography of immigrant labor markets, The : space, networks, and gender
/ Virginia Parks
Framework for immigration, A : Asians in the United States / Uma A. Segal
From white Australia to Woomera : the story of Australian immigration /
James Jupp
Rites of rulers, The : ritual in industrial society - the Soviet case / Christel
Nature and uses of lotteries, The : a historical and theological treatise /
Thomas Gataker. Modernised with notes and bibliography by Conall Boyle
Hausch, Donald B.; Ziemba,
William T.
Kuhn, Peter J.; Kooreman,
Peter; Soetevent, Adriaan R.
LB 61170 Kuhn 2008
Canadian immigration : economic evidence for a dynamic policy
environment / Ted McDonald, Elizabeth Ruddick, Arthur Sweetman ..., eds.
Immigration and the political economy of home, : West Indian Brooklyn
and American Indian Minneapolis, 1945 - 1992 / Rachel Buff
Chaplin, Charlie
LB 56610 Park 2005
LB 63000 Cubi 2007
LB 65000 Kora 2009
McDonald, Ted; Ruddick,
Elizabeth; Sweetman, Arthur
Latham, Alan
Handbook of sports and lottery markets / ed. by Donald B. Hausch; William
T. Ziemba
Own and social effects of an unexpected income shock, The : evidence
from the Dutch postcode lottery / Peter J. Kuhn; Peter Kooreman; Adriaan
R. Soetevent; Arie Kapteyn
History and memory / Geoffrey Cubitt
Remaking home : reconstructing life, place and identity in Rome and
Amsterdam / Maja Korac
Key concepts in urban geography / Alan Latham ...
Squatters as developers? : slum redevelopment in Mumbai / Vinit Mukhija
Berlin, Alexanderplatz : transforming place in a unified Germany / Gisa
LB 72460 Know 2009
LB 73000 Hütt 2010
Knowles, Caroline; Harper,
Douglas A.
Hüttermann, Jörg
LB 73000 Marc 2006
Marcuse, Peter
LB 73000 Wolm 1996
Wolman, Harold L.
LB 73350 Sawa 2010
Sawalha, Aseel
LB 73610 Soja 2010
LB 73665 Cald 2000
Soja, Edward W.
Caldeira, Teresa Pires do
LC 10000 Shie 1992
Shields, Rob
Hong Kong : migrant lives, landscapes, and journeys / Caroline Knowles;
Douglas Harper
Entzündungsfähige Konfliktkonstellationen : Eskalations- und
Integrationspotentiale in Kleinstädten der Einwanderungsgesellschaft / Jörg
Of states and cities : the partitioning of urban space / ed. by Peter Marcuse
National urban policy : problems and prospects ; [papers presented at a
conference held March 1994, Wayne State University] / ed. by Harold L.
Wolman ...
Reconstructing Beirut : memory and space in a postwar Arab city / Aseel
Seeking spatial justice / Edward W. Soja
City of walls : crime, segregation, and citizenship in São Paulo / Teresa P.R.
Lifestyle shopping, : the subject of consumption / ed. by Rob Shields
LC 10326 Pati 2008
Patico, Jennifer
LC 28610 Hond 2007
LC 28610 Kwon 1997
Kwong, Peter
LC 29000 Riis 2010
Riis, Ole; Woodhead, Linda
Consumption and social change in a post-Soviet middle class / Jennifer
Doméstica : immigrant workers cleaning and caring in the shadows of
affluence / Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo
Forbidden workers, : illegal Chinese immigrants and American labor / Peter
Sociology of religious emotion, A / Ole Riis and Linda Woodhead
LC 29395 Abey 2002
Abeysekara, Ananda
Colors of the robe, : religion, identity, and difference / Ananda Abeysekara
LC 29420 Bart 1975
Barth, Fredrik
Ritual and knowledge among the Baktaman of New Guinea, / Fredrik Barth
LC 29440 Cheu 2004
Cheung, David
LC 29440 Hand 2010:1
LC 29440 Hatt 2007
LC 29610 Bill 2008
Hattaway, Paul
Billingsley, Scott
Christianity in modern China : the making of the first native Protestant
church / by David Cheung (Chen Yiqiang)
Standaert, Nicolas; Franke,
635 - 1800 / ed. by Nicolas Standaert (Handbuch der Orientalistik / Spuler,
Herbert; Spuler, Bertold
Bertold. - Leiden [u.a.] : Brill, 1952- ; Abt. 4, Vol. 15, Vol. 1)
China's book of martyrs / Paul Hattaway
It's a new day : race and gender in the modern charismatic movement /
Scott Billingsley
LC 30000 Chri 2010
LC 30440 Luo 1991
LC 30440 Xin 2009
Xin, Yalin
LC 37415 Tayl 2004
Taylor, Philip
LC 51000 Cart 2010
LC 53000 Plim 2010
Plimer, Robert Anderson
LC 56000 Lock 2010
Lock, Margaret
LC 56000 Paul 2010
LC 57000 Comm 2009
Religion in the 21st century : challenges and transformations / ed. by Lisbet
Christoffersen ...
Luo, Zhufeng; MacInnis, Donald Religion under socialism in China / Luo Zhufeng, ed. Transl. by Donald E.
E.; Zheng, Xi'an
MacInnis and Zheng Xi'an. With an introd. by Donald E. MacInnis. With a
foreword by K. H. Ting
Inside China's house church network : the Word of Life Movement and its
renewing dynamic / Yalin Xin
Goddess on the rise, : pilgrimage and popular religion in Vietnam / Philip
Carter, Bob; Charles, Nickie
Nature, society and environmental crisis / ed. by Bob Carter and Nickie
Decoding alchemy : alchemy and spagyrics in theory and practice / by
Robert Anderson Plimer
Nguyen, Vinh-Kim
Anthropology of biomedicine, An / Margaret Lock and Vinh-Kim Nguyen
Paul, Bettina; SchmidtSemisch, Henning
LC 57000 Niet 2008
Commins, Nancy L.;
Miramontes, Ofelia B.
Nieto, Sonia; Bode, Patty
LC 57610 Rong 2009
Rong, Xue Lan
LC 58000 Gelb 2010
Gelbhardt, Lisa
LC 60000 Blom 1999
LC 60000 Edwa 2010
Edwards, John
LC 60000 Gump 1997
LC 60000 Huds 2001
LC 60000 Hyme 1996
Hudson, Richard A.
Hymes, Dell
LC 60000 Mako 2007
Christoffersen, Lisbet
Risiko Gesundheit : über Risiken und Nebenwirkungen der
Gesundheitsgesellschaft / Bettina Paul; Henning Schmidt-Semisch (Hrsg.)
Linguistic diversity and teaching, / Nancy L. Commins, Ofelia B. Miramontes
Preissle, Judith
Blommaert, Jan
Gumperz, John J.
Makoni, Sinfree; Pennycook,
Affirming diversity, : the sociopolitical context of multicultural education /
Sonia Nieto, Patty Bode
Educating immigrant students in the 21st century : what educators need to
know / Xue Lan Rong, Judith Preissle
Emotion in Transkultureller Psychiatrie und Ethnologie / Lisa Gelbhardt
Language ideological debates / ed. by Jan Blommaert
Minority languages and group identity : cases and categories / John
Language and social identity / ed. by John J. Gumperz
Sociolinguistics / R. A. Hudson
Ethnography, linguistics, narrative inequality : toward an understanding of
voice / Dell Hymes
Disinventing and reconstituting languages, / ed. by Sinfree Makoni and
Alastair Pennycook
LC 60000 Milr 1992
Milroy, James
LC 60000 Penn 1994
Pennycook, Alastair
LC 60000 Scol 2008
Scollon, Ronald; Wong
Scollon, Suzanne
LC 60000 Thor 2005
LC 60005 Hoga 2010
Thornborrow, Joanna
Hogan-Brun, Gabrielle; Wolff,
LC 60005 Ramp 2006
Rampton, Ben
LC 60190 Sebb 1993
LC 87170 Gazz 2008
Sebba, Mark
Gazzah, Miriam
MB 1000 Keve 2003:1
Kevenhörster, Paul
MB 1000 Mans 2004
Mansfield, Edward D.; Sisson,
Richard; American Political
Science Association
MB 1000 Patz 2001
Patzelt, Werner J.
MD 4000 Poul 2002
Poulantzas, Nicos
Demirovi´c, Alex
MD 4700 Bene 1999
Benedek, Wolfgang
MD 4700 Fors 2000
Forsythe, David P.
MD 4700 Paec 2003
Paech, Norman
MD 4760 Käli 1999
Kälin, Walter
MD 4760 Kend 2009
Kende, Mark S.
Linguistic variation and change : on the historical sociolinguistics of English /
James Milroy
Cultural politics of English as an international language, The / Alastair
Intercultural communication : a discourse approach / Ron Scollon and
Suzanne Wong Scollon
Sociolinguistics of narrative, The / ed. by Joanna Thornborrow ...
Minority languages in Europe : frameworks, status, prospects / edited by
Gabrielle Hogan-Brun and Stefan Wolff
Language in late modernity : interaction in an urban school / Ben Rampton
London Jamaican : language systems in interaction / Mark Sebba
Rhythms and rhymes of life : music and identification processes of DutchMoroccan youth / Miriam Gazzah
Entscheidungen und Strukturen der Politik (Politikwissenschaft /
Kevenhörster, Paul. - Opladen : Leske + Budrich, 1997- ; Bd. 1)
Democracy, autonomy, and conflict in comparative and international
politics (The @evolution of political knowledge / Mansfield, Edward D.. Columbus : Ohio State Univ. Press, 2004- ; [2])
Einführung in die Politikwissenschaft : Grundriß des Faches und
studiumbegleitende Orientierung / Werner J. Patzelt
Staatstheorie : politischer Überbau, Ideologie, autoritärer Etatismus / Nicos
Poulantzas. Mit einer Einl. von Alex Demirovi´c ...
Menschenrechte in Bosnien und Herzegowina : Wissenschaft und Praxis /
Wolfgang Benedek ... (Hrsg.)
Human rights and comparative foreign policy, / ed. by David P. Forsythe
Sozialen, ökonomischen und kulturellen Menschenrechte im Rechtssystem
der internationalen Wirtschafts- und Handelsordnung ; eine Studie, Die /
im Auftrag der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung vorgelegt von Norman Paech
Grundrechte im Kulturkonflikt : Freiheit und Gleichheit in der
Einwanderungsgesellschaft / Walter Kälin
Constitutional rights in two worlds : South Africa and the United States /
Mark S. Kende
MD 4800 Shin 2000
Shinoda, Hideaki
MD 6400 Wrig 2010
ME 3000 Extr 2010
Wright, Erik Olin
ME 3000 Frev 2004
Frevel, Bernhard
ME 3100 Schm 2000
ME 9000 Schu 2010
Schmidt, Manfred G.
MF 7000 Mach 2005
MF 7000 Roub 1999
Machura, Stefan
MF 7040 DuTo 1998
DuToit, D. F. P.
Rose, Aidan; Lawton, Alan
Goucha, Moufida
Padgett, Stephen; Smith,
Schmidt, Manfred G.
MG 34300 Ruß 2000
MG 42000 Pype 2000
MG 42000 Wall 1999
MK 2700 Guti 2010
Demokratie : Entwicklung - Gestaltung - Problematisierung / Bernhard
Demokratietheorien : eine Einführung / Manfred G. Schmidt
Schuster, Wolfgang; Murawski, Regierbare Stadt, Die / Wolfgang Schuster; Klaus P. Murawski
Klaus P.
Wolling, Jens; Seifert, Markus; Politik 2.0? : die Wirkung computervermittelter Kommunikation auf den
Emmer, Martin
politischen Prozess / Jens Wolling; Markus Seifert; Martin Emmer [Hrsg.]
Rouban, Luc
MF 7500 Rose 1999
MF 9500 Gouc 2008
MG 15000 Padg 2003
MG 42000 Heni 2002
Re-examining sovereignty : from classical theory to the global age / Hideaki
Envisioning real utopias / Erik Olin Wright
Backes, Uwe; Jesse, Eckhard
MF 1000 Woll 2010
MG 15000 Schm 2005
Ruß, Sabine; Schild, Joachim
Henig, Simon; Baston,
Politik und Verwaltung / Stefan Machura
Citizens and the new governance : beyond new public management / ed. by
Luc Rouban
Public administration and management for effective governance / D. F. P.
DuToit ...
Public services management / ed. by Aidan Rose and Alan Lawton
Rethinking human security / Moufida Goucha ...
Developments in German politics / Smith, Gordon. - Basingstoke [u.a.] :
Macmillan, 1989 - ; 3
Politische System der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Das / Manfred G.
Parteien in Frankreich : Kontinuität und Wandel in der V. Republik / Sabine
Ruß ... (Hrsg.)
Political map of Britain, The / Simon Henig and Lewis Baston
Pyper, Robert
United Kingdom governance / ed. by Robert Pyper ...
Almanac of British politics, The / Robert Waller and Byron Criddle
Gutiérrez Rodríguez,
Encarnación; Boatcæa,
Manuela; Costa, Sergio
Decolonizing European sociology : transdisciplinary approaches / edited by
Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Manuela Boatca and Sérgio Costa
Waller, Robert; Criddle,
MK 2700 Hà 2009
Hà, Kiên Nghi
MK 4050 Chea 2006
Cheah, Pheng
MK 4050 Dieh 2001
MK 4050 Sche 2000
MK 5000 Axfo 2000
MK 5000 Cede 2001
Schenkel, Peter
MK 5000 Eken 2002
MK 5000 Newr 2002
Ekengren, Magnus
Newrly, Petra
MK 5000 Seyd 2010
Seydlitz, Christian von
MK 5020 Teub 2001
Teuber, Jörg
MK 5040 Wind 2001
Wind, Marlene
MK 5100 Bova 2002
Bovaird, Tony; Löffler,
Elke; Parrado-Díez,
Diehl, Paul F.
Politics of global governance, The : international organizations in an
interdependent world / ed. by Paul F. Diehl
Weltunion entgegen, Der / Peter Schenkel
Unity and diversity in the new Europe / Barrie Axford ... (eds.)
Constructing Europe's identity, : the external dimension / ed. by Lars-Erik
Time of European governance, The / Magnus Ekengren
Transnationaler Regionalismus : die grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit
am Oberrhein - ein Beispiel für die Fortentwicklung der europäischen
Integration? / Petra Newrly
Supranationale politische Herrschaft und europäische Integration : zur Kritik
des liberalen Nationalismus / Christian von Seydlitz
Interessenverbände und Lobbying in der Europäischen Union / Jörg Teuber
Sovereignty and European integration : towards a post-Hobbesian order /
Marlene Wind
Developing local governance networks in Europe / Tony Bovaird; Elke
Löffler; Salvador Parrado-Díez
Guibernau i Berdún, M.
Montserrat; Open University
Loescher, Gil
Gong, Gerrit
ML 9300 Steh 2010
MQ 3045 Baum 2000
MQ 3496 Mann 2000
Unrein und vermischt : postkoloniale Grenzgänge durch die
Kulturgeschichte der Hybridität und der kolonialen "Rassenbastarde" / Kien
Nghi Ha
Inhuman conditions : on cosmopolitanism and human rights / Pheng Cheah
Axford, Barrie
Cederman, Lars-Erik
MK 5100 Guib 2001
MK 7900 Loes 2006
ML 7850 Gong 2010
Stehnken , Franziska
Bauman, Zygmunt
Mannheim, Karl
Kecskemeti, Paul
Governing european diversity / ed. by Montserrat Guibernau
UNHCR and world politics, The : a perilous path / Gil Loescher
Reconceptualising the divide : identity, memory, and nationalism in SinoJapanese relations / ed. by Gerrit Gong ...
Afrika und externe Akteure : Partner auf Augenhöhe? / Franziska Stehnken
Intimations of postmodernity, / Zygmunt Bauman
Essays on the sociology of knowledge / ed. by Paul Kecskemeti (Collected
works / Mannheim, Karl. - London [u.a.] : Routledge, 1997- ; Vol. 5)
MR 2100 Kuck 2010
MR 2100 Myer 2010
Myers, Jerome L.; Well,
Arnold; Lorch, Robert
Brown, Clifford T.;
Liebovitch, Larry S.
Heeringa, Steven; West,
Brady T.; Berglund, Patricia
MR 2100 Quan 1976:165
MR 2200 Heer 2010
MR 2400 Hols 2003
Kuckartz, Udo; Rädiker, Stefan; Statistik : eine verständliche Einführung / Udo Kuckartz; Stefan Rädiker;
Ebert, Thomas
Thomas Ebert; Julia Schehl
Research design and statistical analysis / Jerome L. Myers; Arnold D. Well;
Robert F. Lorch
Fractal analysis / Clifford Brown; Larry S. Liebovitch
Applied survey data analysis / Steve G. Heeringa; Brady West; Patricia A.
Holstein, James A.; Gubrium,
Jaber F.
MR 2400 Maso 2009
MR 2500 Mark 2009
Mason, Jennifer
MR 2600 Fair 2010
Fairclough, Norman
MR 5800 Jain 2000
Jain, Anil K.
MR 6600 Duck 2010
MR 6800 Youn 2010
Duck, Steve; McMahan,
David T.
Younge, Gary
MR 7100 Kern 2009
Kerner, Caroline
MR 7100 Lash 2010
Lash, Scott
MR 7100 McGu 2010
MR 7100 Röhr 2010
McGuigan, Jim
Röhrich, Wilfried
MR 7200 Sutt 2010
Sutterlüty, Ferdinand
Markham, Annette N.; Baym,
Nancy K.
Inside interviewing, : new lenses, new concerns / James A. Holstein, Jaber
F. Gubrium, editors
Qualitative researching / Jennifer Mason
Internet inquiry : conversations about method / ed. by Annette N.
Markham, Nancy K. Baym
Critical discourse analysis : the critical study of language / Norman
Politik in der (Post-)Moderne : reflexiv-deflexive Modernisierung und die
Diffusion des Politischen / Anil K. Jain
Communication in everyday life / Steve Duck, David T. McMahan
Who are we - and should it matter in the 21st century? / Gary Younge
Erlernen interkultureller Kompetenz : Konzeptionalisierung und
Operationalisierung interkultureller Lernmaßnahmen sowie Messung des
Lernerfolges am Beispiel deutscher Führungskräfte in China / Caroline
Intensive culture : social theory, religion & contemporary capitalism / by
Scott M. Lash
Cultural analysis / Jim McGuigan
Rückkehr der Kulturen : die neuen Mächte in der Weltpolitik / Wilfried
In Sippenhaft : negative Klassifikationen in ethnischen Konflikten /
Ferdinand Sutterlüty
MS 4200 Kahl 2010
Kahlert, Heike; Ernst, Waltraud Reframing demographic change in Europe : perspectives on gender and
welfare state transformations / ed. by Heike Kahlert and Waltraud Ernst
MS 4350 Cola 1994
MS 4760 Fari 2008
Colas, Dominique
MS 6500 Jord 2010
MZ 7300 Ghos 2010
Jordan, Bill
Sociologie politique, / Dominique Colas
; Sikand, Yoginder; Bruinessen, Madrasa in Asia, The : political activism and transnational linkages / Farish
Martin van
A. Noor; Yoginder Sikand & Martin van Bruinessen (eds.)
What's wrong with social policy and how to fix it / Bill Jordan
Ghoshroy, Subrata; Neuneck, South Asia at a crossroads : conflict or cooperation in the age of nuclear
weapons, missile defense, and space rivalries / Subrata Ghoshroy; Götz
Neuneck (eds.)
Georgi, Viola B.; Ohliger, Rainer Crossover Geschichte : historisches Bewusstsein Jugendlicher in der
Einwanderungsgesellschaft / hrsg. von Viola B. Georgi und Rainer Ohliger
NB 8100 Georg 2009
NK 3600 Wagh 1994
Waghorne, Joanne Punzo
NK 4375 Loim 2006
NQ 5310 Lee 2003
Lee, Erika
NV 5260 Hsia 2009
Hsia, Florence C.
NV 9500 Grah 1995
Graham, Gael
NV 9500 Swee 2001
Sweeten, Alan Richard
NV 9500 Yao 2003
Yao, Kevin Xiyi
Raja's magic clothes, The : revisioning kingship and divinity in England's
India / Joanne Punzo Waghorne
Loimeier, Roman; Seesemann, Global worlds of the Swahili, The : interfaces of Islam, identity and space in
19th and 20th century East Africa / [SFB 560 FK Lokales Handeln in Afrika im
Kontext Globaler Einflüsse]. Roman Loimeier; Rüdiger Seesemann (eds.)
Forschungskolleg Lokales
Handeln in Afrika im Kontext
Globaler Einflüsse <Bayreuth>
At America's gates, : Chinese immigration during the exclusion era, 1882 1943 / Erika Lee
Sojourners in a strange land : Jesuits and their scientific missions in late
imperial China / Florence C. Hsia
Gender, culture, and Christianity : American protestant mission schools in
China, 1880 - 1930 / Gael Graham
Christianity in rural China, : conflict and accommodation in Jiangxi
Province, 1860-1900 / Alan Richard Sweeten
Fundamentalist movement among Protestant missionaries in China, 1920 1937, The / Kevin Xiyi Yao
PH 3890 Lacz 2000
Laczko, Frank; Salt, John;
International Organization for
PI 3600 Fisc 2005
Fischer, Michael
PN 225 Vond 2010
Vondung, Ute; Brunn, Franz
W.; Schweickhardt, Rudolf
QH 310 Guja 2009
Gujarati, Damodar N.;
Porter, Dawn C.
QV 578 Küch 2009
QV 578 Stee 2010
Ref BB 1100 Betz 2007:08
Ref LC 13000 Liev 2009:1
Ref LC 13000 Liev 2009:2
Ref LC 13000 Liev 2009:3
Ref LC 13000 Liev 2009:4
Ref LC 60000 Jose 2010:1
Ref LC 60000 Jose 2010:2
Ref LC 60000 Jose 2010:3
Ref LC 60000 Jose 2010:4
Küchler, Susanne; Wallman,
Steers, Richard M.;
Sánchez-Runde, Carlos J.;
Nardon, Luciara
Betz, Hans Dieter
Migrant trafficking and human smuggling in Europe, : a review of the
evidence with case studies from Hungary, Poland and Ukraine / IOM,
International Organization for Migration. [Eds.: Frank Laczko ... Authors:
John Salt ...]
Begriff der Menschenwürde, Der : Definition, Belastbarkeit und Grenzen ;
[Symposium am 26./17. Mai 2003 im Bildungshaus St. Virgil] / Michael
Fischer (Hrsg.)
Allgemeines Verwaltungsrecht / hrsg. von Ute Vondung. Bearb. von Franz
W. Brunn ... [Schweickhardt/Vondung]
Basic econometrics / Damodar N. Gujarati; Dawn C. Porter
Diversity management in practice : a cross-cultural & multi-disciplinary
annotated bibliography addressing policy and well-being / ed. by Susanne
Küchler & Sandra Wallman
Management across cultures : challenges and strategies / Richard M.
Steers; Carlos J. Sanchez-Runde; Luciara Nardon
Mai - Nas (@Religion past & present : encyclopedia of theology and religion
; [RPP] / Betz, Hans Dieter. - [4th ed., English ed.]. - Leiden [u.a.] : Brill, 2007; Vol. 8)
Lievrouw, Leah A.; Livingstone, Vivions, histories, mediation (New media / Lievrouw, Leah A.. - Los Angeles
[u.a.] : SAGE, 2009- ; Vol. 1)
Lievrouw, Leah A.; Livingstone, Technology : artefacts, systems, design (New media / Lievrouw, Leah A.. Sonia
Los Angeles [u.a.] : SAGE, 2009- ; Vol. 2)
Lievrouw, Leah A.; Livingstone, Practices : interaction, identity, culture (New media / Lievrouw, Leah A.. Sonia
Los Angeles [u.a.] : SAGE, 2009- ; Vol. 3)
Lievrouw, Leah A.; Livingstone, Social institutions, structures, arrangements (New media / Lievrouw, Leah
A.. - Los Angeles [u.a.] : SAGE, 2009- ; Vol. 4)
Joseph, John Earl
Language of politics I, The (Language and politics / Joseph, John Earl. London [u.a.] : Routledge, 2010 ; 1)
Joseph, John Earl
Language of politics II, The (Language and politics / Joseph, John Earl. London [u.a.] : Routledge, 2010 ; 2)
Joseph, John Earl
Politics of language I, The (Language and politics / Joseph, John Earl. London [u.a.] : Routledge, 2010 ; 3)
Joseph, John Earl
Politics of language II, The (Language and politics / Joseph, John Earl. London [u.a.] : Routledge, 2010 ; 4)

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