too many cars too much pollution


too many cars too much pollution
Observe o título deste texto. Que soluções você propõe para o problema
da poluição gerada pelos automóveis? Formule hipóteses, leia o texto e veja se
elas são confirmadas.
Because cars create pollution, many government officials are trying to
control their use. Recently, São Paulo, Brazil, which had a pollution alert,
ordered cars with even-numbered license plates off the roads for one day, then
odd-numbered plates the next. There were not so many cars on the roads those
days, so there wasn’t so much pollution. Do you think it’s a good idea to control
car use in the United States too? Read the two sides of the debate and decide.
To cut pollution, we need more laws
to control car use. Gases from cars, trucks,
and buses are a big source of pollution.
They hurt all of us. In cities where there
isn’t much traffic, few people have
respiratory problems. It’s time to take
drastic steps to control air quality. Fewer
cars on the roads means less pollution and
fewer people in the hospitals.
Many people in modern cities need
to use their cars every day. Pollution has
many different causes. Gases form cars are
just one. Why not make strong laws for
industrial chemicals or restrict the use of
motorboats, for example? Driving is a way
of life, and the government has no right to
tell people how to live their lives.
(Adapted form Scholastic News – Senior Edition, August
12, 1997)
1- Qual é a relação de causa e efeito sintetizada no título do texto?
2- Que cidade brasileira é citada pela revista? Por quê?
3- Qual é a pergunta dirigida ao público leitor norte-americano?
4- Cite um argumento a favor e um contra a restrição ao uso de automóveis
apontados no texto.
Encontre no texto os adjetivos, ou substantivos com função de adjetivo,
que completam as locuções abaixo.
1- quality ________________
qualidade do ar
2- steps _________________ medidas drásticas
3- Laws _________________
leis fortes
4- chemicals______________ (produtos) químicos industriais
5- plates_________________ placas dos carros
6- cities__________________ cidades modernas
7- officials________________ autoridades governamentais
8- alert __________________ alerta (contra a) poluição
9- causes________________
causas diferentes
10- use__________________ uso de carros
Localize no texto as expressões de sentido oposto a:
a small source _________________________________.
odd-numbered license plates
on the roads __________________________________.
weak laws__________________________.
a bad idea__________________________.
none of us_________________________.