OIV NEWS 27.06.2016


OIV NEWS 27.06.2016
OIV News - 27/06/2016
©Jon Wyand « Une année en Corton » Editions Glénat
OIV in the news
Standards set for alcohol
The Telegraph
...are in alignment with the International Organisation of Vine and Wine standards (OIV), the FSSAI's chief executive officer Pawan Kumar told PTI.
FSSAI approves reserve standards for alcoholic drinks, finalises list of additives to be used
Global News Connect
...standards are in fixing with International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) standards. The record has been changed to a Union Health
FSSAI puts together safety standards for alcoholic beverages
Brand Equity - The Economic Times
...standards are in alignment with International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) standards. The file has been moved to the Union Health
Vini eroici, ultimi giorni per iscriversi al concorso enologico
E’ fissato per il 1° luglio il termine per partecipare al Concorso enologico internazionale dedicato ai vini eroici, organizzato dal Cervim.
Quem produz quanto vinho?
Vira e mexe aparecem por aí rankings dos países produtores de vinho. Mas comparando todos eles, há sempre mais consensos que discordâncias.
França e Itália, por exemplo, disputam acirradamente o primeiro lugar.
Imamo težave s svojo vinsko identiteto?
...eden izmed razlogov, zakaj je lepo živeti v Sloveniji. Predstavnik OIV (International Organisation of Vine and Wine) Guido Baldeschi je na
Other articles EN
Tougher times for China wine (with video)
After years of slumping sales, China's found its palate for wine again, but drinkers are reaching for cheaper bottles in light of President XI Jinping's
campaign against luxury spending.
China’s new wine lovers: affluent millenials drinking more, turning to France, Chile and Australia
Crackdown on extravagance has seen wine consumption on mainland fall for two straight years
Spanish Wine Exploration Map
Wondering where look for great Spanish wine? As you can imagine, getting into the wines of Spain can be a wee bit intimidating. Instead of giving up,
start with this fun list of 16 wines that represent the best of what Spain has to offer. Wine Folly - Learn about wine.
Other Articles ES
Pecorino, la uva resucitada
Reconocible por su vestido dorado con sutiles toques oliváceos, es el vino italiano que sube: el pecorino estuvo a punto de desaparecer.
Las bacterias de la uva y del vino, al descubierto por su ADN
Mitre yel Campo
Las bacterias de la uva y del vino, al descubierto por su ADN Un equipo de científicos ha determinado la diversidad de bacterias que se
Other articles FR
Le mildiou explose
Cette année, la pression de mildiou est exceptionnelle. L
Vigne : voici les premières fleurs, avec deux semaines de retard
Malgré la grisaille, la pluie ou le froid, la vigne continue à se développer en dépit d’un temps absolument calamiteux.
La filière viticole face au Brexit
Le résultat du référendum sur le Brexit en aura surpris plus d’un. Quelle conséquence politique et économique cette sortie du Royaume-Uni de
l'Europe aura-t-elle sur la filière vin ?
Viticulture de précision : mythe ou réalité ?
Peut-on avec des moyens modernes tenir compte de l’hétérogénéité pour adapter les traitements et les pratiques et mieux suivre la maturité ?
Other Articles IT
Il Chianti si potrà imbottigliare solo in Toscana: ecco la proposta di modifica del disciplinare di produzione del
consorzio vino Chianti
Ecco la novità più sostanziosa inserita fra le proposte di modifica al disciplinare del Consorzio Vino Chianti.
Other articles PT
No Alentejo com a cortiça à flor da pele
Vamos descortiçar? Da plantação do sobreiro à extracção da cortiça e à sua transformação em típicas rolhas (ou acessórios de moda, bases para
copos, postais) vão dezenas de anos de distância.
Organisation Internationale de la Vigne et du Vin
18 rue d'Aguesseau
75008 Paris, France
01 44 94 80 80
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