
TEN MOST SIGNIFICANT PUBLICATIONS (descending temporal order)
1. The Politics of Limited Times. The Rhetoric of Temporal Judgment in Parliamentary
Democracies. Baden-Baden: Nomos 2008, 264 pp., ISBN 978-3-8329-3804-8.
2. Kari Palonen & Tuija Pulkkinen & José Marìa Rosales (eds.), The Ashgate Research Companion
to the Politics of Democratisation in Europe. Aldershot: Ashgate 2008, 421 pp.,
ISBN 978-0-7546-7250-0.
3. The Struggle with Time. A Conceptual History of ’Politics’ as an Activity. Münster: LIT Verlag
2006, 342 pp., http://www.lit-verlag.de/isbn/3-8258-9293-X.
Hungarian Translation Küzdelem az idóvel. A cseleskvó politika fogalomtörténete, including on pp.
295-303 the author’s postscript from April 2009, L’Harmattan-Kiadó 356 pp.,
ISBN 978-963-236-164-2.
4. Die Entzauberung der Begriffe. Das Umschreiben der politischen Begriffe bei Quentin Skinner
und Reinhart Koselleck. Münster: Lit Verlag 2004, 368 pp.
5. Quentin Skinner. History, Politics, Rhetoric. Cambridge: Polity 2003, 207 pp., ISBN 978-07456-2857-8. http://www.polity.co.uk/book.asp?ref=0745628575.
Chinese translation. Shanghai. East China Normal University 2005, 217 pp., ISBN 7-5617-4386-6.
6. Eine Lobrede auf Politiker. Kommentar zu Max Webers 'Politik als Beruf'. Opladen:
Leske+Budrich 2002, 154 pp., ISBN 3-8100-3498-3.
7. Das 'Webersche Moment'. Zur Kontingenz des Politischen. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag
1998, 352 pp., ISBN 3-531-12997-x.
8. Politik als Vereitelung. Eine Interpretation der Politikkonzeption in Jean-Paul Sartres Critique
de la raison dialectique. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot 1992, 266 pp., ISBN 3-924550-70-0.
9. Die Thematisierung der Politik als Phänomen. Eine Interpretation der Geschichte des Begriffs
Politik im Frankreich des 20. Jahrhunderts. Helsinki: Societas Scientiarum Fennica 1990.
(Commentationes Scientiarum Socialium: 38), 177 pp., ISBN 951-653-195-4.
10. Politik als Handlungsbegriff. Horizontwandel des Politikbegriffs in Deutschland 1890-1933.
Helsinki: Societas Scientiarum Fennica 1985. (Commentationes Scientiarum Socialium; 28),
184 pp., ISBN 951-653-130-X.
(descending temporal order, 10 most significant publications marked with x)
1. Scientific monographs
x) 1. The Politics of Limited Times. The Rhetoric of Temporal Judgment in Parliamentary
Democracies. Baden-Baden: Nomos 2008, 264 pp., ISBN 978-3-8329-3804-8.
x) 2. Kari Palonen & Tuija Pulkkinen & José Marìa Rosales (eds.), The Ashgate Research
Companion to the Politics of Democratisation in Europe. Aldershot: Ashgate 2008, 421 pp.,
ISBN 978-0-7546-7250-0.
3. Re-thinking Politics. Essays from a quarter-century, edited by Kia Lindroos. Helsinki: The
Finnish Political Science Association 2007, 340 pp., ISBN 978-951-98514-3-3.
x) 4. The Struggle with Time. A Conceptual History of ’Politics’ as an Activity. Münster: LIT
Verlag 2006, 342 pp.
Hungarian Translation Küzdelem az idóvel. A cseleskvó politika fogalomtörténete,
including on pp. 295-303 the author’s postscript from April 2009, L’Harmattan-Kiadó 356 pp.,
ISBN 978-963-236-164-2.
x) 5. Die Entzauberung der Begriffe. Das Umschreiben der politischen Begriffe bei Quentin
Skinner und Reinhart Koselleck. Münster: Lit Verlag 2004, 368 pp.
x) 6. Quentin Skinner. History, Politics, Rhetoric. Cambridge: Polity, 2003, 207 pp., ISBN 978-07456-2857-8. http://www.polity.co.uk/book.asp?ref=0745628575
Chinese translation. Shanghai: East China Normal University 2005, 217 pp., ISBN 7-5617-4386-6.
7. Matti Hyvärinen & Jussi Kurunmäki & Kari Palonen & Tuija Pulkkinen & Henrik Stenius (eds.),
Käsitteet liikkeessä. Suomen poliittisen kulttuurin käsitehistoria [Concepts in Motion. A conceptual
history of the Finnish political culture]. Tampere: Vastapaino 2003, 617 pp.,
ISBN 951-768-130-5.
8. Jussi Kurunmäki and Kari Palonen (eds.), Zeit, Geschichte und Politik /Time, History and
Politics. Zum achtzigsten Geburtstag von Reinhart Koselleck, Jyväskylä: Jyväskylä Studies on
Education, Psychology and Social Research 2003, 310 pp., ISBN 951-39-1496-8.
x) 9. Eine Lobrede auf Politiker. Kommentar zu Max Webers 'Politik als Beruf'. Opladen:
Leske+Budrich 2002, 154 pp., ISBN 3-8100-3498-3.
10. Kia Lindroos & Kari Palonen (eds.), Politiikan aikakirja. Ajan politiikan ja politiikan ajan
teoretisointia. [Time-book of Politics. Theorizing time of politics and politics of time]. Tampere:
Vastapaino 2000, 222 pp., ISBN 951-768-070-8.
11. Pertti Ahonen & Kari Palonen (eds.), Dis-embalming Weber. Jyväskylä: SoPhi 1999,
170 pp., ISBN 951-39-0426-1.
x) 12. Das 'Webersche Moment'. Zur Kontingenz des Politischen. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher
Verlag 1998, 352 pp., ISBN 3-531-12997-x.
13. Kootut retoriikat. Esimerkkejä poliittisen luennasta. [Collected Essays on Rhetoric] Jyväskylä.
SoPhi 1997, 266 pp., ISBN 951-34-0929-5.
14. Kari Palonen & Tuija Parvikko (eds.), Reading the Political. Helsinki: The Finnish Political
Science Association 1993. 121 pp., ISBN-951-96131-6-1.
15. Peter L. Eisenhardt & Kari Palonen & Leena Subra & Rainer E. Zimmermann (eds.), Modern
Concepts of Existentialism. Jyväskylä Studies on Education Psychology and Social Research 102,
1993, 168 pp., ISBN 951-34-0158-8.
x) 16. Politik als Vereitelung. Eine Interpretation der Politikkonzeption in Jean-Paul Sartres
Critique de la raison dialectique. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot 1992, 266 pp.,
ISBN 3-924550-70-0.
x) 17. Die Thematisierung der Politik als Phänomen. Eine Interpretation der Geschichte des
Begriffs Politik im Frankreich des 20. Jahrhunderts. Helsinki: Societas Scientiarum Fennica 1990.
(Commentationes Scientiarum Socialium: 38), 177 pp., ISBN 951-653-195-4.
18. Sakari Hänninen & Kari Palonen (eds.), Texts, Contexts, Concepts. Studies in politics and
power in language. Helsinki: The Finnish Political Science Association 1990, 283 pp.,
ISBN 952-90-1959-9.
19. Jukka Kanerva & Kari Palonen (eds.), Transformation of Ideas on a Periphery. Helsinki: The
Finnish Political Science Association 1987, 151 pp., ISBN 951-99806-5-2.
x) 20. Politik als Handlungsbegriff. Horizontwandel des Politikbegriffs in Deutschland 1890-1933.
Helsinki: Societas Scientiarum Fennica 1985. (Commentationes Scientiarum Socialium; 28),
184 pp., ISBN 951-653-130-X.
2. Articles in refereed scientific journals
1. Der Parlamentarismus als Begriff.
Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte-Sonderheft 7, Eine Typologie der Formen der Begriffsgeschichte,
2010, 91-106.
2. John Pocock and Quentin Skinner. The Machiavellian and the Weberian Moment.
Ideas in History, 3, 3, 2009, 61-79.
3. (Pasi Ihalainen & Kari Palonen), Parliamentary Sources in the Comparative Study of Conceptual
History: methodological aspects and illustrations of a research proposal.
Parliaments, Estates & Representation 29, 2009, 17-34.
4. The Two Faces of Contingency La politique and le politique in the work of Pierre Rosanvallon.
Contributions to the History of Concepts 5, 2009, 121-139.
5. Imagining Max Weber’s Reply to Hannah Arendt: Remarks on the Arendtian Critique of
Representative Democracy.
Constellations. An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory, 15, 2008, 56-71.
(A previous German version, Was hätte Max Weber zu Hannah Arendt gesagt? In: Politik der
Integration. Symbole, Repräsentation, Institution. Festschrift Gerhard Göhler, (eds.) Hubertus
Buchstein & Rainer Schmalz-Bruns. Baden-Baden: Nomos 2006, 199-213.)
6. Objectivity as a Fair Play. Max Weber’s Parliamentary Redescription of a Normative Concept.
Redescriptions. Yearbook of Political Thought, Conceptual History and Feminist Theory.
Volume 12, 2008, 72-95.
7. Politics or the Political? An historical perspective on a contemporary non-debate.
European Political Science 6:1, 2007, 69-78.
8. Voting and Liberty. Contemporary Implications of the Skinnerian Re-thinking of Political
Contributions to the History of Concepts, 3, 2007, 23-41.
9. Two Concepts of Politics. Conceptual history and present controversies.
Distinktion. Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory, 12, 2006, 11-25.
(Also in the monograph 1.3., 121-136; An extended Finnish version: Kaksi politiikan käsitettä.
Tulkinta historiasta ja nykytilanteesta. In: Paul-Erik Korvela and Kia Lindroos (eds.), Avauksia
poliittiseen ajatteluun. Jyväskylä: Minerva, 2008, 195-220.)
10. Historische Begriffe und analytische Kategorien, Anmerkungen zur “Politisierung” der
Begriffe und zum Sprechakt “Politisierung”.
Scientia Poetica 10: 2; 2006, 318-331.
11. La relegitimation de la democracia por Max Weber (traducción de José María Rosales).
Res Publica. Reviste da filosofia politica, 16, año 9, 2006, 153-170.
(Partially included as chapter 2.5. in the volume 1.1.)
12. Sombart and Weber on Professional Politicians.
Max Weber Studies 6:1, 2006, 31-48.
(Also in the monograph 1.3., 295-312.)
13. A Train Reading Marathon. Retrospective remarks on Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe
Yearbook of Political Thought and Conceptual History. (Review article). Vol. 10, 2006, 160-175.
14. Max Weber als Begriffspolitiker.
Etica & Politica/Ethics & Politics. 2005, 2. http://www2.units.it/~etica/2005_2/PALONEN.pdf.
15. Political Theorizing as a Dimension of Political Life.
European Journal of Political Theory, 4, 2005, 351-367.
(Included into the monograph 1.3., 313-328; A Finnish version, Politiikan ajattelu politiikan
ulottuvuutena. Historiallinen aikakauskirja 102, 2004, 80-89.)
16. Parliamentarism: A Politics of Temporal and Rhetorical Distances.
ÖZG. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft. Jg. 15:2, 2005, Special issue: Ästhetik
und Öffentlichkeit, 111-125.
17. The Politics of Conceptual History.
Contributions to the History of Concepts, 1:1, 2005, 37-50.
(In Spanish: La política de la historia conceptual. Historia contemporanéa 27, 2003, 519-535.)
18. Eduskunnasta puhekunnaksi?, [From ‘House of Representatives’ to ’House of Debaters’]
Politiikka 47, 2005, 142-148.
19. Max Weber, Parliamentarism and the Rhetorical Culture of Politics.
Max Weber Studies 4:2, 2004, 273-292.
20. Four Times of Politics: Policy, Polity, Politicking and Politicization.
Alternatives 38, 2003, 171-186. (Included in the monograph 1.3., 55-70.)
21. Begriffsgeschichte und/als Politikwissenschaft.
Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 44, 2003, 221-234.
22. Translation, Politics and Conceptual Change.
Finnish Yearbook of Political Thought 7, 2003, 15-35.
(A Finnish version: Eurooppalaiset käsitteet suomalaisissa pelitiloissa [European concepts in the
Finnish linguistic Spielräume], in the monograph 1.7., 569-587.)
23. Herrschaft und Rhetorik bei Max Weber.
Vorgänge, 41, 2002: 4, 59-68.
24. The History of Concepts as a Style of Political Theorizing. Quentin Skinner’s and Reinhart
Koselleck’s subversion of normative political theory.
European Journal of Political Theory, 1, 2002, 96-111.
25. Rehabilitating the Politician. On a neglected genre in political theorizing.
Archives européennes de sociologie 43, 2002, 132-132. (Included in the monograph 1.3., 273-294.)
26. Poliitikon arvostelukyvystä [On the Judgment of the Politician]
Politiikka, 44, 2002:1, 64-69.
27. Transforming a Common European Concept into Finnish: Conceptual Changes in the
Understanding of 'Politiikka'.
Finnish Yearbook of Political Thought 5, 2001, 115-155.
(A longer Finnish version: Politiikka, in the monograph 1.7., 467-518.)
28. Was Max Weber a 'Nationalist'. A Study in the Rhetoric of Conceptual Change.
Max Weber Studies, vol. 1. 2001, 196-213.
(Also in: Peter Lassman (ed.), Max Weber. International Library of Essays in the History of Social
and Political Thought. Aldershot: Ashgate 2006, 497-516.)
29. Max Weber und die Umstrittenheit der Begriffe.
Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte, Sonderheft. Die Interdisziplinärität der Begriffsgeschichte, 2000.
30. Logic or Rhetoric in the History of Political Thought? Comments on Mark Bevir.
Rethinking History 4:3, 2000, 301-310.
31. Max Webers Reconceptualization of Freedom.
Political Theory 27, 1999, 523-544.
(Also in: Peter Lassman (ed.), Max Weber. International Library of Essays in the History of Social
and Political Thought. Aldershot: Ashgate 2006, 335-356.)
32. Rhetorical and Temporal Perspectives on Conceptual Change.
Finnish Yearbook of Political Thought 3, 1999, 41-59.
33. Liberty is Too Precious a Concept to Be Left to the Liberals. Review article on Quentin
Liberty Before Liberalism. Finnish Yearbook of Political Thought 2, 1998, 243-260.
34. Parlamentarismi poliittisena aikapelinä. [Parliamentarism as a political time game]
Politiikka, 40, 1998, 58-64.
35. Quentin Skinner’s Rhetoric of Conceptual Change.
History of Human Sciences 10, 1997, 61-80.
(An earlier Finnish version in the volume 4.2. 137-159 and monograph 1.13, 123-150).
36. An Application of Conceptual History to Itself. From method to theory in Reinhart Koselleck’s
Finnish Yearbook of Political Thought 1, 1997, 39-69.
37. Die jüngste Erfindung des Politischen. Ulrich Becks ’Neues Wörterbuch des Politischen’ als
Beitrag zur Begriffsgeschichte.
Leviathan 23, 1995, 417-436.
38. Are the Linguists Better Political Scientists? Review article on Johannes Volmert.
Politikerrede als kommunikatives Handlungsspiel.
Semiotica 1/2, 94, 1993, 135-145.
39. Kaupunki politiikan paikkana. Max Weberin kaupunkiessee politiikan teorian klassikkona.
[The city as the locus of politics. Max Weber’s city-essay as a classical text in political theory]
Politiikka, 35. 1993, 275-282.
40. Puolueohjelmien retorisesta luennasta. [On a rhetorical reading of party manifestoes]
Politiikka, 34, 1992, 370-374. [Also in the monograph 1.13, 21-32]
41. Das Überschreiten der Realpolitik durch Imagination.
Das Sartre-Jahrbuch Zwei, (ed.) Rainer E. Zimmermann, 1991, 49-63.
42. Sartres Absage an die Sprache der neuzeitlichen politischen Theorie.
Das Sartre-Jahrbuch Eins, (ed.) Rainer E. Zimmermann, 1991, 85-100.
43. Korrekturen zur Geschichte von ‘Politisierung’.
Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 30, 1989, 215-224.
44. Popularisoivasta problematisoivaan käännöspolitiikkaan. [From popularizing to
problematicising policy of translations]
Politiikka 31, 1989, 214-220.
45, Politiikan ilmiöt vai politiikan ilmiö? Käsitehistoriallista tarkastelua.[The phenomena of
politics or the phenomenon of politics. A conceptual historical discussion]
Politiikka, 29,1987, 305-321.
46. Politiikan kokemisen jäljillä. Näkökulma Peter Weissin 'romaaniin' Die Ästhetik des
Widerstands. [Searching experience of politics in the ‘novel’ of Peter Weiss, Die Ästhetik des
Politiikka 29, 1987, 40-50.
47. Why Are Good Rulers Worse than Bad Knes? 'King Harald the Long-Lived' as a subject of
political study.
World Literature Today 58, 1984, 551-555.
(A longer Finnish version in: Politiikka 20, 1978, 213-232)
48. Allgemeine Staatslehre als Wissenschaft. Rehabilitierende Bemerkungen aus finnischer Sicht.
Der Staat 20, 1981, 229-248.
49. Social Science as Peace Research. An interpretation of Johan Galtung's "Intellectual Odyssey".
Current research on peace and violence 1, 1978, 104-125.
50. Sivistyneistösosialismi. Yrjö Ruudun poliittisen teorian tulkintaa. [Socialism of the
intellectuals. An interpretation of the political theory of Yrjö Ruutu]
Politiikka 19, 1977, 308-329.
3. Articles in refereed edited volumes and conference proceedings
1. Political Times and the Rhetoric of Democratization.
In Kari Palonen & Tuija Pulkkinen & José Marìa Rosales (eds.), The Ashgate Research Companion
to the Politics of Democratisation in Europe. Aldershot: Ashgate 2008, 151-166. (Monograph 1.2.)
2. Postscript. The Past, Present and Future of Democratization.
In Kari Palonen & Tuija Pulkkinen & José Marìa Rosales (eds.), The Ashgate Research Companion
to the Politics of Democratisation in Europe. Aldershot: Ashgate 2008, 405-411 (Monograph 1.2.)
3. Speaking pro et contra. The rhetorical intelligibility of parliamentary politics and the political
intelligibility of parliamentary politics.
In Suvi Soininen & Tapani Turkka (eds.), The Parliamentary Style of Politics. Helsinki: The
Finnish Political Science Association 2008, 82-105.
4. Parliamentary Concepts and the Parliamentarisation of Concepts.
In Gürcan Koçan (ed.), Transnational Concepts, Transfers and the Challenge of the Peripheries.
Istanbul: Istanbul Technical University Press 2008, 201-227.
5. El lenguaje retórico de la política parlamentaria.
In Enrico Bocardo Crespo (ed.), El giro contextual. Cinco essyos de Quentin Skinner y seis
comentarios. Madrid: Technos 2007, 387-411.
6. Max Weber parlamentarismin puolustajana. [Max Weber’s defence of parliamentarism]
In Tapani Kaakkuriniemi & Juri Mykkänen (eds.), Politiikan representaatio. Helsinki:
Valtiotieteellinen yhdistys 2007, 64-86.
7. Den begreppshistoriska Verfremdungseffekten.
In Bo Lindberg (ed.), Begreppshistoria. En konferensrapport. Stockholm: Vitterhetsakademins
skriftserie 2005, 35-50.
8. Political Times and the Temporalisation of Concepts. A new agenda for the conceptual history.
In Lars-Folke Landgren & Pirkko Hautamäki (eds.), The People, Citizen, Nation. Festschrift
Henrik Stenius. University of Helsinki, Renvall Institute Publications 2005, 50-66.
(Portuguese translation, Tempos da politica e temporalizaçao conceptual: um nuovo programa para
a história conceitual. In: João Feres Júnior & Marcelo Jasmin (eds.)
História des conceitos: dialogos transâtlanticos. Rio de Janeiro, Edutora PUC 2007, 31-44.)
9. Macht als Chance. Zur Geschichte von Max Webers politischer Innovation.
In Carola Häntsch (ed.), Philosophieren im Ostseeraum. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2004, 161-172.
10. Politiikka.
In Matti Hyvärinen & Jussi Kurunmäki & Kari Palonen & Tuija Pulkkinen & Henrik Stenius
(eds.), Käsitteet liikkeessä. Suomen poliittisen kulttuurin käsitehistoria, Tampere: Vastapaino 2003,
467-518. (Monograph 1.7.)
11. Die Verzeitlichung der Begriffe bei Max Weber.
In Jussi Kurunmäki and Kari Palonen (eds.), Zeit, Geschichte und Politik /Time, History and
Politics. Jyväskylä Studies on Education, Psychology and Social Research 2003, 85-104.
(Monograph 1.8.)
12. Politik statt Ordnung. Figuren der Kontingenz bei Max Weber.
In Hans J. Lietzmann (ed.), Moderne Politik. Politikverständnisse im 20. Jahrhundert. Opladen:
Leske+Budrich 2001, 9-23.
13. Max Weber as Text.
In Pertti Ahonen, Kari Palonen (eds.), Dis-embalming Weber. Jyväskylä: SoPhi 1999, 40-55.
(Monograph 1.11.)
14. Dimensions of the Political: Travel and Interpretation.
In Terrell Carver & Matti Hyvärinen (eds.), Interpreting the Political. New Methodologies London:
Routledge 1997, 108-128. ISBN 0-415-13195-2. (included in the monograph 1.3., 249-269.)
15. How to Turn God into an Ally? The rhetoric of life-conduct in Max Weber’s Protestant Ethic.
In Tuija Parvikko & Jukka Kanerva (eds.), Exploring the Chronospace of Ideas. Jyväskylä: SoPhi
1996, 127-141.
15. Der Parteiname als Synekdoche. Eine rhetorische Perspektive zum Wandel der
In Ruth Reiher (ed.), Sprache im Konflikt. Zur Rolle der Sprache in sozialen, politischen und
militärischen Auseinandersetzungen. Berlin: de Gruyter 1995, 447-460.
16. Introduction: from Policy and Polity to Politicking and Politicization.
In Kari Palonen & Tuija Parvikko (eds.), Reading the Political. Helsinki: The Finnish Political
Science Association 1993, 6-16. (Monograph 14, also in the monograph 1.3., 35-45.)
17. The Politics of Street Naming.
In Kari Palonen & Tuija Parvikko (eds.), Reading the Political. Helsinki: The Finnish Political
Science Association 1993, 103-121 (Monograph 14, also in the monograph 1.3., 229-247.)
18. The Existential Language of Politics: From Weber to Sartre.
In Peter L. Eisenhardt & Kari Palonen & Leena Subra & Rainer E. Zimmermann (eds.), Modern
Concepts of Existentialism. Jyväskylä Studies on Education Psychology and Social Research 102,
1993, 61-79 (Monograph 15.).
19. A Case of Politics for Politics. Jean-Paul Sartre’s existential apology of politics as an
alternative to the republican one.
In Sakari Hänninen & Kari Palonen (eds.), Texts, Contexts, Concepts. Studies in politics and power
in language. Helsinki: The Finnish Political Science Association 1990, 121-139 (Monograph 18,
also in the monograph 1.3., 199-217.)
20. Le rapport sartrien au politique.
In Jean-Paul Sartre – un philosophe du politique, (eds.) Kari Palonen & Leena Subra. Jyväskylä
Studies in Education, Psychology and Social Research 74 1990, 10-32.
21. La politique en tant que situation de lutte chex Weber et chez Sartre.
In Jean-Paul Sartre – un philosophe du politique, (eds.) Kari Palonen & Leena Subra Jyväskylä
Studies in Education, Psychology and Social Research 74, 1990, 60-79.
22. Das Politische als Dimension der Person. In Traugott König (ed.), Sartre. Ein Kongress.
Reinbek: Rowohlt 1988, 437-449.
23. The Study of Politics as a Project and as an Institution.
In Dag Anckar & Erkki Berndtson (eds.), Political Science between the Past and the Future.
Helsinki: The Finnish Political Science Association 1988, 98-118. (translated into Slovenian)
24. The Art of the Possible in Periphery. J.K. Paasikivi and Urho Kekkonen in the Realpolitik
In Jukka Kanerva & Kari Palonen (eds.), Transformation of Ideas on a Periphery, Helsinki: The
Finnish Political Science Association 1987, 98-115 (Monograph 19, also in monograph 1.3., 137154)
25. Refusal of Military Service as a Political Act.
In K. Kiljunen & J. Väänänen (eds.), Youth and Conscription. Helsinki: International Peace Bureau
et al. 1987, 160-168. (Also publishd in Current Research on Peace and Violence 8, 1985 and
included in the monograph 1.3., 219-227.)
26 On the Intelligibility of Oligarchy and Dictatorship.
In Dag Anckar & Erkki Berndtson (eds.), Essays on Democratic Theory. Helsinki: The Finnish
Political Science Association 1984, 127-144.
27. Politics as a Dramatic Action Situation.
In Ilkka Heiskanen & Sakari Hänninen (eds.), Exploring the Basis of Politics. Five essays on the
politics of experience, language, knowledge and history. Helsinki: The Finnish Political Science
Association 1983, 11-31. (included in the monograph 1.3., 15-33)
28. Yleisen valtio-opin perustaminen Helsingin yliopistoon. [The foundation of the political
science chair to the university of Helsinki).
In Jaakko Nousiainen & Dag Anckar (eds.), Valtio ja yhteiskunta. Tutkielmia suomalaisen
valtiollisen ajattelun ja valtio-opin historiasta. Porvoo: WSOY 1983, 93-137.
4. Textbooks
1. Kari Palonen, & Hilkka Summa (eds.), 1996: Pelkkää retoriikkaa (Just Rhetoric]. Tampere:
Vastapaino 329 pp., ISBN 951-768-000-7.
2. Tekstistä politiikkaan. Johdatus tulkintataitoon ("From Text to Politics. Introduction to the Art
of Interpretation"). Tampere: Vastapaino 1988, 216 pp., ISBN 951-9066-30-6.