Biography of Kilian Stumpf SJ, China missionary - No


Biography of Kilian Stumpf SJ, China missionary - No
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Biography of Kilian Stumpf SJ, China missionary
Name and Name Modifications:
Chinese: Ji Li’an
Relevance for the China Mission:
Stumpf was the Director of the Astronomical Tribunal in Peking, and Visitor for the Far East of the Jesuits Order. He built the first glasshouse in
China and was compilator of he “Acta Pekinensia...”, which report about the
legation of the papal legate Charles-Thomas Maillard de Tournon to China.
Dates of Birth and Death:
(∗) 14 September 1655 in Würzburg, diocese of Würzburg
(†) 24 July 1720 in Peking, China
Family Data:
Kilian Stumpf’s father was a grocer, who owned a shop at the walls of the
cathedral in Würzburg. Kilian was the ninth child of his parents. His father
was Johann Sebastian Stumpf, his mother Anna Maria.
Kilian Stumpf joined the Jesuits in Mainz, in the Jesuit province Rhenania
Superior on 17 July 1673.
In 1675, Stumpf made his first vows.
Stumpf was ordained as a priest on 22 December 1684.
Stumpf made his four solemn vows in Bamberg on 2 February 1689.
Kilian Stumpf at first attended the grammar school in Würzburg run by the
Jesuits, and then the Jesuits College in Würzburg. In 1670, he started his
studies of philosophy at the University of Würzburg. Science was dominated
in Würzburg by the Jesuit Gaspar Schott SJ (1608-1666), a disciple of the
Jesuit Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680). During the “Cursus Mathematicus”,
the following subjects were taught: arithmetics, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, astrology, chronography, mechanics, static, fortification architec-
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ture, military science and music.
In 1681/82, Stumpf started his theology studies in Würzburg. After his
ordination, Stumpf worked as a priest in different parishes. It seems that he
had contacts with Christopher Diem SJ, who was in the service of the prince
bishop of Mainz and who made experiments in a labor with the production of
glass. In the next years, Stumpf asked several times to be sent to the mission
in the Far East (“Indipetae”). Finally, Stumpf was chosen for the China
mission, when the two Jesuit procurators Alessandro Cicero (1639-1703) and
Philippe Couplet (1623-1693) stayed in Europa. For the election of Stumpf,
his knowledge in the production of crystal glass was deciding.
Stumpf asked the Jesuits General to be sent to the Far Eastern mission on 1
April 1688 (“Indipetae”). Stumpf only got the permission on 20 of August
Stumpf was sent to China in 1689, departure was from Lisbon in 1691.
Arrival in Canton in 1695, and in Macau on 15 July 1695.
Professional Career:
After a journey of three years (1691-1694) from Lisbon, Stumpf arrived in
Canton and Macau in summer 1695. Because of his technical knowledge,
which he had proven by repairing mathematical-technical instruments, emperor Kangxi (rule 1662-1722) ordered Stumpf to come to Peking already in
1695. In Peking, Stumpf erected the first glasshouse in China in 1697 and
taught the production of crystal glass. In 1699, he became Notary Apostolic
for the China mission.
At the same time, the controversy about the Chinese Rites reached a new
hight. In 1693, the Vicar Apostolic of Fujian, Charles Maigrot (1652-1730)
MEP, had issued several prohibitions in his Mandate and made it submit in
Rome to the Holy Office. Stumpf, who was Notar Apostolic of the Jesuits in
China was charged to write, to translate and to compile several apologies and
other writings in favor of the attitude of the Jesuits in the Rites Controversy.
When the papal legate a latere, Charles-Thomas Maillard de Tournon (16681710) arrived in China in December 1705 and was received in audience by
the Chinese emperor, Stumpf compiled from the notes and scriptures of his
brethren and from Chinese and Manchu original sources his famous “Acta
Pekinensia...”, which describe in a detailed and chronological way the events
of this delegation on 1400 pages from 1705-1712.
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In 1710, Stumpf became rector of the Jesuits College in Peking, he served at
Court, in the Astronomical Tribunal and as notary and procurator for the
Jesuits concerning the Rites. Thanks to his knowledge, he was made the
Director of the Astronomical Tribunal in 1711, where he remained until his
death. In 1714, Stumpf became for four years the Jesuits Visitor of the Far
East, and was then only submitted to the General superior in Rome.
Stumpf had not only problems because of the Rites Controversy in China,
namely because of the “Edict von Nanking” issued by Tournon in 1707,
because of the Apostolic Constitution “Ex illa die” of 1715, which confirmed
the prohibitions of the Rites for the whole of China, but also within the
Jesuits order, as, for example, the controversy between the Portuguese and
the French Jesuits. Stumpf felt obliged to the Portuguese Padroado. His
desperate attempts to save the mission in the Rites Controversy by the way
of documents he sent to Rome and to the German emperor in Vienna, failed.
His apology for the Jesuits Informatio pro veritate... of 1717 (xylography)
was put on the index. But also the benevolent Chinese emperor, who had
issued an Edict in favor of Christianity in 1692, became more and more
suspicious towards the missionaries. Since 1707, all missionaries who wanted
to stay in China, had to promise to tolerate the Chinese Rites, otherwise they
were expelled. In 1717, after the papal prohibition of the Rites, Kangxi signed
a decree prohibiting Christianity in China, which was not fully applied, and
postponed only through the influence of he Jesuits at Court.
During his last years, Stumpf not only suffered because of the threatening
ruin of the China mission, but also from the Chinese side. Among others,
he had had melted some old astronomical instruments to save money, and
therefore fell into disgrace at the emperor. In 1719, he vacated his position
as the director of the Astronomical Tribunal in favor of his compatriot Ignaz
Kögler (1680-1746) SJ. Stumpf died because of an ailment of the kidneys and
the bladder. He was buried at the side of Matteo Ricci (1552-1610) on the
Jesuit cemetery of Zhalan in Peking. An imperial prince donated money for
the funeral.
Publications Johann Adam Schall von Bell:
• “Briefe vom 4. April 1688 und 18. Mai 1689”, in: Anton Huonder, Deutsche Jesuitenmissionäre des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts: Ein
Beitrag zur Missionsgeschichte und zur deutschen Biographie (Freiburg
1899) pp. 208-209.
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• “Litterae ex porto Goano, 20. Januar 1693”, in: Decretum Magni
Imperatoris Tartaro Sinico, legem Christianam in suo Imperio promulgandi (1695).
• “Extrait d’une lettre du P. Kilian Stumpf à son général, tirée des
Archives de Rome”, in: Mathieu Mathurin Tabaraud, Du Pape et des
Jésuites (Paris 1814) pp. 106-107.
• Excerpt and English translation from the “Acta Pekinensia”, in: Francis A. Rouleau, “Maillard de Tournon, Papal Legate at the Court of
Peking. The First Imperial Audience (31 December 1705)”, Archivum
Historicum Societatis Jesu XXXI (1962) pp. 312-321.
• “Memoriale del P. Kiliano Stumpff presentato a Mgr. di Tournon,
mentr’era ancora a Pekino, sulla Dichiarazione dell’Imperadore de’ 30
Novembre 1700, circa le ceremonie Chinesi, a Pekino, 14 Maggio 1706”,
in: Memorie storiche, vol. II (1761) pp. 59-63, French: “Mémorial
du P. Kilian Stumpf, présenté à Monsieur de Tournon. Au sujet de
la Déclaration de l’Empereur K’ang-hi du 30 novembre 1700 sur les
Cérémonies Chinoises, 14. Mai 1706”, in: Anecdotes sur l’Etat de la
religion dans la Chine, vol. II (Paris 1733) pp. 33-40, and: Mémoires
de la Congrégation de la Mission, vol. IV (Paris 1865) pp. 277-280.
• Compendium of the “Acta Pekinensia” (s.below): “Compendium Actorum Pekinensium a Reverendissimo Domino Carolo Thoma Maillard de Tournon cum facultatibus Legati a latere Sinarum Visitatore
Apostolico a Mense aprilis anni 1705. quo Pekinum pervenit usque
ad diem vigesimam octavam Augusti inclusivè anni 1706”, printed
as: Epistola cum Relatione de eventu Legationis Apostolica in Chinam..., (1706), German: “Tagebuch der pekinischen Verhandlungen,
geschrieben im Hornung 1712 von P. Kilian Stumpf, Rektor des Kollegiums der Gesellschaft Jesu in Pekin”, in: Georg Pray, Geschichte
der Streitigkeiten über die chinesischen Gebräuche..., vol. II (Augsburg 1791) pp. 308-443, abbreviated (without the part concerning the
Rites): “Memorial envoyé en Europe par le P. Thomas Vice-Provincial
des Jésuites en Chine”, in different editions of the Lettres édifiantes et
curieuses..., and in Évariste Huc, Le Christianisme en Chine, en Tartarie et en Thibet, vol. III (1857) pp. 402-443, German as: Dampierres... Begebenheiten auf seinen Reisen nach Spanien... Nebst zween
authentischen Berichten von der Reise des Kardinals de Tournon nach
Peking... (1794) pp. 283-333, new edition, printed in: Carlo Santini,
“Il Compendium Actorum Pekinensium testimonianze delle questione
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die riti Cinesi presso la Biblioteca Augusta di Perugia”, in: Francesco
D’Arelli (ed.), Le Marche e l’Oriente. Una Tradizione ininterrotta da
Matteo Ricci a Giuseppe Tucci (Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente)
(Roma 1998) pp. 122-162.
• A more comprehensive compendium of the events concerning the Tournon
legation: Vera, ac sincera Historia Actorum Patriarchae Antiocheni...,
(s.l. 1708).
• “Brief, Peking, 29. Mai 1707”, in: Ludwig von Pastor, Geschichte der
Päpste vol. 15 (Freiburg 1930) pp. 757-758.
• “Brief, 7. November 1708”, in: Claudia von Collani, “Kilian Stumpf
SJ zur Lage der Chinamission im Jahre 1708”, Neue Zeitschrift für
Missionswissenschaft 51 (1995) pp. 132-137, German: pp. 137-144.
• Claudia von Collani (ed.), “The Report of Kilian Stumpf about the
Case of Father Joachim Bouvet (1708)”, Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft 83 (1999) pp. 231-251.
• “Lettera, 8. Martii 1711, ad Carlo Orazi da Castorano”, in: Gherardo de Vincentiis, Documenti e titoli sul privato fondatore dell’ attuale
Reale Istituto (antico ’Collegio die Cinesi’ in Napoli) Matteo Ripa sulle
missioni in Cina nel secolo XVIII e sulla costituzione e consistenza
patrimoniale della antica fondazione (Napoli 1904) pp. 141-145.
• “Lettera, 11. Julii 1711, ad Carlo Orazi da Castorano”, in: Gherardo de Vincentiis, Documenti e titoli sul privato fondatore dell’ attuale
Reale Istituto (antico ’Collegio die Cinesi’ in Napoli) Matteo Ripa sulle
missioni in Cina nel secolo XVIII e sulla costituzione e consistenza
patrimoniale della antica fondazione (Napoli 1904) pp. 150-152.
• “Lettera, 5 Augustii 1711, ad Carlo Orazi da Castorano”, in: Gherardo de Vincentiis, Documenti e titoli sul privato fondatore dell’ attuale
Reale Istituto (antico ’Collegio die Cinesi’ in Napoli) Matteo Ripa sulle
missioni in Cina nel secolo XVIII e sulla costituzione e consistenza
patrimoniale della antica fondazione (Napoli 1904) pp. 152-154.
• “Lettera, Octobris 1711, ad Carlo Orazi da Castorano”, in: Gherardo de Vincentiis, Documenti e titoli sul privato fondatore dell’ attuale
Reale Istituto (antico ’Collegio die Cinesi’ in Napoli) Matteo Ripa sulle
missioni in Cina nel secolo XVIII e sulla costituzione e consistenza
patrimoniale della antica fondazione (Napoli 1904) pp. 145-150.
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• “Lettera, 16. Decembris 1711, ad Carlo Orazi da Castorano”, in: Gherardo de Vincentiis, Documenti e titoli sul privato fondatore dell’ attuale
Reale Istituto (antico ’Collegio die Cinesi’ in Napoli) Matteo Ripa sulle
missioni in Cina nel secolo XVIII e sulla costituzione e consistenza
patrimoniale della antica fondazione (Napoli 1904) pp. 154-156.
• “Lettera, 24. Januarii 1712, ad Carlo Orazi da Castorano”, in: Gherardo de Vincentiis, Documenti e titoli sul privato fondatore dell’ attuale
Reale Istituto (antico ’Collegio die Cinesi’ in Napoli) Matteo Ripa sulle
missioni in Cina nel secolo XVIII e sulla costituzione e consistenza
patrimoniale della antica fondazione (Napoli 1904) pp. 157-159.
• “Lettera, 10. Martii 1712, ad Carlo Orazi da Castorano”, in: Gherardo de Vincentiis, Documenti e titoli sul privato fondatore dell’ attuale
Reale Istituto (antico ’Collegio die Cinesi’ in Napoli) Matteo Ripa sulle
missioni in Cina nel secolo XVIII e sulla costituzione e consistenza
patrimoniale della antica fondazione (Napoli 1904) pp. 159-161.
• “Lettera, 28 Martii 1712, ad Carlo Orazi da Castorano”, in: Gherardo de Vincentiis, Documenti e titoli sul privato fondatore dell’ attuale
Reale Istituto (antico ’Collegio die Cinesi’ in Napoli) Matteo Ripa sulle
missioni in Cina nel secolo XVIII e sulla costituzione e consistenza
patrimoniale della antica fondazione (Napoli 1904) pp. 161-163.
• A “Diarium Actorum Pekinensium Mense Februario 1712” in German
translation in: Georg Pray, Geschichte der Streitigkeiten..., vol. III
(Augsburg 1791) pp. 1-23.
• “Brief an den Bischof von Peking, 6. Oktober 1715”, in: Ludwig von
Pastor, Geschichte der Päpste vol. 15 (Freiburg 1930) pp. 765f.
• “De controversia libri y kim seu contra sententias Kinisticas, 6. November 1715”, in: Claudia von Collani, Die Figuristen in der Chinamission
(Frankfurt 1981) pp. 81-92, German pp. 93-105.
• “Lettre du P. Kilian Stumpf S.J. au P. de Castorano délégué, Pékin,
14 Janvier 1715”, in: Mémoires de la Congrégation de la Mission, vol.
V (Paris 1865) pp. 244-245.
• “Lettre du P. Kilian Stumpf S.J. au P. de Castorano délégué, Pékin, 6
Février 1715”, in: Mémoires de la Congrégation de la Mission, vol. V
(Paris 1865) pp. 251-253.
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• “Lettera, 8. Novembris 1716, ad Carlo Orazi da Castorano”, in: Gherardo de Vincentiis, Documenti e titoli sul privato fondatore dell’ attuale
Reale Istituto (antico ’Collegio die Cinesi’ in Napoli) Matteo Ripa sulle
missioni in Cina nel secolo XVIII e sulla costituzione e consistenza
patrimoniale della antica fondazione (Napoli 1904) pp. 196-203.
• Informatio pro Veritate contra iniquorum famam sparsam per Sinas
cum calumnia in PP. Soc. Jesu & detrimento Missionis. Communicata
Missionariis in Imperio Sinensi (Peking 1717).
• “Brief des P. Kilian Stumpf S.J. an Mgr. [Carolus Horatii a] Castorano
O.F.M., Peking, 16. August 1717”, in: Georg Pray, Geschichte der
Streitigkeiten, vol. III (Augsburg 1792) pp. 156-157.
• “Schreiben des P. Kilian Stumpf S.J. an Mgr. [Carolus Horatii a] Castorano O.F.M., Peking, 19. August 1717”, in: Georg Pray, Geschichte
der Streitigkeiten, vol. III (Augsburg 1792) p. 61.
• “Schreiben des P. Kilian Stumpf S.J. an Mgr. [Carolus Horatii a] Castorano O.F.M., Peking, 26. August 1717”, in: Georg Pray, Geschichte
der Streitigkeiten, vol. III (Augsburg 1792) pp. 172-184.
• “Protestation des P. Kilian Stumpf S.J. an Mgr. [Carolus Horatii a]
Castorano O.F.M., Peking, 24. September 1717”, in: Georg Pray,
Geschichte der Streitigkeiten, vol. III (Augsburg 1792) pp. 190-196.
• “Erwiderung P. Kilian Stumpf S.J. an Mgr. [Carolus Horatii a] Castorano O.F.M., Peking, 8. Oktober 1717”, in: Georg Pray, Geschichte
der Streitigkeiten, vol. III (Augsburg 1792) pp. 210-230.
• “An den Jesuitengeneral über die Lage der Mission (Ende Oktober
1718)”, in: Ludwig von Pastor, Geschichte der Päpste, vol. 15, pp.
• Unpublished is Stumpf’s Opus maximum: “Acta Pekinensia sivè Ephemerides
Historiales eorum, quæ Pekini acciderunt à 4â Decembris Anni 1705 1.â
adventûs Ill.mi Rev.mi et Exc.mi Dñi D. Caroli Thomæ Maillard de
Tournon Patriarchæ Antiochenæ Visitatoris Apostolici, cum potestate
Legati de latere &c.”, ARSJ, Jap.Sin 138, copy of parts: APF: Inform.
liber 162. Pro Miss. Sin. vol. 7.
• “Documenta selecta, quae R.P. K.S., S.J. in Sinis Visitator, anno 1717
mense Junio Pekino in Europam transcripsit, Miscellanea Sinica”, Nationalbibliothek in Vienna, the same with more documents in the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow.
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Johann Adam Schall von Bell Bibliography:
• Joseph Dehergne, Répertoire des Jésuites de Chine de 1552 à 1800 (Rome,
Paris 1973) pp. 261f.
• Ludwig Koch, Jesuiten-Lexikon (Paderborn 1934).
• Louis Pfister, Notices biographiques et bibliographiques sur les Jésuites de
l’ancienne Mission de Chine 1552-1773 (Chang-hai 1932-34).
• Nicolas Standaert (ed.), Handbook of Christianity in China. Volume One:
635-1800. Handbook of Oriental Studies, section four: China, vol. XV/1
(Leiden, Köln 2001).
• Robert Streit, Bibliotheca Missionum, vol. VII (Freiburg 1932).
• Bernward H. Willeke, “Die Missionshandschriften im Bayerischen Hauptstaatsarchiv zu München”, Euntes Docete. De Archivis et Bibliothecis missionibus atque Scientiae Missionum inservientibus (Roma 1968) pp. 321-342.
• Peter C. Allsop, Joyce Lindorff, “Teodorico Pedrini: The Music and Letters of an 18th-century Missionary in China”, Vincentian Heritage Journal
27 (2007) pp. 43-59.
• Henri Bernard, “Un émule allemand du Père Ricci”, Monumenta Nipponica
3 (1940) pp. 321-322.
• Claudia von Collani, Die Figuristen in der Chinamission (Frankfurt 1981).
• Claudia von Collani, “Der Würzburger Kilian Stumpf S.J. am chinesischen
Kaiserhof”, Würzburg heute 36 (1983) pp. 16-23.
• Claudia von Collani, P. Joachim Bouvet S.J. Sein Leben und sein Werk
(Monumenta Serica Monograph Series 17) (Nettetal 1985).
• Claudia von Collani, “P. Kilian Stumpf SJ - Nachfolger des hl. Kilian in
China”, Würzburger Diözesan-Geschichtsblätter 51 (1989) pp. 545-567.
• Claudia von Collani, “Claudio Filippo Grimaldi S.J. zur Ankunft des
päpstlichen Legaten Charles-Thomas Maillard de Tournon in China”, Monumenta Serica XLII (1994) pp. 329-359.
• Claudia von Collani, “Charles Maigrot’s Role in the Chinese Rites Controversy”, in: David E. Mungello, The Chinese Rites Controversy. Its History
and Meaning (Monumenta Serica Monograph Series 33) (Nettetal 1994) pp.
• Claudia von Collani, “Une légation à Rome manquée: Joachim Bouvet
et Sabino Mariani”, in: Actes du VIe Colloque international de Sinologie,
Chantilly 1989 (Paris - Taipei 1995) pp. 277-301.
• Claudia von Collani, “Kilian Stumpf (Jilian Yunfeng) - Mediator between
Würzburg and China”, in: Dongxi Jiao Liu Lun Tan, Di Er Ji, Huang shi
Jian Zhubian (Forum für Ost-West-Austausch Band 2) (Shanghai 2001) pp.
• Claudia von Collani, “Kilian Stumpf (1655-1720), ein Würzburger Jesuit
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am chinesischen Kaiserhof”, in: Katharina Bosl von Papp (Hrsg.), Würzburg
in der Fremde - Fremdsein in Würzburg (Würzburg 2004) pp. 36-47.
• Claudia von Collani, “Thomas and Tournon - Mission and Money”, in: W.
F. Vande Walle, Noe̋l Golvers (eds.), The History of the Relations between
the Low Countries and China in the Qing Era (1644-1911) (Leuven 2003)
pp. 115-135.
• Claudia von Collani, “The first Encounter of the West with the Yijing.
Introduction to and Edition of Letters and Latin Translations by French Jesuits from the 18th Century”, Monumenta Serica LV (2007) pp. 227-387.
• Anton Huonder, Deutsche Jesuitenmissionäre des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts (1899) p. 195.
• Robert C. Jenkins, The Jesuits in China and the Legation of Cardinal de
Tournon (London 1894; 2005).
• Gert Naundorf, “Ignatz Köglers Elogium für Kilian Stumpf S.J.”, Zeitschrift
für Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft 59 (1975) pp. 269-285;
Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft 60 (1975) 2950.
• Gert Naundorf, “Würzburger Chinabeziehungen”, Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft 59 (1975) pp. 127-132.
• Christoph Nebgen, Missionarsberufungen nach Übersee in drei Deutschen
Provinzen der Gesellschaft Jesu im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert (Jesuitica 14)
(Regensburg 2007).
• Ludwig von Pastor, Geschichte der Päpste, vol. 15 (Freiburg 1930).
• Carl Platzweg, Lebensbilder deutscher Jesuiten in auswärtigen Missionen
(Paderborn 1882) pp. 267-271.
• Georg Pray, Geschichte der Streitigkeiten über die chinesischen Gebräuche,
worinn ihr Ursprung, Fortgang und Ende in drey Büchern dargestellt wird,
vols. II-III (Augsburg 1791).
• Sebald Reil, Kilian Stumpf 1655-1720. Ein Würzburger Jesuit am Kaiserhof zu Peking (Münster 1978).
• Matteo Ripa, Giornale (1705-1724), introduzione, testo critico e note di
Michele Fatica. Vol. II (1711-1716) (Collana “Matteo Ripa” XIV) (Napoli
• Antonio Sisto Rosso, Apostolic Legations to China of the Eighteenth Century (South Pasadena 1948).
• Francis A. Rouleau, “Maillard de Tournon, Papal Legate at the Court of
Peking. The First Imperial Audience (31 December 1705)”, Archivum Historicum Societatis Jesu 31 (1962) pp. 264-323.
• Paul Rule, “The Acta Pekinensia Project”, Sino-Western Cultural Relations Journal XXX (2008) pp. 17-29.
• Carlo Santini, “Il Compendium Actorum Pekinensium: testimonianze della
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questione die riti cinesi presso la Biblioteca Augusta di Perugi”, in: Francesco
D’Arelli (ed.), Le Marche e l’Oriente. Una tradizione ininterrotta da Matteo
Ricci a Giuseppe Tucci (Roma 1998) pp. 115-161.
• Christian Stücken, Der Mandarin des Himmels. Zeit und Leben des Chinamissionars Ignaz Kögler SJ (1680-1746) (Collectanea Sinica) (Sankt Augustin 2003).
• Gherardo de Vincentiis, Documenti e titoli sul privato fondatore dell’ attuale Reale Istituto (antico ’Collegio die Cinesi’ in Napoli) Matteo Ripa sulle
missioni in Cina nel secolo XVIII e sulla costituzione e consistenza patrimoniale della antica fondazione (Napoli 1904).
• Bernward H. Willeke, “Würzburg und die Chinamission im 17. und 18.
Jahrhundert”, in: Aus Reformation und Gegenreformation. Festschrift für
Theobald Freudenberger. Würzburger Diözesan-Geschichtsblätter 35/36 (Würzburg
1974) pp. 417-429.
• John W. Witek, Controversial Ideas in China and Europe: a Biography of
Jean-François Foucquet S.J. (1665-1741) (Institutum Historicum Societatis
Jesu 43) (Rome 1982).
Concerning the Glasshouse:
• Emily Byrne Curtis, “The Kangxi Emperor’s Glasshouse ... nella fornace
di vetri”, Journal. The International Chinese Snuff Bottle Society (1990) pp.
• Emily Byrne Curtis, “European Contributions to the Chinese Glass of the
Early Qing Period”, in: Journal of Glass Studies 35 (1993) pp. 91-101.
• Emily Byrne Curtis, “A Plan of the Emperor’s Glassworks”, Arts Asiatiques 56 (2001) pp. 81-90.
• Emily Byrne Curtis, Glass Exchange between Europe and China, 1550-1800
(Ashgate 2009).
• Heiner Schäfer, Von Bayern nach Peking. Vier Jahrhunderte Schnupftabakgläser
in China und Bayern (Schriftenreihe des Glasmuseums Frauenau Band 9:
Schnupftabakgläser) (2009).
• zhalan.htm (03.07.2009).
• (03.07.2009).
• Doc EBEFCD1E4C9E44915A16EE42506CA8A1EÃTplẼcommon Scontent.html (03.07.2009).
• (03.07.2009).
• Ad Dudink, Nicolas Stndaert, Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCTDatabase) (09.01.2010).
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Author(s) of this contribution:
Claudia von Collani
Version: 1.00

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