Fit für TOEFL © 2012 Hueber Verlag, Ismaning, ISBN 978-3


Fit für TOEFL © 2012 Hueber Verlag, Ismaning, ISBN 978-3
SECTION 1: Reading
Beispieltest 1
Read the passage below and answer the questions.
Reading passage
The fifteenth century was called the
Renaissance, which is French for rebirth, and the Italian Renaissance has
often been expressed as the beginning
of the modern epoch and a golden age
of Florentine art. Florence had already
experienced a long and prosperous history by the 15th century and had established itself as a haven for the free
exchange of ideas for philosophers,
scholars and artists. Its most powerful
and wealthy political family at the
time, the Medici, spent astronomical
sums of money on buildings and art for
the beautification and glorification of
their republic resulting in architects
and artists flocking into the city. Renaissance art tended to focus on the
human body with accurate proportions
and the most favored art subjects were religion, portraits and mythology. The
choice of medium for Renaissance painters was oil paint on stretched canvas
adding shadow and light and the use of the vanishing point became popular
during this period. Two of the supreme artists of all time are Leonardo da Vinci
and Michelangelo who arose in Florence in the days of her glory.
One of the most outstanding masters of the High Renaissance is Leonardo da
Vinci (1452-1519) who was not only an excellent painter and sculptor, but also architect, musician, scientist, inventor, engineer and mathematician and for this
reason is viewed as the “Renaissance Man.” Historians agree that it was with
Leonardo and his work that the High Renaissance began. Born as an illegitimate
son of a local lawyer, he took the name of the town in which he was born; Vinci.
Um Zeit zu sparen …
… müssen Sie schnell lesen und den
Sinn des Textes erfassen.
1 Lesen Sie den ersten und den letzten Satz der Einleitung. Der letzte Satz
ist der Thesensatz; er sagt Ihnen, wovon der Artikel handelt.
2 Danach lesen Sie den ersten Satz
jedes Abschnitts. Er gibt Auskunft über
den Inhalt des Abschnitts. Denken Sie
beim späteren Bearbeiten der Aufgaben an diese Sätze; sie helfen Ihnen,
den Abschnitt für die jeweils gefragte
Information zu finden.
3 Lesen Sie den letzten Abschnitt
genauer; er enthält eine Zusammenfassung des Artikels.
Wichtig: Lesen Sie die Abschnitte nie
Zeile für Zeile, sondern überfliegen Sie
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SECTION 1: Reading
As a youth, Leonardo was apprenticed to the famous painter and sculptor Andrea del Verrocchio in Florence and was soon admitted to the Florence Painters’
Guild in 1472. He also showed interest in natural and physical sciences and his
hundreds of drawings proved his unsurpassed skills in draftsmanship.
(1) During his twenty-year service to the Duke of Milan he painted the altarpiece; Madonna of the Rocks and the mural; The Last Supper. After returning to
Florence he painted one of his most famous portraits La Gioconda, better known
as the Mona Lisa (1503-6). (2) Besides perfecting the use of the “chiaroscuro
method”, which created an illusion of depth and space around the main figures
in a composition, he also invented an opposite effect, the “sfumato method”, blurring sharp outlines using the subtle blending of one tone into another with thin
glazes giving the illusion of three-dimensionality. (3) Because his interests covered such a wide range he completed very few major projects. (4) As a scientist,
Leonardo realized the importance of careful observation and documentation
and made discoveries in anatomy, meteorology and geology, hydraulics and aerodynamics. It is said that he exhumed corpses to study human anatomy producing meticulous drawings of the human skeletal, muscular and internal organ
systems. As an inventor and engineer he invented many clever aeronautic and
war machines.
Another prominent artist was Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564), who became famous as a sculptor, painter, architect, engineer and later poet in the High
to Late Italian Renaissance. Born in Caprese, he moved to Florence with his
family when he was still a child. He too, was considered a true Renaissance Man
because of the volume of his sketches, and therefore considered the best-documented artist of the 16th century. As an apprentice to the sculptor Bertoldo di
Giovanni, he found sculpting to be a true passion with the belief that every stone
had a sculpture within it if all the parts that were not part of the sculpture were
just chipped away. His magnificent sculptures caught the attention of the Medici
family which then supported him financially. His most famous statues include
David, and Pietá. Michelangelo was a devout Christian and under the patronage
of Pope Julius II, was commissioned to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
(1508-1512). This complex composition contained over 300 figures based on nine
episodes of the Book of Genesis divided into three groups – God’s creation of
Earth, God’s creation of Mankind depicted as Adam and Eve in the Garden of
Eden, and the Great Flood representing their fall from God’s grace. Although he
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SECTION 1: Reading
was commissioned for many projects, many of them were never completed. His
last completed project was the fresco of The Last Judgement (1534-1541) under
the patronage of Pope Clementine VII. There was so much protest about the depictions of nakedness in the papal chapel which was considered sacrilegious,
that it was censored despite the Pope’s resistance. Ultimately, one of Michelangelo’s apprentices was sent in to “touch it up.” Moreover, this was not the only
piece of Michelangelo’s work which was censored. His architectural skills were
proven when he was appointed to complete many incomplete projects which
had been started by others. One of these was the Saint Peter’s Basilica in the
Vatican for which he designed the dome.
The Florentine Renaissance was obsessed with competition and thus the
Florentine government commissioned both Leonardo and Michelangelo to produce a scene from the history of Florence to adorn the walls of the Council Room
of the Town Hall. Expectations of both artists were high. Leonardo was a generation older and had already established his reputation as a great painter. Michelangelo must have been worried since he prized himself more as a sculptor and
had not painted very much by that time. He had grown up hearing about Leonardo’s fame and was often heard making negative remarks about his older rival.
Ultimately, neither artist actually won the competition because Michelangelo
never painted his and Leonardo ruined his work. Nevertheless, the Florence officials announced Michelangelo the victor which helped launch the younger
artist on his career earning him major commissions in Rome. Leonardo, not
wanting to be looked down upon by Italy’s art patrons despite his more established reputation, went to France and was commissioned by the French court.
All the recognized masterpieces were created during the Renaissance and it
was truly an artistic period in history. Ultimately, the artistic duel and lost battle
between Leonardo and Michelangelo was a dramatic and defining point in the
Renaissance. Artists after this time did not experiment with new techniques, but
instead copied the techniques of these great predecessors.
Mit Erscheinen der Aufgabe, wird auf
der anderen Bildschirmseite der Absatz
eingeblendet, in dem die entsprechende Antwort zu finden ist.
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SECTION 1: Reading
1 Based on paragraph 1, which of the following is the best definition for
modern epoch
a new beginning
a golden age
2 According to paragraph 2 “Renaissance Man” means:
Someone with innovative ideas.
Someone who is a great painter.
Someone who was born in the 15th century.
Someone who was highly skilled.
3 The “High Renaissance” began
when da Vinci was born.
when da Vinci started producing his masterpieces.
when da Vinci went to live in France.
when da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.
4 In paragraph 2, the “chiaroscuro method“
A was developed by Leonardo da Vinci.
B used glazes to create an illusion of three-dimensionality.
C was a technique used to create depth around an object
in the painting.
D was a method used in drawings.
5 In Paragraph 2 there are four numbered spaces. Where does the
following sentence best fit? Circle the correct number below.
The veiled mistiness in the Mona Lisa is an excellent example of this method.
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SECTION 1: Reading
6 What is the meaning of “it” in this sentence in paragraph 3?
There was so much protest about the depictions of nakedness in the papal
chapel which was considered sacrilegious, that it was censored despite the
Pope’s resistance.
the fresco of The Last Judgement
the naked figures in the fresco of The Last Judgement
the statue of David
most of Michelangelo’s work
7 The word “obsessed” at the beginning of paragraph 4 means:
dote on
8 The word “launch” in the same paragraph means:
to support
to contract
to hire
to establish
9 What can be inferred about Michelangelo from the paragraph?
He was more popular than Leonardo.
He was more creative than Leonardo.
He was more experimental than Leonardo.
He was wealthier than Leonardo.
10 How can this sentence in paragraph 5 be interpreted?
The artistic duel and lost battle between Leonardo and Michelangelo
was a dramatic and defining point in the Renaissance.
It was the end of the High Renaissance.
It was a highlight of the Renaissance.
It was obvious that neither of them was as great as at first believed.
After this time Leonardo retired and Michelangelo worked as an
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SECTION 1: Reading
11 Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo were similar in many ways except:
they both created new methods of painting with oil paints.
they both lived during the Renaissance.
neither of them considered painting to be their best skill.
neither of them finished many of their projects.
12 Select the four main ideas (A–D) from the answer choices below (1–8)
as a summary of the whole reading passage.
Answer Choices:
1 Leonardo da Vinci was considered to have initiated the High Renaissance
2 The Medici family had a great impact on Florence during the Renaissance.
3 There was a competition between Leonardo and Michelangelo.
4 Michelangelo’s fresco of The Last Judgement was censored.
5 Leonardo created a new technique in painting in oil that many painters after
him copied.
6 Many great pieces of art were created during the Renaissance.
7 Leonardo worked for the French court.
8 Clementine VII became Pope.
Beispieltest 2
Read the passage below and answer the questions.
Reading passage
What is Knowledge Management? Is it getting the right information to the
right people at the right time? Is it technology, or the web? Although this loose
term has been around for over a decade, not many people can put their finger on
its true definition. KM, as it is commonly referred to, is basically identifying,
documenting and distributing organizational practices, individual knowledge
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SECTION 2: Listening
Wie der Lesetext im Reading Teil hat auch die Lecture eine festgelegte Struktur:
Einleitung, Details und Beispiele, Schlussfolgerung. Sie können während des
Hörens Notizen machen. (Achtung: Manche Vorlesungen können sehr abrupt
Während des Hörens sollten Sie:
• den Vorsatz bzw. Zweck der Vorlesung erkennen. Das Thema wird in der
Regel in dem ersten Satz vorgestellt, deswegen müssen Sie von Beginn an
gut zuhören.
• den Schwerpunkt beachten und Beispiele, Vergleiche, Ursachen und Auswirkungen erkennen.
• den Ton und die Einstellung des Sprechers beachten – ist sie/er dem Thema
gegenüber positiv, negativ oder neutral eingestellt?
• Verbindungswörter beachten (however, additionally, usw.) – so erkennt man
die Logik und die Richtung der Vorlesung.
Geraten Sie nicht in Panik, wenn Sie nicht jedes Wort der Vorlesung verstehen. Wichtig ist, dass Sie den Gedankengängen folgen können.
Stellen Sie sich während des Hörens immer die folgenden zwei Fragen:
• Was ist das Thema der Vorlesung?
• Welche wesentlichen Gründe und Fakten werden genannt?
Beispieltest 1
Listen to the following lecture and answer the questions.
Nicht zu viele Notizen!
Machen Sie nicht zu viele Notizen –
das lenkt ab. Hören Sie lieber genau
zu. Wenige Notizen von wichtigen
Wörtern und Fakten zu machen,
reicht völlig aus. Diese sind hilfreich
bei den Zusammenfassungen.
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SECTION 2: Listening
1 What is the main purpose of the lecture?
A To explain the history of Troy.
B To explain how news was carried in times before the alphabet.
C To illustrate that it is not the story itself, but the way it is written
that makes the difference between a good and bad story.
D To prove that the story of the Iliad was a myth.
Why does the professor talk about Homer?
Because he wrote the first history book about Ancient Greece.
To explain that he was a popular singer at that time.
Because it was Homer’s version of the fall of Troy that fascinated
D To prove that he was a fictitious person.
3 What does the professor imply about Homer?
A He believed the stories he had heard.
B He was a scholar.
C He copied other storytellers’ stories.
D He created his own version of what he had heard.
4 Listen again to part of the lecture, then answer the question you will hear.
A The professor does not believe that the story of the Iliad is
completely true.
B We can assume that the story is a myth.
C We can assume that Homer was not the only person to create
this story.
D We can assume that there is some truth in Homer’s story.
5 What proof of Troy’s existence is there in the lecture?
A Heinrich Schliemann found cities dating back over a period of
3,500 years.
B The Ancient Greeks invaded the city to control the waterway
between the Mediterranean and Black Seas.
C There is evidence that the city of Troy was destroyed.
D The Ancient Greeks were great warriors.
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SECTION 2: Listening
6 Put the events in the correct order. This question is worth 2 points.
1 The German archaeologist, Heinrich Schliemann conducted excavations at
the place where Troy was believed to have stood.
2 Homer created the epic story of the Iliad.
3 The Trojan War probably took place.
4 The Greek alphabet was created.
5 Minstrels wandered from place to place singing about events they had seen
and/or heard about.
Beispieltest 2
Listen to the following lecture
and answer the questions.
1 What is the main purpose of the lecture?
A To illustrate the various cultural audience expectations
of a presentation.
B To explain how to prepare for an international presentation.
C To give examples of good presentations.
D To explain that Anglo-Saxon style presentations are boring
to the rest of the world.
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SECTION 2: Listening
2 Why does the professor talk about ‘feminine’ cultures?
To illustrate that they are not good listeners.
To compare them with linear-active cultures such as Anglo-Saxons.
Because people in those cultures think and act like women.
Because they are good at multi-tasking and are bored with
3 What does the professor imply about giving international
A It’s impossible to please the audience.
B A lot of thought has to go into the needs of the audience when
preparing the presentation.
C It’s best to give the presentation in the style that you are familiar with.
D You should always use a hook to catch the audience’s attention.
4 Listen again to part of the lecture then answer the question you will
A The professor believes that you will always be surprised at
rude reactions from some international audiences.
B We should never use our own personal style of presenting.
C We can assume that some audiences will be shocked at our
style of presenting.
D Unless we do a thorough research of a our audience’s expectations,
we shouldn’t be surprised if our presentation isn’t successful.
5 All these statements are correct except one. Which one?
A International presentations need to be adapted to the style
of the majority of the audience.
B The length of the presentation depends on the culture of the audience.
C You should never have a question and answer session at the end
of international presentations.
D The Anglo-Saxon and Latin presentation style is very different.
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SECTION 2: Listening
6 The professor mentions some features of two different styles of
presenting. Mark the correct box for each phrase.
Presentation should not exceed 30 minutes
A short and eloquent talk
Convince the audience with facts
Use a hook in the introduction
In diesem Prüfungsteil hören Sie Gespräche, die in der Regel ein generelles
Problem behandeln. Die anschließenden Aufgaben variieren; Sie werden z. B.
nach dem Grund des Gesprächs oder konkreten Detailinformation gefragt, oder
man bittet Sie, eine Schlussfolgerung ziehen. Des Weiteren ist es möglich, dass
man Ihnen einen Satz des Gesprächs erneut vorspielt und Sie bittet, diesen zu
Beispieltest 1
Listen to the following
conversation and answer the
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SECTION 4: Writing
Independent Writing Task
Beispieltest 1
In diesem Mustertest sind die Antworten schon vorgegeben. Falls Sie die Aufgabe jedoch zum Üben nutzen wollen, bedecken Sie die rechte Seite der Tabelle.
Die Tabelle an sich erscheint in der Prüfung selbst nicht, sondern dient nur als
Strukturierungshilfe für die Antworten.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Always telling the truth is the most important consideration in any relationship.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. Absatz – Einleitung
• Aufhänger
• Thema nennen
• These formulieren
2. Absatz – Inhalt
• 1. Grund
• Detail: Grund 1
• Bezug zur These
“Honesty is the best policy” is a famous proverb.
Telling the truth is therefore a very important
consideration in all relationships.
It is an ethical issue in our society.
Because honesty is so ingrained into our social
ethics, if we are found out at not being truthful it
can break any relationship whether in business,
private or in society in general.
Firstly, in many cultures a promise with a handshake in business is regarded as a contract by law.
If you do not hold that promise you are not considered a fair and honest person or company,
giving you a bad reputation. Very few, if any, companies can stay in business for very long if they
have a reputation of doing dishonest deeds. Even
within a company, if you are not honest with your
boss you may lose your job. It is sometimes extremely difficult to tell a customer that their
goods will not be delivered on time, or to admit to
your boss that you have made a mistake.
Nevertheless, the consequences of telling a lie
are far more dangerous than telling the truth.
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Independent Writing Task
3. Absatz – Inhalt
• 2. Grund
• Detail: Grund 2
• Bezug zur These
SECTION 4: Writing
For the same reason it is equally important to
tell the truth to your family and friends. If, as parents you do not tell the truth and break promises
to your spouse and children, especially your children will feel that it is an acceptable trait and will
practice it themselves. They will find it difficult to
find nice friends and develop good relationships
with others because of this. Many marriages have
ended in divorce because of lack of trust.
Trust is based on telling the truth and is a core
value in a marriage and family.
4. Absatz – Inhalt
• 3. Grund
A final reason why telling the truth is important,
is when we consider politics.
• Detail: Grund 3
All of us have experienced political party leaders
promising all kinds of advantages to their citizens
and yet when they are voted into power can’t, or
decide not to keep any or very few of these promises. This has given politicians a very bad reputation, but seems to be the only area in society
where blatant lying is tolerated.
• Bezug zur These
We all know that we can’t trust politicians in
general and it is the few who we feel we can believe that win our favor.
5. Absatz – Schlussfolgerung
• These wiederholen
In conclusion, trust is based on telling the truth.
It is a core value in most societies around the
• Endgültige Aussage Without trust, business and private relationships
(407 words )
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SECTION 4: Writing
Independent Writing Task
Beispieltest 2
Die bereitstehende Vorlage kann als Orientierungs-/Strukturierungshilfe genutzt
werden; sie steht jedoch in der Prüfung nicht zur Verfügung. Eine mögliche Antwort finden Sie im Lösungsschlüssel.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
One should never judge a person by external appearance. Use specific reasons
and details to support your answer.
1. Absatz – Einleitung
• Aufhänger
• Thema nennen
• These formulieren
2. Absatz – Inhalt
• 1. Grund
• Detail: Grund 1
• Bezug zur These
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Independent Writing Task
SECTION 4: Writing
3. Absatz – Inhalt
• 2. Grund
• Detail: Grund 2
• Bezug zur These
4. Absatz – Inhalt
• 3. Grund
• Detail: Grund 3
• Bezug zur These
5. Absatz – Schlussfolgerung
• These wiederholen
• Endgültige Aussage
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