Opinion essay To move out from home is a very important time in the
Opinion essay To move out from home is a very important time in the
Opinion essay To move out from home is a very important time in the life of a young person. There can be many reasons for deciding to leave your parents' place. Of course, there are some cases where there's no other choice than move out due to difficulties concerning the relationship to your parents or maybe even siblings. But if it's a decision taken voluntarily I would say that the perfect time to move out is at the age between 18 and 22. Some people might say that most 18-year-olds are way too young to be able to look after themselves. But my personal experience has shown that this is not the case at all. To move out means that you suddenly have to take a lot of responsibility for yourself, and even though most young people do not seem to be prepared for this they have to very quickly, they are more or less forced to after all. It was the same for me, basically. I have been living on my own for two years now, and during the first two months it happened quite often that I neglected some of my household chores. But fact is, you actually learn from your mistakes, mistakes like not doing the dishes for a whole week, or having to spend a weekend in a bathrobe because there's not a single clean piece of clothing left to wear. Of course, if you're moving out at such an early age you are constantly asked if you had any problems at home that made you do so, or if you don't miss having your family around. For some people my age the thought of not having their parents within reachable distance each time they might need them seems to be scary or makes them uneasy at least, no matter how annoyed they sometimes are by their mother or father. The truth is, me and my parents never had any major problems, but I was an average teenager and sometimes problems just couldn't be avoided. But moving out at the age of 16 has not done any damage to our relationship; in fact it has only improved during the last two years. If you are all over each other on a daily basis you suddenly look forward to meeting your parents and you appreciated the time that is actually spent together a lot more. It was Bill Cosby who said, "Human beings are the only creatures on earth that allow their children to come back home." For me this means that moving out does not necessarily separate you from our family's support, but rather everyone can benefit from it by learning how to take responsibility for yourself, and to become an independent adult on the way. article "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder", as the popular saying goes is not entirely true if we were to believe today's beauty magazines that provide us with only one type of woman that can be considered truly beautiful: Slim, on the verge of skinny, athletic of course, with luscious lips and big sparkling eyes is she smiling at us, as is she tried to make us see how easy it can be to be perfect like her. Even though we know in the back of our minds that this is only the result of the great work of her make-up artist and a serious eating disorder she doesn't admit to, most of us still desire to be exactly like her. I personally don't. Just the thought of having to submit my whole life to a number that appears on scales is sickening to me. Beauty is a lot more that reducing your body to the weight of your own 12-year-old-self and a hollow smile; rather it means being confident and happy with who you are, on the inside as well as on the outside. Every person is beautiful in some way, and every person has some physical flaws too. But once they learn to accept both sides they will be able to lead a much happier life. This is because confidence truly is the key to strong, balanced relationships to other people. I guess this is what the author of the statement has been trying to express. No-one can bear a partner who is constantly uncomfortable with who he or she is. Especially girls put themselves under a lot of pressure until they are no longer able to simply like themselves with all their unique features. It's a shame that the beauty of the average woman is no longer appreciated. I certainly do hope that this is going to change again in the future. Letter of application Dear Sir, Dear Madam, My name is Julia Reichel, and I am 18 years old. I have recently graduated from High School, and therefore I am now looking for new challenges, which is the reason behind my application as a hair-dresser in your shop. My whole life I have been devoted to beauty, since I think that expressing your inner self on the outside is an art in itself, which has never failed to impress me. Even friends and members of my family consider me gifted with the talent of seeing a person's inner beauty and transferring it to the surface. Of course, this is not the only reason why I think of myself just right for this position. It would be my pleasure and most certainly an honour for me to represent VAIN with my friendly, open-minded and neat appearance. As I have been helping out at a local hair studio for the past two summer holiday seasons I can also safely say to be experienced in the field of customer service. I am hoping to be considered, and I am looking forward to your response, Yours sincerely, Reichel Julia