Bibliography International Insolvency Law.


Bibliography International Insolvency Law.
This bibliography contains the basic sources used for my book: Bob Wessels, ‘International
Insolvency Law Part I. Global Perspectives on Cross-Border Insolvency Law’, Deventer:
Wolters Kluwer, 4th ed., 2015, CXCVI + 527 pp.
My call for additional references (see has been responded to by authors from Australia,
France, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Peru and USA. I thanks these contributors.
Please use the call as a standing invitation to send me literature sources.
The book mentioned above will be completed by International Insolvency Law: Part II
European Insolvency Law, foreseen for publication late 2017. Both will form the fourth edition
of its original version.
Prof. Dr. Bob Wessels
Emeritus professor International Insolvency Law
University of Leiden, The Netherlands
February 2016
[email protected]
The literature section in this book follows an alphabetical order according surnames of authors. Most
sources date from the mid 1990s until February 2016. Publications from an earlier date will be listed
in the Bibliographic sources mentioned below.
Throughout the book references are made to the sources based on [surname][(year)], [number], for
instance: Ailola (2000), 216, in the text refers to: Ailola, D.A., The UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross
Border Insolvency: Its Efficacy and Suitability as a Basis for a SADC Convention, in: Stellenbosch
Law Review 2000, p. 216.
When an author has several publications in a year, the reference to the year will include a letter, e.g.
Omar (2004e), which refers to the fifth publication in 2004, included in this Bibliography of: Omar,
Paul J., Themes and movements in international insolvency law, in: 12 Insolvency Law Journal 2004,
159 (2004e), alternatively, it will include (a key word of) the publication, e.g. Wessels, Festschrift
Kübler (2015).
Bibliographic sources
American Bar Association International Bankruptcy Subcommittee, Section on Business Law
Bibliography of International Insolvency, May 31, 1994, compiled by: Brooke Schumm III and
Debbie L. Fish.Consolidated Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL
(1968-2009), IX. Insolvency,
Davis, Jean J., and Victoria J. Szymczak, Selected Insolvency and Bankruptcy Recourses, in: 23 Brooklyn
Journal of International Law 1997, 183ff.
Morrisson, Edward R., The Economics of Bankruptcy: An Introduction to the Literature, December 30,
2009, Columbia Law School Working Paper Series, No. 366,
Pannen, Klaus (ed.), Bibliography, in: European Insolvency Regulation, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2007,
Pratter, Jonathan, International insolvency bibliography: commentary in books and journals, Tarlton Legal
Bibliography Series, No. 40, 1995, Tarlton Law Library, Jamail Center for Legal Research, University
of Texas, Austin, USA.
Select bibliography, in: Australian Law Reform Commission, ‘Legal Risk in International Transactions’,
Report No. 80, 1996 (
Select bibliography: International Insolvency: secondary sources in English, 1995-1997, in: 33 Texas
International Law Journal 1998, 227ff (compiled by Amy Pullen and Geralyn Trujillo).
Select bibliography, in: Law Commission New Zealand (Te Aka Matua O Te Ture), ‘Cross-Border
Insolvency. Should New Zealand adopt the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency?’,
Report 52, February 1999, Wellington, New Zealand (
Uncitral, Consolidated Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL (2008 to
Aasaru, Epp, The Desirability of ‘Centre of Main Interest’ as a Mechanism for Allocating Jurisdiction and
Applicable Law in Cross-Border Insolvency Law, in: Eur. Bus. Law R. 2011, 349ff.
Abe, S., Recent developments in Insolvency Laws and Cross-Border Practices in the United States and
Japan, in: 10 American Bankruptcy Institute Law Review, Spring 2002, nr. 1
Abbott, Kenneth W., and Duncan Snidal, Hard and Soft Law in International Governance, in: Kirton, John
J., with Jelena Madunic (ed.), Global Law, Ashgate 2009, pp. 257-292.
Abeln, Rufus F., and Tom G. Abeln, The Future of the European Insolvency Regulation, European Review
of Private Law 5-2011, 697ff.
Adam, Dietmar, Zuständigkeitsfragen bei der Insolvenz internationaler Unthernehmensverbindungen,
Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2006.
Adams, Edward S., and Jason K. Finke, Coordinating Cross-Border Bankruptcy: How Territorialis Saves
Universalism, in: 15 Columbia Journal of European Law 2008-2009, 43-88.
Adeline, A., Les créaniers en matière de faillite internationale: information/déclaration de
créances/recouvrement, Petites Affiches, du 13 mars 2007.
Adriaanse, J.A.A, N.J.H. Huls, J.G. Kuijl, P. Vos, Informele reorganisatie en het perspectief van surseance
van betaling, WSNP en faillissement, Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatiecentrum
(WODC), ’s-Gravenhage, serie Onderzoek en beleid 224, 2004.
Adriaanse, J.A.A., Restructuring in the Shadow of the Law. Informal Reorganisation in the Netherlands,
doctoral thesis, University Leiden, Deventer: Kluwer, 2005.
Adriaanse, Jan, Bernard Santen & Jean-Pierre van de Rest, Avoiding international insolvencies: exploring
a business rescue perspective using game theory, cultural dimensions and a teaching experience in
Zambia, in: Perspectives on international insolvency law. A tribute to Bob Wessels, Deventer: Kluwer
2014, 177ff.
Aerts, K.H., De Insolventieverordening: lang gewacht, toch gekregen, in: Nieuwsbrief BW (NbBW) 2002,
Affaki, Georg, A European view on the U.S. courts’ approach to cross-border insolvency – Lessons from
Yukos, in: Georges Affaki (ed.), Cross-border insolvency and conflict of jurisdiction. A US-EU
Experience, Bruylant, 2007, 13ff (2007a).
Affaki, Georges, A European View on the U.S. Courts’ Approach to Cross-Border Insolvency: Lesson
from Yukos, in: Georges Affaki (ed.), Faillite internationale et conflit de juridictions: regards croisés
transatlantiques - Cross-border Insolvency and Conflict of Jurisdictions: a US-EU Experience,
Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2007 (2007b).
Affaki, G., Introduction, in: Faillite internationale et conflit de juridictions, Regards croisés
transatlantiques, Bruylant, 2007 (2007c).
Agboyibor, Pascal K., Recent Developments in the Planned Harmonization of Business Law in Africa,
in: International Business Law Journal (IBLJ) 1996, 301.
Agboyibor, Pascal, OHADA: Business Law in Africa, in: International Business Law Journal (IBJL)
1999, 228.
Ahrens, Walter, Rechte und Pflichten auslándischer Insolvenzverwalter im internationalen
Insolvenzrecht, diss. Freiburg, 1999; Schriften zum Prozessrecht, Band 170, Berlin: Duncker und
Humblot, 2002.
Ailola, David, Recognition of foreign proceedings, orders and officials in insolvency in Southern Africa:
a call for a regional convention, in: 32/1 Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern
Africa 1999, 54.
Ailola, D.A., The UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross Border Insolvency: Its Efficacy and Suitability as a
Basis for a SADC Convention, in: Stellenbosch Law Review 2000, 215.
Alberts, Sam J., and Jeffrey Schmitt, Foreign Debtors Beware!, in: ABI Journal March 2005, 12.
Alderton, John, and Antoine Adeline, The EC Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings: Streamlining crossborder Insolvency? The Contrasting Approaches of the Courts in England and France, 3 ICR 2006,
Alexander, Juraj, Avoid the Choice or Choose to Avoid,
Alexander, K., The Development of a Uniform Choice of Law Rule for the Taking of Collateral Interest
in Securities, Part I, in: Journal of International Banking and Financial Law (JIBLF), 2002, 436
Allegaert, V., Les droits des salariés et le droit européen des procédures d’insolvabilité, JCP S, 2007.
Alonso, José María, Private International Law Aspects of the New Spanish Insolvency Law. Paper
presented at International Bar Association (IBA) conference, San Francisco, 14-19 September 2003,
Alonso, Ángel, EC Regulation 1346/2000 of 29 May 2000 on Insolvency Proceedings: A Five-Year
Summary of its Application in Spain, in: 4 ICR 2007, 113.
Althammer, Christoph / Madeleine Tolani, Der Klageweise Zugriff des Insolvenzverwalters auf
ausländisches Vermögen – insolvenzrechtliche Annexklagen als rechtliche Schnittstellen
problematik, in: Caroline Meiler-Hannich et al. (eds.), Rechtslage – Rechtserkentniss –
Rechtsdurchsetzung, Festschrift für Eberhard Schilken zum 70. Geburtstag, C.H. Beck: 2015, 589601.
Altman, Jamie, A Test Case in International Bankruptcy Protocols: The Lehman Brothers Insolvency, in:
12 San Diego International Law Journal 2011, p. 463ff.
American Law Institute, Transnational Insolvency: Cooperation Among the NAFTA Countries, 4
Volumes, JP Juris Publishing, Inc., 2003 (1. Principles of Cooperation Among the Nafta Countries; 2.
International Statement of United States Bankruptcy Law, reporter: Jay Westbrook; 3. International
Statement of Canadian Bankruptcy Law, reporters: E. Bruce Leonard and Jacob Ziegel; 4.
International Statement of Mexican Bankruptcy Law, reporters: Miguel Angel Hernandez Romo and
Carlos Sanchez-Mejorda y Velasco).
Ambach, Jördis, Reichweite und bedeutung von At. 25 EuInsVo, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2009.
Amey, Robert, Reform to the European Insolvency Regulation, in: 12 International Corporate Rescue
2015/4, 205ff.
Ancel, B., Le droit français et les situations d’insolvabilité internationals, Les responses du droit
international privé, in: Gazette du Palais 1999, 479.
Andenas, Mads, Insolvency proceedings in Europe, in: The Company Lawyer 1999, 253.
Andenas, Mads, and Camilla Baasch Andersen and Ross Ashcroft, Towards a Theory of Harmonisation,
in: Mads Andenas and Camilla Baasch Andersen (eds.), Theory and Practice of Harmonisation,
Cheltingham: Edward Elgar, 2011, 572ff.
Andersen, Kent, The cross-border insolvency paradigm: a defense of the modified universal approach
considering the Japanese experiment, in: 21 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Economic Law
2000, 679.
Andersen, Kent, Testing the Model Soft Law Approach to International harmonization; a Case-Study
examining the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency, in: 23 Australian yearbook of
international law 2004, 1.
Anderson, Colin, Some Cross-Border Issues Under the Australian Voluntary Administration Procedure,
in: 13 International Insolvency Review, Issue 2, 2004, 137.
Anderson, K., Japanese insolvency law after a decade of reform, 43 Canadian business law journal / Revue
canadienne du droit de commerce 2006, 2.
Anderson, Hamish, The Extra-Territoriality of the Statutory Stay in an English Administration, in: 23
International Insolvency Review 2014, 40ff.
Anderson, Hamish, Foreign Revenue Laws, (2015) 3 NIBLeJ 3.
Andreadakis, Stelios, Regulatory Competition or Harmonisation: The Dilemma, the Alternatives and the
Prospect of Reflexive Harmonisation, in: Mads Andenas and Camilla Baasch Andersen (eds.), Theory
and Practice of Harmonisation, Cheltingham: Edward Elgar, 2011, 52ff.
Andrews, Neil, Fundamental Principles of Civil Procedure: Order Out of Chaos, in: Xandra E. Kramer
and C.H. van Ree (eds.), Civil Litigation in a Globalised World, T.M.C. Asser Press, The Hague,
2012, 19ff.
Anthimos, Apostolus, On the application of Art. 14 Insolvency Regulation in Greece, in: IPRax 2014/5.
Antolskaia, Masha, The “Better Law” Approach and the Harmonisation of Family Law, in: Katharina
Boele Woelki (ed.), Perspectives for the Unification and Harmonisation of Family Law in Europe,
Intersentia, Antwerp – Oxford – New York, 2003, 159.
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deel 22, Deventer: Tjeenk Willink 2001, 165 (2001a).
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Araya, Tomás M, and Jacqueline Donaldson, Latest Events on Cross-Border Insolvency in Latin America,
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Arends, Gerald, Chapter 15 of the US Bankruptcy Code: Better than its Reputation?, in: 3 ICR 2006, 240.
Armas, Oliver J., and Thomas J. Hall, Sovereign debt – judicial cases in the United States, in: Eugenio A.
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the Chinese Corporate Bankruptcy Law, in: 21 Indiana International & Comparative Law Review
2011, 1ff.
Ashby, Lana, The Enigma of 21st century corporate restructuring: successes and failures (ten step
best-practice framework), in: 9 Insolvency and Restructuring International, September 2015, 9ff.
Ashton, Katherine, Vera Losonci and Sarah Cebik, When a Multinational Group of Companies is in
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International Business Lawyer, September 2002, 350.
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Bariatti, Stefania, The Italian Amministrazione Straordinaria of Huge Undertakings and the European
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An Update, Nottingham-Paris: INSOL Europe, 2010, 87-94.
Barlowski, Michal, The Enactment of the UNCITRAL Model Law into Polish Bankruptcy and Recovery
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Bazinas, George V., Recent Developments in European and Greek Insolvency Law. Paper presented at
Fifth Annual Conference of International Insolvency Institute, Fordham University School of Law, 67 June 2005 (
Bazinas, Spiros V., International Legal Regime for Receivables Financing: UNCITRAL’s Contribution,
in: 8 Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law 1998, 315.
Bazinas, Spiros V., Der Beitrag von UNCITRAL zur Vereinheitlichung der Rechtsvorschriften über
Forderungsabtretungen: Das Übereinkommen der Vereinten Nationen über Abtretungen von
Forderungen im internationalen Handel, Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht (ZEuP) 2002, 783
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Bazinas, Spiros V., The United Nations Convention on the Assignment of Receivebles in International
Trade: Insolvency Aspects, in: 13 International Insolvency Review 2004, 155.
Bazinas, Spiros V., Security rights in bank accounts under the UNCITRAL draft Legislative Guide on
Secured Transactions, in: 1 Insolvency and Restructuring International, May 2007, 19.
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Beavers, Emilie, Bankruptcy Law Harmonization in the Nafta Countries: The Case of the United States
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Wessels, Bob, Banks in Distress Under Rules of European Insolvency Law, in: Journal of International
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Annual International Insolvency Conference, June 12 – June 13, 2006, Fordham University School of
Law, New York City (2006h).
Wessels, Bob, Perspectives on a Principles-based Approach to Transnational Insolvency. Discussion
paper presented in the American Law Institute and the International Insolvency Institute’s Joint
project: “Principles for Cooperation in International Insolvency Cases”, Columbia Law School, New
York City, June 14, 2006 (2006i).
Wessels, Bob, The Conflict of Law rules of the EC Insolvency Regulation: Prospects for Global
Appliance? Discussion paper presented in the American Law Institute and the International
Insolvency Institute’s Joint project: “Principles for Cooperation in International Insolvency Cases”,
Columbia Law School, New York City, June 14, 2006 (2006j).
Wessels, Bob, The place of the registered office of a company: a cornerstone in the application of the EC
Insolvency Regulation, in: 3 European Company Law, August 2006, 183 (2006k).
Wessels, Bob, The Role of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency in Developing
International Insolvency law on the European Continent, Paper prepared for the conference “Impact
of the 2005 amendments to US Bankruptcy Code – One year On”, International Bar Association’s
Committee on Insolvency, Restructuring and Creditor’s Rights, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 18 September
2006 (2006l).
Wessels, Bob, The European Cross-border Insolvency Law Framework in A Nutshell, Paper presented to
INSOL Europe’s Annual Congress, Bucharest, 28 September – 1 October 2006 (2006m).
Wessels, Bob, European Communication and Cooperation Guidelines for Cross-border Insolvency. A Set
of Rules for Public Discussion, in: Eurofonix, autumn 2006, 7 (with prof. Miguel Virgós) (2006n).
Wessels, Bob, Twenty Suggestions for a Makeover of the EU Insolvency Regulation, in: International
Caselaw Alert, No. 12 – V/2006, October 31, 2006, 68 (2006p).
Wessels, Bob, The Hermeneutic Circle of European Insolvency Law, in: E.H. Hondius, J.J. Brinkhof, M.
de Cock Buning (red.), Contracteren internationaal (Opstellenbundel aangeboden aan prof. mr. F.
Willem Grosheide), Den Haag, Boom Juridische Uitgevers 2006, 351 (2006q).
Wessels, B., Commentary on Directive 2001/14/EC on the reorganisations and Winding-up of Credit
Institutions, in G. Moss et B. Wessels, EU Banking and Insurance insolvency, Oxford University
Press, 2006 (2006r).
Wessels, Bob, European Union Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings: An Introductory Analysis,
American Bankruptcy Institute, USA, 2nd ed., 2007, 154 pp (2007a).
Wessels, Bob, Europe Deserves A New Approach To Insolvency Proceedings, in: A. Bruyneel et al.,
Bicentenaire du Code de Commerce – Tweehonderd jaar Wetboek van Koophandel, uitg. Larcier,
Brussel, 2007, 267 (also published in: 4 European Company Law, December 2007, p. 253-258)
Wessels, Bob, Discussion Paper ‘European Communication and Cooperation Guidelines For Cross-border
Insolvency’, Annual Conference Insolvency Lawyers’ Association (ILA), University of Oxford, UK,
March 3, 2007 (2007c).
Wessels, Bob, The Quest for Global Principles of Cooperation in International Insolvency Cases: A
Contribution from Europe. Paper presented to Insol International Academics, Cape Town, SouthAfrica, March 18, 2007 (2007d).
Wessels, Bob, Improving the Operation of the EU Insolvency Regulation. Paper presented at the
conference ‘International Business Law 2007’, University of Bucharest, Romania, April 14, 2007
Wessels, Bob, Crisis in het handelsrecht?, Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie (WPNR),
nr. 6711 (19 mei 2007), pp. 467/468 (2007f).
Wessels, Bob, Guiding Coordination of Cross-border Insolvency Proceedings in Europe, Paper presented
to 7th Annual International Insolvency Conference of the International Insolvency Institute, June 1112, 2007, Fordham University School of Law, New York City (2007g).
Wessels, Bob, Applicable Law in Cross-border Insolvency Proceedings, Joint conference of the American
Law Institute and the International Insolvency Institute on ‘Principles for Cooperation in International
Insolvency Cases’, June 13, 2007, Columbia University School of Law, New York City (2007h).
Wessels, Bob, BenQ Mobile Holding BV battlefield leaves important questions unresolved, in: 20
Insolvency Intelligence 2007, 103 (2007i).
Wessels, Bob, Reorganisation and Winding Up of Branches of Non-European Insurance Companies and
Banks, in: Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation, Volume 22, Issue 11, 2007, pp. 555565 (2007k).
Wessels, Bob, European Communication and Cooperation Guidelines For Cross-Border Insolvency: also
of interest for North-American practitioners and judges, in: American Bankruptcy Institute,
International Committee Newsletter November 2007 (
/newsletters/international/vol4num4/European.html) (2007l).
Wessels, Bob, Corporate migration or COMI manipulation, in: Ondernemingsrecht 2008-1, 28 januari
2008, pp. 34/35 (2008a).
Wessels, Bob, The quest for coordination of proceedings in cross-border insolvency cases in Europe, in:
Insolvency and Restructuring in Germany Yearbook 2008, Schultze & Braun / F.A.Z.-Institut,
December 2007, 10ff (2008b).
Wessels, Bob, Cross-Border Insolvency Law in Europe: Present Status and Future Prospects,
zie PUK/html/fakulteite/regte/per/issuepages/2008volume1.html
Wessels, B., Internationaal insolventierecht volgens het Voorontwerp Insolventierecht, in: Onderneming
en Financiering 2008/1, pp. 76-92 (2008d).
Wessels, Bob, INSOL Fellowship Course Is Under Way, in: INSOL World, Second Quarter 2008, 37
Wessels, Bob, Judicial Coordination of Cross-border Insolvency Cases, Inaugural lecture, University of
Leiden Law School, 6 June 2008, Deventer: Kluwer 2008, 47 pp (2008f).
Wessels, Bob, Facilitating Coordination of Proceedings in Cross-Border Insolvency Cases in Europe,
Paper presented at the 8th Annual International Insolvency Conference, Humboldt University, Berlin,
9-10 June, 2008 (2008g).
Wessels, Bob, Guidelines Applicable to Court-to-Court Communications in Cross-border Insolvency
Proceedings, Joint conference American Law Institute and the International Insolvency Institute,
Humboldt University, Berlin, June 11, 2008 (2008h).
Wessels, B., Internationaal insolventierecht in het Voorontwerp, in: J.A. van de Hel e.a. (red.), Het
Voorontwerp Insolventiewet nader beschouwd, Ars Aequi Libri, Nijmegen 2008, pp. 283-300 (2008i).
Wessels, Bob, International Jurisdiction Under the Application of the EU Insolvency Regulation, INSOL
International Global Insolvency Practice Course, Leiden Law School, June 18, 2008 (2008j).
Wessels, Bob, International Insolvency Law in the Netherlands: The Pre-Draft of Title 10, in: 17
International Insolvency Review, Spring 2008, pp. 143-162 (2008k).
Wessels, Bob, Interview, in: Eurofenix, Issue 33, Autumn 2008, pp. 26/27 (2008l).
Wessels, Bob, Latest Developments in Europe: Unilateral International Insolvency Regimes in Europe,
Paper presented at INSOL International Global Insolvency practice Course 2008, Shanghai, 14
September 2008 (2008m).
Wessels, Bob, Guidelines Applicable to Court-to-Court Communications in Cross-border Insolvency
Proceedings: A Role for an Independent Intermediary?, paper presented at the Academics Conference
of INSOL International, Shanghai, 15 September 2008 (2008n).
Wessels, Bob, The ALI-III Project on Global Principles for Cooperation in International Insolvency
Cases: The Quest for an Independent Intermediary, Paper presented at Academic Forum of INSOL
Europe Conference, Barcelona 1-2 October 2008 (2008o).
Wessels, B., Recognition and enforceability of judgments under the EC Insolvency Regulation, in:
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Handelsrecht 2008-5, Oktober 2008, pp. 191-200 (2008p).
Wessels, Bob, Article 25 of the Insolvency Regulation: A Hornets’ Nest, in: 21 Insolvency Intelligence,
Nr. 9, October 2008, pp. 135-143 (2008q).
Wessels, Bob, A Technical Note on the EC Insolvency Regulation, in: Norton Annual Review of
International Insolvency, 2009 Edition, Thomson Reuters/West, pp. 329-381 (2009a).
Wessels, Bob, International Cooperation in Bankruptcy and Insolvency Matters, Oxford University Press
Inc., NewYork, 2009 (co-authors Bruce A. Markell and Jason J. Kilborn), XVI + 268 pp (2009b).
Wessels, Bob, Unilateral Regimes Concerning International Insolvency in Modern Europe, in: 6
International Corporate Rescue 2009, Issue 2, pp. 90-98 (2009c)
Wessels, Bob, CoCo Guidelines ready for global application?, in: Eurofenix. The Journal of INSOL
Europe, Spring 2009, p. 10 (2009d).
Wessels, Bob, Multinational Groups of Companies under the EC Insolvency Regulation: where do we
stand?, in: Ondernemingsrecht 2009-5, pp. 243-249 (2009e).
Wessels, Bob, On Globalisation of Regulation, in: Amsterdam Law Forum, Vol. 1, No 3 (2009)
( (2009f).
Wessels, Bob, European Recognition of Judgments and Public Policy, in: Corporate Rescue and
Insolvency April 2009, pp. 65/66 (2009g).
Wessels, Bob, Restructuring and Workouts: Strategies for Maximising Value, Ben Larkin (ed.), Global
Law Publishing, London, 2008, in: European Company Law 6, no. 3 (2009), 145-146 (book review)
Wessels, Bob, The ALI-III Project on Global Principles in International Insolvency, in: Bob Wessels and
Paul Omar (eds.), The Intersection of Insolvency and Company Laws, Nottingham, Paris: INSOL
Europe 2009, pp. 61-73 (2009i).
Wessels, Bob, Introduction to Title 10 of the Pre-Draft Insolvency Act, in: Bob Wessels and Paul Omar
(eds.), Crossing (Dutch) Borders in Insolvency. Papers from the INSOL Europe Academic Forum and
Meijers Institute of the Leiden Law School Joint Insolvency Conference, Leiden, The Netherlands, 56 June 2008, Nottingham, Paris: INSOL Europe 2009, pp. 57-67 (2009j).
Wessels, Bob, Judicial Co-operation in Cross-Border Insolvency Cases (short version inaugural lecture
Leiden 2008), in: Bob Wessels and Paul Omar (eds.), Crossing (Dutch) Borders in Insolvency. Papers
from the INSOL Europe Academic Forum and Meijers Institute of the Leiden Law School Joint
Insolvency Conference, Leiden, The Netherlands, 5-6 June 2008, Nottingham, Paris: INSOL Europe
2009, pp. 105-117 (2009k).
Wessels, Bob, The Ongoing Struggle of Multinational Groups of Companies under the EC Insolvency
Regulation, European Company Law Vol. 6, Issue 4, August 2009, pp. 169-177 (2009l).
Wessels, Bob, ALI-III Global Principles, New Strategies for Cross-border Cooperation?, in: Annual
Review of Insolvency Law 2009, Thompson Reuters, Carswell, Toronto, Canada, pp. 587-611
Wessels, Bob, European Union Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings: An Introductory Analysis,
American Bankruptcy Institute, USA,3rd ed., 2009, 168 pp (2009n).
Wessels, Bob, On the Edges of the Insolvency Regulation, in: 23 Insolvency Intelligence, nr. 2, February
2010, pp. 22-26 (2010a).
Wessels, B., Grensoverschrijdende insolventie en aanhangige rechtsvorderingen, Tijdschrift Financiering,
Zekerheden en Insolventierechtpraktijk (FIP), maart 2010, pp. 50-54 (2010b).
Wessels, Bob, Global Financial Crisis: Navigating and Understanding the Legal and Regulatory Aspects,
Eugenio A. Bruno (ed.), London: Global Law Publishing, 2009, in: European Company Law 7, issue
1 (2010), 37-38 (book review) (2010c).
Wessels, Bob, Changing Rules: Challenges for the Profession, in: European Company Law 7, issue 2
(2010), 42-43 (editorial) (2010d).
Wessels, Bob, International Jurisdiction and Groups of Companies, in: Anthon Verweij and Bob Wessels
(eds.), Comparative and International Insolvency Law. Central Themes and Thoughts, Nottingham,
Paris: INSOL Europe 2010, pp. 16-21 (2010e).
Wessels, Bob, Financial Institutions in European Insolvency Law, in: Anthon Verweij and Bob Wessels
(eds.), Comparative and International Insolvency Law. Central Themes and Thoughts, Nottingham,
Paris: INSOL Europe 2010, pp. 22-26 (2010f).
Wessels, Bob, Commentary on England and Wales Court of Appeal (Civil Division) 25 February 2010,
[2010] EWCA Civ 137, Jurisprudentie Onderneming & Recht (JOR) 2010/24 (p. 1396-1399)
(Applications for recognition of insolvency proceedings against Stanford International Bank; Appeal)
Wessels, Bob, Naar een wereldwijd insolventieverdrag? in: Weekblad voor privaatrecht, notariaat en
registratie (WPNR) 6845 (2010), pp. 453/454 (2010h).
Wessels, Bob, A First Step in Shaping Rules for Cooperation in International Insolvency Cases, in:
International Corporate Rescue, Vol. 7, Issue 3, 2010, pp. 149-153 (co-author prof. Ian F. Fletcher)
Wessels, Bob, COMI: Are English Courts Coming Out?, in: 1 International Insolvency Law Review 2010,
2-10 (2010j).
Wessels, Bob, Worldwide COMI battle continues, in: Eurofenix Summer 2010, 22-24 (2010i).
Wessels, Bob, COMI: Are English courts coming out? Stanford International Bank Case on appeal,
International Insolvency Law Review 2/2010, 57-65 (2010k).
Wessels, Bob, ALI-III Global Principles for Cooperation in International Insolvency Cases, Tijdschrift
voor Insolventierecht juli/augustus 2010, p. 154 (2010l).
Wessels, Bob, Three Outstanding Issues in Co-ordinating Insolvency Cases, in: Bob Wessels and Paul
Omar (eds.), The European Insolvency Regulation: An Update, Nottingham, Paris: INSOL Europe
2010, pp. 111-126 (2010m).
Wessels, Bob, A Break Through for Judicial Cross-border Communication in Europe?, INSOL
International News Update, October 2010, Issue No. 10 (2010n).
Wessels, Bob, Overindebtedness of Households in Europe?, INSOL International News Update,
November 2010, Issue No. 11 (2010o).
Wessels, Bob, Secured rights of banks in international insolvency, in: Bancaire Zekerheid. Liber
Amicorum Mr. J.H.S.G.K. Timmermans, Serie Onderneming en Recht, Deel 58, Deventer: Kluwer
2010, p. 339-367 (2010p).
Wessels, Bob, Insolvency in the Middle East and Africa, INSOL World, The Quarterly Journal of INSOL
International, Fourth Quarter 2010, p. 14/15 (2010q).
Wessels, Bob, Harmonisation of Insolvency Law in Europe, INSOL International News Update,
December 2010, Issue No. 12 (2010r).
Wessels, Bob, COMI: Round Three!, Tijdschrift Financiering, Zekerheden en Insolventierechtpraktijk
(FIP), December 2010, pp. 224-230 (2010s).
Wessels, Bob, Scheme of arrangement: a viable European rescue strategy?, in: Ondernemingsrecht 201017, December 2010, pp. 710-712 (2010t).
Wessels, Bob, Harmonization of Insolvency Law in Europe, in: European Company Law 8, issue 1 (2011),
Wessels, Bob, Towards a European Bank Company Law?, in: F.G.B. Graaf en W.A.K. Rank, Financiële
sector en international privaatrecht, Financieel Juridische Reeks 3, NIBE-SVV, Amsterdam, 2011, pp.
139-164 (2011a).
Wessels, Bob, Chapter 15: What happens in America Stays in America, INSOL World, The Quarterly
Journal of INSOL International, First Quarter 2011, p. 40/41 (2011b).
Wessels, Bob, The Future European Union Legislative framework on Cross-Border Crisis management
in the Banking sector: A Legal Stress Test, in: Bob Wessels and Paul Omar (eds.), Cross-Border
Management in the Banking Sector, Nottingham, 2011, pp. 49-62 (2011c).
Wessels, Bob, Tax Claims: Lodging and Enforcing in Cross-Border Insolvencies in Europe, International
Insolvency Law Review (IILR) 2/2011, pp. 131-140 (2011d).
Wessels, Bob, The procedural role of courts in solving cross-border insolvency cases, Tijdschrift voor
Civiele Rechtspleging 2011, nr. 2, pp. 50-60 (2011e).
Wessels, Bob, Greek and Italian Airlines Test the Strength of a Secondary Proceeding, Insol International
News Update, June 2011, Issue No. 6, 5 pp (2011f).
Wessels, Bob, EU Insolvency Regulation: Where to go from here?, International Insolvency Law Review
3/2011, 298ff. (2011g).
Wessels, Bob, European Cross-Border Insolvency and Secured Rights, in: Bob Wessels and Paul Omar
(eds.), Insolvency and Groups of Companies, Nottingham, Paris: INSOL Europe 2011, pp. 57-82
Wessels, Bob, What is an insolvency proceeding anyway?, International Insolvency Law Review (IILR)
4/2011, pp. 491-511 (2011i).
Wessels, Bob, Amending the EU Insolvency Regulation: Shaken or Stirred?, in: Rebecca Parry (ed.), The
Reform of International Insolvency Rules at European and National Level, Nottingham, Paris: INSOL
Europe 2011, pp. 125 – 135 (2011j).
Wessels, Bob, Aan de spits van een moderne rechtsontwikkeling, jaarrede Nederlandse Vereniging voor
Rechtsvergelijkend en Internationaal Insolventierecht (NVRII), 8 december 2011, in: Loes Lennaerts
en Francisco Garcimartín, The Review of the EU Insolvency Regulation: Some Proposals for
Amendment, Preadviezen/Reports 2011 NVRII, pp. 9-14 (2011k).
Wessels, Bob, Cross-border insolvency agreements: what are they and are they here to stay?, in: N.E.D.
Faber, J.J. van Hees, N.S.G.J. Vermunt, Overeenkomsten en insolventie, Serie Onderneming en Recht,
deel 72, Deventer: Kluwer 2012, p. 359-384 (2012a).
Wessels, Bob, Transnational Insolvency: Global Principles for Cooperation in International Insolvency
Cases, in: C.H.C. Overes en W.J.M. van Veen, Met recht betrokken. Opstellen aangeboden aan prof.
mr T.J. van der Ploeg, Deventer: Kluwer 2012, pp. 451-470 (2012b).
Wessels, Bob, A Final Step in Shaping Rules for Cooperation in International Insolvency Cases, in: 9
International Corporate Rescue, Issue 5, 2012, pp. 283-287 (2012c).
Wessels, Bob, Insolvency Law, in: Jan M. Smits (ed.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, 2nd ed.,
Edgar Elgar, Cheltenham, UK – Northampton, MA, USA London, 2012, pp. 383-407 (2012d).
Wessels, Bob, Het begrip “vestiging” in de EU Insolventieverordening in recente rechtspraak, in:
Weekblad voor privaatrecht, notariaat en registratie (WPNR) 6947 (2012), pp. 728-731 (2012e).
Wessels, Bob, Cross-border Insolvency. A Commentary on the UNCITRAL Model Law, Look Chan Ho
(ed.), Global Law Publishing, London, 3rd ed., 2012, in: European Company Law 9, no. 6 (2012),
330-332 (book review) (2012f).
Wessels, Bob, Is Switzerland opening up for cross-border insolvency?, in: 25 Insolvency Intelligence
2012, 121ff. (2012g)
Wessels, Bob, A Global Approach to Cross-Border Insolvency Cases in a Globalizing World, in:
Dovenschmidt Quarterly, The Hague, Eleven International Publishing 2013, nr. 1, pp. 15-24 (2013a).
Wessels, Bob, UK Supreme Court: A landmark decision, in: International Insolvency Law Review 2/2013,
p. 173-175 (2013b).
Wessels, Bob, Is de Nederlandse faillissementswetgeving ‘globalisation proof’?, Weekblad voor
Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie (WPNR) 6978 (2013), pp. 431-432 (2013c).
Wessels, Bob, Comparative Study Assists Reform of Chapter 11 U.S. Bankruptcy Code, in: International
Insolvency Law Review 3/2013, p. 285-287 (2013d).
Wessels, Bob, De onafhankelijkheid van de faillissementscurator, preadvies Christen Juristen Vereniging
(CJV) 2013, Uitgeverij Paris, 2013, 111 pp (2013e).
Wessels, Bob, Collective insolvency proceedings: can we define what it is?, in: J.Jol e.a., Herstructurering
en insolventie: naar een Scheme of Arrangment?, Zuidas Instituut voor Financieel recht en
Ondernemingsrecht (ZIFO), nr. 9, Deventer: Kluwer 2013, pp. 55-85 (2013f).
Wessels, Bob, Some Remarks on Exchange of Information in International Insolvency Cases, in: J.
Reiziger, A.M. van der Schee e.a. (red.), Curator en Informatie, Insolad Jaarboek 2013, Deventer:
Kluwer, 2013, pp. 203-224 (2013g).
Wessels, Bob, Themes of the Future: Rescue Businesses and Cross-border Cooperation, in: Insolvency
Intelligence, Volume 27, Number 1, 2014, pp. 4-9 (2014a).
Wessels, Bob, Case note High Court of Justice London 16 January 2014, [2014] EWHC 34 (Ch)
(Fondazione Enasarco v Lehman Brothers Finance S.A. and Anthracite Rated Investments (Cayman)
Ltd), in: International Insolvency Law Review (IILR) 2/2014, pp. 121/122 (2014b).
Wessels, Bob, Case note High Court of Ireland 6 December 2013, [2013] IEHC 583 (In the matter of
Dunne (a bankrupt), in: International Insolvency Law Review (IILR) 2/2014, pp. 123/124 (2014c)
Wessels, Bob, On the future of European Insolvency Law, INSOL Europe Academic Forum’s 5th Edwin
Coe Lecture, in: Rebecca Parry (ed.), European Insolvency Law: Prospects for Reform, INSOL
Europe, Nottingham Paris, 2014, pp. 131-158, also published in: 5 International Insolvency Law
Review 2014/3, pp. 310-332 (2014d).
Wessels, Bob, Teaching and research in international insolvency law: challenges and opportunities,
Valedictory lecture University of Leiden, April 14, 2014, Universiteit Leiden.
Wessels, Bob, Over statuut, bevoegdheid en controle van een faillissementscurator in
grensoverschrijdende insolventiezaken, in: H. Braekmans, E. Dirix, M.E. Storme, B. Tilleman en M.
Vanmeenen (eds.), Curatoren en vereffenaars: actuele ontwikkelingen III, Antwerpen – Cambridge:
Intersentia 2014, pp. 253-285 (2014e).
Wessels, Bob, Rescue on the rise, in: eurofenix Autumn 2014, pp. 12-15 (2014f).
Wessels, Bob, Naar een wettelijk stelsel van erkenning van buitenlandse (niet-EU) insolventievonnissen,
Jaarrede als voorzitter van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Rechtsvergelijking en Internationaal
Insolventierecht, opgenomen in NVRII Preadviezen 2013, pp. 3-8 (2104g).
Wessels, Bob, Book review: Paul Omar (ed.), International Insolvency Law: Reforms and Challenges, in:
2015 International Corporate and Commercial Law Review, Issue 1, pp. 37-38.
Wessels, B., Treatment of Tax Claims in International Insolvencies: Europe and Beyond, in: J.G. Princen
e.a. (red.), De Curator en de Overheid, INSOLAD Jaarboek 2014, Deventer: Kluwer 2014, pp. 207227.
Wessels, B., Verordening (EG) nr. 1346/2000 betreffende insolventieprocedures, in: M. Ph. Van Sint
Truiden en F.M.J. Verstijlen, Tekst & Commentaar Insolventierecht, Deventer: Kluwer, 9e druk, 2014,
pp. 717-820 (with M.Ph. van Sint Truiden and P.M. Veder).
Wessels, Bob, Contracting Out of Secondary Insolvency Proceedings: The Main Liquidator’s Undertaking
in the Meaning of Article 18 in the Proposal to Amend the EU Insolvency Regulation, in: 9 Brooklyn
Journal of Corporate, Financial & Commercial Law, Fall 2014, number 1, pp. 63 – 110.
Wessels, Bob, Book review: Donald S. Bernstein (ed.), The International Insolvency Review, in:
International Insolvency Law Review 1/2015, pp. 41-42.
Wessels, Bob, Book review: Ian F. Fletcher, The Law of Insolvency, 4 th ed., with 2nd Cumulative
Supplement, in: 2015 International Corporate and Commercial Law Review, Issue 2, p. 72.
Wessels, Bob, EU Courts Can Rely on Soft Law Principles for Cooperation in International Insolvency
Cases, in: 6 International Insolvency Law Review 2015/2, pp. 145-160.
Wessels, Bob, Giving Legal Effect to Foreign Resolution Measures in the Financial Sector, in: 28
Insolvency Intelligence, Issue 3, 44-45.
Wessels, B., Grensoverschrijdende samenwerking tussen rechters in faillissementszaken, Weekblad voor
Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie (WPNR) 11 april 2015, nr. 7058, pp. 331/332.
Wessels, Bob, Cooperación judicial transfronteriza en supuestos de Insolvencia en la Unión Europea:
las herramientas están disponibles, in: Revista de derecho concursal y paraconcursal (RcP) 2015/23
Wessels, Bob, Harmonisation of Requirements for Insolvency Holders on a European Level, in:
Festschrift für Bruno M. Kübler zum 70. Geburtstag, München: Verlag C.H. Beck oHG 2015, 757ff.
Wessels, Bob, and Rolef de Weijs, Proposed Recommendations for the Reform of Chapter 11 U.S.
Bankruptcy Code, in: Ondernemingsrecht 2015/37, pp. 210-221.
Wessels, Bob, Book review: Donald S. Bernstein (ed.), The International Insolvency Review, 2 nd ed.,
2014, in: 12 European Company Law 2015, p. 182.
Wessels, Bob, The Remington Rand Affair, in: Festschrift in Honour of Professor Ian Fletcher QC,
Nottingham Insolvency and Business Law e-Journal, Volume 3 (Special Edition), (2015) 3 NIBLeJ
22, pp. 401-415 (with slightly adapted version in Tijdschrift voor Insolventierecht September/oktober
2015/43, pp. 290-297.
Wessels, Bob, Switzerland: 2012 Swallow Indeed Makes Summer, in: (2015) 28 Insolvency Intelligence,
Issue 6, pp. 93-95.
Wessels, Bob, Cooperation and sharing of information between courts and insolvency practitioners in
cross-border insolvency cases, in: Festschrift fur Heinz Vallender zum 65. Geburtstag, Köln: RWS
Verlag Kommunicationsforum GmbH, 2015, pp. 775-792.
Wessels, Bob (Ed.), EU Cross-border Insolvency Court-to-Court Cooperation Principles, European and
International Insolvency Law Studies 1, The Hague: Eleven International Publishing 2015, 136 pp.
Wessels, Bob, Research in International Insolvency Law: Challenges and Opportunities, in: Michael
Veder and Paul J. Omar, Teaching and Research in International Insolvency Law: Challenges and
Opportunities, INSOL Europe, Clifton, Nottingham, 2015, pp. 131-162 (selection of valedictory
lecture Leiden, April 14, 2014).
Wessels, Bob, Cooperacíon judicial transfronteriza en supuestos de insolvencia en la unión europea: las
herramientas están disponibles, in: Revista de Derecho Concursal y Paraconcursal, Wolters Kluwer
La Ley: Madrid, no. 23/2015, pp. 299-317.
Wessels, Bob, Case note: UK Supreme Court in Olympic Airlines, in: International Insolvency Law
Review 4/2015, pp. 407/408.
Wessels, B., Business Rescue in Insolvency Law – Changing the laws and challenges for the profession,
in: Tijdschrift voor vennootschapsrecht, rechtspersonenrecht en ondernemingsbestuur (TvOB),
December 2015, pp. 207-215.
Wessels, B., Commentary Court of Justice of the European Union 15 October 2015, Case C-310/14 (Nike
BV v. Sportland Oy), in: INS Updates insolventierecht (INS_2015_0285), 3 pages.
Wessels, Bob, International Insolvency Law Part I. Global Perspectives on Cross-Border Insolvency Law
(Wessels Insolvency Law Volume X), Deventer: Kluwer, 4 th ed., 2015, CXCVI + 527 pp.
Wessels, Bob, Book review: Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal (ed.), Expedited corporate debt restructurings in
the EU, in: International Insolvency Law Review 1/2016, pp. 47-48
Wessels, Bob and Margreet B. de Boer, The Dominance of Main Insolvency Proceedings under the
European Insolvency Regulation, in: Paul Omar (ed.), International Insolvency Law. Themes and
Perspectives. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2008, pp. 185-210.
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