Modulbeschreibung „The Economics of Climate Change“
Modulbeschreibung „The Economics of Climate Change“
Modulbeschreibung „The Economics of Climate Change“ (Fachgebiet Ökonomie des Klimawandels, Prof. Dr. Ottmar Edenhofer) Modulbeschreibung Kurzbezeichnung: Titel des Moduls: Deutsch: Ökonomie des Klimawandels English: The Economics of Climate Change Leistungspunkte (nach ECTS): 6 Workload in Std.: 180 Raum: Verantwortliche/-r für das Modul: Prof. Dr. Ottmar Edenhofer and Robert Marschinski Dozent/in des Moduls Prof. Dr. Ottmar Edenhofer and Robert Marschinski Sekretariat.: Sekr. EB 4-1 Tel.: 030-31473331 Email: [email protected] www. ures Studierendenbetreuung (Tel.): Fax.: -73517 +49 30 314 73331 1. Qualifikationsziele Students of this module acquire a comprehensive understanding of the topic of climate change. Elementary aspects on the natural science of climate change are presented, followed by a deepening analysis of different economic aspects and their political relevance. The aim of this module therefore consists, first, of the content-related competence on the subject of climate change, comparable in level of detail to the well-known ‘Stern Review’, allowing to critically appreciate old and new arguments. These include, e. g., knowledge about the most important effects of climate change, impact and orgin of the most important climate gases, development of energy systems and their modelling, economic instruments for emission regulation, history and current state of international climate policy. The second aim is the methodological-formal competence in the area of environmental economics and here especially in the areas of global cost-benefit analysis, dynamic optimisation and optimal control theory, game theory, growth models, integrated modelling, analysis of policy instruments for emission control. Social competence should be strengthened by forming study groups (e. g. for presentations or assignments). Das Modul vermittelt überwiegend die entsprechende Kompetenz, in % angegeben: Fachkompetenz: X 50 Methodenkompetenz: X 40 Systemkompetenz: X Sozialkompetenz: 10 2. Lehrinhalte The following subjects will, among others, be treated in the lecture: 1. The physical basis of climate change and phenomenology of climate impacts 2. Analysis of climate stabilisation goals 3. Climate change as a global cost-benefit problem 4. Economic theory: Public goods, market failure, policy instruments, intertemporal efficient allocation of goods 5. Game-theoretical analysis of conditions for international cooperation 6. Policy of climate change: international and European level 3. Modulbestandteile LV-Titel LV-Form LP (nach ECTS) SWS P, WP Semester (WS / SS) The Economics of Climate Change VL 2 3 P SS The Economics of Climate Change UE 2 3 P SS 4. Beschreibung der Lehr- und Lernformen Lecture (VL) and exercise (UE) as integrated course during summer term. 5. Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme a) obligatorisch: Knowledge in economics that corresponds in line with modules “micro economics” (AVWL I)“ and “introduction into economic policy” (AVWL III)“. b) wünschenswert: Advanced knowledge in economics from master level courses. 6. Verwendbarkeit According to the guidelines and opportunities described in the course regulation (StuPO) of the relevant study course. 7. Arbeitsaufwand und Leistungspunkte There is the following work input in the individual courses: - Lecture (3 ECTS, 2 SWS): Total hours: 90h (presence: 30h, preparation and following-up: 40h, examination preparation 20h) - Exercise (3 ECTS, 2 SWS): Total hours: 90h (presence: 30h, preparation and following-up: 40h, examination preparation 20h) Entire work input in the mandatory module of 180h (=6 ECTS) 8. Prüfung und Benotung des Moduls Course assessment: Written final exam of 90min Grading: According to StuPO of the relevant study course. 9. Dauer des Moduls Das Modul kann in 1 Semester(n) abgeschlossen werden. 10. Teilnehmer(innen)zahl The number of participants is not limited. 11. Anmeldeformalitäten Anmeldung Lehrveranstaltungsteilnahme: nicht erforderlich Registration for examination: According to regulation (StuPO) of the relevant study course and/or according to the information given on the homepage and in the lectures. 12. Literaturhinweise, Skripte Skripte in Papierform vorhanden? Skripte in elektronischer Form vorhanden Ist erhältlich bei: X Auf der Internetseite: Literatur: Nicholas Stern (2006): “The Economics of Climate Change – The Stern Review”; Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2007): Fourth Assessment Report; R. Perman, Y. Ma, J. McGilvray and M. Common (2012), Natural Resource and Environmental Economics. 13. Sonstiges Course language: As a rule English unless all participants have German as mother tongue.