Weihnachtsgrüße, englisch per E-Mail


Weihnachtsgrüße, englisch per E-Mail
Weihnachtsgrüße, englisch per E-Mail
W 345
So formulieren Sie herzliche Grüße
zu Weihnachten an Geschäftspartner
und Kollegen im Ausland
Sie und Ihr Chef sollten auch ein paar nette Zeilen an
ausländische Kollegen und Geschäftspartner zum Weihnachtsfest schreiben. Damit das alles schnell und auch
noch auf den letzten Drücker funktioniert, haben wir uns
für Sie schon Gedanken gemacht und persönlich formulierte E-Mails für Sie geschrieben. Suchen Sie sich einfach
die schönsten Formulierungen heraus. „Holiday greetings“
eignen sich für alle Empfänger, die Weihnachten wegen
eines anderen Glaubens nicht feiern.
E-Mail an Tochterfirmen im Ausland – Holiday greetings
Sales Manager ➜ Sales Representatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seite 02
E-Mail an einen ausländischen Geschäftspartner –
Christmas greetings
CEO ➜ American business partner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seite 03
E-Mail an einen ausländischen Geschäftspartner –
Christmas greetings
CEO ➜ President of company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seite 04
E-Mail von Sekretärin an Kollegin in Tochterfirma
im Ausland – Holiday greetings
secretary ➜ colleague . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seite 05
E-Mail von Sekretärin an Sekretärin eines
Geschäftspartners – Christmas greetings
secretary ➜ secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seite 06
Die Autorin, Elisabeth D’Antoni, absolvierte ihr Magisterstudium in Germanistik
an der University of Colorado. 23 Jahre lang war sie Übersetzerin und Sprachdozentin für Englisch an der IHK und Lektorin an der Universität Regensburg,
wo die Amerikanerin Sprachunterricht in ihrer Muttersprache erteilte. Jetzt wohnt
sie wieder in ihrer Heimat und unterrichtet Deutsch an einem College in Florida.
Der SekretärinnenBriefeManager
Nr. 9, November/Dezember 07 – 045
Weihnachtsgrüße, englisch per E-Mail
W 345
E-Mail an Tochterfirmen im Ausland – Holiday greetings
Sales Manager ➜ Sales Representatives
All sales reps at Krones subsidiaries worldwide
[email protected]
Holiday greetings around the world
Dear Sales Reps
Holiday greetings go out to all of our associates working for
Krones around the world!
I would like to take this opportunity to thank each of you
personally for your commitment to our company and our products
overseas. You are our direct link to the customer and, most
often, the first impression they have of Krones.
As you know, Christmas is a very traditional celebration here
at Krones. We decorate a Christmas tree in the reception area,
invite our employees and their families to a Christmas party,
and give them gifts to show our appreciation.
Even though some of you don’t celebrate Christmas, we still want
to take this opportunity to show our appreciation for a job well
done. Within the next few days you will be receiving a gift from
us as a token of our gratitude for your dedication.
We look forward to another year of working together with you,
and wish you health and happiness in the new year.
Best regards
Stefan Wolf
Global Sales Manager
Krones AG
Siemensstraße 11
93091 Neutraubling
Tel.: +49 9401 22366-0
Fax: +49 9401 22366-555
E-Mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
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046 – Nr. 9, November/Dezember 07
Der SekretärinnenBriefeManager
Weihnachtsgrüße, englisch per E-Mail
W 345
E-Mail an einen ausländischen Geschäftspartner
CEO ➜ American business partner
[email protected]
Christmas greetings
Dear John:
Thanks for your e-mail confirming the arrival of the six yachts
we shipped on November 18. This is our tenth successful delivery
without damage this year.
Another reason for celebration is the Christmas season, which is
already upon us. I still have the picture of the Christmas Light
Parade you sent me last year, in which all the boats (including
some of ours!), decorated with colorful lights, slowly travel
down the Canal.
Even in a tropical climate, people find ways of celebrating
Christmas – though it seems very far away from our German
traditions which always include snow and a glowing fire in the
fireplace. We will be thinking of you gliding down the Canal
in your colorful boat, while we linger indoors over some hot,
spiced wine.
We wish you a very Merry Christmas, and many more years of
successful business cooperation between our companies.
Peter Rammelsmann
PR Marine
Dianastraße 39
93342 Saal/Donau
Tel: +49 9441 6886642
Fax: +49 9441 6885444
[email protected]
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Alle Briefvorlagen auf www.sekada-daily.de
Nr. 9, November/Dezember 07 – 047
Weihnachtsgrüße, englisch per E-Mail
W 345
E-Mail an einen ausländischen Geschäftspartner
CEO ➜ President of company
[email protected]
Christmas greetings
Dear Larry,
What is it your Santa Claus always says? Ho – ho – ho?
With this jolly greeting I would like to thank you for the years
of cooperation with your company in Spartanburg. The BMD plant
located there in your backyard would have had a very difficult
start without the insider help we got from you and your staff
then, and continue to depend on to this day.
This year we have given Santa a hand in stuffing the stockings.
Within the next few days you will be receiving a box full of
stockings for you and all of your employees. Inside each
stocking we have packed „Lebkuchen“ (gingerbread) and „Stollen“
(fruit bread) from Germany. These are the pastries we traditionally serve at Christmas, and we hope you enjoy them with your
families over there in South Carolina as much as we do here in
Thank you for the excellent working environment we have enjoyed
for the past ten years. Our wish for the New Year: more of the
Regards and Merry Christmas,
Ludwig Stolpe
Lenbachplatz 7a
80333 München
Tel: +49 89 6677504
Fax: +49 89 6677500
[email protected]
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048 – Nr. 9, November/Dezember 07
Der SekretärinnenBriefeManager
Weihnachtsgrüße, englisch per E-Mail
W 345
E-Mail an Kollegin in Tochterfirma im Ausland
secretary ➜ colleague
[email protected]
Holiday greetings
Dear Yoko,
Thank you for your e-mail and your thoughtful message.
I’m happy to answer your questions on how we celebrate Christmas.
Since Bavaria is a typically Catholic area, we celebrate Christmas
by putting up the Christmas tree on December 24 which is just
before the Christ child’s visit. Behind closed doors it comes
with gifts for the children which I remember as something very
exciting and mysterious. Then the doors are opened, and the
sparkling lights on the tree along with all the brightly wrapped
presents are revealed. What a wonderful sight!
However, I have come to realize that the real tradition of
Christmas is in the preparation and the family’s time together.
We bake Christmas cookies, light the Advent wreath four Sundays
before Christmas, visit the Christkindlmarkt, and drink hot
spiced wine – all traditions leading to the Christ child’s visit.
If you ever get a chance to come to Germany for a week at
Christmas time, I will be happy to share these traditions with
In the meantime, I wish you happy holidays in Japan, and hope we
will continue being colleagues for many years to come.
Birgit Schmidt
Toshiba Corp.
Hartinger Str. 33
93094 Regensburg
Tel: +49 941 885642
Fax: +49 941 885640
E-Mail: [email protected]
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Alle Briefvorlagen auf www.sekada-daily.de
Nr. 9, November/Dezember 07 – 049
Weihnachtsgrüße, englisch per E-Mail
W 345
E-Mail an Sekretärin eines Geschäftspartners
secretary ➜ secretary
[email protected]
Christmas greetings
Dear Cindy
This is the season for woolly hats and hot toddies in Germany,
and I’ll bet you it’s the same in England, isn’t it? We have
several inches of snow still clinging to the sidewalks and
housetops after yesterday’s storm, which gives me just the right
inspiration for Christmas shopping.
Speaking of shopping, I
yours out of the way so
with your family. Since
minute, I will probably
until the 23.
hope you have managed to get most of
that you can really enjoy Christmas
I always put things off until the last
be rummaging around the shops right up
Mr Alexander asked me to send you and your boss his regards and
wish you both a Happy Christmas. I join him in that sentiment,
but I would like to add another of my own: my personal thanks to
you for your reliability and punctuality over the past year! You
made my job a lot easier in so many ways.
Enjoy Christmas with your husband and children, then get a
babysitter and bring in the New Year properly with a night out
on the town, just the two of you!
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Best wishes
Rosa Waas
Secretary to Mr Alexander
Alexander Moden
Reiterstraße 45
79100 Freiburg
Tel: +49 761 86559
Fax: +49 761 86550
[email protected]
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050 – Nr. 9, November/Dezember 07
Der SekretärinnenBriefeManager

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