The PYP 8 Exhibition! Pupils started this process over 8 months ago


The PYP 8 Exhibition! Pupils started this process over 8 months ago
MAY, 2016 #341
This week was a time for celebration at
St. Francis College: The PYP 8
Exhibition! Pupils started this process
over 8 months ago and this week they
shared with our school community their
learning and growth throughout the
process. We can see incredible research,
presentation skills and action!
All groups have been sharing their research
through oral presentations and written essays,
showcasing snapshots of their process in their
stalls using displays boards and written
reflections. Another element added this year
were the thought provoking Art Installations, a
different way to show understanding. They are
set up all around the school campus. Mrs. Schachter
“The exhibition itself is not the point… It is been
a wonderful, meaningful collaboration between
teachers and learners. It is hugely rewarding to
see the thinking and learning that has taken
place. And we already have ideas for how to make
it even better next year…” Mrs. Giannetto
CAS Talent Show
MAY, 2016 #341
As a break from exam preparation, we had
the pleasure of participating in a school
Talent Show at Pinheiros campus last
Wednesday. Entries from all areas of the
Secondary school, coordinated by Gabriel
Franzese and his DP1 peers, regaled us with
intriguing magic tricks, surprising stand-up
comedy, some knock-out dancing, and a
fantastic variety of music. The voting from
an appreciative audience was close congratulations to winners Ruy and
Gabriela, Nene, Mina and Risa, and Gabriel
with Mr. Marcus! We raised more than
R$1.200 for the CAS Habitat for Humanity
project - you can still buy raffle tickets to
help raise more money for this excellent
initiative, and for the chance to win some
fabulous prizes. Just ask a DP 1 student, or
at the school office! Mr. Drenth
MAY, 2016 #341
Os Lusíadas
Em junho faremos uma exposição
de uma cópia manuscrita rara da
obra Os Lusíadas, de Luis Vaz de
Camões (1524?-1580). O livro,
poema épico publicado em 1572,
traz como tema central a viagem de
Vasco da Gama às Índias (1497 1498). Além disso, oferece uma
viagem histórica e enciclopédica ao
tratar das grandes navegações, da
busca dos portugueses pelo desconhecido no Oriente, dos reis e dos heróis de Portugal, dentre
outros fatos que marcaram a Europa no período renascentista. Outrossim, o leitor se vê diante
de uma história mitológica envolvente entre os deuses do Olimpo que lutam contra os
desbravamentos portugueses, Baco e Netuno, e os que lutam a favor de suas conquistas, Vênus e
Marte. A obra faz parte do acervo particular de um dos nosso alunos do MYP4, Antonio Pedro
Machioni, quem gentilmente disponibilizou o acesso à obra, uma referência das literaturas
portuguesa e brasileira. Mrs. Oliveira
No próximo dia 11/05, durante os assemblies de
lower school e upper school, a mãe da aluna Lina
Doherty, MYP2, a Sra. Ana Paula Doherty,
tradutora profissional, fará palestras para os
alunos. Com diferentes niveis de complexidade,
ela abordará a história da tradução; aspectos
legais da profissão ( técnica e literária) no Brasil;
a formação do tradutor; os desafios da profissão;
ferramentas de trabalho; ética profissional, entre
outros aspectos. Em nosso currículo MYP e DP
trabalhamos obras traduzidas e deste trabalho
surgiu a necessidade de conhecer os detalhes do
trabalho de um tradutor. Os alunos poderão fazer
perguntas e levantar discussões, após a
apresentação, com o objetivo de entender melhor
o universo desta profissão e as possibilidades que
englobam este trabalho, bem como seu impacto
na própria obra e na leitura. Não percam!
Mrs. Gomes
FEB, 2016
2015 #341
Come see the group installation in the Secondary Art Room
MAY, 2016 #341
U14 boys FUTSAL team has played two exhibition games against
PACA school:
18th April: SF 8x4 Paca
25th April: SF 2x4 Paca
Well done boys!
COPA DIGGIO of FUTSAL - Saturday, 30th April
BOYS U11 and GIRLS U13 team are representing St. Francis College in this
year round futsal competition.
Our girls played against Colégio Santa Cruz, a traditional Brazilian School and
lost 2 x 7. They played well though and could have achieved a better result.
The boys played really well against Colégio Albert Sabin and won 9 x 5.
Well done boys and girls! Mr. Caselli
Primary Field Trip Highlights
PYP 2 -Visit to Bauducco Factory
In order to support children‟s investigation
into how natural resources can be
transformed and combined to be used in
daily life, children had both an exciting and
flavourful trip to Bauducco factory. There,
they were able to view how simple
ingredients turn into some of their delicious
toasts and cookies in a production line. Some
people say, „The way to many people’s heart
is through their stomach’ - not only their
hearts were grabbed but certainly their
minds too in such a memorable trip!
Click here to appreciate students’ work
related to this visit.
May, 2016 #341
Art of the Month
PYP 1 students are learning how to give value to lines, shapes and colours through
painting. The two phase process allows the student to randomly discover lines and then
apply colour between the shapes. After completing the painting it becomes possible to
discover many different forms in the same composition. Both Adriana and Victoria
produced very strong lines and bold colours to express their feelings.
“Pink Face‟ by Victoria Rustico PYP 1 Omega
”Mummy, Me and my Dad” by Adriana Hernandez PYP 1
Visual Art -PYP 6 visit Museu de Arte Contemporânea
PYP 6 had a chance to see how artists like Tarsila do
Amaral portrayed São Paulo at the beginning of the last
Century just before the city underwent an industrial
change. As part of their unit of inquiry students are
observing how settlements can develop into cities. The
outing also included observing the difference between
Modern and Contemporary art as well as a visit to the
eight floor to get a birds eye view of the surrounding
neighborhood below. Mr. Concagh
Art of the Month
May, 2016 #341
Making an illustration for a story
PYP 4 have been looking at different ways to illustrate a story. For this particular activity students were
encouraged to use water colour technique to select a background and then paint in characters and props for
the final composition. Manuela, Constance, Ricardo and Laura were able to compose visually
impacting and contrasting compositions that enhanced the overall meaning of their stories. Mr. Concagh
“The Puppet House” by Constance Caris
PYP 4 Omega
Mystery Crown” by Manuela Gansauskas
PYP 4 Sigma
"Fairy Book" by Laura de Castro
PYP 4 Beta
"Herobrine" by Ricardo Mesquita
PYP 4 Beta
Secondary Orchestra
“Led by our new cello/bass teacher Mr. Duvignau, and followed by our very hard working
students, the secondary orchestra is at full speed, getting ready to perform at the End of
Year Music Concert on Saturday, June 4th. They will be playing three very challenging
numbers, which will blow everyone's minds!” Mr. Neves
Congratulations to Ana Pires for her admission offer to SAIC (School Art Institute of Chicago)
Important Dates
FEB, 2015 #319
Save the Date!!
End of Year Music Concert
Saturday, 4th June 2016
Football society festival at St Nicholas:
3rd May - U9 boys
5th May - U11 girls
10th May - U11 boys
12th May - U10 boys
-----------------------------------------------EARLY YEARS & PRIMARY
PYP3 Sigma & Omega Assembly
9th May – Jardins Campus
PYP5 Omega and Sigma Year Level
11th May – Jardins Campus
PYP5 Beta Level Presentation
13th May – Pinheiros Campus
PYP4 Beta Year Level Presentation
18th May – Pinheiros Campus
PYP4 Sigma & Omega Assembly
20th May – Jardins Campus
Final Exams Start
20th May
Futsal exhibition games:
7th May
U13 girls, U13 boys, U14 boys and U12 boys will
be playing against British College Brazil
Copa Diggio of Futsal:
14th May
U11 boys and U13 girls will be playing another
round in Pinheiros campus
Mackenzie Sports Festival:
14th May
Judo and Fencing teams will be representing St
Francis in Tamboré/SP.
Liga de Esportes Escolares - Volleyball
14th May
Girls U16 volleyball team will be playing 2
games at Colégio Mackenzie/SP, against Col
Mackenzie and Col Amorim.
Spot a mistake?
Did you find a grammatical or spelling mistake in the Bulletin? If you are a St. Francis pupil
and saw an error, please email Mrs. Hazell and you will be rewarded. Emails must be from
individual pupils – no group emails please.
The Sports Blog is now accessible through the college´s website
Check it out to stay informed on the latest results and upcoming

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