wiki:sc name="FRGenre" - Serviceseiten der Verlagsgruppe


wiki:sc name="FRGenre" - Serviceseiten der Verlagsgruppe
Children's Books Series /
Activity Books
First-class entertainment to keep
children occupied for hours
Julian Press
Find the Culprit –
The Secret of the Black
[Finde den Täter - Das
Geheimnis der schwarzen
Volume 6
Rights sold to:
128 pages
Format 17,0 x 24,0 cm
October 2010
France (Actes Sud), Norway
(Fortellerforlaget), Russia (Strecoza),
Sweden (Fortellerforlaget)
Julian Press, born in 1960,
is the son of the famous
Black Hand author, Hans
Jürgen Press. Julian Press
studied graphics and
illustration, trained in a
publishing house
specializing in literature for
young people and later
worked for young people's
magazines. His readings are
very popular in Germany
and France.
Philip, Flo, Caro, Leo and Inspector Lars all share one passion:
unsolved crime cases! This time, they have to put a stop to the
activities of thieves and diamond smugglers, retrieve a
valuable stamp and solve the case of the abduction of a
famous scientist.
The aim is for eagle-eyed readers to search the look-and-find
pictures with criminological discernment in order to spot the
decisive clues before the thrilling chase after the crooks can
A generous layout, short texts and wonderful look-and-find
pictures mean that even less practiced readers will have
enormous fun in joining in to solve the puzzles.
Also available:
Also available from the "Find the Culprit" series:
Vol. 1: Aktion Gelber Drache [Operation Yellow Dragon], 2006
Sold to: Brazil (Companhias das Letras), China*, France (Actes Sud), Greece*, Italy
(24 ORE Motta Cultura), Japan*, Korea*, Norway (Fortellerforlaget), Slovakia*,
Spain/Castilian*, Spain/Catalan (Bromera), Thailand*, USA (Grosset & Dunlap)
Vol. 2: Operation Goldenes Zepter [Operation Golden Sceptre], 2006
Sold to: Brazil (Companhias das Letras), China*, Czech Republic*, France (Actes
Sud), Greece*, Italy (24 ORE Motta Cultura), Korea*, Norway (Fortellerforlaget),
Slovakia*, Spain/Castilian (Espasa Calpe), Spain/Catalan (Bromera), Thailand*,
USA (Grosset & Dunlap)
Vol. 3: Tatort Krähenstein [Scene of Crime Crow Stone], 2006
Sold to: China (21st Century), Czech Republic*, France (Actes Sud), Greece
(Synchroni Orizontes), Italy (24 ORE Motta Cultura), Korea*, Norway
(Fortellerforlaget), Spain/Castilian (Espasa Calpe), Spain/Catalan (Animallibres),
Foreign rights contact: [email protected]
Sweden (Fortellerforlaget), Thailand*, USA (Grosset & Dunlap)
Vol. 4: Der Fluch des Schwarzen Schützen [The Curse of the Black Marksman],
Sold to: China (21st Century), France (Actes Sud), Greece (Orizontes), Italy (24
ORE Motta Cultura), Spain/Catalan (Animallibres), USA (Grosset & Dunlap)
Vol. 5: Geheimbund Rote Koralle [Red Coral Secret Society], 2007
Sold to: France (Actes Sud)
*rights available again
Foreign rights contact: [email protected]

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