Ilona Kickbusch - Graduate Institute of International and


Ilona Kickbusch - Graduate Institute of International and
Ilona Kickbusch Publications: GLOBAL HEALTH Note: the most recent publications can be accessed on the website
In preparation: Negotiating and Navigating Global Health: Case Studies in Global Health Diplomacy. Edited with Ellen Rosskam Publisher: World Scientific, Imperial College, London Twenty‐first Century Health Diplomacy. Edited with Tom Novotny Publisher: World Scientific, Imperial College, London Textbook on Global Health Diplomacy. Editors: Ilona Kickbusch, Nick Drager, with Michaela Told and Chantal Berger as co‐editors, Springer New York Global Health Diplomacy. Ilona Kickbusch and Chantal Berger . In: Marni Sommer and Richard Parker (both at Columbia University). Eds. The "Routledge International Handbook of Global Public Health" 2010. Addressing global health governance challenges through a new mechanism: the proposal for a Committee C of the World Health Assembly. Ilona Kickbusch, Wolfgang Hein, Gaudenz Silberschmidt in: Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics Fall 2010, JLME 38.3. 2010 Global Health, Aid Effectiveness and the Changing Role of the WHO. (with Wolfgang Hein) GIGA Focus, International Edition. 3/2010, pp 1‐7 Global Health Diplomacy. in: RECIIS – R. Eletr. de Com. Inf. Inov. Saúde. Rio de Janeiro, v.4, n.1, p.01‐09, jan., 2010 Experiences and lessons learned on capacity building in global health diplomacy. in: RECIIS – R. Eletr. de Com. Inf. Inov. Saúde. Rio de Janeiro, v.4, n.1, p.1‐7, Jan., 2010 Gruppentherapie: Global Gesundheit und Außenpolitisches Handeln. in: Internationale Politik. Juli 2010 Weltgesundheit: die Suche nach Effizienz im Labyrinth der Akteure (mit Wolfgang Hein) GIGA Focus nr. 3 Der Mehrwert von Gesundheitszielen – einige internationale Erfahrungen. in: Gesundheits­ und Präventionsziele für die Schweiz. Hrsg. Stephan Hill. Schriftenreihe des SGGP Nr. 97 Bern 2010. S. 7­24. 2009 Moving Global Health Governance forward. Chapter 15 in: Buse et al Making Sense of Global Health Governance. A Policy Perspective. Palgrave MacMillan 2009 Kickbusch Publications July 2010
Global Health Diplomacy: the new recognition of health in foreign policy. (with Christian Erk) in Realizing the right to health. (ed by Andrew Clapham, Mary Robinson and Salome Hangartner) 2009 European Perspectives on Global Health. A Policy Glossary. Brussels. European Foundation Center (rework and update 2009 available on (with Graham Lister and David Gleicher) In search of the public health paradigm for the 21st century: the political dimensions of public health. Portuguese Journal of Public Health (Lisbon 2009). 25 anniversary Supplement Issue: Current public health challenges: 11 ‐ 19. Closing speech at the 5th World Generations and Ageing Congress 2009 St. Gallen. WDA‐HSG‐Letters: 2009 Kickbusch Ilona, W. Hein. 2009. "Global Health Diplomacy" ­ Welche Rolle spielt Deutschland?. puls.b Magazin für die Aktente der Gesundheit. puls.b Nr. 4/2009 ­ Gesundheit & Ökonomie. Auch im internet: http://www.puls­
Matters of life and tech. in Business Guide 4/2009 pp 14‐17 Is there a Global Health Crisis?, Hertie School of Governance, Fall 2009 ‐ Issue Seven: 6 ‐15 2008 Creating a Committee C of the World Health Assembly. (with Gaudenz Silberschmidt and Don Matheson) The Lancet 2008; 371:1483‐1486 Baying at the moon: addressing the politics of global health in: The Lancet 2008, Volume 372, Issue 9650, Pages 1623‐1624 My health – your health. In: Business Guide. No 4, July August 2008 A European Council on Global Health. (with Stephen Matlin) The Lancet 2008, 371:1733‐1734 2007 Global health diplomacy: training across disciplines. (with Thomas E Novotny, Nico Drager, Gaudenz Silberschmidt & Santiago Alcazar) in: Bulletin of the World Health Organization | December 2007, 85 (12) PP 971 ‐ 973
Global health diplomacy: the need for new perspectives, strategic approaches and skills in global health (with Gaudenz Silberschmidt & Paulo Buss) Bulletin of the World Health Organization | March 2007, 85 (3) pp 230.232 Health Governance: The Health Society. in: Health and Modernity, Theoretical Foundations of Health Promotion. (Ed Kickbusch/McQueen et al). Springer 2007 , pp 144‐161 Kickbusch Publications July 2010
Global Public Health. (with B. Seck) In: Douglas et al (eds) Challenge and Controversy in promoting Public health. Sage in association with the Open University, London 2007 2006 European Perspectives on Global Health – A Policy Glossary for European Foundations Centre 2006 (with Graham Lister) The need for a European Strategy on Global Health. Editorial: In: Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 2006 Health and Wellbeing. In: Constructive Conversations about Health (ed. Marshall Marinker) Radcliffe 2006 pp31‐40 Gesundheit für Alle. GDI Impuls, Sommer 2006, S.16­23 Across Borders: Health Care and Wellbeing. A round table from a European perspective. In: NEWSTATESMAN 31. July 2006 Gender: a critical health determinant in a global world. Editorial SPM special issue 2006 Foreword. In: Kawachi/Wamala (eds) Globalization and Health. Oxford University press 2006 (forthcoming) Flu City – Smart City. Applying health promotion principles to a pandemic threat. Editoial. Health Promotion International VOL 21, Nr. 2, 2006 Mapping the future of public health: action on global health. Can J Public Health 2006; 97(+) 6‐8 2005 Globalization, Woman and Health in the 21st Century. New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2005 (ed, with Kari Hartwig, Justin List) Action on global health: Addressing global health governance challenges. Public Health, Volume 119, Issue 11, November 2005, Pages 969‐973, Gesundheit als globales öffentliches Gut: eine politische Herausforderung im 21. Jahrhundert. In: Politorbis. Zeitschrift zur Aussenpolitik. 3/2005 S. 12­18 Tackling the political determinants of global health. Editorial. BMJ 2005, 331, 246‐247 The dynamics of health promotion: from Ottawa to Bangkok, Reviews of Health Promotion and Education Online, 2005. Kickbusch Publications July 2010
2004 Ensuring Health Security in an Interdependent World (with Lea Payne) Chapter in: A Global Agenda. Issues before the 59th general Assembly of the United Nations. 2004‐2005 edition. United Nations Association, USA, New York 2004, 1‐30
From charity to rights: proposal for five action areas of global health, April 2004; J Epid.Community Health, 2004:58, 630‐631 2003 Global Health Governance: some new theoretical considerations on the new political space. Chapter in Lee, K. (ed) Globalization and Health. London Palgrave 2003, pg. 192‐203 Charting a healthier future – from Alma Ata to the Millennium Development Goals. Commentary for “Health Targets ‐ News and Views” Volume 6, pp 6‐8, 2003 Better regulations and funding will protect global health. Op‐ed in South China Morning Post, April 30, 2003 A wake‐up call for Global Health. Op‐ed in the International Herald Tribune Tuesday, April 29, 2003 SARS: a wake up call for a strong global health policy. Yaleglobal, 25.April 2003 2002 Influence and opportunity: Observations on the US role in global public health. In: Health Affairs, November/December 2002, Vol.21, Nr. 6 pg 131‐141 (reprinted in a reader on Global Health Governance forthcoming autumn 2003) Perspectives on Health Governance in the 21st Century. Chapter in Marinker, M. (ed) Health Targets in Europe. Polity, progress and promise, London: BMJ Books 2002. pg 206 ‐ 229 The Future Value of Health. In: Perspectives in Health. The magazine of the Pan American Health Organization. Centennial issue. Vol 7, No2, 2002. Pg 28‐32
2001 Global influences and global responses: International Health at the turn of the 21st Century (with Kent Buse) Chapter in Handbook International Public Health. Merson, MH, Black, RE, Mills, AJ (eds.) Aspen Publishers, 2001. 701‐737 Speakers Corner: A Note to Bill Gates, in: Journal of Epidemiology and Community health, 2001, Vol 55, No 3 Gesundheitsfoerderung und internationale Gesundheitspolitik. In: Gesundheitswesen 2001, 63: 137­139 Mexico and beyond. Editorial. Health promotion International Vol 16, No 1, 2001 Kickbusch Publications July 2010
before 2000 The development of international health policies: accountability intact? Social Science and Medicine, 51 (2000) pg 979‐989 (reprinted in Global Health, ed. John Kirton. The Library of Essays in Global Governance. Ashgate 2009) Health as a Resource: social factors in health promotion, a commentary, Global Perspectives, March/April 2000 Global + local = glocal public health, Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, Vol. 53, No. 8, August 1999, pp. 451‐452. Global public health: revisiting healthy public policy at the global level. (with Evelyn de Leeuw) Health Promotion International, Vol.14, No.4, 1999, pp285‐288 (reprinted in Global Health, ed. John Kirton. The Library of Essays in Global Governance. Ashgate 2009) Der Gesundheitsbegriff der Weltgesundheitsorganisation. Diskussionsbeitrag. Publikation zur Tagung: Gesundheit unser hoechstes Gut. Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften. Heidelberg 1999 Partnerships for health in the 21st century (with Johnathan Quick). In: World Statistics Quarterly, Vol.51. No.1, 1998, pp 68‐74. Public/Private Partnerships in Health Promotion. In: Patterns of Drinking and Patterns of Problems. International Center for Alcohol Policies. Washington D.C., 1998 New Players for a new era: responding to the global public health challenges. The Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother Lecture, Newcastle, UK, 28. Journal of Public Health Medicine, Vol. 9, No.2, 1997, pp171‐
178 10 Jahre nach Ottawa ­ Herausforderungen für die Zukunft. In: Prävention. Zeitschrift für Gesundheitsförderung. 19. Jahrgang, 2/1996, pp 35­36 Health Promotion: A Global Perspective. Keynote address to the Canadian Public Health Association 77th Annual, Conference, Vancouver 1986 in: Canadian Journal of Public Health 1986. People’s Health in People’s Hands in: Health for All by the Year 2000. World Health Organization, Publication for World Health Day 1981. WHD 81/8. Geneva 1981. (In all official WHO languages.) Kickbusch Publications July 2010