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Nietzsche in ArabicLecture-Performance:
‫ﻧﻴﺘﺸﻪ ﺑﺎﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ‬
In 2001, Kamel Press in Cologne started translating Nietzsche’s entire works from German into Arabic.
The specific cultural circumstances of our times, marked by a deep conflict between certain interpretations
of the Arab and the Western world, makes this act of translation a gift, that has provoked a wide range of
ambiguous reactions in the Arab world. The lecture-performance “Nietzsche in Arabic”, performed by the
Viennese based actress Susanne Granzer and the philosopher Arno Boehler will include video interviews
with Khalid Al-Maaly and Ali Mosbah, the editor and translator of this monstrous project, as well as live
parts in which they will respond to this event at a performative and a reflexive lecture-performance level.
Boehler & Granzer have produced more than 40 Lecture-Performances since they started a form of
performing philosophy which they call a theatReal mode of thinking.
October 30, 6.30 p. m. at Deutsches Haus.
CV Susanne Granzer
Susanne Granzer. Actress. Starring roles at National State Theatres in Vienna, Basel, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt and
Berlin. Parallel to her professional work as an actress she studied philosophy at the Goethe-University
Frankfurt and the University of Vienna and received her PhD in 1995. In 1988 she received a call for a full
professorship in the central artistic subject “Acting” at the University for Music and Performing Arts
Vienna, Max Reinhardt Seminar. Member of the advisory board: Nietzsche Circle New York and GlobArt–
Connecting Worlds of Arts and Sciences.
In 1997 she founded the Viennese art factory GRENZ-film, together with the Austrian philosopher Arno Boehler. In
the context of this factory they have realized Lecture-Performances as well as 5 DVD-Books since then. Website:
CV Arno Boehler
Arno Boehler, philosopher and filmmaker (GRENZ-film Vienna). He teaches philosophy at the University of
Vienna at the Department of Philosophy. Research Visiting Professor at the University of Bangalore (India), New
York University (2000-2002) and University of Princeton (2002). Head of the FWF-Research-Project: “On The
Material And Temporal Aspects of Performativ Speech Acts. Philosophy On Stage,” (2005-2007). Member of the
advisory board: Nietzsche Circle New York as well as GlobArt, Connecting Worlds of Arts and Sciences.
Monographies (German): Singularität. Vom zu-reichenden Grund der Zeit. Vienna: Passagen Press 2005. Unterwegs
zu einer Sprache der Freundschaft. Vienna: Passagen Press 2000. Das Gedächtnis der Zukunf. Vienna: Passagen
Press 1996. Website: http://homepage.univie.ac.at/arno.boehler
Joint publications
Boehler, Arno, Granzer, Susanne (Eds.): Ereignis Denken. Vienna: Passagen Press 2009.
GRENZ-film (Eds.): Philosophy On Stage, Double-DVD, Vienna: Passagen Press 2007.
GRENZ-film, (Eds.) 2005: Philosophie im Bild, 4 DVDs. Starring guests: Avital Ronell, Elisabeth von
Samsonow, Robin Kelley, Hans-Dieter Bahr, Vienna: Passagen Press 2005.