CV Fritz-Jürgen Heckmann


CV Fritz-Jürgen Heckmann
Fritz-Jürgen Heckmann
Fritz-Jürgen Heckmann, 48, is a lawyer and partner in the commercial law firm
Kees Hehl Heckmann, Stuttgart.
The firm advises companies nationwide in the field of commercial law, focusing
mainly on arranging corporate contracts.
After studying law in Konstanz and economics in St. Gallen (Switzerland), FritzJürgen Heckmann lectured in commercial law at the University of Konstanz. After
working in a tax advice office, Fritz-Jürgen Heckmann has been employed as a
business lawyer in the Kees Hehl Heckmann firm since 1983, and has been a
partner since 1985.
In addition to providing advice on commercial law, he holds mandates in supervisory and advisory bodies (including Hübner GmbH, Kassel, Infoman AG, Stuttgart,
Drews Holding AG, Schrozberg, Neue Pressegesellschaft mbH & Co. KG [Südwestpresse Group], Ulm, LTG Holding GmbH & Co. KG, Stuttgart, Paul Hartmann
AG, Heidenheim, SWMH Südwestdeutsche Medien Holding GmbH [Stuttgarter
Zeitung/Stuttgarter Nachrichten Group], Stuttgart).
Mr. Heckmann is also a member of foundation and estate administration committees for well-known entrepreneurs.
Mr. Heckmann is married and has two children.

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