DOK Industry celebrates its tenth anniversary


DOK Industry celebrates its tenth anniversary
57. Internationales Leipziger Festival für Dokumentar- und Animationsfilm
57th International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film
Press Release # 09/2014
21 October 2014
DOK Industry celebrates its tenth anniversary
Film festival has developed into a key meeting place for the industry / number of
industry visitors doubled since 2005
With its DOK Industry section, DOK Leipzig has developed into an international meeting place for
the documentary film industry. Since its launch in 2005, the number of professional visitors has
doubled to more than 1,700. DOK Industry events help connect professionals, develop and finance
new film projects, improve rough cuts and find international distributors for finished productions. In
addition, various discussion formats address the latest trends in the documentary film industry.
Establishing DOK Industry was one of the first and perhaps the most far-reaching innovation
introduced by festival director Claas Danielsen after he took over the Festival:
“The response to our industry events has been excellent”, says Danielsen. “They make DOK Leipzig
much more than a film festival – it’s a vibrant market place where people from all over the world
whose hearts beat for documentary and animated films meet. This is also where new projects are
generated which come back to us later as finished films to enrich our programme.”
This year’s focus is on innovative cross media and cross genre narrative formats. In co-operation
with the renowned Tribeca Film Institute in New York, DOK Leipzig will organise a Hackathon – a
composite word consisting of “hacker” and “marathon”. It will bring together software developers,
documentary filmmakers and web designers to develop new interactive projects within a two-day
timeframe. The prototypes created in the Hackathon will be presented to industry visitors on 30
October. The Cross Media Screenings, presented on the big screen at DOK Leipzig, are geared
towards a broad audience. These interactive projects were originally created for Internet users. At
DOK Leipzig, the producers present their stories like an exhibition through which they give the
audience a guided tour. An audience that as a rule is young – and thrilled.
In 2006, DOK Leipzig was the first documentary film festival in the world to introduce a completely
digitised film market. This year, accredited festival visitors will for the first time be able to stream the
films in the DOK Market for a period of six months after the Festival. The International DOK Leipzig
Co-Production Meeting was also introduced ten years ago. Every year, this event connects 35
producers with potential financing partners for their new documentary film projects. The majority of
the approximately 350 projects have by now been realised.
Questions concerning this press release?
Peer Vorderwülbecke, Annika Goetz, Maria Preußner | [email protected] | +49 (0)341-30864-1070
DOK Leipzig thanks:
DOK Partner: MaXx Print GmbH | DOK Supporters: EU-OSHA – Europäische Agentur für Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz am
Arbeitsplatz, BIG Cinema GmbH, Telepool GmbH, TFD Technischer Filmdienst GmbH, nextbike GmbH, modulbox mo systeme GmbH, ils
medientechnik GmbH, IQ Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH, Leipziger Messe GmbH, PROMENADEN Hauptbahnhof Leipzig, Sky
Deutschland AG, ver.di FilmUnion | DOK IT Partner: Computer Leipzig| DOK Cinema Partner: CineStar | DOK Media Partners: MDR,
der Freitag| DOK Cooperation Partners: DEFA-Stiftung, Doc Alliance, Documentary Campus, DOK.Incubator, Goethe-Institut, MDR
Figaro, Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig, Polnisches Institut Berlin, Filiale Leipzig, Stiftung Friedliche Revolution, Tribeca Film Institute,
Zeitgeschichtliches Forum Leipzig| Cooperation Partners DOK Nachwuchs: Sächsische Landesanstalt für privaten Rundfunk und neue
Medien | DOK Funds: Stadt Leipzig, Sächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur
und Medien, Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung, Creative Europe - MEDIA Programme of the European Union, Auswärtiges Amt,
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, German Films, Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen, Medienstiftung der Sparkasse Leipzig, SWISS
Leipziger DOK-Filmwochen GmbH | Katharinenstraße 17 | 04109 Leipzig | Tel. +49 341-30864-0 |